genius evil

Chapter 60 Conditions for Being a Younger Brother

Chapter 60 Conditions for Being a Younger Brother
"Xiao Wu, right? I think now, you can justifiably call him Xiao Wu." Jiang Chen smiled without any fuss, as if he just corrected the meaning of Xiao Wu's name.

"" The middle-aged man pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, stuttering, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"Why, are you still worried that I won't ask for your money?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes inadvertently.

"'s's..." The middle-aged man didn't know what to say. He said it was wrong, and it was even worse. His tongue was tied and his face was pale.

"Boy, you hurt little fifth brother, and you still dare to ask for money, you are dead." It was a few other people who reacted, and they didn't know who said a word, and they all rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he kicked those guys casually, and knocked those guys to the ground. From the beginning to the end, his eyes stayed on the middle-aged man.

"I said, you haven't answered my question yet." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"Yes... yes... I was worried that you didn't want my money, and I came here to give you money specially this time." Under the great fear, the middle-aged man suddenly became much more articulate, and said quickly .

The middle-aged man knew that he had fallen, and he fell hard. Apart from spending money to eliminate the disaster, he had no choice but to blame him for misjudging Jiang Chen. He saw Jiang Chen wearing a school uniform at the time, and originally thought Jiang Chen was just an ordinary student in Yilan Middle School. If he had known that Jiang Chen was so cruel, he would definitely not have come to Jiang Chen to ask for the 20 back.

After finishing speaking quickly, the middle-aged man tremblingly took out the checkbook and pen from his pocket, signed the number on it in a panic, and said anxiously: "80, I only have 80, and I will give it all to you."

"It's only 80, you are really a poor guy, I said you don't have money, why are you pretending to be a fool, let's pretend to be an idiot now." Jiang Chen took the check with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

The middle-aged man is about to cry now. 80 is still too little. You have to know that he looks good on the surface, but the funds he can actually use are only a little over 100 million. Now, he has given Jiang Chen 100 million, which is equivalent to All the money that could be used was given to Jiang Chen.

"Xiaodao, I'm not extorting." Jiang Chen casually put the check into his pocket and asked.

"Absolutely not. I saw with my own eyes that he gave it to you on his own initiative. I can testify." Brother Dao understood and agreed.

"That's good. I'm a law-abiding citizen. I will never do something illegal." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and casually slapped the middle-aged man on the face. The middle-aged man opened his mouth and sprayed. Several teeth were ejected.

"The mouth is not clean. It's easier to rinse your mouth after you lose all your teeth. Maybe you'll know how to speak in the future... Eh, I'm really a good person." Jiang Chen laughed.

"That's right, brother Jiang, you are really a good person." Brother Dao said insincerely, his old face cramped with embarrassment.

"Brother Dao, it's Brother Dao." The middle-aged man had put all his attention on Jiang Chen before, and when he heard the harmony between Jiang Chen and Brother Dao, he noticed Brother Dao's existence, his body trembled again, and his face turned pale. Pale and bloodless, even the pain of the tooth being knocked out was temporarily forgotten.

Middle-aged men are messing around here, so how could they not know who Brother Dao is? Listening to Jiang Chen casually calling Brother Dao Xiaodao, it clearly means that Brother Dao is Jiang Chen's younger brother.


The middle-aged man sucked in a breath of air. If he had other thoughts after being forced to give Jiang Chen 80 yuan, thinking about getting back in the future, he didn't dare to have any extra thoughts at this time. .

"Brother Knife!"

The rest of the people also saw Brother Dao, and they were all terrified, trembling all over.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already got into a car under the leadership of Brother Dao, started the car, and headed towards the center of Yilan City.

"BMW X6, the car is not bad. It seems that Xiaodao has made a lot of money over the years." Jiang Chen laughed.

"I'm just trying to get enough food and clothing, and I'm calling Brother Jiang a joke." Brother Dao couldn't understand the depth of Jiang Chen's words, and responded awkwardly. He looked at Jiang Chen and said again: "Brother Jiang, I bought this car. It’s been less than a month, and I haven’t opened it a few times, if you like Brother Jiang, you can just take it and open it.”

"Are you willing?" Jiang Chen smiled, and had to say, Brother Dao's words were somewhat unexpected.

After all, even though Jiang Chen could see that Brother Dao was trying to please him, but Brother Dao's efforts to please him were a bit too much.This car was given away for millions, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it cost a lot of money.

"Brother Jiang, as long as you like it, there is nothing you don't want to part with." Brother Dao said bluntly.

If it was said that he intentionally flattered Jiang Chen at the beginning, in order to reduce his own troubles, then after seeing Jiang Chen's methods against Xiao Wu, Brother Dao deeply realized that his flattery was not enough.

And the smartest way to please him is undoubtedly to bind himself with Jiang Chen, that is to say, to become Jiang Chen's person.

After having this kind of thought, Brother Dao didn't know how to speak at first, but Jiang Chen happened to talk about the car unintentionally, so he took advantage of the opportunity to make a favor. And definitely not reluctant to send.

"You really plan to give this car to me, how can you be so embarrassed." Jiang Chen smiled, but seeing him like that, he didn't look a little bit embarrassed.

"Brother Jiang, as long as you don't dislike this car, I've used it. But if you're not satisfied, Brother Jiang, tomorrow, no, just today, I'll ask someone to bring you a new car. What do you think?" Brother Dao Said in a hurry.

"That's not necessary, I think this car is not bad. But you know, I have never been in the habit of taking other people's things casually. Let's say this 80 yuan. If it wasn't for that guy who gave it to me with a faceless face, I would definitely give it to me." I won’t ask for it.” Jiang Chen sighed and said reluctantly.

Brother Dao's old face twitched again, somewhat dumbfounded, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, Brother Dao said, "Brother Jiang, I'm ashamed to say it, I don't have anything good to give as a little brother..."

"Well, you want to be my little brother?" Jiang Chen waved his hand and interrupted Brother Dao.

"I'm willing to go through fire and water for Brother Jiang." Brother Dao immediately said in a loud voice.

"It's not necessary to go through fire and water, but do you know what the conditions are for being my younger brother?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Loyalty?" Brother Dao tentatively replied.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Can you fight?" Brother Dao said after thinking for a while.

"Loyalty or being able to fight has never been a proposition for me to consider. With my Jiang Chen's personality charm, my brother's loyalty is beyond doubt. As for being able to fight, after a little training by me, there is no need to doubt it." Jiang Chen said boastfully.

Brother Dao's old face twitched wildly, almost becoming facial paralysis.

From Brother Dao's point of view, it was certain that Jiang Chen could fight, but he really didn't see the so-called charisma of personality.

"To be my little brother, Jiang Chen, the only condition is to be rich. A net worth of one billion is just the threshold, and tens of billions is considered an entry point. So, Xiaodao, you really don't have the qualifications to be my little brother." Jiang Chen looked completely confused. Not afraid of the appearance of the cowhide being blown to pieces.

Brother Dao's forehead was covered with cold sweat, this time he was not shocked, but his face was cramped.

I have to say that Jiang Chen's tone was too loud. If he wasn't in the car, Brother Dao would have looked up to see if there were cows flying in the sky.

One billion threshold, ten billion entrance...Brother Dao is not considered poor, but according to Jiang Chen's conditions, he is definitely the poorest of the poor.

Brother Dao didn't say anything more, he just regarded it as an excuse Jiang Chen used to reject him. Although it made him a little regretful, sending a car finally improved the relationship with Jiang Chen to some extent. A lot of peace of mind.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't explain anything more. What he said, if Brother Dao believed it, it was true. If Brother Dao didn't believe it, it wouldn't change anything. He wouldn't have to explain everything to Brother Dao, Brother Dao Not that qualified either.


The car shuttled on the main road of Yilan City, and finally stopped at the entrance of a bar called Charming.

After getting off the car, Brother Dao invited Jiang Chen to go inside the bar.

It was only a little past seven o'clock, and the city's nightlife hadn't started yet, but the inside of the bar was already quite lively. Many men and women were mingling together, drinking and chatting. The huge bar exuded a strong hormonal atmosphere.

"Brother Dao, this way please, the drinks are ready." Just as Jiang Chen and Brother Dao entered, a waiter walked over and greeted Brother Dao with a little awe.

Brother Dao nodded, sat down with Jiang Chen, picked up the red wine bottle and poured two glasses of wine with his own hands, toasting Jiang Chen.

While Brother Dao was toasting Jiang Chen, a young girl about 23 or [-] years old just happened to walk in from outside the bar.

"A bottle of brandy, a bucket of ice cubes, and a sixty-degree vodka." The woman went straight to the bar, ordered what she wanted, then walked to a table in the corner, and sat down quietly. During the whole process, except for a glance at the wait staff in the bar, she was extremely stingy with the rest of the people waiting.

However, as the woman entered the bar, most of the people, or most of the men, were attracted to her and their eyes fell on her.

The woman's clothes are very simple, canvas shoes, jeans, striped shirt, the hem of the shirt is tucked into the jeans, showing a casual and chic taste, thin eyebrows and light makeup, elegant and pleasant, and the nightclub girls who often hang out in places like bars It's different, she has a fresh breath on her body, because of the freshness, she looks quite different.

The most conspicuous thing is the girl's wine red big wavy curly hair, waist-length, hanging behind her head, dancing like an elf under the light.

If a woman's appearance is very fresh, then her long hair adds at least five points of coquettishness to her, half pure and half coquettish, different from others.

Such a woman, in this bar, naturally became the prey in the eyes of all the men.

No, when Jiang Chen started to drink his first glass of red wine, when a woman started to drink her first glass of brandy with ice, someone just couldn't bear to come forward to strike up a conversation...

(End of this chapter)

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