genius evil

Chapter 61 Beat You, Sleep With Me

Chapter 61 Beat You, Sleep With Me
"Beauty, may I sit down?" A tall young man stepped forward and smiled, pointing to the seat opposite the woman and asked.

This guy's appearance is really quite good, a bit like a member of the smash hit F4 back then, he has enough capital to make women crazy, maybe this is why he has the confidence to be the first to talk to him .

"Are you trying to trick me?" The woman sipped the brandy, her smile was a bit weird, it seemed to be provocative, and it seemed that she knew that such a situation would happen.

Obviously surprised by the woman's undisguised directness, the young man was stunned, and then chuckled, "Beauty, you are so direct, in fact, I just want to make friends with you, and buy you a glass of wine by the way."

The young man is a veteran of the night scene, so it is naturally impossible for him to directly admit his intentions just because of the woman's words, and that would make him too helpless.

"Oh, is it possible that you think that I, Liu Yufei, need to make friends in this kind of place... As for you, you don't even dare to admit your purpose of coming here to strike up a conversation, do you think I will drink your wine?" The woman is beautiful, with a voice But it was very cold, she squinted at the young man, with deep disdain in her eyes.

The young man was full of embarrassment, shame and annoyance. He had to say that this woman was the woman with the most special temperament he had ever met in a nightclub, but at the same time she was also the woman with the weirdest temper.

Why did he have to say everything so bluntly, and couldn't let him pick up a girl quietly?

"Beauty, I think, maybe you have misunderstood something?" The young man said a little annoyed.

The woman named Liu Yufei smiled coldly, raised her hand, and said, "Since I misunderstood, then you can leave, please."

"No, you didn't misunderstand." How could the young man leave willingly? He said hastily, and added at the end, "Beauty, I am indeed interested in you. I can admit it. Of course, there is nothing wrong with admitting it. You Such a beautiful woman, I think all the men present are interested in you."

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in you at all. Do you think you're handsome? In my eyes, you're as naive as a three-year-old child. Get out!" Liu Yufei was no longer polite, and there was a coldness in her voice. The more Sheng.

The young man blushed, even though he was extremely unwilling, but in this bar, being stared at by so many people, if he continued to pester him, he would be humiliating himself, so he returned to his seat angrily. , but still landed on Liu Yufei, not knowing what he was thinking.

Liu Yufei didn't even glance at the young man. Her flamboyant personality also possessed an inherent coldness, which made her more attractive, but also more difficult to approach, just like a rose, Although roses are fragrant, they are destined to sting.

Liu Yufei was still drinking, taking small sips of brandy with ice, until she finished her glass of wine, Liu Yufei said again: "I'm in a bad mood, I just want to drink at the bar tonight, and I don't want to be disturbed ...I don't rule out that some of you feel good about yourself and think that you can have an affair here, and I can't stop you from disturbing me. Two conditions, first, drink this bottle of vodka in one go, second, Only by defeating me can you be qualified to sit in front of me. If you can't do these two things, please stay away from me!"

Liu Yufei said that some people feel good about themselves, but listening to her words, she feels good about herself to the point of bursting, but I have to admit that this is not smug, she is just stating a very simple fact.

"This woman is very different." Jiang Chen didn't notice the existence of the woman at the beginning, until he heard Liu Yufei's final statement, he realized that such a woman had come to the bar.

At a glance, even if Jiang Chen has seen countless beauties, and now he knows beauties like Tangyue and Xu Anqi, he has to admit that this woman's temperament is very special and outstanding, and she definitely belongs to the type that makes people's heart beat at first glance.

What especially attracted Jiang Chen's attention was that at his position, one could just see a woman's slender waist. Even through the clothes, one could see that Liu Yufei's waist was extraordinarily slender and flexible. Hold it, it's heart-thumping.

"It's very different. Brother Jiang, if you are interested, I will..." Brother Dao smiled ambiguously.

This bar is Brother Dao's place, which is why Brother Dao would bring Jiang Chen here to drink. Naturally, he has the absolute right to speak in his place.If Jiang Chen was interested in that Liu Yufei, even if he used some dishonorable means, Brother Dao would still want to get Liu Yufei onto Jiang Chen's bed.

"This girl, it's better to soak by myself, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said lightly after glancing at Brother Dao.

The sharp blade-like gaze made Brother Dao's heart tremble quietly. He realized that he was a bit talkative, so he quickly picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine, and stopped talking.

Over there, Liu Yufei put forward two conditions, so that she, who was already very eye-catching, attracted everyone's attention firmly.

It's just that the two conditions seem not to be difficult, but they make many people look uncomfortable.

Many people have seen a bottle of vodka on Liu Yufei's table for a long time, and thought it was Liu Yufei drinking it herself, but looking at it now, it is completely prepared by Liu Yufei and used as a prop.

That vodka, although not directly distilled with a degree of 95 degrees, is also [-] degrees. It may not be too much of a problem for ordinary people to drink a glass or two, but it is too difficult to drink a bottle in one go. Difficult.

"Beauty, is what you said true?" Someone also said that he thought he was a good drinker. Although Liu Yufei only allowed someone to sit opposite her behind the two conditions, this was undoubtedly an opportunity not to be missed.

"Of course it's true." Liu Yufei's words were unquestionable, and she said calmly, "By the way, there is one thing I forgot to mention. Just to remind you, I have a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo."


When Liu Yufei said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Maybe someone can do it after drinking a vodka. After drinking it, it is easier to beat a weak woman, but after drinking a vodka, it is almost impossible to beat Liu Yufei, a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo up.

By this time, everyone understood what the intention of Liu Yufei's condition was, because it was simply impossible.

And this is also a way to make some people secretly admire Liu Yufei. It seems to be a sweetener, but it actually blocks all the avenues. In this way, even if someone wants to strike up a conversation, it will be embarrassing.

"Really, it's getting more and more interesting." With a smile on his lips, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

If, when Liu Yufei put forward the two conditions, he just felt that Liu Yufei was a little different, then at this time, that difference turned into a strong interest and a strong desire to conquer.

"It should be quite interesting to conquer such a woman." Touching his chin and thinking about it, Jiang Chen's lips parted into a slit.

Brother Dao looked at it, and felt that Jiang Chen's smile was so lewd and lewd, and his heart couldn't help being slightly moved. It seemed that Jiang Chen had really taken a fancy to Liu Yufei.

The bar fell into silence because of Liu Yufei's words, and no one spoke in the huge bar.

The corners of Liu Yufei's lips showed a playful coldness. She lowered her head and picked up a few ice cubes and threw them into the glass, then poured herself another glass of brandy. Liu Yufei lifted the glass to her lips, and was about to drink when she suddenly realized that There is one more person in front of me.

"You want to challenge?" Looking up, Liu Yufei said sarcastically.

The man standing in front of her can only be regarded as a boy to be precise, and he is still wearing a high school uniform. Everything is unusually ordinary, even mediocre.

This man was naturally Jiang Chen. Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled. He didn't say anything. He unscrewed the cap, grabbed the vodka, and gulped it down his throat.

Liu Yufei originally thought that Jiang Chen would say a few seemingly pleasant nonsense, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to drink directly without saying anything, and his expression was slightly strange for a while.

"Little boy, have you ever drank before?" Liu Yufei asked strangely.

Jiang Chen drank a bottle of wine in one breath, his face did not turn red, but turned paler, and his eyes were surprisingly bright, his malicious eyes fell on Liu Yufei, and he said with a smile: "No, Today is the first time I drink it. I drank red wine just now, and now I drink vodka, and I feel pretty good.

"You're drunk." Liu Yufei's expression turned cold.

A guy who had never drunk before did such impulsive things because of her beauty, which made Liu Yufei a little bit dumbfounded.

And there is no doubt that this guy who likes to show off must be drunk at this time, and when he wakes up tomorrow, he will definitely end up with a splitting headache.

But Liu Yufei wouldn't have the slightest bit of sympathy. He asked for all of this, so naturally he should bear the consequences, and it could be regarded as a big lesson for him.

"Well, I'm drunk, what did you just say, beat you, sleep with me, right, that's what I mean, I remember or say it right." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Yufei's face turned cold. It seemed that she was a bit misjudged. Apart from showing off, this guy was also so bold that he even dared to say such a thing.

As for the others, they were stunned. They suddenly envied Jiang Chen. Even after drinking vodka, they couldn't beat Liu Yufei. It would be good to flirt with her while drinking. After all, such a beautiful woman was not when can come across.

"Bold." Her voice turned cold, and Liu Yufei spoke harshly.

"Boldness is a must. To pick up girls, you need to be bold, careful, and thick-skinned. It just so happens that I have three advantages. Well, I am really an extinct good man." Jiang Chen boasted narcissistically, without noticing , the chill on Liu Yufei's face was enough to freeze the water into ice at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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