genius evil

Chapter 62 Picking Up Girls Was So Simple

Chapter 62 Picking Up Girls Was So Simple

"Shameless!" At this moment, a high-pitched and excited voice sounded. The person who spoke seemed to deliberately create an effect of stealing others' attention, and the voice was especially loud.

Everyone looked curiously, but they saw the speaker, who was the young man whom Liu Yufei had humiliated just now.

Seeing that he had attracted everyone's attention, the young man raised his neck, looked at Jiang Chen and said indignantly, "Boy, do you think that you can attract the attention of Liu Yufei's beauty by putting money on your face so shamelessly, so that you can get the attention of the beautiful woman Liu Yufei?" Doesn't she look at you with admiration?"

"Yeah, this kid is really shameless."

"As a high school student, you are much more shameless than old men like me."

"Actually, I want to be as shameless as him."


The young man's words aroused a burst of discussion, and the voices were heard one by one. The young man's neck was raised higher, and a smug expression appeared on his face.

"Before discussing the topic of whether I am shameless, let me ask you a question, do you know what you look like now?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Like what?" The young man was taken aback.

"What else can it look like, like a rooster in heat." Jiang Chen didn't need to answer this question, someone rushed to answer it, and it was Brother Dao who answered.

"Shut up." The young man snapped angrily.

"I heard that right, did you tell me to shut up? My Brother Dao has always told others to shut up, and I have never been told to shut up. You are quite courageous, and you are impatient. Isn't it?" Brother Dao said coldly.

"Brother Dao, you are Brother Dao." The young man's complexion changed drastically. He often hunts for sex in this bar. How could he not know Brother Dao's name? Unexpectedly, this time he actually contradicted Brother Dao.

At this moment, the young man no longer looked like a rooster in heat, but a defeated rooster, with a gray face and cold sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Chen smiled. Brother Dao put on a show, which was quite interesting. After laughing, Jiang Chen continued, "Now, let's talk about whether I am shameless or not."

The young man didn't dare to make a sound, and from the corner of his eye, intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at Brother Dao's direction. Before he recognized Brother Dao, he had seen Jiang Chen drinking with Brother Dao, regardless of Jiang Chen and Brother Dao. What is the relationship with Brother Dao, that is the person he can't offend, otherwise, he probably doesn't even know how he died, so how dare he speak at this time.

"To be honest, you have a good eye, and you can see through my shameless nature at a glance. I don't have too many advantages as a person, and shamelessness is just one of them." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

Everyone in the bar looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at each other speechlessly. I don't know when shamelessness can be regarded as an advantage?

"In that case, thanks to the way you said it, you are really shameless." Still Liu Yufei said indifferently.

"As I said just now, the key to picking up girls is to be bold, careful, and thick-skinned. This thick-skinnedness can be classified as shameless. Beauty Yufei, I'm going to pick you up. Of course, I have to be shameless." Jiang Chen Said with a smile.

"You—" Liu Yufei was furious, this guy is too vulgar, what do you mean to pick her up, can't you say it a little more elegantly?

"I know you must be thinking, I'm never going to pick you up. In fact, if the way to pick up a girl is 98 steps, I've already walked [-] steps. You have to admit it." Jiang Chen He talked freely and turned the bar into a place for him to play hooligans alone.

Liu Yufei was silent. Subconsciously, she thought that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, but she couldn't deny that Jiang Chen left her the deepest impression in this bar tonight. It is estimated that for a long time to come, Can't forget this guy.Although, that is by no means a good impression.

"It's only two steps away, and I can catch up with you. One step is to defeat you, and the other step is to push you to the bed to rectify the Fa on the spot." Jiang Chen continued.

"You're dreaming." Liu Yufei gritted her teeth. Let alone whether this guy could beat her, even if she could beat her, it was absolutely impossible for her to sleep with him.

"People still have dreams, don't they?" Jiang Chen smiled all over his face, he didn't let Liu Yufei's accusation at all, he stretched out a finger, pointed at the young man, and said, "It's like this man who thinks he's Like an idiot who can eat swan meat, of course an idiot cannot eat swan meat, but this is still a dream, at least, it is much better than those who dare not even dream."

The young man was taken aback, was this guy praising himself or scolding himself.

And soon, the young man discovered that it was indeed scolding him.

"However, an idiot is an idiot. He thinks that he can attract your attention by saying a few words to hurt me and put me on the head, and then make you look different. Little does he know that his face will soon be swollen by someone. Just like it is now." Jiang Chen spoke, but the words did not fall, and everyone heard the clear and clear slap on the face.

Jiang Chen raised his head, and slapped the young man's face. Immediately, five red finger prints appeared.

"For example, he won't know that someone will kick him." Jiang Chen was still talking, he raised his leg and kicked it between the young man's legs. He fell on the chair and fell to the ground, crying and howling in pain. Whether he can be a man again in this life is a question.


Everyone felt a chill in their crotch, and they all gasped, seeing Jiang Chen's gentle and harmless face, but no one thought that Jiang Chen would be so ruthless in his strikes.

"Do you see clearly? In fact, whether it's picking up girls or dealing with personal grievances, being shameless is often the fastest way to solve problems. After all, he scolded me, and it would be a waste of time for me to scold me back. Calling back directly will save trouble." Isn't there a lot?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Everyone fell silent at this moment, no one said a word, they just watched Jiang Chen singing a one-man show alone, and even the young man's lesson was before them, so they didn't dare to offend this guy in school uniform anymore.

"Beauty Yufei, my performance is pretty good, right? You should throw yourself into your arms now, well, there should be some applause here." When facing Liu Yufei, Jiang Chen said in a nonchalant manner.

"I said before, you are dreaming!" Liu Yufei gritted her teeth. She had to say that this guy's words and deeds were really beyond her expectation, but that was all.

"Could it be that you still want to fight with me? I need to beat you. Why bother? Let me hug you." Jiang Chen smiled and ran towards Liu Yufei quickly. Liu Yufei embraced her in her arms.

Liu Yufei never expected that Jiang Chen would hug him as soon as he said so, and she was caught by Jiang Chen's hug by surprise. She was so ashamed and indignant that she struggled hard, trying to break free from Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Hey, don't make trouble, or I will spank your ass." Jiang Chen said with a face.

Liu Yufei was so angry that she almost vomited blood. This guy threatened her like this. She swore that she would make him look good in a while.

It's a pity that the wish is full, but the reality is extremely skinny.

After struggling for a few times, Liu Yufei soon discovered that her hands and feet became so soft that even her body was limp, and she had no strength at all. At this moment, not to mention breaking free from Jiangchen's embrace, even standing up was extremely difficult. , the whole person, involuntarily snuggled into Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Bastard, what did you do to me?" Liu Yufei was shocked and frightened, not understanding why this happened.

"Hey, what did I do? I just hugged you." Jiang Chen blinked at an angle that only Liu Yufei could see, and then said to himself, "By the way, you should hug me too. .”

Jiang Chen grabbed Liu Yufei's hands and hugged him around his waist. Liu Yufei's hands were weak and he couldn't do anything at all, so he could only let Jiang Chen do whatever he wanted.

And the other people in the bar were dumbfounded when they saw such a scene.

"I just hugged like this?" A group of men with black lines all over their heads had lived most of their lives before they realized how easy it is to pick up girls.

Liu Yufei was so ashamed and angry, she knew that Jiang Chen must have manipulated her in some way, and she also knew that she and Jiang Chen's posture was very ambiguous, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Bastard, I'll bite you to death." Liu Yufei still had her mouth to move, opened her pink lips, and bit Jiang Chen's neck.

"It's a good habit to bite, but it's not good to bite in the wrong place." Jiang Chen's feet moved slightly, leading Liu Yufei's body to spin around. It landed on Jiang Chen's face, leaving a light lip mark.

"Ah—" Liu Yufei almost went crazy and screamed.

"Beauty Yufei, are you sure you want to make such a fuss, you must let me spank your ass?" Jiang Chen chuckled, eager to try.

Liu Yufei was so angry that she almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood. She opened her mouth and bit Jiang Chen again. Even if she was spanked in public, she had to bite the bastard first.


Jiang Chen's big hand covered Liu Yufei's buttocks, and when it fell, it was bounced up by the amazing elasticity. The crisp sound almost made some people's eyeballs bulge out.

"Ah—you really dare to hit me." Liu Yufei wanted to cry but opened her mouth to bite.

"I said beauty Yufei, if you like me to spank you, just say so, I really don't mind at all, but let's change the place first, let's hit in another way." Jiang Chen faltered, with one hand He picked Liu Yufei up and walked outside the bar.

"Bastard, where are you taking me?" Liu Yufei cried out. This bastard dared to do whatever he wanted in front of so many people in the bar. Liu Yufei couldn't imagine that once Jiang Chen took him to a remote place, Jiang Chen would What a horrible thing to do.

"Go to open a room." Jiang Chen responded simply, he had already rushed out of the bar, leaving a group of people in a mess!

(End of this chapter)

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