genius evil

Chapter 63 Talking About Love, Treating Diseases

Chapter 63 Talking About Love, Treating Diseases

In a hotel near the bar, the room was opened, and Liu Yufei was put on the bed. Looking at Liu Yufei's graceful figure on the big bed, Jiang Chen felt a sense of accomplishment spontaneously.

"If there is a Guinness record for the fastest bedtime, the two of us have broken the record." Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and said with a smile.

"Bastard, who wants to have sex with you." Liu Yufei said angrily.

"Hey, if you didn't sleep with me, why would you appear in the room I opened and still lie on my bed?" Jiang Chen said with a puzzled face.

"You're insane." Liu Yufei was extremely frantic. She wondered if this guy was insane. How could she be like this? He clearly opened the room with her in his arms, and then put her on the bed. It seemed that she was deliberately seducing him.

"I said, little Feifei, don't you know that it's not good for you to piss me off in this situation?" Jiang Chen looked at Liu Yufei with a pair of thieves' eyes. The heat in his eyes was almost enough. Melting the clothes on Liu Yufei's body, she said threateningly.

"What little Feifei, do I know you very well? Don't call me that, it's so disgusting." Liu Yufei rolled her eyes, perhaps because she was reminded by Jiang Chen's words, her voice suddenly became much quieter.

"That's right, you don't look small at all, you should be called Da Feifei." Jiang Chen's eyes fell on Liu Yufei's plump chest, and he said to himself.

Liu Yufei was so ashamed and angry, she really wanted to cover her chest with her hands, but she couldn't move at all, and could only let Jiang Chen's presumptuous eyes look light on her.

"Boy, are you a man? Could it be that you always use force like this when you pick up girls? This only proves that you don't have any confidence in your own charm." Immediately, Liu Yufei sneered.

"The aggressive general method, I like it. If you use a little more beauty tricks, I will like it even more." Jiang Chen smiled hippiely, without any embarrassment.

Liu Yufei was silent. I have to say that Jiang Chen's face is too thick. In the past, although she was not less attracted by some men, she has never seen Jiang Chen so straightforward, and immediately resisted to the hotel. on the bed.

She is using the aggressive method, but logically speaking, can't all men be able to stand this kind of stimulation?One must know that she is waiting for Jiang Chen to undo her restraints, and then use her Taekwondo to beat this bastard to pieces. Who would know that this guy is not hooked at all.

"That's right, I was provoking you on purpose, but it's a pity that you let me down. If you look like this, even if you get my man, you won't be able to get my heart at all." Liu Yufei said openly.

"Your words are quite interesting. It is enough for me to get your people, so why do I want to get your heart?" Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

Liu Yufei's face was flushed, and she scolded Jiang Chen at least a hundred thousand times in her heart in an instant, her voice raised a lot unconsciously, and said: "It seems that you really have no confidence in your own charm, and you can't even win my heart!" I have no confidence."

"For a handsome and witty man like me, you don't understand my coquettishness. If you know that I also had a room with a woman who is prettier than you in the hotel at noon today, you will understand that there is no need I have your heart, and you will take the initiative to hold your heart and send it to me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What did you say, did you have a room with a woman at noon today?" Liu Yufei was instantly shocked by Jiang Chen's words. She couldn't see Jiang Chen's charm at all, and she even said that she was a more beautiful woman than her. Could it be that For the time being, she failed to see clearly his inner meaning through his shameless appearance?
"Yeah, well, I said Da Feifei, you must be jealous." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Fuck you big bastard." Liu Yufei scolded, did she have anything to do with him, why should she be jealous.

"If you're not jealous, why do you have such an ugly face? It's clearly a sign of jealousy. As a man who understands people's clothing, how can I not even see this?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I told you, I'm not jealous, you can think whatever you like." Liu Yufei was annoyed.

"Okay, you're not jealous, but as a great man, I think this kind of thing still needs to be explained. It's true that I got a room at noon, but it's a very pure one, that is, I just took off my clothes." Jiang Chen looked like he was afraid that Liu Yufei would be jealous.

Liu Yufei was trembling with anger, she was called pure even after taking off her clothes, if she believed it, she would really go to hell... No, soon, Liu Yufei just felt that something was wrong.

How did she get involved? She has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, so why bother with those messy things.

"Bastard, stop talking nonsense here, and let me go quickly." Liu Yufei changed the topic.

"Don't worry, of course I will let you go. As a man who is awakened by his handsomeness every day, being strong has never been my style, and throwing myself into my arms is what I like." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Liu Yufei was overjoyed, she thought Jiang Chen would be shameless to the end, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to suddenly become so talkative.

Soon Liu Yufei suppressed the joy in her heart, and pretended to be cold and said: "Since this is the case, why don't you help me untie the bondage."

"That's no problem, but I'm thinking, should I let you fall into my arms first, or should I treat you first." Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed.

"Cure me?" Liu Yufei was stunned for a moment.

"You bastard, are you kidding me? I'm not sick at all." Liu Yufei became annoyed again.

"Sick people usually like to say that they are not sick, Da Feifei. It is the worst thing to hide your illness and avoid medical treatment. You obviously have mania." Jiang Chen looked kind.

"I didn't." Liu Yufei was so angry that she couldn't help herself. Her body knew how it was possible for her to have mania.

"Okay, I made a mistake. In fact, you have anxiety disorder." Jiang Chen corrected himself.

Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot, it's no wonder she wasn't restless after being treated like this by this guy.

"I know you must think that I caused your anxiety disorder, right?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, without looking at Liu Yufei's noncommittal expression, and said lightly: "Actually, you are really special, don't Most women usually smell like perfume, but what you have on you smells like blood."

"What did you say?" Liu Yufei's expression changed quietly.

"I didn't say you killed someone. Although on the operating table, the scalpel in your hand can be used to save people, and it can also be used to kill people under normal circumstances... Beautiful doctor, this profession is really good, sorry What's more, this beautiful doctor probably just had a medical accident and went to the bar to get drunk in a bad mood." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Liu Yufei's complexion changed again. She didn't know how Jiang Chen could smell the blood on her body, but Jiang Chen guessed that she was a doctor, and even guessed that she just had a medical accident. The feeling it brings is completely different.

All of a sudden, the way Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen became extremely strange.

"Da Feifei, I know you will fall in love with me sooner or later, but I'm still surprised that you fell in love with me so fast. It seems that I have to re-evaluate my own charm." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Yufei ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense, she felt her voice was a little hoarse, she looked at Jiang Chen fixedly and asked, "How do you know about my body?"


Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, patted Liu Yufei's plump buttocks, and said slowly, "Don't doubt that I've met you before, and don't doubt my excellence. If I want to know, of course I can know."

Liu Yufei's cheeks were flushed. This was the second time Jiang Chen had spanked her. Unlike in the bar, this slap seemed particularly ambiguous in this confined space.

Liu Yufei didn't dare to say anything, lest she accidentally provoke Jiang Chen's animal nature, she still looked at Jiang Chen and said, "I admit that you guessed everything right, but this is not enough to prove your excellence, unless... "

"Unless I cure your anxiety, right? It's very simple." Before Liu Yufei finished speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted her.

Then he saw a silver needle appearing in Jiang Chen's hand, Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, the silver needle in his hand quickly pricked Liu Yufei's head a few times.

Liu Yufei still couldn't understand what happened, she just felt like her head had been bitten by mosquitoes ten or so times.

"It's cured, you should believe it now." At this moment, Jiang Chen's voice rang in Liu Yufei's ear again.

Liu Yufei didn't speak. She was stunned by the sudden change in herself, and she didn't know what Jiang Chen had done to her. The speed was relaxing, which made her drowsy, almost forgetting that she was in an extremely dangerous environment.

"What did you do to me?" Liu Yufei asked strangely, forcing her eyelids open.

"Healing, how about it, I'm really good, right? Next, shouldn't you throw yourself into your arms?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Liu Yufei was astonished. She knew that Jiang Chen was indeed responsible for her changes. This meant that Jiang Chen knew about medicine and was very good at it.

If it weren't for this situation, Liu Yufei would definitely thank Jiang Chen. After all, this means that she can relax and sleep well tonight without alcohol.

But, looking at Jiang Chen's hateful face, how could Liu Yufei say words of thanks.

While thinking about these things, Liu Yufei suddenly realized that her hands and hands were recovering strength little by little, which was even more joyful for Liu Yufei.

"Yeah, it's time for me to throw myself into my arms." Liu Yufei said sweetly, and what she said made her own arms get goosebumps.

Resisting the nausea and nausea after saying this, Liu Yufei's extremely flexible body suddenly jumped up and attacked Jiang Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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