genius evil

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

There was a low, dull collision sound, Liu Yufei narrowed her eyes slightly, and a smug smile appeared on the corners of her lips, she knew she had hit Jiang Chen.

She is a master of the third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. With Jiang Chen's thin body, if he endured such an attack from her, he must have been beaten and flew out.

Although this may mean repaying kindness and revenge, whoever called Jiang Chen's actions was so shameless, at most, after he beat Jiang Chen and left the hotel, he would not pursue Jiang Chen's responsibility anymore.As for letting Jiang Chen go because of Jiang Chen's little favor, that is absolutely impossible!

But Liu Yufei just had a proud thought in her heart, and she immediately let out a groan in pain, but she didn't hit Jiang Chen, but her chest hit Jiang Chen's embrace forcefully.

The sudden collision caused Liu Yufei to throw herself into Jiang Chen's embrace before Liu Yufei could figure out what was going on.

"Da Feifei is so good, I give you a kiss." Jiang Chen's hateful voice rang in Liu Yufei's ear, and immediately, Jiang Chen lowered his head, and his lips were covered in Liu Yufei's tender red lips.

"Well, my first kiss."

Liu Yufei's eyes widened suddenly, she couldn't believe that such a thing would happen, she actually threw herself into her arms on her own initiative.

No, it wasn't that she took the initiative to throw herself into the arms, but Jiang Chen did something to make her attack turn into throwing himself into the arms.

This made Liu Yufei feel so regretful that she was on the verge of crying. She should have understood this a long time ago. Since Jiang Chen untied her, it meant that Jiang Chen was not worried about her resistance.

In other words, no matter how much she resisted, she couldn't escape Jiang Chen's palm. Otherwise, Jiang Chen is not an idiot, how could he let her go so easily?

But it was too late to repent, the red lips fell into Jiang Chen's mouth, and Liu Yufei could clearly feel that Jiang Chen's annoying tongue was moving back and forth.

"Bastard, you're dead." Liu Yufei pushed hard, pushing Jiang Chen back two steps, and she herself fell onto the big bed involuntarily due to the force of the counter-push.

"Da Feifei, I found that I really like you more and more. It's fine if you take the initiative to throw yourself into your arms, and even take the initiative to go to bed. If you can take the initiative to take off the clothes on your body, that would be even better." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile. Said.

Liu Yufei almost didn't grab the quilt and covered her head. It was embarrassing, too embarrassing. Obviously, she was fooled by Jiang Chen for the second time. No wonder she pushed Jiang Chen away so easily. Even if the angle is calculated, when she pushes him, she will fall on the bed, and then become the so-called active bed.

Liu Yufei didn't speak any more at this time, and with her slender waist twisted, she threw herself under the bed. Although every corner in this room was unsafe, Liu Yufei clearly understood that the most unsafe place was the bed. You must escape from the bed as soon as possible.

It's a pity that Liu Yufei's plan was doomed to fail. Her reaction and movement were considered fast. Jiang Chen was even faster, so she jumped up, but Jiang Chen grabbed her into his arms and overwhelmed her. bed.

Feeling the fiery heat of Jiang Chen's body penetrating into her skin through the thin clothes, Liu Yufei's body stiffened suddenly.

"Bastard, bastard, pervert, beast, let me go." Liu Yufei knew that there was no way to reason with Jiang Chen. If she had hoped that Jiang Chen would let her go, then So now, on the brink of despair, she said whatever she wanted regardless.

"Da Feifei, I just want to hug you and sleep, is it necessary to scold me like this?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Hold me to sleep?" Liu Yufei was confused for a moment, not understanding what Jiang Chen meant.

It's not that she can tolerate Jiang Chen hugging her to sleep, but, things have developed to this point, Jiang Chen only wants to hug her to sleep, Jiang Chen is so innocent?To be precise, is it that stupid?

"Otherwise, what do you think I want to do?" Jiang Chen smiled strangely.

"I don't know." Liu Yufei naturally wouldn't talk nonsense.

"Actually, I wanted to do something else, something that would make you happy, but unfortunately, I found that I couldn't do it at all." Jiang Chen sighed.

Liu Yufei's expression was strange. What does it mean that he can't do it? Could it be that this guy can't do it?

Thinking of this, Liu Yufei gave Jiang Chen a weird look.

Jiang Chen was extremely speechless when Liu Yufei looked at him. He said in bewilderment: "Don't talk, I don't know what you're thinking, just clarify, it's not me who can't do it, it's you who can't."

Liu Yufei almost blurted out a sentence, "Why can't I die?" The words came to her lips, and she hastily swallowed them down.

"There is still one minute." Suddenly, Jiang Chen said something inexplicably.

Liu Yufei was completely confused by Jiang Chen's words, and she didn't understand what was going on at all, but fortunately, even though Jiang Chen was pressing on her body, she didn't move her hands or feet, which made her feel a little relieved.

"Since it doesn't work, then you go down." Gritting her teeth, Liu Yufei tried her best to push Jiang Chen.

"There are still 30 seconds." Jiang Chen said again.

"Could it be that you want to hug me for another 30 seconds?" Liu Yufei muttered. If that's the case, then it's okay to be hugged by Jiang Chen for another 30 seconds. The extra 30 seconds.

"Okay, it's time." Just as Liu Yufei was thinking about this, Jiang Chen suddenly turned over and lay beside Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei felt the pressure off her body, and she was overjoyed immediately. She got up from the bed in a hurry and walked towards the door.

But Liu Yufei had only walked a few steps when her face suddenly changed. She covered her stomach with her hands and rushed into the bathroom in a hurry.

About 5 minutes later, when Liu Yufei came out of the bathroom, the way Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen was completely different, she was looking at a monster.

She rushed into the bathroom just now because her aunt's relative came. At this time, after a little processing, without Jiang Chen's obstruction, Liu Yufei could have left at all, but she was so curious. A doctor, with a natural curiosity in her bones, made her unable to leave just like that for the time being.

The 1 minute and 30 seconds that Jiang Chen said, for this kind of sake, how could Liu Yufei not know what it meant. No wonder Jiang Chen didn't plan to force it at all. I dare say that Jiang Chen had already guessed this point.

No, it's not guessing, but seeing it. After all, if you really want to guess, how can you guess so accurately?

You have to know that even if she herself knows that her aunt will come in the next few days, and she has prepared emergency items in her bag, she doesn't know when she will come, let alone be as accurate as Jiang Chen. is the counting unit.

Jiang Chen can do this, if he is not a perverted monster, then he is a genius doctor.


Liu Yufei remembered that Jiang Chen took out the silver needle and pricked her head a few times, which relieved the anxiety in her heart, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

The genius doctor, if there is nothing wrong, this guy who makes her hate him to death should be a genius doctor!

"Hey, don't sleep yet, I have something to ask you." After hesitating for a while, Liu Yufei said.

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen yawned and said lazily.

"It's not this question. I'm not interested in your name at all." Liu Yufei was given a headache by Jiang Chen.

"You love me, don't worry, I love you too." Jiang Chen said affectionately.

"That's not the question, what I want to ask you is, how did you know that I would come?" Liu Yufei asked quickly angrily, so as not to entangle this guy.

"Everyone says they have big breasts and no brains. Is it true? I'm a genius doctor. You can't even see such a simple question?" Jiang Chen muttered.

Liu Yufei was speechless, even though she doubted whether this guy was the legendary genius doctor, but this guy needs to put gold on her face like this?

Besides, it's hard to say whether he is a genius doctor or not, maybe it's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Out of a doctor's intuition and sensitivity, Liu Yufei really wanted to ask clearly at this time, if Jiang Chen's medical skills are really good, maybe she can learn something from Jiang Chen.

As for whether there was a conflict between learning something and hating Jiang Chen, for a while, Liu Yufei ignored it.

But Jiang Chen didn't give her another chance to ask questions, he waved his hand and said, "Stop standing there, come quickly and sleep with me."

"I won't sleep." Liu Yufei said coldly, even if she wanted to sleep, she wouldn't sleep with this bastard.

"Big Feifei, you really can't afford to be praised. It seems that we should praise you less in the future." Jiang Chen got up from the bed, quickly picked up Liu Yufei, quickly put her on the bed, and quickly put her on the bed. Lie down next to her, and then quickly pulled up the quilt to cover the two of them, so that the two of them were considered to be sharing the same bed.

This series of movements, Jiang Chen did so quickly, Liu Yufei didn't even have a chance to struggle and just lay down, which made Liu Yufei's heart flustered.

Subconsciously, Liu Yufei was about to throw off the quilt and get up from the bed, but she yawned inadvertently, and her eyelids that were forced open could no longer hold on.

She was already very tired from the operation this afternoon, and because of a problem with the operation, she was pestered by the patient's family for a long time, and she was even more tired. If Jiang Chen hadn't carried her to the hotel, after drinking a few glasses of wine, Liu Yufei Time to go home and sleep.

Feeling sleepy, Liu Yufei yawned again, quietly closed her eyes, and fell asleep unconsciously.

The moment Liu Yufei closed his eyes, Jiang Chen's eyes opened, and Jiang Chen smiled helplessly.

Even though Jiang Chen didn't intend to use force on Liu Yufei, but I have to say that what happened tonight was quite dramatic. First, he found out Liu Yufei's identity, and then Liu Yufei came along, and the plot followed frame by frame. Frame, watching movies is not so exciting.

After confirming that Liu Yufei was asleep, Jiang Chen quickly pulled Liu Yufei's two arms, hugged him around his waist, closed his eyes again, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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