genius evil

Chapter 560 Just Want to Kill All

Chapter 560 Just Want to Kill All

Some people never think that their own life can be put on a price tag, and then just like the commodities displayed in the supermarket, if they give enough money, they can take it away casually.

But a very cruel reality is that no matter whose life it is, there is actually a price tag. The only difference is whether the price is high or low.

Jiang Chen's life was undoubtedly very valuable.

Of course, even if someone gave him more money, it would not be an easy task to take Jiang Chen's life away.

Neither Zheng Chengze nor Mr. Zheng will admit that their lives are worthless, even if their lives are more valuable, the more trouble they will cause now.

As for the rest of the people, some can be said to be irrelevant, and some are the mainstay within the Zheng family, but whether it is insignificant or the mainstay, they are all a force that makes up the Zheng family, and it is the Zheng family that can be ranked in the capital. The foundation of the four major families.

In this way, there is a big problem.

With so many lives, how should we count them in terms of money?
In other words, how to calculate to satisfy Jiang Chen?
"That's right, it's life money, don't dawdle, hurry up and do the statistics." Jiang Chen urged.

"This... can't be counted." Zheng Chengze said.

"Is it money or not life?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's not that you don't want money, but if you don't have money, can you still have life?" Mr. Zheng took the conversation.

Mr. Zheng is an old man, so how can he not understand what kind of tricks Jiang Chen is playing.

If, on the part of the Zheng family, they really took out money to buy their lives, then the Zheng family would be completely emptied by Jiang Chen and turned into a hollow frame, and the family would fall apart in an instant.

I have to say that Jiang Chen's move was really too ruthless, killing people without blood.

Even if it is a lifetime of ups and downs, and has experienced countless ups and downs, it is inevitable to admire Jiang Chen's methods.

Such a calculation, where is a young man under the age of 20 possessed?
Even he himself may not be able to have such sophistication.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, but there is one thing, if you lose your life, you must lose your money." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Jiang Chen, you are a practitioner of ancient martial arts, so you must not kill innocent people lightly. Otherwise..." Mr. Zheng warned.

"Otherwise, the ground group won't let me go? Oh, yes, there's also the sky group?" Jiang Chen smiled, and didn't take Mr. Zheng's threat to heart at all.

He said calmly: "Some time ago, when I was in Tianhang City, there were a bunch of stupid guys who thought the same way. What happened? Do you want to guess what happened?"

"It's too presumptuous, and it won't have good results for you." Mr. Zheng's voice was a little floating.

"Stop talking nonsense, there are only two ways in front of you now, either pay money or die, if the money is not enough, use your life to make up for it." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"I'll give you 300 billion at most." Mr. Zheng said.

"There are so many people, ten billion want to get rid of me, how about sending away beggars?" Jiang Chen was furious, and rushed over like a tiger descending a mountain.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Wherever Jiang Chen passed, figures flew out one after another, and screams could be heard endlessly.

"Jiang Chen, Master Chu of Shenxingmen is not the only one." Old Master Zheng said loudly.

"You still dare to threaten me? Do you think that I am too light to attack, that I dare not kill people?" Jiang Chen snorted, grabbed one person, broke his neck and threw it on the ground.

"How dare you!" Mr. Zheng was furious, his old face turned red like a pig's liver.

"From now on, every ten seconds of delay, I will kill one person. If you don't mind, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said.

The enmity and enmity between him and the Zheng family is either you die or I live.

The Zheng family wanted to kill him wholeheartedly, but if he didn't die, then I'm sorry, he will kill the Zheng family.

"How much do you want?" Mr. Zheng said.

He didn't dare to doubt Jiang Chen's words at all. Jiang Chen was so ruthless, it seemed that he meant what he said.

"All." Jiang Chen said in a non-negotiable tone.

"Kill them all!" Mr. Zheng was furious.

"It's just to kill them all." Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

"What a big tone, what a Jiang Chen, do you really think that you can walk sideways in this capital?" An extremely angry voice sounded abruptly.

"You can't say these words casually, but at least you can't block my way." Jiang Chen said lightly.

A few figures came over.

The leader was a middle-aged man with long hair, and the hair stood upright against his scalp. It seemed that he belonged to the kind of person with a bad temper.

The fact is also the same. Judging from the tone of the person's speech just now, this person's temper is really not very good.

It wasn't just this person who was unfriendly, those people who appeared with the middle-aged man, when they looked at Jiang Chen, there was a ball of flame burning deep in their eyes, as if they wanted to eat Jiang Chen in one bite like in.

"Lawless things." The middle-aged man looked gloomy and extremely displeased.

"It's kind of interesting. This is to give a definition to my behavior. Are you from the Tianzu?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Tianzu, Guo Jing." The middle-aged man said.

"Are you here to help the Zheng family?" Jiang Chen still smiled.

"People who practice ancient martial arts should not indiscriminately kill civilians. If you know that you made a mistake, you deserve death." Guo Jing said.

"Did I kill indiscriminately? I just killed one person, which is also called indiscriminate killing?" Jiang Chen's expression was quite innocent.

"If we hadn't appeared in time, you would have killed more than one person?" Guo Jing said.

"What you said is quite reasonable, but the problem now is that I just killed one person, why don't you guys withdraw first, and I'll kill a few more, so that you can charge me with indiscriminate killing?" Jiang Chen Said.

"We're here, but you still dare to kill people?" Guo Jing was furious.

"You can't understand people's words or what's the matter? Didn't you hear that I was doing it for your own good?" Jiang Chen was also angry.

With all his good intentions, how could he be distorted like this?
"Do it, take him down for me." Guo Jing was so irritable that he ordered immediately.

"Do it now, who is afraid of anyone?" Jiang Chen yelled, before the people behind Guo Jing made a move, he rushed over with a movement of his feet, and made the first move.


Swinging his right hand, he slapped his palm violently, his figure was like a ghost, his five fingers spread out, and he clasped them out, clasped Guo Jing's neck, and directly lifted Guo Jing up from the ground.

"You just said that ancient martial arts practitioners are not allowed to kill civilians indiscriminately, so if I kill you, it should be fine, right?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile while staring at Guo Jing.

Guo Jing was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so domineering. He didn't pay attention to Tianzu at all.

Moreover, in front of Jiang Chen, he was as weak as an ant, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move... no, he didn't even have room to react, and he just fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

This situation has never happened before.

It didn't happen, not to say how powerful Guo Jing is, in fact, with his mere cultivation of the sixth level of the ancient martial arts, it is not enough to look at the capital.

The most powerful thing is the Tianzu behind Guo Jing. The Tianzu supervises everything. All ancient martial arts practitioners in the world are supervised by the Tianzu. The Tianzu has the absolute right to life and death.

Who dares to easily offend such an organization?
No matter how stupid a person is, he should understand what will happen if he offends the Tianzu.

It was precisely because of such confidence that after Jiang Chen killed Chu Yanwang, Guo Jing was very proud in front of Jiang Chen, with an extremely strong sense of superiority.

Guo Jing felt that if he wanted to control Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen could only let him control him. Even if he killed Guo Jing, he would never have imagined that Jiang Chen was so crazy!

"Jiang Chen, do you know what the Tianzu do?" Guo Jing panted heavily and asked with difficulty.

"I don't want to know." Jiang Chen said.

"The Tianzu is..." Guo Jing planned to explain to Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen probably didn't know much about the Tianzu. Once he understood, he wouldn't be so presumptuous.


Jiang Chen slapped Guo Jing on the face, and said coldly: "Idiot, I told you I don't want to know."

Guo Jing was stunned by Jiang Chen, he felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

People from the Zheng family looked a little confused.

People from the Tian group appeared. They thought that the Zheng family had temporarily escaped the catastrophe.

But Jiang Chen didn't play his cards according to common sense at all, and he had the greatest posture of an old man in the world, as if even the old man who was the king of heaven stood in front of him, he would dare to crush him sideways.

Seeing Jiang Chen's slap on Guo Jing's body, everyone in the Zheng family felt a little pain in their faces.

There is no way, Jiang Chen doesn't even pay attention to the Tianzu, the Zheng family is destined to have a hard time tonight.

"Jiang Chen, offending the Tianzu, you are doomed." Among the few people who appeared with Guo Jing, one of them said bitterly while covering his face swollen by Jiang Chen's slap.

"I'll send you to die right now, do you believe it?" Jiang Chen asked.

The man trembled in fright, and subconsciously backed away for a few steps, not even daring to look at Jiang Chen any more.

"Jiang Chen, can't you hold back your temper? You shout and kill every now and then, are you a murderous maniac?" An angry voice passed.

Hearing that voice, Jiang Chen couldn't help being stunned.

What's the situation, why is Baby Lin here?

It was Lin Baobao who was talking, and while talking, Lin Baobao walked over, rolled his eyes at Jiang Chen, and said, "I know you are amazing, so let's do it, let me put you down quickly."

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Chen was still very confused.

"I can't come?" Lin Baobao rolled his eyes again.

"Although you like me very much and are obsessed with me to death, but I'm killing people now, why are you joining in the fun?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Kill you bastard, quickly put him down and follow me." Lin Baobao stuck out his tongue with a disgusted look on his face.

"What to do?" Jiang Chen didn't let go of Guo Jing, what Lin Baobao said was unclear, and he hadn't figured it out yet.

"My parents, they want to see you." Lin Baobao said, blinking his eyes, while Jiang Chen was completely confused...

(End of this chapter)

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