genius evil

Chapter 561 An Ordinary Beautiful Man

Chapter 561 An Ordinary Handsome Man

It doesn't matter if Baobao Lin appears inexplicably, he can still find a reason for himself, it's because he is too attractive, or Baobao Lin misses him too much, so he is a little confused about the occasion.

However, Baobao Lin couldn't figure out the occasion, so could her parents also not know the occasion?
"Can I not see you?" Jiang Chen couldn't figure out what the situation was.

"What do you think?" Lin Baobao hugged Jiang Chen's arm resentfully, dragged him outside involuntarily, and complained, "Letting you see my parents is like letting you hang yourself. Do you still have me in your heart?"

"You know that I look like hanging yourself, but you still let me see your parents, which is like sending me to hang yourself, do you have me in your heart?" Jiang Chen followed suit, and said with a wry smile.

"I just want to send you to hang yourself. I wish you could die sooner, so as not to anger me all day long." Gritting a mouthful of small teeth, Lin Baobao endured it for a long time before forcibly holding back a bite on Jiang Chen's body. impulse.

Outside the broken gate of the Zheng family, at some point, a car was parked there.

A man and a woman are standing by the car.

They were a middle-aged man and woman. The man had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a dignified appearance. It is not difficult to see that he was a rare handsome guy when he was young.

The middle-aged woman couldn't tell her exact age, but her figure was quite graceful, and her eyebrows and eyes were vaguely similar to that of Lin Baobao.

At a glance, Jiang Chen could tell that this middle-aged man and woman should be Lin Baobao's parents.

"Mom and Dad, I brought him here." Baobao Lin said as if asking for credit.

"You are Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged woman looked at Jiang Chen curiously and said.

"I'm Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen nodded.

"The appearance is ordinary, the height is so-so, and the temperament is not bad..." The middle-aged woman said slowly.

"Mom, don't praise him, he will be proud." Lin Baobao cut off the middle-aged woman's words.

Jiang Chen almost burst into tears, is this really a compliment, not scolding him?

What does it mean to look mediocre?

If he grows up like this, he can only be called mediocre. How can this make other men in the world feel embarrassed?

As for height?

In terms of height, Jiang Chen knew that he really didn't have much of an advantage, but this was a relatively satisfactory and comfortable height that he deliberately maintained.

He doesn't play basketball, it's useless to be tall, and it's not convenient to buy clothes, and it will also conflict with his own temperament.

Speaking of temperament.

On this issue, Jiang Chen finally agreed with the middle-aged woman's words.

The two aspects he is most proud of, besides his appearance, are his irreplaceable temperament. Although the middle-aged woman's vision of people does not seem to be very good, there is finally one point that is right.

"Men, you should praise when you should. The most proud thing for a woman is to make her man proud, baby, do you understand?" The middle-aged woman said to Lin Baobao.

Lin Baobao didn't know whether he really understood or pretended not to understand. The chick nodded like a pecking rice, and then innocently and romantically said to the middle-aged man: "Dad, did my mother make you proud?"

"Kids, don't interrupt me." Before the middle-aged man could speak, the middle-aged woman rushed to say.

"Mom, you don't understand yourself, so you have the nerve to teach me?" Lin Baobao curled his lips.

"Didn't you just say you understood?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"I'm afraid you'll be wordy." Lin Baobao said.

"You child..." The middle-aged woman felt helpless, looked at Jiang Chen as before, and said, "Jiang Chen, can you tell us what you like about our baby?"

I don't know if it was caused by this topic, or because I was very interested in this topic. When the middle-aged woman said this, the unsmiling middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's heart twitched non-stop, and he looked at Lin Baobao as if he had seen a ghost.

Lin Baobao said cheerfully, "Jiang Chen, my mother is asking you something. Tell my mother quickly what you like about me."

"I... haven't..." Jiang Chen felt a little bit pained.

From beginning to end, it was Lin Baobao who threw himself on him and tried his best to seduce him, not him who threw himself on Lin Baobao, let alone him seducing Lin Baobao.

God knows what Lin Baobao said to her parents, why does it sound so awkward?

"You mean, there's nothing you don't like about me... No, it's everything about me, you like it, right?" Baobao Lin said happily, his eyeballs twinkling.

"As long as you're happy." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Dad, Mom, did you two hear Jiang Chen's words? Let me just say, your daughter is very attractive to me." Lin Baobao boasted.

"Girls, you have to be reserved." The middle-aged woman said, and asked again, "Jiang Chen, don't you have any dissatisfaction with our baby?"

"Yes..." Jiang Chen answered in pain.

"What?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"Mom, what Jiang Chen means is that there is nothing about me that makes him dissatisfied. I am perfect and impeccable. Meeting me is a blessing he has cultivated all his life. The family's ancestral graves are all smoking." Lin Lin Baby explained.

How should I put it, Lin Baobao's ability to talk nonsense is quite powerful.

The associative ability of all kinds of tricks and tricks is quite rich.

"But what Jiang Chen said was yes, that is to say, there is something about you that makes him dissatisfied." The middle-aged woman said worriedly.

"Mom, you made a mistake. If you don't believe me, ask Jiang Chen what it means." Baobao Lin said.

"Baby, is there anything about you that I am dissatisfied with?" Jiang Chen had no choice but to say against his conscience.

"What are you asking me for this question? Although I am perfect, who knows if you are blind?" Baobao Lin gave Jiang Chen a wink.

"That's not it." Jiang Chen's answer was finally a little more refreshing.

"The two of you get along so well, so I can rest assured." The middle-aged woman sighed a little, pulled the middle-aged man's arm and said, "See, our baby girl has grown up in the blink of an eye. And got a boyfriend."

"Girls always want to marry when they grow up." The middle-aged man said.

"I can't bear it." The middle-aged woman sighed more and more.

"The boyfriend chosen by the baby is not bad, you can rest assured." The middle-aged man comforted.

Hearing these words, Jiang Chen almost fled in despair.

For a long time, in this situation tonight, is the mother-in-law and father-in-law coming to see his son-in-law together?
Although, both of them are quite satisfied with him, but what is going on in choosing such an opportunity?

He is making trouble at the Zheng family's side, and the noise is vigorous and vigorous. In a blink of an eye, the parents are short-sighted, the children love each other, and the style of painting is weird.

"Mom, don't worry, Jiang Chen said that he will be good to me for the rest of his life. He also said that when we have a child in the future, the child's surname is Lin, and I will bring it to you at home." Baobao Lin said.

"Okay... okay..." The middle-aged woman's eyes turned red.

"Baby Lin, are you sure I said that?" Jiang Chen wondered, did he have amnesia, or Baby Lin had delusions?

The bed is not on yet, where did the child come from?
"Jiang Chen, didn't you tell me?" Lin Baobao blinked.

"I never said that." Jiang Chen said with incomparable certainty.

"Jiang Chen, you irresponsible liar, you have clearly said, how can you lie?" Lin Baobao called Qi Ali.

"Baby, how does Mom usually teach you, to be gentle with a lady, it doesn't matter if the child's surname is not Lin, I can also take care of your children." The middle-aged woman said.

"Mom, it's not a matter of Lin's surname, it's Jiang Chen who lied to me, otherwise, there are many men who pursue me, so I don't like him, it's because he said that my child's surname will be Lin in the future Be nice to him." Lin Baobao accused angrily.

"Baby, don't worry about these details." The middle-aged woman said.

"Mom, these details must be taken care of. Do you want your future son-in-law to be a big liar?" Lin Baobao refused to budge.

"What Mom means is that you can have two children, one surnamed Lin and one surnamed Jiang, and Mom can bring up both of them for you." The middle-aged man moderated.

"Yes, I can have two children, why am I so stupid." Lin Baobao patted his head, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, I forgive you now. Hurry up and thank my mother, otherwise I will be so stupid." I won't have two children with you, but I will give you one at most."

"Have we reached the point where we can have children?" Jiang Chen couldn't help it.

"Didn't you arrive?" Lin Baobao asked back.

"Didn't I just say that? Just as long as you're happy." Jiang Chen was quite satisfied with Lin Baobao's attitude.

"Why should I be happy? You think it's rare for me to have children? What if I get fat after giving birth?" Baby Lin muttered.

"Baby, don't bully Jiang Chen, call your Aunt Xuan and ask her to prepare supper at home." The middle-aged woman said.

"Oh." Lin Baobao picked up the phone and made a call.

After making the phone call, he casually put the phone in his pocket, and Baobao Lin said, "Jiang Chen, let's go, let's go for supper."

"Let's eat it another day." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Aunt Xuan's cooking skills are very good, I guarantee you to eat it once, and you want to eat it a second time." Baobao Lin said solemnly.

Jiang Chen was speechless, well, he didn't doubt Aunt Xuan's cooking skills, but is it time for supper tonight?

"Get in the car." The middle-aged man said, and the middle-aged woman got into the car first.

"Jiang Chen, stop dawdling, hurry up, this is the first time you see my parents, behave better, otherwise if my parents are dissatisfied with you, you will easily lose this baby. "Baby Lin urged.

"Another day, I will definitely go." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man who had gotten into the car got out of the car and walked over.

"Uncle, I still have something to deal with here." Jiang Chen was good at pointing to the inside of Zheng's house.

"The matter here is over." The middle-aged man said in an unquestionable tone.

"For some people, that might be the case, but for me, it's just the beginning." Jiang Chen shook his head, stepped forward, and walked towards the gate of Zheng's house...

(End of this chapter)

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