genius evil

Chapter 562 I Changed My Mind

Chapter 562 I Changed My Mind
"Jiang Chen, I won't let you stop, I just hope that you don't disappoint the baby's love for you." The middle-aged man watched Jiang Chen walk away, he didn't stop him, but said.

"Who is good to me and who is not good to me, no one else can see more clearly than me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"How do you understand my attitude?" The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"To be honest, you may not really be that satisfied with me, but just for the sake of the baby, give me a step up." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You didn't plan to go down the steps when you saw them? Why?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Some accounts have to be settled sooner or later. I like to settle early." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"You are a sensible person, but unfortunately, you are not a smart person." The middle-aged man commented.

"Really?" Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen didn't reply, he kept on stepping, and stepped into the gate of the Zheng family that was smashed by a car.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me." Lin Baobao rushed over and hugged Jiang Chen from behind.

"Baby Lin, haven't you taken advantage of me enough tonight?" Jiang Chen said angrily, this girl, could it be that she is addicted to taking advantage of him?

"Who is going to take advantage of you?" Lin Baobao hugged Jiang Chen tightly, whispered to Jiang Chen's ear, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Chen, are you stupid? You didn't realize that I'm here to help you." of?"

"You're clearly here to cause trouble." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"I didn't hesitate to ruin my innocence to help you, but you actually said I made trouble?" Lin Baobao was heartbroken.

"Baby Lin, I found that your skin is getting thicker and thicker. This is not a good sign." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Is this woman innocent in front of him?
"Isn't it all learned from you?" Baby Lin groaned and said, "Anyway, you have to go with us tonight, or you will kill yourself."

"What?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, tell me the truth, are you pretending to be stupid, or are you just so stupid? You don't know what kind of existence the Zheng family is? You are alone, making a fuss, and some people Their faces are already ugly enough, if you kill them all, there will be no place to put their faces, if you make them shameless, they will make you feel better?" Lin Baobao reminded.

"Who are some people?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"Tianzu, and the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance." Lin Baobao said.

"I know the Tianzu. What is the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance?" Jiang Chen was very curious, and this was the first time he heard this statement.

"I don't really understand the specific situation. You just need to know that the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance is very powerful. If you kill a Chu Yanwang, maybe the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance will ignore you, but if you continue to make trouble, it will only hurt them." They won't sit idly by." Lin Baobao muttered.

"When my interests were damaged, I didn't see anyone taking care of it." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, don't be so stubborn, okay? I have sacrificed so much for you, why can't you make a small sacrifice for me?" Lin Baobao said in an unceasingly wronged manner, looking like he was about to cry.

"Don't cry, tell me what's going on with your parents." Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"What else could be going on, ever since I knew you were coming to the capital, I had a premonition that something big would happen to you, so I thought of introducing you to my parents as soon as possible, so that I could get acquainted with each other. , I won’t embarrass you for no reason, you are the dog who bit Lu Dongbin, and you don’t know good people.” Lin Baobao said angrily.

Jiang Chen was somewhat dumbfounded, this girl had no confidence in him, and besides, was he the kind of person who liked to stir up trouble?

If others don't provoke him, he will never cause trouble.

However, while he couldn't laugh or cry, Jiang Chen was very moved.

Seeing that Lin Baobao is usually crazy, he did not expect that Lin Baobao has been planning for him from a very early age.

He always refused. In that situation, it was really like what Lin Baobao said, he didn't know good people.

"I will keep this matter in mind." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

He is not a person who is easily moved. What I have to say is that what Lin Baobao did really moved him very much.

If it wasn't for the wrong place, he would definitely rush forward and agree with him.

"What's the use of keeping it in your heart?" Lin Baobao insisted.

"There are some things you don't understand." Jiang Chen could only say this.

On the surface, it seems that he made a fuss about the Zheng family because of his grievances with Zheng Chengze and Zheng Xiangyu and his son, but in fact, this incident was a breakthrough for Jiang Chen.

He wants to use this to make his voice heard in the capital.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to be timid. Furthermore, it is not his style to be timid.

"You really don't want to come with me?" Baobao Lin let go of Jiang Chen, ran to the front of Jiang Chen, looked into Jiang Chen's eyes and said.

"This is not being angry, there are some things that must be done." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then I'll bring Aunt Xuan's supper and wait for you at the hotel. You should go back early." Baobao Lin said.

After saying this, without waiting for Jiang Chen to answer, he ran away with his little butt twisted, opened the door and got into the car.

Over there, the middle-aged man took a deep look at Jiang Chen, the expression in his eyes was full of thought, and when he saw it, he turned around and got into the car.

The car drove away quickly, and Jiang Chen didn't waste any time, striding into the interior of Zheng's house.

Lin Baobao's appearance was quite strange, but when Jiang Chen was taken away by Lin Baobao, many people were greatly relieved.

It's just that Jiang Chen came back so soon, and this appearance made everyone's heart involuntarily rise to their throats.

"There should be no need to say more, right?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Mr. Zheng.

"I've changed my mind." After a long silence, Mr. Zheng said.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Jiang Chen asked interestingly.

"We... terribly..." Mr. Zheng said laboriously and difficultly. After the four short words came out of his mouth, it seemed that in an instant, he had aged by more than ten years.

And as the voice of such words spread, all the members of the Zheng family present were full of sadness.

One person, one family.

How disparate is the power balance?
In the end, it was the Zheng family's side that ended in a disastrous defeat.

The members of the four majestic families in the capital, how brilliant and vigorous, were faced with the tragic situation of falling apart overnight.

That Guo Jing, looking at Jiang Chen, couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The young man a little far away has a calm expression, rather sad or happy.

That is definitely not pretending, because pretending is absolutely impossible.

It's not pretending, it can only explain how strong this young man's heart is, or how terrifying this young man's ambition is.

"This is a freak." Guo Jing said silently in his heart.


The conflict between Jiang Chen and the Zheng family has attracted the attention of countless people since Jiang Chen abolished Zheng Xiangyu in the street.

Afterwards, Zheng Chengze and Chu Yanwang appeared at the Caesars Hotel looking for Jiang Chen's troubles. In the end, Zheng Chengze lost a leg, which attracted more people's attention.

Afterwards, Zheng Chengze held Lan Xiu hostage, and the two sides confronted each other at the gate of the Zheng family's private hospital. Jiang Chen took Lan Xiu away, but he was still unscathed, which aroused amazement and brought the conflict between the two parties to a climax. .

Until, tonight, Jiang Chen single-handedly broke into Zheng's house, and the world was turned upside down, and the conflict was completely detonated!
This is undoubtedly an extremely exciting drama.

Authority, sometimes it is very complicated to explain, and sometimes it is very simple to explain.

There is no doubt that the four major families in the capital, King Zhou, Wu and Zheng, are the authority.

Authority means not to be challenged.

Authority means some kind of potential rule, a rule that cannot be changed or broken.

The conflict between Jiang Chen and the Zheng family, in some people's eyes, is just a personal grievance between the two parties, but at least, as far as the other three families are concerned, it is definitely not the case.

Jiang Chen was challenging the rules, and he succeeded.

This not only shows that the decades-long balance maintained by the four major families in the capital was broken overnight, but also shows that the rules of the game have changed.

What's worse, from all indications, Jiang Chen has never been a guy who abides by the rules of the game.

Such an existence, no one can predict, when he tastes the sweetness of breaking the rules, what incredible things he will do.

This night, for many people, is doomed to be a sleepless night.

Wu family.

It was already very late, and most of the lights inside Wu's house were turned off, but there was one place where the lights were on.

This lighted place is Wu Qinkun's study.

In the study, besides Wu Qinkun, there is another person, Hua Yunfei.

"Master Hua, have you heard about the Zheng family's affairs?" Wu Qinkun looked at Hua Yunfei and asked.

Hua Yunfei nodded.

Wu Qinkun said again: "There are several places, I have thought about it for a long time, but I can't figure it out."

"Let's listen to it." Hua Yunfei said dispensable.

"First, I don't understand how Jiang Chen has the strength to fight against the Zheng family, even Chu Yanwang was killed by him. Second, what is Jiang Chen's purpose for making such a fuss? Isn't it? He deliberately showed us the Wu family, if that is the case, why is his target not my Wu family but the Zheng family? Third, how will Jiang Chen deal with my Wu family next?" Wu Qinkun said in a deep voice.

The situation of the Wu family is not much better than that of the Zheng family. It can even be said that because of the accident between Mr. Wu and Wu Menghua, and the fact that Wu Mengxiong's life and death are unknown, it is much worse than that of the Zheng family.

Wu Qinkun would not naively think that Jiang Chen would let the Wu family go, he could only, as soon as possible, prepare for the worst and prepare for the best.

"Wu Qinkun, it looks like you have a lot of questions about me. How about I answer these three questions myself?" Before Hua Yunfei could speak, he heard a voice coming in.

Hearing that voice, the expressions of Wu Qinkun and Hua Yunfei changed at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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