genius evil

Chapter 563 Don't Anyone Mess With Me

Chapter 563 Don't Anyone Mess With Me

If there was a voice that haunted Hua Yunfei and Wu Qinkun most recently... Oh, no, if it left a deep impression on them, that voice must be Jiang Chen's voice.

The reason why such a situation occurs is not how unique and charming Jiang Chen's voice is, but because Jiang Chen's tone of voice often has a sarcastic aura.

This is also an important factor why Jiang Chen has the attribute of hatred. To put it simply, when hearing Jiang Chen speak, many people will subconsciously tell him to shut up. Take an adhesive tape to seal Jiang Chen's mouth.

What's more, when they saw Jiang Chen's face when he spoke, many people couldn't help but want to give Jiang Chen a meal.

However, people who have this kind of thinking are often smoked by Jiang Chen.

The person who came was none other than Jiang Chen.

The two looked at Jiang Chen, casually pushed open the door of the study, and swaggered in from the outside, as if they were in a deserted place, their expressions were a little fluctuating.

"Jiang Chen, do you know where this place is?" Wu Qinkun stared at Jiang Chen who walked in, his voice unconsciously became a little hurried.

"Isn't this the Wu's house? Did I go to the wrong place?" Jiang Chen looked around with a suspicious look on his face. He remembered that he had come to the Wu's house, and Wu Qinkun was here too, so he couldn't have gone to the wrong place, right?

"You know this is the Wu family, so you dare to come? Who told you to come? What are you doing here?" Wu Qinkun couldn't see Jiang Chen's pretending, and said bitterly.

"It seems that you have a lot of questions tonight. You accidentally gave me three more questions. How about I answer them one by one?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Tell me." Hua Yunfei, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, but he also wanted to hear what Jiang Chen could say.

You know, some words, even though Wu Qinkun said them unconsciously in a hurry, included all the key points.

"Then, should we answer the previous three points first? Or should we answer these three questions first?" Jiang Chen acted quite patiently, as if he was a teacher who came here to give lessons to the students.

"Whatever." Hua Yunfei said lightly.

"This kind of thing can't be done casually." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said with a half-smile: "Otherwise, if you make a mistake at 01:30, it is very likely that someone will die."

As soon as these words came out, neither Hua Yunfei nor Wu Qinkun looked very good.

"You answer the three previous questions first." After thinking for a while, Hua Yunfei said.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, ran over and sat down, regardless of what Hua Yunfei and Wu Qinkun thought of him, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip of tea, and coughed lightly After a few voices, he said, "Pay attention, both of you, and listen carefully."

Hua Yunfei and Wu Qinkun looked at each other involuntarily, this guy is really not polite at all.

"Your first question is, why do I have the strength to fight against the Zheng family and kill Chu Yanwang? This question is too simple and naive. I have already fought against the Zheng family and killed Chu Yanwang." Wang was killed, could it be that this is not enough to prove how powerful I am?" Jiang Chen said a little unhappy.

An easy-to-understand truth is that to judge whether a person is awesome or not is not to listen to him talk, but to watch him do things. Jiang Chen thinks that he has already done such a powerful thing. What?
For such a simple question that couldn't be more simple, Wu Qinkun actually said that he couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time, and Jiang Chen was deeply worried about his IQ.

Seeing Jiang Chen's serious boasting, the corners of Wu Qinkun's mouth twitched, and he almost cursed.

Is Jiang Chen answering his question?

It looks like it's answered, but really, it's all bullshit.

That's right, many people know that Jiang Chen is very powerful, the problem is, the core of his problem is, why is Jiang Chen so powerful!

"What about the second question?" On the surface, Wu Qinkun said calmly, he still has some city power.

"The second question is even simpler. What kind of thing is your Wu family? Is it necessary for me to show you?" Jiang Chen stared.

"Cough...cough cough..." Wu Qinkun coughed after being choked by Jiang Chen.

"Besides, what are you in a hurry for? Didn't I just come over after dealing with the Zheng family's affairs? I won't let you down." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"The third question." Hua Yunfei took the words and let Jiang Chen laugh and scold, not taking it to heart.

"The third question is, why do I dare to come to Wu's house, right? I can go wherever I want in the entire capital, who can stop me? Who dares to provoke me?" Jiang Chen curled his lips in disdain Said with a glance.

Wu Qinkun was stunned for a moment, thinking that the third question is not this.

"As for the fourth question, of course I want to come by myself. For the fifth question, I just came to talk to you two and have a drink of tea. Don't you mean that you don't welcome me?" , Jiang Chen asked.

Wu Qinkun looked at Jiang Chen like he was crazy. He and Hua Yunfei were not crazy, how could they welcome Jiang Chen? Do we need to ask this question?
"Did I say something wrong? In fact, you two welcome me very much?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"You still have one question that you haven't answered." Hua Yunfei reminded.

He could tell that Jiang Chen deliberately avoided a question.

However, that problem, no matter what at the moment, cannot be avoided.

"What question?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"How will you deal with the Wu family?" Hua Yunfei said.

"Did I say to deal with the Wu family?" Jiang Chen was a little confused.

Wu Qinkun almost didn't jump. If this guy didn't want to deal with the Wu family, what would he come to the Wu family in the middle of the night?To show superiority?

"You didn't say that, but you would do that, wouldn't you?" Hua Yunfei asked back.

"You said it like you were a roundworm in my stomach." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said leisurely, "I really don't intend to deal with the Wu family."

"Then what do you want?" Wu Qinkun couldn't help it.

"Didn't you just say, talk and drink tea? Don't tell me you have to force me to deal with the Wu family to be comfortable?" Jiang Chen wondered.

I've seen someone who is cheap, but I've never seen someone who is so cheap. This is a typical uncomfortable feeling if you don't want to die.

"Why?" Hua Yunfei asked indifferently.

"Because..." Jiang Chen chuckled, prolonging his tone intentionally, and said rather ambiguously: "I don't like doing meaningless things, anyway, you don't dare to mess with me, and you tremble with fear when you see me , why should I waste my energy?"

"That's it?" Frowning, Hua Yunfei obviously didn't believe Jiang Chen's words.

After all, Hua Yunfei wouldn't naively think that Jiang Chen came to Wu's house tonight because he was full after eating.

"That's it." Jiang Chen nodded affirmatively, then got up, walked outside, and said as he walked, "The tea is good. If the master's attitude is better, I will come here often in the future."

"Go slowly, don't send it off." Hua Yunfei said expressionlessly.

Jiang Chen really left very quickly, just like he appeared out of nowhere, he also left out of nowhere, making Wu Qinkun extremely confused.

"What exactly does he want?" Wu Qinkun was confused.

If Jiang Chen came here tonight, killing all directions and smoking everyone, he would think it was normal. Jiang Chen's attitude was really too weird.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

"I don't know." Hua Yunfei was thinking about it, and he was also very tangled.

"Then should we do something?" Wu Qinkun asked.

Although Jiang Chen came over tonight and didn't do anything, Wu Qinkun felt that just because Jiang Chen didn't do anything for the time being, it didn't mean that Jiang Chen would never do anything, and it was better to plan ahead.

"In this way, step up our efforts and send more people to inquire about Wu Mengxiong's whereabouts. We must find him in the shortest possible time." Hua Yunfei thought for a while and said.

"I've been thinking about this question, Master Huamen, is there a possibility that Mengxiong is dead?" Wu Qinkun said.

Wu Mengxiong has been missing for a long time, and the Wu family has never given up looking for it.

According to common sense, it is impossible for a living person to evaporate from the world for no reason. Even if he hides intentionally, with the ability of the Wu family, he can still be found.

What's more, Wu Mengxiong has no reason to hide at all, let alone play the trick of disappearing from the world.

In this way, the possibility of being killed is undoubtedly extremely high.

Previously, Wu Qinkun had suspected this, but he didn't tell anyone about it, but what happened to Jiang Chen tonight caused him too much pressure.

Moreover, Wu Qinkun also understood what Hua Yunfei meant when he said that he should seize the time to find Wu Mengxiong, that is to fight for the strength of Yuanzong.

If Wu Mengxiong can return, the strength of the Wu family can undoubtedly be raised to a higher level in a very short period of time, without fear of Jiang Chen's threat and deterrence.

"Live to find out, dead to find out, alive to see people, dead to see corpses." Hua Yunfei said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will give instructions on this matter, and increase the search efforts." Wu Qinkun nodded.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first." Hua Yunfei said.

"Master Huamen, I'll see you off." Wu Qinkun said, Wu Qinkun was still very polite to Hua Yunfei, Mr. Wu fell down, now Hua Yunfei can be said to be the No. Be polite.

Hua Yunfei didn't say much, and walked out of the study, followed by Wu Qinkun, but the two of them had just walked out of the study, and there was a figure running towards them in a hurry.

"Patriarch, Master Huamen, it's not good, something happened in the nursing home!" The man hurried forward when he saw Hua Yunfei and Wu Qinkun, stuttering.

"An accident? What's the matter?" Wu Qinkun was a little stunned, what exactly caused the people below to be so confused.

"It's like this, young master, young master is dead." The man was obviously shocked, and his speech was a little vague.

"Master? Menghua?" Wu Qinkun came to his senses, his face turned pale...

(End of this chapter)

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