genius evil

Chapter 567 Miss you to death

Chapter 567 Miss you to death
The time is around 07:30 in the morning.

Zhou Jinse and Zhou Mingzhu are eating breakfast at the dining table at Zhou's house.

While eating, Zhou Mingzhu blinked suddenly, and asked with a confused face: "Sister, you seem to have eaten eggs?"

Zhou Jinse doesn't eat eggs, never.

The two sisters eat breakfast together, and the tastes are slightly different. When the servant cooks, they often prepare two portions to take care of the two sisters' respective tastes.

Zhou Mingzhu didn't expect that Zhou Jinse actually ate eggs, and took several mouthfuls.

Reminded by Zhou Jinse, Zhou Jinse noticed that the plate in front of him was not toast, but fried eggs.

Xiumei frowned inadvertently, Zhou Jinse put down the knife and fork in his hand, and said, "Mingzhu, I'm full, eat slowly."

While talking, Zhou Jinse got up and walked towards the kitchen.

After a while, Zhou Mingzhu heard the sound of vomiting coming from the kitchen.

"Did I say something wrong?" Zhou Mingzhu muttered.

She felt that if she didn't remind Zhou Jinse, Zhou Jinse would have finished eating the eggs and wouldn't find out that she had eaten the eggs, so she wouldn't run to the kitchen to vomit like now.

"My sister looks a little weird, and I don't know what's wrong." Zhou Mingzhu muttered again.

She could see that Zhou Jinse was a little absent-minded when eating breakfast, otherwise with Zhou Jinse's eating habits, it would be impossible to eat something wrong.

Even if you accidentally eat it wrong, you will immediately spit it out the moment you put it in your mouth.

Zhou Jinse vomited for a long time before coming out of the kitchen. Zhou Mingzhu handed over a glass of milk and said, "Sister, drink some milk."

"I'll just drink water." Zhou Jinse said, picked up the water glass, and took a sip.

"Sister, shouldn't I have told you just now?" Zhou Mingzhu was slightly worried about being blamed by Zhou Jinse.

"It's okay, I'll pay more attention to what I eat next time." Rubbing his eyebrows, Zhou Jinse said helplessly, but he also didn't understand why he was so dazed that he didn't notice after eating the eggs.

You know, the taste of eggs and toast is very different, no matter how dull the taste buds are, it is impossible not to tell the difference.

And she just couldn't tell the difference.

"Sister, are you going to work?" Zhou Mingzhu asked.

Zhou Jinse nodded slightly, and said, "There are a lot of things in the company. You may be busy these days. Take care of yourself."

"I will." Zhou Mingzhu wrinkled her nose and asked hesitantly, "Sister, is the company okay?"

"What could be the matter?" Smiling lightly, she patted Zhou Mingzhu's head. Zhou Jinse left the restaurant and went out with her handbag in a while.

"If the company is fine, why is my sister in a trance?" Zhou Mingzhu muttered to herself, extremely puzzled.


The company where Zhou Jinse works is actually the headquarters building of the Zhou family.

There is no male in the Zhou family's generation, and Zhou Mingzhu is still young, so Zhou Jinse will handle all the matters.

The working hours are at nine o'clock, and Zhou Jinse entered the office before 08:30. As usual, he turned on the computer, read the email, and processed several documents.

At about nine o'clock, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in." Zhou Jinse said.

A well-dressed middle-aged woman came in from the outside, put a document on the table in front of Zhou Jinse, and said, "Mr. Zhou, this is the information you want."

"I see, you go out first." Zhou Jinse nodded.

The middle-aged woman walked out, Zhou Jinse picked up the information and read it.

This is not a piece of commercial information, but something that Zhou Jinse has specially asked people to collect. Regarding the things related to Jiang Chen that happened last night, the requirement is to list them one by one, because even though she heard about it, she also Knowing a general idea, she needs more detailed details.

After reading it quickly, after reading it, and closing the file, Zhou Jinse frowned again subconsciously.

"The Zheng family... the Wu family..."

Zhou Jinse whispered to herself, and finally realized why she was a little dazed today.

Her thoughts were all on what happened last night, or, intentionally or not, all on Jiang Chen.

In a very subtle way, she placed all her bets on Jiang Chen.

She won.

However, it was not as happy as expected.

No one can restrain Jiang Chen, the Zheng family can't, the Wu family can't, and she can't either.

This also means that even if she wins the bet, she still loses.

"Jiang Chen, you're right. Those who are too scheming are destined to be hard to be happy." Zhou Jinse said with a wry smile.


Jiang Chen was a little irritable, a little depressed, and even a little bit impulsive to die.

After finally dealing with the troublesome things around him, he could sleep well, but someone was against him. Before nine o'clock, there was a phone call.

Hearing the life-threatening ringtone of the phone, Jiang Chen had the urge to smash the phone.

"Who?" After touching the mobile phone beside the bed, he picked up the phone in a daze. Jiang Chen's tone was very uncomfortable.

"Jiang Chen, have you eaten gunpowder, are you so angry?" The voice of Lin Baobao came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, it's you, you must be fine, I hung up the phone." Yawning, Jiang Chen said lazily, and was about to hang up the phone while talking.

"Jiang Chen, try hanging up on me if you have the ability? Do you believe that I'll bite you to death?" Lin Baobao yelled.

"Bite it next time, I want to sleep." Jiang Chen yawned again.

"Someone asked me to ask you a question." Lin Baobao said with a whimper.

"Who is so boring?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

"She asked you, when will you return to Yilan City." Lin Baobao continued.

"Well, who told you to ask this question?" Jiang Chen was stunned, and suddenly became much more energetic, and sat up from the head of the bed.

Speaking of which, his trip to the capital was not too short a time.

Because of the endless troubles, big and small, around him, in terms of time, he was forced to delay, and Lan Xiu's time was also delayed.

Speaking of which, it is indeed time to return to Yilan City.

He himself doesn't care, the problem is that Lan Xiu is waiting for him, and Lan Xiu still has to go to work.

"Xiao Tiantian." Lin Baobao said angrily, secretly slandering him, there are too many women around Jiang Chen, and the competitiveness is too great, which directly caused this guy to be very nervous.

"Xiao Tiantian must have missed me, you tell her, I will go back soon." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Xiao Tiantian didn't miss you. If she really missed you, why didn't she call you but call me? She even asked me to tell you that she wanted you to die." Lin Baobao sneered.

"Baby Lin, can you stop talking nonsense?" Two black lines appeared on Jiang Chen's forehead.

"I'm not talking nonsense. That's what Xiao Tiantian said on the phone. If you don't believe me, you can confront her when the time comes." Baobao Lin felt complacent.

"It's fine to confront, Xiao Tiantian is notorious for duplicity, I understand." Jiang Chen said ambiguously.

"You know what a fart." Lin Baobao cursed and hung up the phone.

Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously either, and casually threw the phone aside, and continued to lie down to sleep, when the phone rang again.

"Xiao Tiantian, if you miss me, just give me a call. Next time, don't let Baobao Lin pass on the message. That woman lacks a man in five elements, so be careful of her prying your wall." After touching the phone, Jiang Chen connected it casually. Said cheerfully.

Thinking that Xiao Tiantian is Xiao Tiantian, this is too good at handling a man's mind.

First let Baobao Lin step on him a few times, and then call him personally to coax him and say a few sweet words, in this way, it's no wonder the man doesn't give up.

"Jiang Chen, it's me." An awkward voice came into Jiang Chen's ears.

"Haha, it's Teacher Tang. I also said why I heard a magpie calling outside the window when I got up today. So it's Teacher Tang who wanted to find me." Jiang Chen laughed dryly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You haven't woken up yet, have you?" Tangyue said helplessly. This guy opened his eyes and said nonsense. The smog in the capital is so severe, can he be magpie?
"I got up early. Now, I go to bed early and get up early every day. I am in good health. Moreover, I never take the initiative to attract flowers and grass, and I reject all flowers and plants." Jiang Chen said solemnly, what does that mean? , almost let Tangyue praise him directly, and praised him hard.

Tangyue blushed, organized her words, and said, "It's like this. In two days, the results of the college entrance examination will be released, and I will fill out the college entrance examination application."

"I will definitely appear by your side, Mr. Tang, on time." Jiang Chen said.

"Just don't delay, it's a big deal. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up." Tangyue said seriously.

"Teacher Tang, wait a minute, I have a few words to tell you." Jiang Chen said hastily.

He has been in the capital for so many days, and Tangyue called him for the first time, how could he just hang up?
"Speak, I'll listen." Tangyue had no choice but to say.

"Teacher Tang, I ask you a question, you must answer me seriously... Do you miss me?" Jiang Chen asked in a calm tone, suppressing his voice.

After a while, Jiang Chen didn't hear the answer from the other side. He took the mobile phone and looked in front of him. It turned out that the phone was hung up.

"Teacher Tang, if you don't admit it, it's acquiescing, and if you acquiesce, it means you admit that you miss me." Jiang Chen chuckled, and his whole body was completely refreshed.

Jiang Chen stopped sleeping, took a phone call, said hello to Sister Lan, teased Ding Lingling a few words, and played a little ambiguous with Xu Anqi... It was a joy.

Naturally, what got back was Sister Lan's inexplicable, Ding Lingling swearing at being crazy, and Xu Anqi didn't pay much attention to Jiang Chen, she was too busy.

"It seems that we are really going back to Yilan City as soon as possible. This woman, she didn't fight for three days, and she went to the wall to expose the tiles." Jiang Chen was so angry. If this continues, won't he have no status at all?
After thinking about it, Jiang Chen made another call, this call was to Sun Haoyang: "If you have time, if you have time, come and pick me up by car."

(End of this chapter)

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