genius evil

Chapter 568 1 Pear Blossom Pressing Begonia

Chapter 568
Around eleven o'clock in the morning, Sun Haoyang drove the car and left the hotel with Jiang Chen.

Sun Haoyang's mood was a little uneasy, because Jiang Chen didn't look as high-spirited as he imagined, he seemed quite unhappy.

It is impossible for a person to be unhappy for no reason.

When Jiang Chen was unhappy, looking at the capital, everyone had to weigh it up, what was the reason that caused him to be unhappy.

Sun Haoyang couldn't help but wonder, did someone offend Jiang Chen again, did he have no eyes or was he just impatient?

Could it be that those idiots would be satisfied if Jiang Chen had to overthrow the sky in the capital?
"Jiang Shao, I ordered the servants at home to prepare meals. Come to my house for a meal later?" Sun Haoyang invited.

Sun Haoyang had long thought of inviting Jiang Chen to the Sun's house, but he never had a very suitable opportunity.

Jiang Chen was also a figure in the limelight, all kinds of things happened one after another, no one could figure out what Jiang Chen was thinking every day.

"No time, next time." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Sun Haoyang nodded and stopped talking.

The car went to the nursing home, Jiang Chen saw Tan Lu, and after treating Tan Lu, he left without delaying a second.

However, instead of asking Sun Haoyang to see him off, Qian Fugui drove over to pick him up.

"Haoyang, is Young Master Jiang okay?" Tan Lu asked worriedly.

With the contact with Jiang Chen, Tan Lu became more or less curious about Jiang Chen, and also heard a lot of things about Jiang Chen.

Of course, the more she knew, the more curious Tan Lu was about Jiang Chen, and she also felt that Jiang Chen was more mysterious.

"You can see it too?" Sun Haoyang smiled wryly.

"You didn't ask?" Tan Lu said.

"How to ask?" Spreading his hands, Sun Haoyang was a little innocent.

He has friendship with Jiang Chen, and this friendship is not bad in the eyes of outsiders, but the relationship between them is not equal, Sun Haoyang still has this bit of self-knowledge.

Under this unequal relationship, Sun Haoyang is not naive enough to think that he has the right to intervene in Jiang Chen's private affairs.

"That's right." Tan Lu nodded, and immediately said: "However, there are not many people in the capital who can make Young Master Jiang feel uncomfortable, right?"

"It's not that there are not many, it should be none." Sun Haoyang said.

The Zheng family was directly ruined by Jiang Chen, and the Wu family was severely injured. Jiang Chen taught Wang Mingjie a lesson. The Wang family dare not even fart now, and it was heard that Jiang Chen and sister Zhou Jinse and Zhou Mingzhu had a little friendship.

Counting the four major families in the capital one by one, none of them dared to upset Jiang Chen.

As for other families, they are even more afraid. After all, no one is really tired of living.

If you really want to seek death, wouldn't it be better to hang yourself with a rope?Why are you going to provoke Jiang Chen?
"What could be the reason?" Tan Lu was tangled up, once Tan Lu was tangled up, Sun Haoyang was tangled up together, both of them were frowning.

How could Jiang Chen know that because of his inadvertent behavior, Sun Haoyang and Tan Lu had so many associations.

If he knew, Jiang Chen would definitely not know whether to laugh or cry, he was thinking too much.

He was upset, but it was because he felt a little depressed after making those few phone calls, and it had nothing to do with the capital.

"Jiang Shao, do you have time tonight? I invite you to drink." Qian Fugui said with a smile while driving the car.

But if you look carefully, you will find that this guy smiles extremely reluctantly. It is not an exaggeration to say that smiling is uglier than crying.

"Why are you smiling like this, don't laugh if you can't laugh." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Shao, I'm just nervous, tell me first, I didn't offend you, right?" Qian Fugui asked uneasily.

Just like Sun Haoyang, Qian Fugui also sensed Jiang Chen's displeasure, so he almost took a pen to write the word displeasure on his face.

"Why don't you try to offend me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Qian Fugui's head was shaking like a rattle drum, and he hurriedly said: "Jiang Shao, don't be joking, I'm timid and can't stand being scared."

"Do I look scary?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"Jiang Shao, you are facing the wind from a jade tree, you are suave, and a branch of pear blossom is pressing on a crabapple, how can you be scary?" Qian Fugui said with a forced smile.

"Although your descriptions are all correct, why do I sound so insincere?" Jiang Chen was not happy.

"No, Young Master Jiang, absolutely every word, from the bottom of my heart." Qian Fugui didn't dare to speak out.

too frightening.

This is all about his words.

"Very good, remember to keep it. Besides, drinking at night is fine, you can help me find someone." Jiang Chen said with a light smile, no longer teasing Qian Fugui.

Jiang Chen and Sun Haoyang met to treat Tan Lu, and they called Qian Fugui over to treat those members of the Qian family.

So Jiang Chen seemed very busy, and all the time after that was left to the Qian family.

As far as the Qian family was concerned, Jiang Chen had been regarded as a heavenly being after Jiang Chen's last cure, but after this time, each one of them hardly worshiped Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't really care about this little detail, he could worship him, but he couldn't afford a penny, and he had to work hard for a penny less.

After all, killing people is to make money, and treating diseases is also to make money. Who would tire themselves to death when they are full and have nothing to do?

Maybe there are such people in this world, but Jiang Chen is definitely not.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Qian Fugui and Jiang Chen set off to the bar.

Charming Night Bar.

It was only past eight o'clock, and the inside of the bar was already quite lively.

In a private room, there were three men and six women sitting. On the left and right sides of the three men, each surrounded a woman, which seemed to be embracing left and right.

"Young Master Wang, you haven't been here for a while, have you forgotten us?" A woman with heavy make-up and unusually revealing clothes swayed the arms of a young man and said sweetly.

"No one who forgets will forget you." Wang Shao laughed loudly, and stretched out his hand to wipe the oil.

"Young Master Wang, you are necrotic." The woman twisted her waist, but she didn't dodge at all. On the contrary, she took the initiative to come over to take advantage of Shao Wang.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

At this moment, there were several knocks on the door, and then a bar waiter walked in.

"Who told you to come in, get out." Seeing the waiter come in, a man scolded unceremoniously.

"What are you doing with such a temper?" Wang Shao stretched out his hand to stop him and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Young Master Wang, someone told you to go over and have a drink." The waiter said in a panic, he knew the identities of these people.

"Drinking? Do you know who it is?" Wang Shao smiled.

"The man didn't say anything, but just told Wang Shao to go over." The waiter said.

"You tell that person that if you want to drink, it's better for him to come over by himself. I like polite people." Wang Shao said.

The waiter quickly walked out to report the situation there, and the man who got angry before said: "Young Master Wang, why are you being so polite? I want to see, which guy is so arrogant, dare to let you Go drink."

One is please and the other is let.

If it was a request, this man would not have such a big temper, but what the other party said was let. Although the words were conveyed by the waiter, it was a little more reserved, but it was still full of bossy taste.

How can this make people happy?

"There's no need to spoil your interest because of some insignificant existence." Wang Shao didn't care much on the contrary.

After a while, the waiter appeared again.

"Young Master Wang, over there said, I'll give you a minute, get out... get out." The waiter stammered.

"What?" Frowning suddenly, Wang Shao was surprised that he would get such a response.

"Are you sure you heard it right?" The man had a bad temper, and he almost exploded when he heard this.

"That's what the other party said, and just one sentence." The waiter nodded quickly.

"I order you to go over and tell them to roll over, or you won't be able to walk out of the bar tonight." The man roared angrily.

The waiter was a little flustered, looked at Wang Shao, Wang Shao waved his hand, and said in a mild tone, "Go."

Seeing this, the waiter had no choice but to leave.

"Young Master Wang, have you figured it out? Who would be so courageous?" As soon as the waiter left, the man couldn't wait to ask.

"It's not easy to guess." Wang Shao's complexion was a bit ugly, the other party didn't show up, but the waiter passed the message, so it was difficult to have a clue.

"The other party is so courageous, he must have a strong background, why don't I go and have a look?" the man said.

"Alright." After thinking for a while, Wang Shao nodded.

The man just got up, but before he got out of the box, the waiter appeared again.

"Young Master Wang, you said over there, one minute has passed, let you figure it out." The waiter said with a sad face. There was nothing wrong with him at first, but he was caught in the middle, and there were no people inside and outside.

"Which box is it in? Take me there." The man said.

The waiter looked at Wang Shao again, finally nodded, and took the man away.

Wang Shao, one other person and six women were waiting in the box. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the man appeared in a hurry.

It seemed that he had encountered something terrible. The man's face was as pale as paper, and cold sweat was dripping down his forehead, and the clothes on his body were all soaked with sweat.

"What's going on?" With a bang, Wang Shao stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"'s Jiang Chen." The man tremblingly said.

"It's him." Wang Shao's complexion changed instantly, and he was bloodless.

"He said, tell you, get off... get off." The man said again.

"I'll go see him now." Wang Shao said without any hesitation.

Since the other party was Jiang Chen, even if he didn't want to go there, he couldn't do it... Wang Shao was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, he just ran to the bar to relax, why did Jiang Chen come?Moreover, Jiang Chen also knew that he was in this bar, this must not be a coincidence.

"Young Master Wang, it's... get out... get over there." The man said with a bitter face.

Wang Shao was stunned for a moment. "Get out" doesn't mean to get out, but to make him roll on the ground.

"It's too much to deceive people." Wang Shao was angry. Naturally, he couldn't really roll over, and rushed out of the box with a whole body of anger...

(End of this chapter)

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