genius evil

Chapter 569

Chapter 569
The sound insulation effect of the boxes in Meiye Bar is good, even if the heavy metal music outside is loud, the box is quite quiet.

Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui were drinking wine in the box, Qian Fugui was drinking absent-mindedly, looking sideways at the door of the box from time to time.

"Qian Fugui, you're not fooling me with fake wine, are you?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Jiang Shao, how dare I." Qian Fugui shrank his neck, blushing.

Not to mention fake wine, he didn't dare to use it to deal with Jiang Chen with slightly worse wine.Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen loses his temper and hits him on the head with a wine bottle?Isn't that courting death?

"Otherwise, why do you drink so little?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"Jiang Shao, I'm waiting to see a good show." Qian Fugui said with a smile.

Sure enough, as long as it is a place where Jiang Chen appears, it will never be deserted, just come to the bar for a drink, Jiang Chen can play so many tricks, Qian Fugui admires Jiang Chen all over.

Really good at playing!
It's exciting just thinking about it.

The only regret is that Wang Mingjie's movements are too slow, like a turtle, he wants to burn himself while waiting.

"I hope I won't disappoint you." Jiang Chen also smiled.

Finally, the door of the box was pushed open, and a figure walked in, Wang Mingjie came.

"Jiang Shao." When Wang Mingjie came in, he had a correct attitude, greeted Jiang Chen, and then said to Qian Fugui: "Qian Shao, you are here."

"Hey, isn't this Young Master Wang? Why are you here? If I had known that you were also in this bar, I should have gone to toast you." Qian Fugui said in surprise as if he had discovered a new land.


Wang Mingjie cursed secretly in his heart, he has the desire to spend money and wealth.

What do you mean if you knew he was in the bar, isn't it obvious that you are talking nonsense?

"I was surprised that Young Master Jiang and Young Master Qian came here. No, come here to toast the two of you." On the surface, Wang Mingjie said with a smile on his face.

In this case, it is naturally not to give money, wealth and face.

How could Wang Mingjie look up to Qian Fugui, but Qian Fugui hugged his thighs well, he could only give Jiang Chen some face, and at the same time bring Qian Fugui along with him.

"Young Master Wang, you sounded insincere when you heard this. You said it was a toast, why did you come in empty-handed?" Qian Fugui curled his lips.

"I'll ask someone to prepare the wine." Wang Mingjie said, hating Qian Fugui in his heart.

Before Jiang Chen could say anything, Qian Fugui kept yelling, didn't he just hug a thigh?What's so great about it?
"You are screaming, what are you waiting for?" Qian Fugui didn't care what Wang Mingjie was thinking, and urged him.

It was a rare time when he was so elated, Qian Fugui was so excited, and when he pulled Jiang Chen's tiger skin, he didn't know what it meant to be polite.

Wang Mingjie just opened the door and went out, ordering the waiter to bring the wine.

Soon, the wine was brought over. Wang Mingjie poured three glasses of wine with his own hands, handed one to Jiang Chen, and said, "Young Master Jiang, we don't know each other anymore. Let me toast you."

"How did you come here?" Jiang Chen asked instead of taking the wine glass.

"I drove here by myself. If I drink alcohol later, I have to call a substitute driver." Wang Mingjie's eyes flickered, and he said lightly.

"Young Master Wang, I can't see that you are usually domineering and have traffic awareness. Otherwise, you can call us a substitute driver later?" Qian Fugui said with a smile, constantly stimulating Wang Mingjie.

"No problem." Wang Mingjie smiled slightly, showing great generosity.

"However, you still didn't answer Jiang Shao's words. Jiang Shao asked you how you came to this box from another box." Qian Fugui reminded with a playful smile.

"As soon as I heard that Young Master Jiang was here, I..." Wang Mingjie said.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qian Fugui, who said, "Young Master Wang, don't talk about what you have and what you don't have. To put it simply, you came here, right?"

"That's right." Wang Mingjie was annoyed.

"Jiang Shaoyou told you to come here?" Qian Fugui asked in bewilderment.

"As I said, I didn't know about it before. I think it's not surprising if you don't know?" Wang Mingjie argued hard.

If you really let him roll over, where will he put the face of the majestic young master of the Wang family?
It was true that he was afraid of Jiang Chen, but that did not mean that he could manipulate Jiang Chen at will.

"Jiang Shao, did you hear that? He said he came over." Qian Fugui said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "If a person loses two legs, how would he walk?"

"Some people are more powerful. They can walk with their feet without legs." Qian Fugui was talking nonsense.

"What if you don't even have two hands?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Didn't that turn into a human stick?" Qian Fugui exclaimed, and said with a look of horror: "Who could it be, so cruel, not to mention breaking off people's legs, but also breaking off people's hands?"

Wang Mingjie suddenly trembled.

Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui sang together, but he couldn't tell that these words were meant for him.

"Jiang Shao, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you any longer. You and Qian Shao are happy to drink, and I will pay the bill." Wang Mingjie said immediately.

He would not doubt Jiang Chen's methods.

If Jiang Chen went crazy and turned him into a human stick, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"It's you who pays the bill, otherwise who will pay the bill? It's very obvious, but you have to say it. You're trying to gain attention on purpose. It's a bad idea." Qian Fugui said leisurely.

"I'll go first." Wang Mingjie ignored Qian Fugui lazily, turned around and was about to leave.

"Qian Fugui, you asked just now, who is that cruel? I can tell you now that I am that cruel." Jiang Chen did not stop Wang Mingjie, and said lazily.

Following Jiang Chen's words, Wang Mingjie's two legs were as if nailed to the ground, and he could no longer take half a step.

Jiang Chen's meaning was obvious, he couldn't get out of this box at all.

"Jiang Shao, what are you kidding? I don't know who you are? Be kind to others and convince others with virtue. You are a noble person, a person who has escaped the vulgar interests. You are usually reluctant to trample an ant to death." Qian Fugui said pretendingly.

Then, Qian Fugui said to Wang Mingjie: "Young Master Wang, don't take it seriously. Young Master Jiang is good everywhere, such as being handsome and handsome, such as the heart of a Bodhisattva. The only bad thing is that he likes to joke, but the joke is Just kidding, whoever is serious is a fool."

Wang Mingjie hardly cried.

If he doesn't take it seriously, he's the biggest fool in the world.

This made Wang Mingjie extremely regretful, why would he go to the bar to drink?
There is a lot of good wine in the house. If you want a woman, you can just make a phone call. With his name as the eldest son of the Wang family, there are many women who throw themselves into his arms. Why do you want to come to the bar if you want to die?What is this if it's not a bitch?
The problem is, he has already committed a crime, and it is too late to regret it.


As soon as his knees softened, Wang Mingjie knelt down on the ground, then put his hands on the ground, crawled down, and crawled up on the ground like an earthworm.

"Young Master Wang, what are you doing? Hurry up, let others see you and think you are crazy." Qian Fugui yelled.

"My legs are a bit uncomfortable." Wang Mingjie said with a sad face, climbing faster and faster, and he climbed to the door of the box after a while.

"Young Master Wang, your discomfort is your business. The problem is, others will think that Young Master Jiang and I are uniting to bully you. If that happens, Young Master Jiang will take the blame for you?" Qian Fugui was quite dissatisfied.

"I will explain clearly, and I won't let Young Master Jiang take the blame." Wang Mingjie shook his head and climbed out of the box.

"Young Master Wang, slow down, climb slowly, don't bump into it." Qian Fugui added insult to injury with a loud voice.

"Jiang Shao, my acting skills are not bad, right?" Qian Fugui said when Wang Mingjie disappeared.

"Slightly exaggerated." Jiang Chen smiled.

Not to mention, this guy has the potential to act as a dog's leg, and the four characters of insidious and obscene are brought into full play.

Not to mention that guy Wang Mingjie, whoever it is will be depressed and vomit blood.

"It's the first time, I don't have much experience, but Jiang Shao, if you have such a good thing in the future, you must call me, I like watching theater the most." Qian Fugui said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that Wang Mingjie will settle accounts with you in the future?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Shao, isn't there you here? Even if the sky falls, you will be there to support it." Qian Fugui said.

"A guy who is willing to kneel, you'd better not have any illusions about him." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Huh?" Qian Fugui's expression turned a little ugly.

Jiang Chen was right, that guy Wang Mingjie has already knelt down, how can he be expected to do normal things like normal people?
"Jiang Shao, this Wang Mingjie, you taught me a lesson last time, what's going on this time?" Qian Fugui asked cautiously.

He hadn't asked the reason before. After all, Jiang Chen didn't need a reason to teach someone a lesson. However, he needed it. He had to know how big the grievance between Jiang Chen and Wang Mingjie was, otherwise, if Jiang Chen let go If he did, he would be killed by Wang Mingjie.

"It's nothing, I just want to disgust him." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

A few days ago, after beating Wang Mingjie, Zheng Xiangyu jumped out to bite him like a mad dog. Whether there is any necessary connection between this and Jiang Chen is not clear for the time being, but it definitely won't be an accident.

"Jiang Shao, don't play with me, I thought you two had a deep blood feud." Qian Fugui was about to cry, Jiang Chen was sick, Wang Mingjie was right, what should he do?

"So, I will definitely remember it in the future, there is nothing wrong with pretending to be smart." Jiang Chen smiled, got up and left.

"Young master...Young master..." Qian Fugui chased after him, wanting to cry but not crying.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm going back to Yilan City in these two days." Jiang Chen said casually.

Qian Fugui staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Wang Mingjie was played by Jiang Chen to the point of wanting to die. As for him, after playing with Wang Mingjie, he was immediately torn by Jiang Chen!
Qian Fugui thought silently in his heart that he would definitely not be able to go out during this period of time, at least he had to wait until Jiang Chen came to the capital again, or it would be good to go to Yilan City with Jiang Chen. Thinking about it this way, Qian Fugui's mind became active...

(End of this chapter)

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