genius evil

Chapter 570 Jiang Chen, Thank You

Chapter 570 Jiang Chen, Thank You
At around 11:30 in the morning, Jiang Chen drove the car and just appeared at Lan's house. Inside, a figure ran out, it was Lan Xiu.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you are becoming more and more active now, I like it." After getting off the car, Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"No one is right." Lan Xiu couldn't help laughing.

"Then I'll be serious, um, but it seems that my serious appearance is a bit scary, Xiao Xiuxiu, are you sure?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Stop making trouble, go in quickly, grandpa is waiting for you." Lan Xiu was annoyed and funny.

"What is the old man waiting for me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"My parents are waiting for you too." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a look.

"What are you doing so grandly? Your family is really too polite. I'm thin-skinned, so I'll be embarrassed." Jiang Chen chuckled, turned around and went to the trunk, and took out a few things from it.

"You bought it?" Lan Xiu froze for a moment.

"How can the prospective son-in-law come to the door empty-handed?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

It was not the first time for Jiang Chen to visit Lan Xiu's house. The last time he came, he came empty-handed. But this time, the situation is naturally not different. It can be said that this time, it is the real sense of visiting Lan Xiu's family.

Lan Xiufan blushed slightly, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Anyway, thank you." Lan Xiu said sincerely.

There are a lot of things to say, but when it comes to my mouth, I can't get it out.

Thank you Jiang Chen for coming to the capital.

Thank you Jiang Chen for what he did for her.

Thank you Jiang Chen for caring so much about her family's feelings.

There are many, many more, too many to describe.

She can enjoy Jiang Chen's kindness to her peacefully, but it doesn't mean that she can't see Jiang Chen's kindness to her.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, let's forget about it this time, if it happens again next time, I will get spanked." Jiang Chen smiled, but he couldn't understand Lan Xiu's meaning.

"Don't be afraid." Lan Xiu pursed her lips, stood on tiptoe, kissed Jiang Chen's face, and quickly ran inside.

"My little Xiuxiu is becoming more and more charming." Seeing Lan Xiu's fleeing figure, Jiang Chen was elated, quickened his pace, and followed inside.

Entering Lan's house, a servant came over. Under the leadership of the servant, Jiang Chen entered the living room, and Chen Yun greeted him.

"Jiang Chen, it's good if you come here. Why did you buy so many things? I don't lack anything at home. Don't do this next time." Chen Yun smiled and hurriedly took the things over, signaling the servants to put them away. .

"Auntie, this is my heart." Jiang Chen said politely.

"And you, don't treat yourself as an outsider." Chen Yun said.

Lan Zhengfeng over there greeted him: "Jiang Chen, come over for tea."

"What tea do you want? Dinner is ready." Chen Yun pulled Jiang Chen and walked towards the restaurant, watching Lan Zhengfeng dumbfounded.

After a while, Mr. Lan came down from upstairs.After the servants arranged the meals, a simple family dinner began.

"Jiang Chen, do you have any plans to come to the capital for development?" Old Man Lan asked.

Jiang Chen's trip to the capital started off well, but after all, his foundation is too shallow and his influence is limited. If Jiang Chen has ambitions, coming to the capital is undoubtedly the best choice.

"After a while, come to Beijing to go to university." Jiang Chen replied.

When Jiang Chen said this, no matter whether it was Lan Zhengfeng, Chen Yun or Old Man Lan, they were stunned for a while.

It's not that they don't know Jiang Chen's identity as a high school student, but Jiang Chen's actions are so unbelievable that people often ignore this point subconsciously.

After all, who could associate Jiang Chen's brutal feats with his status as a high school student?

"Okay, it's good to come to Beijing to go to university. There are many schools here, and there are many choices." Chen Yun reacted quickly, applauded, and gave Jiang Chen some food.

"If you really want to come to the capital to go to school, you probably won't have to come here for a meal." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"From now on, you will come here often, you don't have to be polite, just like at home." Chen Yun said, it could be seen that she was very satisfied with Jiang Chen.

"Xiu Xiu, what about you?" Old Man Lan asked Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "My work in Yilan City has just started on the right track."

"Well, about this matter, you should discuss it with Jiang Chen more, and respect Jiang Chen's opinion." Old Man Lan said sternly.

Jiang Chen appeared today as the prospective son-in-law of the Lan family, and this simple home-cooked banquet showed that the Lan family recognized Jiang Chen's identity.

If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog.

If Jiang Chen insisted on letting Lan Xiu be transferred to the capital, Mr. Lan would not stop him.

Similarly, Old Man Lan also knows that if Lan Xiu really comes to the capital, it will not be as simple as a mediocre job, and there will be a slight promotion in terms of position.

It was still a little difficult to do this matter in the past, but now the situation is different, Jiang Chen is in full swing, he can not sell the Lan family's face in all aspects, but he has to sell Jiang Chen's face.

Moreover, the reason why Jiang Chen came to the capital this time was directly related to Lan Xiu. Anyone with a discerning eye knew how much Jiang Chen valued and cared about Lan Xiu.

With such a background, it is not possible for someone to be stupid enough to block Lan Xiu's way. If that happens, it is not as simple as having a lower limit of IQ, but simply not having a brain at all.

But this point also made old man Lan sigh in his heart.

Lan Xiu has worked steadily in the capital, and has been operating for decades, but the achievements she has made are far less than Jiang Chen's gains in a few days.

For decades, Mr. Lan has never seen such a sharp and domineering young man. He ignores the rules, crushes the rules, and cuts a "bloody road" abruptly.

"I will." Lan Xiu said shyly.

Jiang Chen just nodded. He absolutely respects Lan Xiu's opinions. Everyone has their own pursuits and ideas. He will not impose his will on others, especially when the other party is his beloved woman. when.

After eating and drinking tea for a while, Jiang Chen took his leave. At the same time, he made an appointment to pick up Lan Xiu tomorrow, and the two booked a flight back to Yilan City tomorrow.

Lan Xiu sent Jiang Chen out, and said hesitantly, "Jiang Chen, you won't blame me, will you?"

"What's your fault?" Jiang Chen rubbed Lan Xiu's hair.

Lan Xiu had a gentle face and said, "Is it because I didn't come to the capital to accompany you?"

"Yilan City is my hometown, you stay in Yilan City to develop, I agree with both hands." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, what you said is true?" Lan Xiu became happy.

"Of course it's true, it's truer than gold, but, for the sake of my empathy, Xiao Xiuxiu, can you properly express that you will accompany me tonight?" Jiang Chen winked and said.

" way...tomorrow...tomorrow night..." Lan Xiu was a little at a loss for Jiang Chen's teasing, which made Jiang Chen laugh out loud.

In the study room on the second floor, the curtains were drawn in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Standing at this angle, one could just see the interaction between Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu.

"Jiang Chen is very good, but he's just a bit too carefree." Lan Zhengfeng said.

"No one is perfect, so don't be harsh." Old Man Lan didn't agree with Lan Zhengfeng's words, and said, "Everyone has a time when they are young."

Lan Zhengfeng smiled wryly, and said, "Dad, aren't you worried about this? Then what are you worried about?"

After dinner, Jiang Chen left, and Lan Zhengfeng noticed that Old Man Lan seemed to be worried, so he followed him to Old Man Lan's study.

"I'm worried about Xiuxiu." Old Man Lan said.

"Jiang Chen will treat Xiuxiu well." Lan Zhengfeng said in an affirmative tone.

From Lan Zhengfeng's point of view, Jiang Chen's behavior is no exaggeration to say that he became a confidante in a fit of anger. From a man's point of view, he didn't think Lan Xiu could find a better and better man than Jiang Chen. friend.

"Jiang Chen will be kind to Xiuxiu. I have no doubts about it. The only thing is that Jiang Chen himself is too difficult and he is too powerful." Old Man Lan sighed.

"Isn't it good to be strong?" Lan Zhengfeng's face was very strange.

Lan Zhengfeng felt that the strength of Jiang Chen was the strength of the Lan family. The Lan family was aggrieved and struggling to survive. Now that they had such a powerful help, wouldn't it be just what they dreamed of?

"The stronger the ability, the easier it is to be on the cusp of the storm. You have seen everything that happened in Jiang Chen's trip to the capital. You should understand what I'm talking about." Old Man Lan said in a deep voice.

"Are you afraid that Xiuxiu won't be able to bear it?" Lan Zhengfeng said after thinking about it.

"Yes, I'm afraid of this." Old Man Lan sighed, and said slowly: "Xiuxiu and Jiang Chen are together, it is destined that her future life will not be ordinary, and there are many things that you and I can't do anything about. , Is this a good thing or a bad thing for Xiuxiu."

"It's a good thing." Lan Zhengfeng said, "Xiuxiu has confidence in Jiang Chen, why don't we have more confidence in Jiang Chen? Xiuxiu is his woman. Could it be that he can't even protect his own woman?"

Hearing what Lan Zhengfeng said, Old Man Lan couldn't help but laugh, and then the laughter grew louder, and he said, "You're right, but I worry too much, but if that kid Jiang Chen doesn't protect Xiuxiu well, I will But it will trouble him."

Downstairs, after Lan Xiu came back, Chen Yun also took Lan Xiu to talk privately between mother and daughter.

"Xiuxiu, as for a man, he can't be perfect everywhere, he will always have these and other flaws, if Jiang Chen has any flaws, you should be more considerate and tolerant." Chen Yun said.

"Mom, what are you going to say?" Lan Xiu was a little amused, not quite understanding what Chen Yun meant.

"What mom means is that it's not a big problem for a man to be fickle. He will always get bored one day in the future. Moreover, mom can see that Jiang Chen really likes you. If he marries a wife in the future, you will She is his best wife." Chen Yun said cautiously.

"Mom, I understand what you mean, but this is my choice. I know what I'm doing, and I know what I want." Lan Xiu hugged Chen Yun and said with a light smile.

Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who likes to cover up everything. He shows everything openly to others. Likes and dislikes are clear at a glance.

It wasn't the first day she had known Jiang Chen, and she knew exactly what kind of person Jiang Chen was.

If you don't like it, leave early.

If you love her deeply, how can you care?
Just like what Chen Yun said, Jiang Chen really likes her, loves her, for Yu Lanxiu, this is enough, that's all!
(End of this chapter)

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