genius evil

Chapter 571 He is very sensitive

Chapter 571 He is very sensitive
Jiang Chen drove the car and returned to the hotel from Lan's house. While driving, he was humming a song. He was in an unprecedentedly good mood.

From Lan's house to Caesar Hotel, there is a large leisure square in the middle of the road. On the square, there are people coming and going in normal times, and it is very lively.

Today, of course, is no exception.

Around the square, the roads extend in all directions. It is not the first time Jiang Chen has driven by here, but he has never noticed anything, but today, when Jiang Chen drove by, a figure unintentionally distracted Jiang Chen's attention. To attract the past.

By the fountain in the square, a woman squatted there, holding corn in her hand, and feeding pigeons.

This is a very common scene, because every day, there will be many people feeding pigeons in the square.

The slight difference is that the woman is barefoot.

It can be said that Jiang Chen's gaze first noticed the woman's bare feet, and then he realized that this woman was very different.

Her biggest difference is that she is clearly in the middle of the crowd and surrounded by people, but she easily gives people a feeling that she is incompatible with all the people around her.

This kind of incompatibility is definitely not because her barefoot behavior is too unusual, but because there is a rather inexplicable aura about her.

That kind of breath made her look like a green lotus in the water.

She is Qinglian, and all the people around her are automatically reduced to green leaves. No matter how many green leaves, no matter how they are set off, the first thing people see at a glance is always the green lotus.

To Jiang Chen, this was naturally a rather weird visual experience, and it was hard not to attract Jiang Chen's attention.

Although temporarily unable to see the woman's face, Jiang Chen still stopped the car on the side of the road, got off and walked over.

Jiang Chen had a strong desire to see what this woman looked like. There was no particular reason, he just wanted to see, that's all.

As Jiang Chen approached step by step, perhaps he sensed something. Suddenly, the woman turned around.

Accompanied by the woman's turning around, what Jiang Chen felt was definitely not surprise, but horror.

It was an extremely mediocre face, with a slightly sallow complexion, giving people a feeling of malnutrition, sunken cheeks, so it appeared that the cheekbones were high, and the nose was sunken, as if it had been punched by someone.

No matter how much he considers himself moral and doesn't judge people by their appearance, when they see such a face, it's hard for them to say that it's a good-looking face against their will.

It is said that there are no ugly women in this world, only lazy ones.

But Jiang Chen can almost say with certainty that no matter how this woman dresses up or makes up, she is always just an ugly woman.

"It's a pity." After a glance, Jiang Chen said in his heart.

It is undoubtedly extremely weird that a woman with such a peculiar temperament has such a horrible face.

If this woman could see any of the features on her face, Jiang Chen would not have such strong regret.

After all, if he hadn't seen such a face, any man who saw a woman's back would be doomed to be fascinated.

After just a glance, Jiang Chen just looked away.

He got out of the car and came over just to see what this woman looked like. He had already seen it, so he didn't need to look any further.

"Are you looking at me?" The woman kept looking at Jiang Chen, walked over slowly, and asked curiously.

"I'm watching you feed the pigeons." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Am I ugly?" the woman said shyly.

"Has anyone said such a thing? If so, that person must be blind." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I think you're the one who is blind." Covering her mouth, the woman pursed her lips and chuckled lightly. The smile was subtle, but also very happy. At the same time, the smile was unavoidably ugly.

If you say that when you see this woman's face at first glance, she is so ugly that people don't want to take a second look.

Then, when this woman smiled ugly, it was inexplicable and unbearable.

"I'm already used to it." After laughing for a while, the woman said softly.

"What are you used to?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm used to it. Everyone looks at me with two different eyes." The woman's voice became softer.

"This is actually a very interesting thing." Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said: "At least, you can see clearly what kind of person the other party is in the shortest possible time. You don't have to waste your time trying to figure it out." The other party's mind."

"What about you? Can you tell me what kind of person you are?" The woman blinked.

"Of course I'm a good person." Jiang Chen blurted out without thinking.

"It's been a long time, and it's the first time I've talked so much with a stranger. I can see that although you don't like me, you don't discriminate against me or pity me. You just feel sorry, right? ?” asked the woman.

"You're absolutely right." Jiang Chen didn't deny it, and he didn't want to deny anything.

"Are you regretting that I am too ugly, or regretting that I am not what you want to see?" The woman asked again.

"I originally thought that today's weather is good, it is very suitable for a relationship." Jiang Chen laughed.

"I'm sorry, I ruined the beauty in your heart. The woman you want to fall in love with is a very beautiful woman." The woman said guiltily.

"If I want to deny it, you must think I'm not sincere. If I want to admit it, I'm afraid it will hurt you." Jiang Chen said in a dilemma.

Human beings are visual animals. The first thing you see is beautiful, and you will yearn for it and pursue it.

The real life is already so busy, who has the time to go bit by bit, peel off the coat, and explore whether the other party's inner world is beautiful?
"You said, you are a good person, you are really a good person." The woman was silent for a while, then said, then turned around, squatted there, and continued to feed the pigeons.

"Why do you have the feeling of being issued a good person card?" Jiang Chen touched his nose, smiled wryly, and turned to leave.

However, after only two steps, something attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

It was also a woman.

Not an ugly woman, but a rather beautiful woman.

Although she is beautiful, she is not to the point of overwhelming the country, at best she is amazing, but with the comparison of the ugly woman first, after this woman came into Jiang Chen's sight, it was like a dose of cool air, making Jiang Chen Chen's whole body and mind became more comfortable.

"Miss, hello." Jiang Chen walked over, and he decided to give himself a reward, that is, look at this beauty a few more times, and wash his eyes.

"I don't know you." The beauty said vigilantly.

"My name is Jiang Chen, look, I know you now." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Is this how you always strike up a conversation with a girl? Haven't you ever thought that the other party might not want to know your name?" the beauty said indifferently.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen asked as if he didn't hear the beauty's words.

"Sorry, I won't tell you my name, and there's no need for that." The beauty shook her head.

"Miss, you are so unfeeling. I just thought that a beauty like you must have a nice name." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"A low-level way to strike up a conversation." The beauty showed no interest in Jiang Chen, and turned her head away.

"Miss, if you like advanced methods, I can completely satisfy you. For example, I met you before, on a night intoxicated by the spring breeze. That night, you drank too much wine and walked on the street... "Jiang Chen laughed strangely.

"And then?" I don't know if I was interested in Jiang Chen's story, or if I want to hear what Jiang Chen is going to say, the beauty turned her head, looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Then, you met me who also drank too much, the two of us sat in a small park and started talking about life." Jiang Chen continued, speaking unhurriedly.

"I thought you would say, what happened to me and you." The beauty sneered.

"Don't worry, isn't this finished? Of course, although what happened that night left a deep impression on me, I won't make you responsible for me." Jiang Chen said.

"Is it over now?" the beauty was indifferent.

A story, no matter how beautifully it is made up, is always made up.

What's more, the story Jiang Chen made up was entirely for the sake of making up stories, and it was not touching at all. Even if it was used to deceive a three-year-old girl, it might not be able to deceive.

A three-year-old girl can't be fooled, let alone her?

"Having said so much, I just want to tell you that the two of us are destined. I have a hunch that we will meet again soon." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Maybe." The beauty was noncommittal.

"See you next time, it must be different from this meeting." Jiang Chen said again.

"Even if we see you next time, I won't recognize who you are." The beauty said, she seemed to have completely lost interest, and walked away.

"Beauty, don't talk too much, or you will regret it." Jiang Chen said loudly, walked towards the car parking place, and drove away.

"Did he see something?"

"Not really."

"Then why is he so strange?"

"He is a strange person, isn't he? What a sensitive man."

"Yes, he is sensitive."


In the square, by the fountain, there are adults with children, boys with girls, and two women. Being in this crowd, it is very different.

Two women, one shockingly ugly, the other dazzlingly beautiful.

But the ugly and the beautiful, the two seemingly unfamiliar women stood together, talking in a low voice. The object they were talking about was none other than Jiang Chen.

Hearing the beauty say that he is very sensitive, the ugly woman laughed. This smile actually had the meaning of fascinating all sentient beings. A few people nearby wiped their eyes subconsciously, wondering if she was hallucinating.

"If I had known earlier, he is so interesting, I should have met him long ago." The ugly woman said.

"Miss, you have a high opinion of Jiang Chen." The beauty asked in surprise.

"He deserves such an evaluation." The ugly woman chuckled and said, "It's rare to see a man who is smart but not pretending to be smart. Just wait for the next time you meet him."

"Miss, what about you?" After thinking for a while, the beauty said.

"He doesn't like me, what he likes is yours." The ugly girl said lightly, and continued to feed the pigeons...

(End of this chapter)

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