genius evil

Chapter 572 Finding the area of ​​psychological shadow

Chapter 572 Finding the area of ​​psychological shadow

In the afternoon, a flight from Beijing to Tiannan City passed through the clouds and finally landed slowly at Tiannan International Airport.

Following the crowded flow of people, a man and a woman walked out slowly, holding hands.

This man and woman behaved intimately, no different from many boys and girls in love.

If we talk about the only difference, it might be that the man is too handsome and the woman is a little too glamorous. This journey has attracted some people's attention.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, how about we stay in Tiannan City for one night tonight?" While walking, the man asked with a smile, it was Jiang Chen.

"I've been delayed for a few days, and there are a lot of things to deal with." Lan Xiu didn't know what to think of, her pink face was slightly flushed, and she said embarrassingly.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you are busy with work, I can completely understand, why are you blushing?" Jiang Chen teased deliberately pretending to understand nothing.

Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a helpless look. The reason why she blushed was because she remembered the crazy night she had spent with Jiang Chen last time when she came to pick up the plane in Tiannan City.

Jiang Chen was kind, he clearly understood why she was blushing, but he always pretended to be stupid on purpose.

"Jiang Chen, are you going back to Yilan City with me, or staying in Tiannan City for a few days?" After thinking about it, Lan Xiu asked.

The only thing she has to be busy with is work, and Jiang Chen has too many things to be busy with.

During the period of staying in the capital, needless to say, the troubles caused, Tiannan City was once turned upside down.

Of course, the most important thing is the issue of women.

People say that the golden house hides the beauty and the like, but Jiang Chen finds a different way. In every city he has been to, there is one or several women in every city.

On this issue, although Lan Xiu is not jealous or angry, it is impossible for her to say that she has no grudges in her heart.

"You're not in Tiannan City, what's the point of me staying here alone?" Jiang Chen responded wittily.

How stupid must he be to let Lan Xiu go back to Yilan City alone?

Even if he really has something to deal with in Tiannan City, at least he has to send Lan Xiu back to Yilan City himself, right?
As an understanding man, Jiang Chen would not allow himself to make mistakes in these small details.

Hearing Jiang Chenmo's words, Lan Xiu's mood brightened suddenly, and she said with a charming smile, "You said this, I didn't force you."

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you are so arrogant." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

The two chatted casually, and soon walked out of the station building.

When Jiang Chen went to the capital, he drove from Yilan City to Tiannan City. His car was parked in the parking lot of the airport. At this time, he took Lan Xiu and walked towards the parking lot.

After walking a few steps, he saw a few figures not far away, chasing a person, and rushed over quickly.




While chasing, the person chasing behind shouted loudly, signaling the person being chased to stop.

Among them, a woman in black yelled loudly.

Naturally, the object being chased cannot really stop.

It’s okay if you don’t call drink, but when you call drink, you run faster, just like the rabbit, and the one that runs is called fast.

"I order you to stop, or I will shoot." Seeing the situation, the woman in black raised her voice again, and her voice was stern.

"Girl in red, I stopped, can you let me go?" Jiang Chen stopped, raised his hand, and asked with a playful smile.

"Jiang Chen, why is it you?"

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?"


As soon as Jiang Chen spoke, those people all discovered Jiang Chen's existence, and they were all pleasantly surprised.

These people are exactly the group of people in the ground group, including Meng Xin Qiaoyan and Lu Li.

Mei Hongyi was also among them, and the woman in black who yelled the loudest was Mei Hongyi.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, hurry up and chase him." Mei Hongyi didn't have so many surprises, so she urged impatiently.

"What did that guy do, you guys are chasing him like this? How big is his psychological shadow?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Jiang Chen, you have the skills to talk nonsense, why don't you hurry up and help?" Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Girl in red, it's your fault for saying that. I just got off the plane, and I was so exhausted that I didn't even have time to drink my saliva." Jiang Chen became dissatisfied.

"Then shut up." Mei Hongyi ignored Jiang Chen lazily, glanced at Lan Xiu who was standing beside Jiang Chen, and beckoned Meng Xin and the others to continue chasing.

"What's going on?" Jiang Chen shouted from behind as he watched the four of them go away.

No one answered his question, and after a few people chased after him, they disappeared soon.

"Their speed is so fast." Lan Xiu exclaimed.

Not only is the person running away fast, but the person chasing him is also fast. Lan Xiu made a rough calculation in her heart. With this speed, if she goes to the Olympics, no matter if she is the sprint champion or the robe champion, there will be no one else. .

"These people belong to rabbits, can you be unhappy?" Jiang Chen smiled, and led Lan Xiu to the side of the car. The gentleman opened the door to let Lan Xiu get into the car.

After Lan Xiu got into the car, Jiang Chen closed the car door and was about to go around to the driving position, but before he moved, there was a vicious voice coming from behind him.

"Boy, do you know people from the Earth Group?" the vicious voice asked.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Boy, do you think I'm an idiot? I clearly heard you greet them?" The voice became even more vicious.

"You said everything and you heard it, but you still ask the question knowingly, what is it if you are not an idiot?" Jiang Chen became upset.

"Boy, you are so brave, you still dare to scold me, I swear, you will become an idiot soon." The voice said, rushed over, and reached out to pull the back door of the car.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy like he was crazy.

"Open the door, I want to get in the car." The man said naturally.

"I said, have you lost your mind?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Boy, you are the one who got into the water. Didn't you hear me when I asked you to open the door? Believe it or not, I killed you?" That man became angry from embarrassment?
He was chased all the way by the people from the ground group, and seeing that there was no way to go, he happened to see Jiang Chen greet the people from the ground group, so he made a plan, made a big circle, and threw the people from the ground group away, Ran to Jiang Chen's side.

In this way, if Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu were taken as hostages, he would not believe it. What can the people from the ground group do to him?
Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, but if you want to blame it, you can blame Jiang Chen for being unlucky.

As for whether Jiang Chen would be obedient, this person didn't care at all. If Jiang Chen dared to be disobedient, he would kill Jiang Chen.

"Come on, kill me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Boy, you--" This person is a little bit unwell.

"Idiot, I told you to kill me, you are deaf." Jiang Chen urged.

"Looking for death." The man was furious, and rushed towards Jiang Chen with a stride. He clenched his fist and threw it at Jiang Chen's nose.


A muffled sound came out, and the man staggered, and uncontrollably stepped back a few steps, nosebleeds flew everywhere, and he was completely dumbfounded.

He wanted to punch Jiang Chen's nose, and the shot was not bad, but he didn't even touch Jiang Chen's side, Jiang Chen just punched him on the nose.

"I'll kill you." This man was a little crazy, and rushed towards Jiang Chen again.


Jiang Chen was so lazy to watch, he just kicked this person like a cannonball, flew out, and hit the ground heavily, the pain was so painful that he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"What a poor fellow."

"Yeah, too bad luck."

"Actually looking for trouble with Jiang Chen, don't you think you didn't die fast enough?"


Meng Xin and the others circled around in a big circle, and finally chased after them. As soon as they came, they saw the scene of that guy being kicked away by Jiang Chen.

The picture was so beautiful that they couldn't bear to look at it any more.

It is estimated that the most unlucky guy this year is none other than this guy.

After all, at this airport, there were so many people coming and going, this guy didn't bother anyone, but came here to trouble Jiang Chen. What's the difference between this and suicide?
Mei Hongyi didn't say anything else, took out the handcuffs and handcuffs, handcuffed the unlucky guy, and waved her hand, Qiao Yan and Lu Li quickly lifted the guy up and walked away.

Meng Xin followed and left. Mei Hongyi glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Go back to Yilan City, take me for a ride."

"Can I refuse?" Jiang Chen smiled and got into the car.

Mei Hongyi didn't think Jiang Chen could refuse, so she got into the car, and soon, the car left the airport, along the airport expressway, heading towards Yilan City.

"That guy, he did something wrong." After the car drove for a while, Mei Hongyi said.

"I see." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

It wasn't the first time he saw Mei Hongyi and the others behave like this. Last time in Yilan City, a group of people chased a perverted man in red, which was much more exciting than this time.

"Jiangnan Province has not been peaceful recently." Mei Hongyi said again.

"Is it related to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not your problem." Mei Hongyi smiled, then suddenly glanced at Lan Xiu again, and said, "The ancient martial arts alliance conference held every ten years will be held soon, you know about it, right?"

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen shook his head.

He has never heard of it, and he has no interest, because he is not a practitioner of ancient martial arts at all, he is a person of cultivation, and he is lazy to care about the affairs of the ancient martial arts world.

"Every time it comes to this time, there are demons dancing around the country, and all kinds of bad incidents happen one after another, which is very headache." Mei Hongyi sighed.

Finally, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Mei Hongyi went on to say: "You are also a practitioner of ancient martial arts, don't think that you can be alone, if you don't make trouble for others, they will always make trouble for you. Moreover, you still have to participate For the ancient martial arts alliance conference, just what you are doing now, your troubles will be much more and bigger than ordinary people."

"Girl in red, can you speak truthfully? Who have I provoked?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Are you afraid?" Mei Hongyi jokingly said with a sidelong glance at Jiang Chen.

"As for me, I usually just make money and pick up girls, and I'm not interested in things like fighting and killing," Jiang Chen said.

"What if someone doesn't let you make money or pick up girls?" Mei Hongyi asked.

"Will there be such a person?" Jiang Chen asked back.

Hearing this, Mei Hongyi smiled, not because there is no such person, but because of Jiang Chen's temper, he would not allow such a person to appear...

(End of this chapter)

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