genius evil

Chapter 573 I'm Really Not Angry

Chapter 573 I'm Really Not Angry

The speed is very fast, after exiting the toll booth, head directly towards the downtown area of ​​Yilan City.

Not long after the car arrived in Yilan City, Mei Hongyi got out of the car early, while Jiang Chen continued to drive, sending Lan Xiu to Jingyuan Villa.

And soon, Jiang Chen understood what an unforgivable mistake it was to bring Mei Hongyi back to Yilan City this time.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I'm about to starve to death, tell me, should I eat first, or eat you first?" Jiang Chen asked ambiguously.

"Let's eat first." Lan Xiu smiled slightly.

"It's better to eat first. Only when you are full will you have the energy to eat you." Jiang Chen was a little overjoyed, but Lan Xiu was considerate and knew that he was hungry, so he let him eat first.

If it's Tang Tian's woman, it doesn't matter whether he is hungry or not, let's talk about it first.

The car arrived at Jingyuan Villa but didn't drive in. Lan Xiu just signaled Jiang Chen to stop.

"Jiang Chen, I'll get off here." Lan Xiu said.

"Little Xiuxiu, we can actually drive the car in." Jiang Chen reminded.

It takes a few minutes to get off from the gate and walk in.

A moment of Spring Festival Night is worth a thousand gold, not to mention a few minutes, even a minute, it cannot be wasted.

"Aren't you hungry? Hurry up and eat." Lan Xiu urged.

"Little Xiuxiu, why don't I quite understand what you mean?" Jiang Chen was confused for a moment.

What do you mean he should go to eat quickly, shouldn't the two of them go to eat together?
Besides, what Lan Xiu meant was to ask him to go out to eat?
But is eating the point?

The focus is on the entertainment between the two after the meal.

If you really go out to eat, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth, so is there still a need for this meal?

Lan Xiu is a smart woman, so it is impossible for her to make such a mistake, unless Lan Xiu did it on purpose, inexplicably, and Jiang Chen had a bad premonition.

"I'm just going to eat, I'm not hungry yet." Lan Xiu smiled coquettishly, fascinated more than her life.

"Well, I'd rather not eat." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face, even if he was an idiot, he was aware that something was wrong.

"No, you have to eat when you're hungry, otherwise it's bad if you're starving. Go and eat quickly, don't worry, I'm not angry." Lan Xiu gently persuaded with a strong smile on her face.

Jiang Chen almost burst into tears.

Looking at Lan Xiu's appearance, I almost had the four characters "I'm very angry" written on her face. If this is not considered anger, what is anger?
"Damn it." Jiang Chen was a little bit crazy, no wonder Lan Xiu was exceptionally quiet along the way, he dared to hold back his big move, just waiting for a fatal move.

"Little Xiuxiu, of course I can see that you are not angry, but what you don't know is that I was joking just now, I am not hungry at all." On the surface, Jiang Chen said quite brazenly.

"You're hungry." Lan Xiu said seriously.

"I'm really not hungry." Jiang Chen begged for mercy.

"Jiang Chen, don't make trouble, you are really hungry, I have already seen this, go eat quickly, also, this car has been in the parking lot for a while, it is a bit dirty, you can eat it before you eat Let's wash the car." Lan Xiu said.

"Any other orders?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

"You should have a lot of things to deal with. If it's inconvenient, you can stop coming to my place for a few days, and let's talk about it after finishing things." Lan Xiu thought for a while and said.

"When did I have so many things to deal with?" Jiang Chen was furious.

"You've always been very busy." Lan Xiu said with a smile.

"Really not." Seeing Lan Xiu laughing like this, a little cold sweat broke out on Jiang Chen's back.

"Jiang Chen, don't pay attention to me, I'm not the kind of woman who makes trouble without reason, and besides, I'm really not angry." Lan Xiu said, turned around and left.

Seeing Lan Xiu walk away, Jiang Chen didn't stop him, and it didn't matter if he didn't stop him.

Undoubtedly, with these few words, Lan Xiu brought her duplicity style to the extreme as a woman.

There are no traces of anger and calculation everywhere, and there are cautious and petty emotions everywhere. This smart woman, she doesn't do it easily, but once she does it, even a man like Jiang Chen will do it every minute. I can't stand it.

"Girl in red, you said that there will be people who won't let me pick up girls, why do I feel that the person you mentioned is yourself?" Jiang Chen thought depressingly in his heart.

After all, Jiang Chen didn't follow. When Lan Xiu disappeared, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Mei Hongyi. Mei Hongyi didn't know if he had expected this to happen, so the mobile phone was turned off.

"Girl in red, you won't let me pick up girls, and you won't let me pick up on you, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen felt like dropping his phone.

There was no other way, Jiang Chen had no choice but to drive away. For Lan Xiu's side, let her calm down before talking, otherwise the pressure will be too tight, which may have the opposite effect.

Driving on the road, the time was around five in the afternoon, which was the rush hour for getting off work. The car was driving at a slow speed, one red light intersection after another, waiting for Jiang Chen to be upset.

After the green light was finally turned on, the taxis and private cars next to them were scrambling for the road, which made Jiang Chen very upset.

At another intersection with traffic lights, Jiang Chen's car stopped firmly at the very front, and just as the car stepped on the brakes, the horn of a taxi behind him rang with a soul-stirring sound.

Jiang Chen glanced at the red light in front of him, it was an intersection, the red light lasted for [-] seconds, and when he heard the taxi honking his horn, Jiang Chen suddenly became unhappy.

This is when he is easy to bully, and anyone can bully him?
Pressing the handbrake, Jiang Chen opened the door and got out of the car.

"Bang bang... bang bang..." Jiang Chen knocked hard on the window glass of the taxi.

The taxi driver didn't know if it was too hot or he was in a hurry. After the window glass was lowered, his face was covered with sweat.

"How about you fly over?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

" did it fly over?" the driver said awkwardly.

"Can't you fly over? I thought you could fly out." Jiang Chen's tone became more friendly.

"Boy, what are you doing with all this nonsense? Didn't you just honk the horn twice? I asked him to honk it. If you are upset, come at me." This time, before the driver could speak, a driver sitting in the back row The passenger said loudly, he squinted at Jiang Chen with a domineering expression.

"Are you serious?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Why, if you're afraid, get away if you're afraid. Don't think that if you drive a good car, you can be fooled in front of me. If you offend me, I'll kill you." The passenger was very arrogant.


Jiang Chen clenched his fist and smashed it on the rear glass. The glass shattered with a sound. Jiang Chen grabbed it with his big hand, like an eagle grabbing a chicken, and grabbed the passenger out of the car.

"Kill me? How do you do it?" Jiang Chen was still smiling, no matter who he was, he couldn't hear the slightest smoke and fire in his words.

No way, Jiang Chen is such a man who likes to reason.

Only when others are unreasonable will he become unreasonable than anyone else.

It just so happened that this arrogant guy was unlucky enough, he successfully angered Jiang Chen.

"Let go, you let me go." The passenger was terrified and struggled.

"I'm asking you, how are you going to kill me?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Looking for death." The passenger's face was ashen, and he took out a dagger from his pocket with his backhand, and stabbed towards Jiang Chen's chest.

"Well, you guy, you shouldn't be a desperado, right?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised, he threw the man on the ground like he was throwing trash, and stepped on it with his big feet.

There was a crisp click sound, and the passenger's right hand holding the dagger snapped off.

"The police? Call the police...I want to call the police..." But at this moment, the driver's panicked voice came next to Jiang Chen's ear.

"Brother, it's just a joke. There's no need to alert the police, right?" Jiang Chen was an innocent man. What's the matter? Could it be that he couldn't resist?
"Sir, listen to me. That man is a fugitive. He threatened me. I'm going to call the police to arrest him." The driver said stammeringly, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Hearing what the driver said, Jiang Chen was immediately happy.

The police car appeared very quickly, and two policemen rushed out of the car with big strides. One of the female policemen, with a quick and neat movement, grabbed the handcuffs and handcuffed the unlucky guy.

"Little girl, when did your police become so efficient?" Jiang Chen was amazed.That policewoman is none other than Ding Lingling.

"Call me Police Officer Ding." Ding Lingling said with a pretty face.

"Little girl, do you have a fever, what nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Chen reached out to touch Ding Lingling's forehead.

Ding Lingling dodged sideways, and said indifferently: "What are you going to do? Assault the police?"

"Yes, I want to assault the police." Jiang Chen smiled, and touched Ding Lingling's forehead with his big hand impartially.

"Hey, I don't have a fever." Jiang Chen wondered to himself.

"How brave, you dare to attack the police in broad daylight." Ding Lingling raised her voice suddenly, took out a pair of handcuffs, and handcuffed them to Jiang Chen's right hand.

"It's not a fever, it's a nervousness?" Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling in a daze.


The handcuffs were accurately placed on Jiang Chen's right hand. Ding Lingling pulled it hard, and said, "I don't care if you have a fever or are insane, go to the police station and talk about it."

"How about I treat you to dinner later?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Assaulting the police and molesting the police is a crime." Ding Lingling said loudly.

"Or you can invite me to dinner." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said again.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go." Ding Lingling scolded.

"Wait first, I'll take down the phone." Jiang Chen smiled, and suddenly picked up Ding Lingling, walked to the car parking place, opened the door without saying a word, and stuffed Ding Lingling into his arms. went in.

"Didn't you take your mobile phone?" Ding Lingling's little face was a little uneasy.

"Yeah, I took my cell phone, but I thought about it. Your police car is too broken, and the air conditioner probably doesn't work well, so I'd better drive to the police station and surrender myself." Jiang Chen said with a smile, starting the car, really All the way, towards the direction of the police station.

"If you are sensible, be honest, otherwise you will suffer a lot." Ding Lingling said sternly, as she spoke, there was clearly a smile between her brows and eyes, which could not be concealed...

(End of this chapter)

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