genius evil

Chapter 574 Are you an idiot?

Chapter 574 Are you an idiot?

On the police station side, Jiang Chen was quite familiar with the road, quite skillful, and drove the car into the police station compound as if following his own door.

As soon as this Land Rover Range Rover entered the door, it attracted the attention and attention of many people.

There is no way, in this sub-bureau, there may be people who don't know the license plate numbers of the mayor and the director, but they definitely don't know the license plate number of Jiang Chen's car.

Even the policemen who have just been admitted or transferred in, they will be informed about Jiang Chen immediately under the guidance of the old man.

Among them, the car Jiang Chen drove was listed as the focus of attention, lest the new policeman accidentally offend Jiang Chen without knowing it.

Although it is said that those who do not know are not guilty, but the biggest problem is that the other party is Jiang Chen, so he has to be more cautious.

"Why is Jiang Chen here?"

"Did Jiang Chen come to find Officer Ding?"


Many people began to discuss in private.

They all knew that there was friendship between Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling, to be precise, there was a rather ambiguous relationship, although no one knew exactly how ambiguous the two were.

However, if someone hadn't blindly caught Jiang Chen in, then Jiang Chen would only come to the police station to look for Ding Lingling, wouldn't he?
"How are you all?" Jiang Chen got out of the car, waved his arms, and greeted everyone carelessly.

"Jiang Shao, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Yes, Young Master Jiang, you are a busy person."


Seeing this, many police officers laughed.

But laughing and laughing, soon, none of them could laugh anymore, because they saw that when Jiang Chen waved his arms, the wrists were clearly in handcuffs.

The handcuffs are very strange, because only one hand is worn, which is not very obvious, so these people didn't notice it at the first time.

"Jiang Shao, what's wrong with you?" A policeman immediately asked, but his face was obviously a little awkward.

"What else can I do, I have committed a crime." Ding Lingling got out of the car, rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, can you stop being jealous?"

"Is there something wrong with me?" Jiang Chen said aggrievedly, he was just saying hello to this group of old friends, so why did he get upset.

"Be honest." Ding Lingling didn't show face, grabbed Jiang Chen's two hands, closed them, and with a click, the handcuffs cuffed both hands together, and now it's all done.

"Officer Ding, what did Young Master Jiang do?"

"Lingling, is there any misunderstanding?"


Someone was about to break out in a cold sweat, what was going on, this aunt didn't go on a proper date with Jiang Chen, what was going on if Jiang Chen was brought to the police station?

Moreover, committing a crime?
What happened?
Why didn't they receive any news in advance?
Besides, even if Jiang Chen really committed a crime, Ding Lingling didn't need to kill her lover so righteously, right?They don't need Ding Lingling's righteousness at all.

"Yes, is there a misunderstanding? I am a law-abiding three-hearted citizen, the kind who has won the award for bravery." Jiang Chen said with an innocent face.

"There is nothing to be misunderstood. A crime is a crime. Don't think that I know you well, so I will forgive you." Ding Lingling asked seriously.

"Officer Ding, can you tell me what happened to Young Master Jiang?" A policeman asked worriedly.

God knows whether Jiang Chen committed a crime or not. Ding Lingling can mess around with Jiang Chen, but they can't, otherwise Jiang Chen would have overturned the entire police station.

"I can't say, I'm personally responsible for this case." Ding Lingling put on a trick and pulled Jiang Chen inside.In the end, he brought Jiang Chen to the interrogation room, locked him inside, and leisurely went to his office to drink water.

As everyone knows, this way, the huge police station exploded.

Some sympathized with Jiang Chen, some watched the excitement, and more were frightened and worried. Even though Jiang Chen didn't do anything and didn't look angry at all, they were all as if they were facing an enemy. , no matter how vicious criminals are, they are not so worried.

Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling were unusually relaxed,

Ding Lingling took Jiang Chen in on purpose. Whoever made Jiang Chen disappear for such a long time without any reason, Jiang Chen must be punished a little.

You know, during the time when Jiang Chen disappeared, she was almost bored to death, and Jiang Chen finally came back to Yilan City. If she didn't think of a way, Jiang Chen would definitely slip away to other women early in the morning.

As for Jiang Chen, he knew even more that Ding Lingling was playing with him. Since it was a joke, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't mind at all. Not only did he not mind, Jiang Chen was also looking forward to it. How will you play?
Not to mention, Jiang Chen was quite moved when he saw the uniform on Ding Lingling.


Just as Jiang Chen was thinking wildly, and the more he thought about it, the more hot he became, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

"Little girl, I didn't resist for cooperating with you so much, should I give you some reward?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"What reward do you want?" A voice came, a low voice, slightly like a vulture, but it was the voice of a man.

Looking up in astonishment, Jiang Chen just saw a square, upright face full of righteousness.

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Chen couldn't help frowning, and Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Cai Yunhong. You can call me Police Officer Cai." The young policeman ignored Jiang Chen's attitude, introduced himself, and sat down opposite Jiang Chen.

After sitting down, Cai Yunhong opened the interrogation book and said, "You can also introduce yourself. I believe that you are very familiar with this set of procedures. If it is unnecessary, I don't need to waste my words."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "What do you mean, I'm a habitual offender?"

"Isn't it?" Cai Yunhong said noncommittally.

"Yes or no, is it up to you to define it?" Jiang Chen found it extremely interesting.

"Isn't it up to me to define? When you enter this police station, even if you are a dragon, you have to fight with me." Cai Yunhong said sinisterly.

"I'm very curious about a question, I hope you can answer me honestly, because very likely, this question will affect what I'm going to do next... Tell me, are you an idiot?" Jiang Chen said seriously asked.

"Shut up!" Cai Yunhong was angry.

What kind of problem is this?
What do you mean he is an idiot?
How should he answer this question, yes or no?

"It seems that you are exactly as I guessed, a real idiot." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant. Don't think that anyone is afraid of you. I, Cai Yunhong, will also be afraid of you. Don't think that Officer Ding treats you differently. No matter what you do, you will be safe. You are now in In my hands, if you don't cooperate honestly, I guarantee there are more than a hundred ways to make you go around." Cai Yunhong said angrily.

"Well, what does this have to do with Ding Xiaoniu?" Jiang Chen smiled strangely, and asked, "You probably like her, so you suppress me on purpose, right?"

"This question has nothing to do with you. You'd better tell the truth what you did." Cai Yunhong said sternly.

"I didn't do anything wrong, believe it or not?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Immediately, I felt that today's matter was extremely interesting.

No wonder this guy popped up out of nowhere, because he really liked Ding Lingling, and then wanted to suppress him.

The problem is, just like it if you like it, Jiang Chen doesn't think that Ding Lingling will like this kind of thing.

"It seems that you don't plan to cooperate, do you?" Cai Yunhong's tone of voice became more and more sinister, and the face that seemed to be full of righteousness was distorted a lot.

"If I cooperate with you, how can I see your hundred ways?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Looking for death." With a bang, Cai Yunhong stood up, walked towards Jiang Chen step by step, looked at Jiang Chen from a condescending perspective, and said, "You are dead."

"Hurry up, can you stop being such a mother-in-law? I really can't wait." Jiang Chen urged.

Cai Yunhong was extremely annoyed by Jiang Chen's contemptuous attitude. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took out a gun, pointed it at Jiang Chen's head, and said through gritted teeth, "Jiang Chen, I will kill you with one shot now. I'm going to tell everyone that the gun went off, and you think they'll believe me?"

"Is this one of a hundred methods?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"You scum, I don't have time to waste with you. Yes, I have many ways to deal with you, but I will choose a more convenient and quicker way to kill you." Cai Yunhong said.

"You have to give me a reason, don't say you look very upright, you need me to believe that you are really upright." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said calmly.

"Okay, if you want a reason, I will tell you the reason. You were right just now. Yes, I like Officer Ding. A scum like you is not good enough for Officer Ding. Unless you leave Officer Ding wisely, otherwise, I'll kill you today." Cai Yunhong felt that he had a chance to win, and he didn't want to hide anything anymore.

Cai Yunhong had just been transferred to the sub-bureau not long ago, but even though it wasn't long, he had heard of Jiang Chen's name for a long time, but he had heard of it, and he didn't have a particularly deep impression. In his opinion, no matter how vicious he said, Jiang Chen It's just two hands and two legs, everyone is human, who would be really afraid of whom?
Cai Yunhong originally thought that he would have no chance to meet Jiang Chen, but how could he know that Jiang Chen himself was sent in front of him. If such a great opportunity was not seized, Cai Yunhong himself would feel sorry for himself.

"Finally, I have told the truth, so it must be a big problem to admit that you are an idiot?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's this time, and you are still so stubborn, you are..." Cai Yunhong angrily reprimanded.

Before he finished speaking, Cai Yunhong heard a click, and the sound of something breaking came into his ears, and then, the hand holding the gun was empty, and the gun in his hand disappeared.

A cold thing hit his temple without warning, and the stinging pain swept through his whole body. Cai Yunhong's face changed drastically in an instant, and he became bloodless.

"Are you an idiot?" Jiang Chen asked leisurely.

"Yes... I'm an idiot..." Cold sweat slipped down, and Cai Yunhong's body trembled uncontrollably...

(End of this chapter)

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