genius evil

Chapter 575 Big Bad Wolf and Little White Rabbit

Chapter 575 Big Bad Wolf and Little White Rabbit

"Where's your backbone? Where's your self-esteem as a man? Where's your bottom line?" In an instant, Jiang Chen shot and collapsed this guy's heart. Lao Tzu's first and most powerful virtue, the next second he becomes cowardly. The best Sichuan opera face-changing actor in the world doesn't change so fast.

"Jiang Shao, it's my fault, please let me go...I...I'm joking with you." Cai Yunhong squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said tremblingly.

Not to mention that he didn't see clearly at all, how Jiang Chen broke free from the pair of steel handcuffs, even how Jiang Chen snatched the gun, and how the muzzle of the gun was pressed against his temple, he couldn't see clearly.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's speed is really too fast, and his strength is too abnormal.

Yes, it's just too perverted.

Seeing Jiang Chen breaking free from the steel handcuffs as if breaking free from two noodles, Cai Yunhong would not doubt at all that if Jiang Chen wanted to break his neck, it would be more difficult than breaking a twist.

Even if his neck was a little harder than twist, Cai Yunhong didn't dare to take any risks.

To make Jiang Chen's life easy, simply pull the trigger at will.

However, Cai Yunhong didn't even dare to take the slightest risk that it would cost his life.

"You like joking very much?" Jiang Chen said playfully.

Seeing this guy's dignified look earlier, Jiang Chen thought how serious this guy was, but now he looks so "human".

"General... normal..." Cai Yunhong felt miserable in his heart.

The old policemen have said that Jiang Chen is very powerful, so it's best not to offend him easily.

However, no one told him in detail how powerful Jiang Chen was. If he knew Jiang Chen was so powerful from the beginning, even if he was really an idiot, he would not dare to provoke Jiang Chen.

"But I like joking very much, how about I make a joke with you too?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Shao, please, let me go." Cai Yunhong was so frightened that he almost knelt down, his legs trembling.

"I just said it as a joke, if you are serious, you will lose." Jiang Chen said lightly.


Cai Yunhong couldn't take it anymore, he knelt down on the ground and bowed down.

"Jiang Shao, it's because I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I'm damned, there are old people in my family, and there are young children, they are still waiting for me to support them, Jiang Shao, just treat me as a fart and let me go. "Cai Yunhong said with a sad face.

"I can understand that you have an old self, but what's the matter with a young one?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"My elder brother's sister-in-law's child, both of them passed away in a car accident a few years ago, and the child is now with my parents." Cai Yunhong hurriedly explained, not daring to let Jiang Chen misunderstand.

"Then you are really pitiful, you must be under a lot of pressure." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining to you, I have no special meaning." Cai Yunhong said nervously.

"You are clearly complaining to me." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

This tragic card was played, if his heart softened a little bit, Jiang Chen would let this guy die.

"Jiang Shao..." Cai Yunhong choked up.

"So good at acting, crying scenes come out as soon as you open your mouth. With such a talent, will it be a waste to be a policeman?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Jiang Shao, I'm not acting." Cai Yunhong's tears were about to fall from his eyes.

"I've heard that the highest level of acting is whether it's acting or not. You have a strange skeleton, and you are destined to be extraordinary in the rest of your life. You must take good care of it." Jiang Chen said earnestly, and stretched out his hand on Cai Yunhong's shoulder. Tapped lightly three times.

From between Jiang Chen's fingers, the light of the silver needle was fleeting. After three strokes, Jiang Chen withdrew his hand and said, "There are only so many suggestions I can give you. You must think carefully about it."

"Yes... yes... I will seriously consider it." Cai Yunhong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen asked him to think about this matter, even if Jiang Chen asked him to think about how to die so that he could die better, he would still agree right now.

After speaking, Cai Yunhong got up quickly, bowed his head, and walked quickly towards the door.

Just as Cai Yunhong walked to the door of the interrogation room, he saw that the door of the interrogation room was pushed open again, and a figure walked in from the outside.

It was Ding Lingling who walked in. Ding Lingling held a glass of water in his hand. He was obviously a little surprised to see Cai Yunhong's existence. He winked at Jiang Chen and asked what was going on.

"Oh, this guy said he is very handsome, and he came here specially to compare who is more handsome with me, and you saw it too." Jiang Chen opened his mouth to talk nonsense.

"Is he handsome?" Ding Lingling asked in confusion.

Although Cai Yunhong has not been transferred here for a long time, she has had a lot of face-to-face meetings. She doesn't think Cai Yunhong is handsome at all.

If he grows like that, he has the nerve to compare himself with Jiang Chen. Isn't this just asking for humiliation?
"You have to give others room to improve, don't you?" Jiang Chen said.

"Being a human being requires self-knowledge." Curling her lips, Ding Lingling closed the door and walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Little girl, I'm actually not thirsty, so you don't need to give me the exact amount of water." Jiang Chen said, reaching out to catch the water glass in Ding Lingling's hand.

"Who said it was prepared for you? If you're not thirsty, I'm thirsty." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes, sat down carelessly, picked up the water glass and brought it to her mouth to take a sip.

Jiang Chen couldn't help being dumbfounded. After seeing her for a while, this chick has become smarter, no, she has become bad.

"Tell me, why did you arrest me?" Jiang Chen asked, spreading his hands.

"What is it that you don't know?" Ding Lingling asked back.

"I just returned to Yilan City, and I was arrested by you before I even returned home. How would I know what happened?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"Anyway, you have a problem, otherwise there are so many people on the street, why should I arrest you instead of others?" Ding Lingling said.

"Do you still need to ask the reason? I must be too handsome." Jiang Chen said swearingly.

"Yeah, it's because you are too handsome and indecent, so I brought you in." Ding Lingling said immediately, she was worried that she couldn't find a suitable reason, and now, Jiang Chen gave her a reason.

Doesn't Jiang Chen like smug beauty?
She wanted to see how Jiang Chen lifted a rock and smashed himself in the foot.

"Little girl, I just grow up casually. I didn't intend to be so handsome. If I had known early on that being handsome is a mistake, I would definitely..." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Surely he isn't so handsome anymore?" Ding Lingling giggled coquettishly.

"I must be serious, look more handsome, and let the mistakes be more violent." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." Ding Lingling glared at Jiang Chen, then saw the pair of handcuffs that fell on the ground, and shouted loudly; "Jiang Chen, why did you break the handcuffs?"

"No, it was originally bad." Jiang Chen casually picked it up and threw it to Ding Lingling.

He said on the side of his mouth: "Little girl, you handcuffed me with a pair of broken handcuffs. On the surface, it was my hands that were handcuffed, but in fact it was to handcuff my heart."

"Smelly shameless guy, I'm hungry, please treat me to dinner." Ding Lingling stared at the handcuffs and looked again and again, but couldn't tell whether it was broken in the first place or was broken by Jiang Chen .

But that's not the point, if it's broken, it's broken, and she didn't intend to handcuff Jiang Chen for the rest of his life.

"This topic has turned too bluntly. I think this place is pretty good. I don't really want to go out yet." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I'm really hungry." Ding Lingling stomped her feet.

"You took me in and expended so much effort just to let me treat you to a meal?" Jiang Chen felt a little bad all over.

"Can't you?" Ding Lingling muttered, and said: "If I don't do this, maybe who you are having dinner with now, you must invite me to dinner, otherwise I will be angry."

"Little girl, I really don't understand your thinking logic at all. Haven't you discovered that there is something better than rice?" Jiang Chen said with black lines all over his face.

"What?" Ding Lingling was really hungry. After hearing the sound, she subconsciously licked her lips. The intentional or unintentional temptation made Jiang Chen's heart skip a beat.

With a movement of his feet, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Ding Lingling, wrapped his arms around Ding Lingling's slender waist, and hugged Ding Lingling up. When he lowered his head, he caught Ding Lingling's red lips, He kissed him viciously.

"Uh...uh...Jiang Chen..." Ding Lingling was startled.

"Don't talk, just taste it." Jiang Chen whispered, his tongue nimbly slipped in.

Ding Lingling's heart was flustered and flustered. The panic was that Jiang Chen was so courageous that he dared to treat her like this in this interrogation room. The chaotic thing was that she was not mentally prepared at all. too suddenly.

Could it be that the standard procedure is that the two of you go to eat first, and then go shopping casually after eating, and then she said she was tired, and Jiang Chen offered to take her home, but she said she didn't want to go home, so Jiang Chen took her to open a room , and then, she went to take a shower, and then it was logical to have an intimate move?

Ding Lingling was not mentally prepared, but Jiang Chen couldn't control that much anymore. To him, this woman was like a little white rabbit sent to the mouth of the big bad wolf.

If the big bad wolf doesn't eat the little white rabbit in one gulp, why not just stop eating meat and eat grass like a rabbit?

Jiang Chen fully exerted his carnivorous instinct to the extreme, and kissed until Ding Lingling was panting, almost suffocating, before releasing Ding Lingling.

"It's not delicious at all." Ding Lingling deliberately packaged it while wiping her red lips vigorously.

"It must be the wrong way for you to eat." Jiang Chen smiled strangely.

"Anyway, it doesn't taste good." Ding Lingling took two steps back and ran away, lest Jiang Chen let her eat it again, or if she couldn't control herself, she would hand herself over to Jiang Chen in this interrogation room Dust, that would be too embarrassing.

Jiang Chen giggled, and followed at a leisurely pace. After a while, all the policemen saw that Ding Lingling had changed his uniform and happily got into Jiang Chen's car.

"Finally left." Such a scene made many people secretly heave a sigh of relief.

It is said that it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away, so it depends on who invites them, and it also depends on who sends them away. The gods are invited by Ding Lingling, and it is not difficult at all to let Ding Lingling take care of them.


But all the people had just let go of their breath, and their minds suddenly tensed up, and they suddenly saw something falling from the roof of the building in their sight.

Like a lump of mud, it hit the ground with a bang, and then, that thing also turned into mud...

(End of this chapter)

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