genius evil

Chapter 576 Someone jumped off the building again

Chapter 576 Someone jumped off the building again


Immediately, there were quite a few people with snow-white faces, bending over to cover their mouths, and about to vomit.

The person who fell from upstairs was a person.

When he fell, the man landed on his face first, and the scene was horrible.

Even a group of policemen who have seen many big scenes, all of a sudden, seeing such a scene is beyond the limit of what their hearts can bear.

The older policeman was a little better, trying to keep his composure.

The young policemen almost collapsed and vomited.

"What sound?" In the car, Ding Lingling also heard the sound of falling from the building, and subconsciously turned her neck to look behind the rearview mirror, wanting to see what happened.

"Don't look." Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, covered Ding Lingling's eyes, kicked the accelerator, and drove the car out.

"What happened?" Ding Lingling was a little nervous. Hearing the movement, it was definitely not a trivial matter.

"There was a guy who couldn't think about it and jumped down from upstairs. He didn't know if he was dead or not." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jump off the building? Did you see clearly, who is it?" Ding Lingling's expression changed.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be that Cai Yunhong." Jiang Chen said casually.

"He's always been very optimistic, why can't he think about it? Could it be that he was hit by you?" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and said, but he didn't make Cai Yunhong's death happen to Jiang Chen. Lenovo.

After all, she came out of the interrogation room together with Jiang Chen. Even if Jiang Chen wanted to commit a crime, he didn't have the time to do it.

"How can you blame me for this? He was born ugly, and I was born handsome. To blame can only be blamed on his parents, who made him too ugly." Jiang Chen said unconvinced.

"Don't be angry. I didn't blame you. I just didn't expect Cai Yunhong to be so fragile. If I had known, I wouldn't have caught you in." Ding Lingling blamed herself.

In her opinion, if she hadn't caught Jiang Chen, Cai Yunhong wouldn't have humiliated himself, if Cai Yunhong hadn't brought shame on himself, his life would not have ended in such a tragic way.

"I don't blame me for this, and I can't blame you. You said it just now. You have to be self-aware. He doesn't have self-knowledge. He insists on comparing me to someone who is more handsome. No, I can't think about it." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

"That's what I said, but I feel really sorry." Ding Lingling still blamed herself a little.

"If you want to say that you don't want to let go, that person is also me. I don't want to grow up to be such a disaster to the country and the people. I have to go out less in the future." Jiang Chen said dejectedly.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, why do I listen to your tone, a little gloating?" Ding Lingling said.

Why don't you go out?

If Jiang Chen didn't provoke other women, she should burn incense and worship Buddha.

"Am I such a sympathetic person? I'm very sad, okay?" Jiang Chen argued.

"I'm lazy to talk to you, drive faster, I almost lose my appetite for food." Ding Lingling sighed.

When Jiang Chen came back, Ding Lingling was in a very good mood. Who knew, Ding Lingling was not without depression after such a thing happened.

"It's going to be too fast." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll settle the fine for you," Ding Lingling said.

"Little girl, it's not good to be selfish, but I like it." Jiang Chen smiled, kicked the accelerator hard, and the speed of the car accelerated, and it started to shuttle on the city road like an arrow from the string.

When Jiang Chen wanted to treat guests to dinner, he naturally wouldn't be ambiguous, and Ding Lingling naturally wouldn't allow him to be ambiguous. He went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to have a seafood feast.

When the car stopped outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ding Lingling finally felt a little better when she saw the big gold-plated signboard of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"Jiang Chen, you have a conscience." Ding Lingling said it was very helpful.

"Not only do I have a conscience, I'm also rich." Jiang Chen laughed.

The two were chatting and laughing as they walked inside. They had just walked a few steps when they heard a tearing sound coming from above their heads.


Beside the window on the third floor, a woman stretched out her right leg, her body was staggering there, and she made an extremely sharp voice.

Listening to that voice, it is very doubtful whether she broke her throat by shouting.

"Jiang Chen, did you hear someone calling?" Ding Lingling asked.

"I didn't hear that." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Look up, is that woman going to jump off the building?" Ding Lingling reminded.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to look up, took a look, and said, "Perhaps they think it's so cool, but it seems like they're going to be gone."

"He's about to die, so it doesn't matter what is going on, can you stop talking nonsense, and don't look around." Ding Lingling said angrily.

Following the woman's yell, the guests who came to the East China Sea Dragon Palace for dinner, and those who were already eating inside, were startled and ran over one by one. After a while, dozens of people surrounded the downstairs.

"What happened?"

"I do not know."

"If you jump off the building, you just jump off the building, just jump straight away, what are you doing so loudly, and let people not eat?" Someone also complained.

"Hey, are you human? People are going to jump off the building. Will you die if you skip a meal?" Ding Lingling quit.

"What does it matter to you if I talk?" the man said angrily.

"Try saying one more sentence, believe it or not, I'll arrest you, I'm a policeman." Ding Lingling said loudly.

"The police are amazing. I just had a meal and didn't break the law." The man muttered, his voice was much quieter after all.

"Little girl, I just like the way you pretend to be majestic." Jiang Chen was delighted.

"Don't be kidding, find a way to save people." Ding Lingling was a little anxious.

When Cai Yunhong jumped off the building when he was in the police station, he came to have a meal, and met someone who was about to jump off the building, Ding Lingling didn't know what to say.

She couldn't stop Cai Yunhong's death, but she must stop this woman from jumping off the building.

Otherwise, not to mention that she won't be able to eat today's dinner, she probably won't be able to eat anything in the next few days.

"I think you'd better ask her why she jumped off the building first." Jiang Chen reminded.

For a person who wants to die, pulling her out of the brink of death is not the best way to save her.

If she dies once, she can die a second time. It can't be such a coincidence every time that she can save people.

Ding Lingling thought for a while, and felt that what Jiang Chen said made sense, so she turned to the woman on the third floor and said, "What's your name? Why did you jump off the building?"

When the woman heard Ding Lingling's voice, she looked at Ding Lingling, her lips moved, but she didn't speak.

"Hey, what are you talking about, you are still young, what problem can't you figure out, do you have to jump off the building?" Ding Lingling said again.

"That's right, this is only the third floor, if you jump off the building and don't die, and land on your face first, it won't look good." Jiang Chen added.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk." Ding Lingling said angrily.

It's already like this, Jiang Chen still wants to stimulate the other party with words?

The other party is not even afraid of death, is he afraid of disfigurement?

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet, beauty, have you ever thought about a situation where, with a click, your hands and feet are broken at ninety degrees like a pencil, and your face is bloody , even if you take pictures with the best beauty phone in the world, there is nothing you can do to recover, that kind of feeling will not be more painful than dying, right?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.


The woman on the third floor pulled her throat and let out a cry like howling ghosts and wolves. Many people felt goose bumps when they heard the sound.


"Why does her voice look like this?"


Some people started talking in whispers, all of them were terrified by the woman's voice.

"Shut up, don't yell." Jiang Chen felt that the yelling was a bit disgusting, but fortunately he hadn't had time to eat, otherwise he would definitely vomit.


Not only did the woman not shut up, but her voice was even louder, like a magic voice, piercing into the ears, which affected people's mood and made them feel a little irritable.

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear?" Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so fierce?" Ding Lingling couldn't listen anymore.

"Her barking is too ugly." Jiang Chen said displeased.

"What are you doing arguing with others at this time?" Ding Lingling was speechless, and said to the woman: "Girl, listen to me, follow my instructions, slowly retract your right leg, Keep your balance, take your time, take it easy, don't be nervous."

I don't know if Ding Lingling's words had an effect.

The woman on the third floor stared at Ding Lingling for a while, then moved her body clumsily. Seeing this scene, Ding Lingling smiled slightly and said, "Okay, that's right, you're doing very well, you're very good." It will be safe soon... By the way, do you have a boyfriend? I think you must be in need of your boyfriend's concern right now. In this way, you tell me your boyfriend's mobile phone number, and I will ask him to come and see you. OK?"

Ding Lingling's words were spoken softly, emotionally and logically, Jiang Chen listened, somewhat admiringly.

This little rookie, who was out of tune at the beginning, has not seen him for a while, but he has grown rapidly, and he will be able to be independent in a short time.


But Ding Lingling didn't say this, it's okay. As soon as she said this, the woman's emotions lost control instantly, her body swayed sharply on the window, and then, like a kite with a broken string, she quickly fell down the building from the window .


There was another scream.

It was Ding Lingling who was screaming. While Ding Lingling was screaming, she closed her eyes. She didn't dare to look at the next scene.

After more than ten seconds, the expected sound of falling to the ground did not sound. Ding Lingling opened his eyes hesitantly and looked towards the third floor.

Upstairs, there was no sign of a woman, which meant that the woman fell down, and there was no luck.

In this situation, Ding Lingling's heart suddenly rose to his throat. Did the worst happen in the end?

"Little girl, don't look around, people are here." Jiang Chen shook the thing he was holding in front of Ding Lingling, and said dumbfounded.

"Ah—" Ding Lingling yelled again, and the figure jumped up and fell into Jiang Chen's arms. The shock and surprise came too fast. Ding Lingling's legs were as soft as cooked noodles. It seems that she desperately needs a hug to comfort her frightened heart!
(End of this chapter)

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