genius evil

Chapter 577

Chapter 577
"Clap clap... clap clap..."

There was applause.

At the beginning, the applause was sparse, but slowly, it became warmer. Some even gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up and praised, "Young man, that's great."

"Good job, lad."

"Young man, your girlfriend is so beautiful."

"A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance is a match made in heaven."


There were more and more well-intentioned voices, and each of them looked at Jiang Chen with expressions of admiration in their eyes.

Then, Ding Lingling took advantage.

After all, they mainly wanted to praise Jiang Chen, and they really had nothing to praise, so they only praised Lian Ding Lingling along with them.

Ding Lingling was a little bit flustered, snuggled into Jiang Chen's embrace, blushing unbelievably.

"It's nothing, it's just a little thing, it's really nothing, you're flattering us, this is what we should do." Ding Lingling was about to burst into a smile.

"Little girl, they just praised me for my sake, so they only praised you a little bit. Is it really okay for you to act like this? Also, you have been taking advantage of me for long enough, and you still haven't left my arms?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"What's wrong with taking advantage of you? Can't take advantage?" Ding Lingling said as a matter of course.

"In broad daylight, it's indecent." Jiang Chen's face twitched.

"I like it like this. Others see and see what they like, and say what they like." Ding Lingling didn't care much, and said again, "You say they only praise me when they praise you, but isn't it just to praise you? It's like praising me, praising me is praising you, why are you so clear?"

"Little girl, why didn't I realize before that you have such a thick skin?" Jiang Chen said puzzledly.

"That's it." Ding Lingling was very proud.

"Young man, are you alright? Are you injured?" Another person asked worriedly.

The moment the woman fell from the third floor just now, many people were terrified, but vaguely saw a figure rushing up, and raised his hand to catch the woman who fell from the building.

Then they saw clearly that it was Jiang Chen who rushed up.

Although the third floor is not very high, it is still nine to ten meters high, and the weight of a hundred catties falls from such a high place, and the impact caused by it is conceivable.

Let alone a person, even if a small vase is dropped, it will kill the person.

In order to save people, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to take risks and avoided the tragedy. They were excited but they were also concerned about Jiang Chen's safety.

"Yes, young man, why don't you go to the hospital quickly, so as not to leave any sequelae." Someone immediately said nervously.

"Oh, it's okay, look at him, he's as strong as a cow, let alone a person, even if a cow falls, he won't talk about it." Before Jiang Chen could lose Ohha, Ding Ling Ling just said carelessly, and it was a joy to grab the words.

He knew Jiang Chen's ability. Although there was a bit of exaggeration in these words, the overall situation was almost the same.

"Really all right?" No one believed Ding Lingling's words.

"It's okay." Jiang Chen smiled and said, and by the way cast a contemptuous glance at Ding Lingling, he doesn't want to steal the limelight like this.

A farce came to an end.

Ding Lingling took out her mobile phone and reported the situation to the bureau, while the onlookers walked towards the restaurant one by one.

Suddenly, someone yelled loudly: "Look quickly, the third floor... Is there someone jumping off the building again? Everyone, look quickly."

After everyone heard the sound, they turned around one after another, looked up upstairs, and suddenly saw, at some point, there was another figure beside the window.

It was still a woman, wearing a fluttering yellow dress, with half of her body hanging by the window, swinging in the wind, looking like she might fall or jump from the top at any time.

"Someone is really going to jump off the building again." Someone was amazed.

This incident of jumping from a building is usually very difficult to happen and difficult to see. When you come to the East China Sea Dragon Palace for a meal, it's okay to see one person jumping off the building, but you actually saw two at the same time.

This probability is not much higher than winning the lottery.

Many people looked up at the woman in the yellow skirt by the window on the third floor, wondering in their hearts whether they should buy two lottery tickets when they go back after dinner.

There is still a dream, what if you really win the jackpot?
"It's strange, what's going on today?" Some people are unimaginable and confused. Is it possible that something like jumping off a building can also be contagious?
Otherwise, there would be no such thing as someone jumping off the building one after another.

Stimulation is stimulation, but the problem is, the little heart can't stand this toss.

"It's actually a beautiful woman." Jiang Chen glanced casually and said with a light smile.

"What's wrong with the beauty? Beauty doesn't have the right to jump off the building?" Ding Lingling rolled her eyes.

Before the first woman who wanted to jump off the building, Jiang Chen's first concern was the issue of her disappearance, but for the second woman who wanted to jump off the building, Jiang Chen was most concerned about whether she was beautiful or not.

Please, lives are at stake.

Regardless of whether she is a beautiful woman or an ugly woman, she looks the same when she jumps down and falls to the ground.

"I just think it's a pity. If this woman dies, there will be another single man in the world." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Why do I feel that you are playing tricks on others? Are you waiting for a hero to save the beauty after a while, so that others can promise you with their own body?" Ding Lingling asked suspiciously.

"Little girl, how can you say that about me? Could it be that because she is beautiful, I won't save her when she jumps?" Jiang Chen asked angrily.

"I'm just warning you, if you dare to take advantage of this woman, I will make you look good." Ding Lingling warned.

"I'm already good-looking enough." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"The bull's head is wrong." Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a glance, then turned to the woman in the yellow skirt upstairs by the window and said, "Beauty, what happened, why did you jump off the building? What is there to worry about?"

"It's nothing, I just don't want to live anymore." The woman in the yellow skirt had an indifferent expression, and her tone was even more indifferent, as if life and death were not much different to her.

"Isn't it wonderful to live? No matter how great the grievances and sufferings are, you should work hard to live." Ding Lingling played the role of a close sister and enlightened.

"You don't need to say anything. Whether I die or not is my own business, and has nothing to do with you." The woman in the yellow skirt said lightly.

Ding Lingling was swallowed by the words of the woman in yellow skirt.

Is it okay?
She's a policeman, okay?
As a policeman, if you don't care about things, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

"Beauty, how can you talk like this, the little girl is also for your own good."

"That's right, a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart."

"It doesn't matter if you fall to your death, but if you scare someone, it's your fault."


Many people had a good impression of Ding Lingling because of the scene where the first woman jumped off the building. At this time, they heard that the woman in the yellow skirt was so unkind and disregarded her own life, and they all felt sorry for Ding Lingling.

"Shut up." The woman in the yellow skirt said coldly with a displeased expression on her face, "I know who is good to me and who is not good to me. I don't need you to talk nonsense here. If you don't want to see me jump off , Get out early."

"Get out, get out, people like you, living in this world, it's a waste of food, it's better to die as soon as possible." Someone angrily reprimanded.

However, that being said, no one left. They all raised their necks and looked towards the third floor with their eyes wide open.

Because of the unfeeling words the woman in the yellow skirt said, they no longer had any illusions about the woman in the yellow skirt, and they just waited for the woman in the yellow skirt to jump down.

"Beauty, I know you are in a bad mood, but your life is not only your own, but also your parents'. If you die, what will you ask your parents to do?" Take a light breath and suppress With restless emotions in her heart, Ding Lingling tried her best to calm down her tone.

"My parents died a long time ago." The woman in the yellow skirt said indifferently.

"Even if your parents died early, you can't be so irresponsible." Ding Lingling's voice suddenly raised a lot,
"That's how I am. If you don't like it, don't meddle in other people's business." The words of the woman in the yellow skirt became more and more irritating.

Ding Lingling really didn't want to meddle in this nosy business, but due to her professional responsibilities, she couldn't turn a blind eye, so she couldn't help holding back a mouthful of resentment.

"Little girl, if someone wants to die, you let him die. There is a saying, a twisted melon is not sweet." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"It's easy for you to say." Ding Lingling didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Actually, it's easier for her to die, just jump off from the top." Jiang Chen said lazily. At the end, before Ding Lingling could reply, Jiang Chen waved at the woman in the yellow skirt and said: "Since you want to die so much, don't waste everyone's time, hurry up."

"That's right, don't delay our meal."

"Jump on, our time is precious."




Obviously, what the woman in the yellow skirt did caused public outrage. Countless people clamored for her to jump off the third floor quickly.

"Just jump and jump, who is afraid of whom?" The woman in the yellow skirt said nonchalantly, not knowing whether it was out of anger or something.

"It's useless to say more. I'll count to three and you'll start dancing. From now on... one... two..." Jiang Chen actually started counting while speaking.

"Little handsome guy, you're a bit biased." But when she saw the woman in the yellow skirt, she giggled coquettishly inexplicably.

She had a pretty good appearance, she was a kind of seductive, and this smile was even more charming, causing many men who watched the fun to stare straight at her eyes.

"Little handsome boy, when that ugly woman jumped down just now, you tried your best to save me. I am so beautiful. If I really jumped from here, would you have the heart not to save me? How could you be so cruel? ?” The woman in the yellow dress couldn’t help but wink at Jiang Chen.

"Damn vixen, jump down and die." Ding Lingling couldn't bear it any longer, and screamed at the top of her throat...

(End of this chapter)

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