genius evil

Chapter 578 Do You Believe In Love At First Sight

Chapter 578 Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?
The woman in the yellow skirt wanted to jump off the building wholeheartedly to seek death, although Ding Lingling regretted and felt helpless, there was nothing she could do.

After all, the woman in the yellow skirt doesn't even care about her own life, so what's the point of being nervous no matter how nervous others are?
But what happened next, even if it broke Ding Lingling's little head, she would never have imagined that the woman in the yellow skirt, who didn't agree with each other, just seduced Jiang Chen.

Is this really good?
If you want to die, die quickly, don't forcibly harm other people's happiness before you die, okay?

"Little girl, I heard you say that you are a policeman. As a policeman, you are so reckless about human life. Are you worthy of the people?" The woman in the yellow skirt said mockingly.

"Then you still say you don't want to live anymore? Why didn't you see you jump off right away." Ding Lingling said confrontationally.

Some things just pass by with one eye closed.

But there is one thing that is absolutely unbearable, and that is to rob her man, the most intolerable thing is to rob her man in front of her.

This tone, let alone a living person can't bear it, even a dead person can't bear it!

"Little girl, be careful what you say. If I really die like this, you will be responsible." The woman in the yellow skirt reminded casually.

"So, are you jumping or not? Can you hurry up?" Ding Lingling said impatiently, wishing that this woman would fall to her death under her nose every minute. With a wink.

"Little girl, if you want me to dance, I will not dance." The woman in the yellow skirt said with a charming smile.

"Don't call me a little girl." Ding Lingling was furious, how could she be so dishonest?Can you still have fun?

"I call you little girl, of course I have my reasons." The woman in the yellow skirt said, pointing to her swollen chest with her hand.

"You damn old woman, you'd better die quickly." Ding Lingling completely disregarded her status as a policeman.

The crowd around the audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

This rhythm is a bit wrong.

What about jumping off a building, how did it turn into a jealous drama?
"I'm sorry, I might disappoint you." The woman in the yellow skirt said it very easily, then looked down at Jiang Chen and said, "Little handsome guy, I have been waiting for you, and you haven't answered my question yet. Woolen cloth."

"Jiang Chen, don't save anyone, let her die." Ding Lingling hurriedly said.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "You'll know after you jumped off?"

"Little handsome guy, you can't lie to me. If I jump and you don't save me, then I'm really dead?" The woman in the yellow skirt blinked her eyes.

"Fox spirits deserve to die, it's best if they all die." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"It seems that you have no confidence in yourself." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I'm naturally very confident in myself. However, you have such a jealous little girl girlfriend. In front of her, some things are not easy to guarantee." The woman in the yellow skirt said.

"You still seduced him knowing he has a girlfriend?" Ding Lingling almost went mad, she thought the woman in the yellow skirt didn't know about it.

To actually seduce Jiang Chen after knowing about it, this is completely ignoring her.

"I just think, the handsome guy is so handsome, he needs to find a better girlfriend, and I'm much better than you." The woman in the yellow skirt said confidently.

Afterwards, the woman in the yellow skirt looked at Jiang Chen again and asked, "Little handsome guy, why can't you give me an affirmative answer? You must know that your attitude is very important to me. Whether I live or die is all up to you." between."

"You have to be shameless. You are the one who is going to die. Now that you see a handsome guy, you don't want to die. You want to snatch the handsome guy back to be your boyfriend. Is there such a good thing?" Ding Lingling shouted.

"We are competing fairly now. I won't hit you, and you don't want to hit me. It's all up to the handsome guy to choose." The woman in the yellow skirt said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, who do you choose?" Ding Lingling suddenly became a little apprehensive.

Regarding her figure, Ding Lingling has never been very confident. She is very aware of her shortcoming, that is, her breasts are not big enough.

The current society is certainly a society that looks at faces, but faces are very important, and breasts are also very important.

"Of course I choose you." Without thinking, Jiang Chen just said.

"Did you hear that?" Ding Lingling laughed triumphantly.

"You were just kidding me. Even a three-year-old girl wouldn't believe it, but you just believe it. I'm really worried about your IQ." The woman in the yellow skirt said pitifully.

"Jump quickly, don't waste time." Jiang Chen urged.

"Little handsome guy, you will definitely save me, right?" The woman in the yellow skirt said pitifully, her tender and pitiful appearance moved those men who had yelled at her to jump faster. Heart.

"If you really have confidence in yourself, you won't ask me a question in a nonsensical manner." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"So, let me ask you one last question, do you believe in love at first sight?" The woman in the yellow dress looked expectant.

"Of course I believe it." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

He doesn't just believe in love at first sight, he also believes in love over time, on the premise that the other party is beautiful and worthy of his pursuit.

"I have a feeling that I'm in love with you. Tell me, is this just the legend, love at first sight?" The woman in the yellow skirt sighed softly. This sigh actually felt tender.

In an instant, many people's eyes turned to Jiang Chen.

Especially those men, looking at Jiang Chen with such eyes, almost burst into flames.

There were so many onlookers at the scene, no one fell in love with the woman in the yellow skirt, but Jiang Chen, even if they were ugly, but, ugly people, can't they have their own spring?
"I'm going to jump down. Before jumping, I want to look at you a few more times, because it is very likely that this is the last few seconds of my life. Maybe, if I change my mind, it would be great. "The eyes of the woman in the yellow dress were full of resentment.

Then, almost the voice fell, and in the eyes of everyone, they saw a yellow figure, like a bird with broken wings, falling from the window on the third floor.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the yellow figure.

Ding Lingling didn't. Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen in a blink of an eye, not daring to breathe out.

For Ding Lingling, it was time to test Jiang Chen.

Whether Jiang Chen can resist the temptation of the woman in the yellow dress depends on just a few seconds.

But soon, a look of disappointment flashed across Ding Lingling's eyes.

All I saw was a figure flashed past Ding Lingling's eyes, and disappeared from Ding Lingling's sight in an instant. The next second, that figure appeared in front of the woman in yellow skirt who fell from the building. below.


Then, there was a muffled sound, and the falling woman in the yellow dress bounced high like a ball and flew out.

As expected, the tragedy of the woman in the yellow skirt falling from the building did not happen.

As expected, the scene of Yingwei, the hero Jiang Chen saving the beauty, did not happen either.

Including Ding Lingling, everyone just saw that after Jiang Chen appeared in the direction where the woman in the yellow skirt fell, Jiang Chen didn't stretch out two hands to catch her.

Instead, Jiang Chen's figure froze instantly, stretched out his right foot, and made a shooting gesture.

There is no goal here, let alone a ball, but the woman in the yellow skirt is the ball. Jiang Chen volleyed and sent the woman in the yellow skirt flying.


The sharp scream almost pierced the eardrum.

It was the woman in the yellow skirt who made the scream. Without any precautions, the woman in the yellow skirt turned into the ball under Jiang Chen's feet. Athletes, that is beyond reach.


There was another dull sound, and the woman in the yellow skirt hit the wall like a puddle of mud, slipped down, tilted her head, and passed out.

"Too cruel."

"I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade."

"She's still a girl."


The men were fighting against each other.

How can you play people like football? What if you kick a person to pieces?
"Good kick."

"The vixen deserves death."


The women, on the other hand, cheered loudly in their hearts. They have long since disliked women in yellow skirts, and they are about to die. They still have the nerve to hook up with men.

It's fine to hook up with Jiang Chen, but by the way, they're bewildered by their man.

"Jiang Chen--"

Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen, feeling the urge to cry.

She had originally thought that Jiang Chen was going to save the woman in the yellow skirt, and if something like that happened, she would definitely die of grief.

Jiang Chen had indeed saved the woman in the yellow skirt, but Ding Lingling liked this kind of saving method very much. If it wasn't for her inappropriate status, she would have wanted to rush over and kick the woman in the yellow skirt.

"Jiang Chen, are you not injured?" Ding Lingling still rushed up, pretending to say.

"I'm fine... but she..." Jiang Chen felt a little regretful, and said, "I wanted to catch her with my hands, but the distance is too far, it's too late, I have no choice but to wrong her."

"She fell from such a high place, and it's best if she doesn't die. Jiang Chen, don't blame yourself, I can understand you." Ding Lingling immediately comforted her with empathy.

"Little girl, you still know me best, I'm so touched." Jiang Chen was so moved that he wished he could agree with him on the spot.

"If I don't understand you, who understands you? Of course I understand you best, what should I do now?" Ding Lingling asked sweetly.

"Although this woman didn't die, she was seriously injured. Let's be good people and send her to the hospital." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Whatever you say is what you say." Ding Lingling acted like a small bird, showing her affection with all her might.

Jiang Chen's goosebumps were about to pop out, he grabbed the woman in the yellow skirt, held Ding Lingling with the other hand, separated from the crowd of onlookers, and walked towards the parking place of the car...

(End of this chapter)

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