genius evil

Chapter 580 I Just Like Your Shameless Look

Chapter 580 I Just Like Your Shameless Look
Without waiting for a long time, in Jiang Chen's line of sight, there was a car galloping towards him. The car stopped, but before it stopped, two figures rushed out of the car.

A man and a woman rushed out, both very familiar faces.

The man is Meng Xin, and the woman is Mei Hongyi.

Jiang Chen also pushed the car door at this time, and Shi Shiran got out of the car.

"Girl in red, I thought you would continue to shut down the phone." Jiang Chen said in a teasing tone.

"We received news about what happened in the East China Sea Dragon Palace early in the morning, but because you are here, there is no need for us to come forward." Mei Hongyi said.

How Jiang Chen's strength is, the members of the local group in Yilan City can't be more clear about it.

If there was any problem, even Jiang Chen couldn't solve it, let alone them.

And since Jiang Chen can solve it, they don't need to come forward.

"I'm not from your local group, so it's very immoral to use me to do things for you." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"No one asked you to do anything, it's just that your luck is not very good." Mei Hongyi smiled slightly, while talking, she glanced at Jiang Chen's car, smiling a little playfully.

"I'm not very lucky, but unfortunately, their luck is even worse." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"We will take the person away and deal with them. If there is nothing else, we will leave first." Mei Hongyi said immediately.

"Don't worry, how about this, do you have a list or something in your hand, let's just keep it simple, once and for all, I don't like trouble." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You want to enter the list of ancient martial arts practitioners in Yilan City during this time?" Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen asked noncommittally.

He just came back today and met two ancient martial arts practitioners. Although those guys were too unlucky to bump into his hands, Jiang Chen didn't want this to happen again.

"Jiang Chen, do you understand what your actions mean? Could it be that you want to offend all the people in the ancient martial arts world?" Mei Hongyi said angrily.

If Jiang Chen really did that, it would be done once and for all, but the scope of attack would be too wide.

Moreover, not every ancient martial arts cultivator is the kind of vicious person who, with Jiang Chen's method, indiscriminately strikes, causing public anger every minute?
"Offend it if you offend it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You—" Mei Hongyi didn't know what to say, paused for a while, and then said: "There is no list."

"Girl in red, cheating is not a good habit." Jiang Chen said displeased.

"No really." Mei Hongyi shook her head and said sincerely: "I told you earlier that the ancient martial arts alliance conference will be held soon, and many ancient martial arts practitioners who live in seclusion will come out to walk one after another. In this case, there is no way to count the specific number of people, and they have their own identities, so it is not so easy to see who is an ancient martial arts practitioner."

"You really didn't lie to me?" Jiang Chen was still a little skeptical.

"I'm not lying to you." Mei Hongyi said with certainty.

"This way, it's not very fun." Jiang Chen's regretful emotions were beyond words.

"It's fun, you big bastard, stop talking nonsense here, I'm waiting to go on a date with you." Mei Hongyi scolded Jiang Chen, got in the car and left.

"Little girl, let's change to another place to eat, just right, I know there is another seafood restaurant that is quite good." Jiang Chen got into the car and said with a smile.

"I don't have any appetite, so I won't eat." Ding Lingling sighed.

"Little girl, why didn't I realize that you are so timid?" Jiang Chen put on a strange look.

Ding Lingling didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Don't use aggressive tactics in front of me, I won't be fooled by you."

"That seafood restaurant is really good." Jiang Chen said.

"Just go, poor you, hey, do you have enough money?" Ding Lingling said, saying that she would not be fooled, but her body was very honest.

After eating, Jiang Chen sent Ding Lingling back.

In one day, two people died, Jiang Chen knew that Ding Lingling's mood was not stable, it was not a date... oh, it was not a good time for a date.

Then, Jiang Chen drove back to Guilan Garden Villa.

"Damn ghost, are you finally willing to come back?" The car entered the courtyard of Villa No.18, Jiang Chen just got off the car, Tang Tian rushed out of the car in a hurry, pointed at Jiang Chen's nose, and cursed with deep resentment.

However, compared to Tang Tian's aggressive action, her dressing is even more irritating.

The short short hot pants and the shortest tight-fitting vest completely and undisguisedly outlined her figure curves vividly.

More importantly, Tang Tian didn't wear underwear.

"Where can I go if I don't come back?" Jiang Chen smiled and stretched out his hand to hug Tang Tian.

Tang Tian turned around, avoiding Jiang Chen's tricks, and said, "I came back because I had nowhere to go, right?"

"Xiao Tiantian, I suddenly realized that girls also need to study more, do I mean that?" Jiang Chen looked innocent.

"That's what you mean." Tang Tian insisted.

Who is Jiang Chen, she knows too well, okay?
Moreover, when Jiang Chen came back from the capital today, Tang Tian knew exactly what flight it was. After the plane landed, there was Tang Tianxiong's eyeliner, and Yilan City, the Bauhinia Club's eyeliner, Jiang Chen did it today. What, Tang Tian knows everything.

Because of this, Tang Tian's resentment is so deep.

Jiang Chen returned with Lan Xiu, flirting with Lan Xiu, she may not care.

However, after returning to Yilan City, instead of coming to see her immediately, she went to fool around with Ding Lingling, Tang Tian just couldn't bear it.

Tang Tian felt that she had to give Jiang Chen some flair, otherwise, Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to go to heaven?
"Then what do you mean by dressing like this?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"I'm in my own home. What I wear is my own business. What does it have to do with you?" Tang Tian glared at Jiang Chen, she would not admit that she dressed like this on purpose because Jiang Chen came back. Woolen cloth.

"Oh, I thought you were wearing it for me." Jiang Chen said.

"Why do I have to wear it for you to see? Can't I wear it for myself?" Tang Tian asked.

"In that case, I'd better go and see my family's Shuang'er." Jiang Chen strode away.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me." Tang Tian was almost furious.

"Xiao Tiantian, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked intentionally.

"Tell me, do you like me dressed like this?" Tang Tian blinked.

"I don't like it." Jiang Chen said directly.

"Ah—" Tang Tian yelled, "Jiang Chen, I wore it specially for you to see, but you said you didn't like it, I'm going to die of anger."

"You said just now that you wore it for yourself." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I told you to believe it." Tang Tian said angrily.

"Xiao Tiantian, if I understand correctly, you mean that everything you said today is duplicity, right?" Jiang Chen was suddenly happy, and he reached out his hand and hugged Tang Tian up.

Tang Tian had been waiting for Jiang Chen's hug for a long time, and she deliberately got angry with Jiang Chen out of petty emotions. At this time, after being hugged by Jiang Chen, her body softened all of a sudden. Kiss, biting Jiang Chen's mouth hard.

This kiss lasted until she almost suffocated, Tang Tian reluctantly let go of her lips, and said viciously: "Jiang Chen, if you dare to leave here tonight, I will break your two legs."

"Even if you break my legs, I will definitely not leave." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile, hugged Tang Tian, ​​and entered the room.

In the living room, Shuang'er stood there quietly. Seeing Jiang Chen, she whispered, "Master, you're back. Are you hungry? I'll go and make you something to eat."

"Shuang'er, don't be so busy, he doesn't have time to eat." Tang Tian said.

"Ah—" Shuang'er was a little puzzled.

"Xiao Tiantian is right, I really don't have time to eat." Jiang Chen happily stretched out his other hand, hugged Shuang'er, took the second daughter, and walked upstairs to the bedroom.

It wasn't until, dazed, that Jiang Chen put her on the bed, that Shuang'er realized why Jiang Chen didn't have time to eat, because Jiang Chen had more important things to do.

This night is destined to be a crazy night.

Tang Tian was enthusiastic and proactive, like a burning flame. In addition, Jiang Chen had been away for so many days and hadn't seen each other, let alone made love. Give it a squeeze.

As for Shuang'er, although she was not as relaxed as Tang Tian, ​​it was obvious that she was extra emotional this night, and she cooperated with Tang Tian to serve Jiang Chen hard.

After tossing and tossing for most of the night, Jiang Chen didn't wake up until around ten o'clock the next morning.

As soon as Jiang Chen woke up, he realized that the two women beside him were gone.

Shi Shiran got up and went downstairs, Jiang Chen just saw that in the living room, two women were huddled together, constantly refreshing the web pages of the notebook, while refreshing, while chanting, he didn't know what they were reading.


Suddenly, Tang Tian yelled, hugged Shuang'er, and said loudly to Jiang Chen: "Hurry up, come and see."

"Look at what?" Jiang Chen was a little puzzled, and when he leaned over, he discovered that the second daughter refreshed the website for checking the results of the college entrance examination.

"I read the news and said that the results of the college entrance examination were released today, and now the results have come out, have you seen it?" Tang Tian said anxiously, looking very excited.

"I see." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Is that how you react?" Tang Tian was a little stunned, and Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

"Otherwise how should I react?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"The total score is 750 points, and you got 730 points and [-] points in the test. I guess this year's provincial college entrance examination champion will not be able to escape. Why are you so perverted? How did you pass the test?" Tang Tian was so excited.

"Just take the test, is it very high?" Jiang Chen was very calm.

"Jiang Chen, I just like your smelly and shameless look." Tang Tian laughed loudly, and announced: "I discussed it with Shuang'er, and decided to celebrate it for you. Are you ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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