genius evil

Chapter 581 Celebrated again and again

Chapter 581 Celebrated again and again

"Be ready at any time, hurry up and celebrate with me." Jiang Chen said quite expectantly.

"Uh, what are you in such a hurry for? You are ready, Shuang'er and I are not ready yet." Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"Then you and Shuang'er hurry up and prepare." Jiang Chen urged.

Tang Tian pulled Shuang'er up the stairs, and after about 5 minutes, Jiang Chen heard Tang Tian's voice calling from upstairs: "Jiang Chen, we are ready, come up quickly."

Jiang Chen had been waiting impatiently for a long time. Hearing the sound, he hurriedly ran upstairs.

The moment he pushed open the bedroom door, Jiang Chen was a little dumbfounded.

Impressively, in the bedroom, on the big bed, there were two women with jade bodies lying horizontally.

If that was the case, Jiang Chen would naturally not be able to make a fuss. This is not the first time he has seen two women lying on the same bed, and what he likes to do the most is to put these two women on the same bed. bed.

What made Jiang Chen feel dumbfounded was that whether it was Tang Tian or Shuang'er, the two girls were all wearing sexy uniforms that were as thin as cicada's wings.

The style of the uniform is exactly the same, and the color is also the same. When you look at it suddenly, it's like seeing a pair of twins.

Jiang Chen had seen the two women without clothes many times, but it was the first time he had seen them dressed like this.

"Xiao Tiantian, Shuang'er, when did you buy this dress?" Swallowing his saliva quietly, Jiang Chen asked pretending to be calm.

"I bought it two days ago, do you like it?" Tang Tian blinked and said sweetly.

"It looks pretty good." Jiang Chen nodded.

"That's liking, isn't it?" Tang Tian laughed happily.

"I like it, but why are you two dressed like this?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"What do you think?" Tang Tian gritted her teeth, didn't this guy open his eyes and talk nonsense?Dressed like this, what else can I do?
Is it just to cool off?
"I just don't understand, so I asked you." Jiang Chen was quite innocent.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense with me, come up quickly." Tang Tian was a little angry.

"Let's forget it, I suddenly realized that I wasn't ready." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"No, you must be ready." Tang Tian said in an unquestionable tone, she gave Shuang'er a look, and the two girls got out of bed, one left and one behind, surrounded Jiang Chen in the middle, and pushed them onto the bed.

"Xiao Tiantian, Shuang'er, do you two want to be so hungry and thirsty, and you agreed to celebrate with me? Is this a celebration for me? You are clearly doing selfish things for public benefit, using the guise of celebrating for me to satisfy your own desires." Selfish desires." Jiang Chen yelled.


Shuang'er took the initiative to kiss and pressed Jiang Chen's mouth, blocking Jiang Chen's voice.

Tang Tian, ​​on the other hand, was not idle for a moment, and quickly stripped off Jiang Chen's clothes.

"Jiang Chen, just enjoy it." Like a big bad wolf meeting a little white rabbit, Tang Tian was brutal and domineering. With Shuang'er's cooperation, she spared no effort to ravage her... No, let's celebrate Jiang Chen.

This kind of celebration lasted for more than two hours. Tang Tian and Shuang'er were exhausted from tossing themselves, so they lay on the bed, motionless.

"The celebration is over?" Jiang Chen looked like a spoiled little daughter-in-law.

"The celebration is over for now, let's celebrate in the afternoon." Tang Tian yawned, and said lazily, snuggled into Jiang Chen's arms, and fell asleep.

"Little Shuang'er, why don't we celebrate alone?" Jiang Chen giggled strangely.

"No, I'm so tired." Shuang'er squinted her eyes like a kitten.

Last night I had tossed and tossed for most of the night and didn't get a good rest, and today was so crazy, no matter how strong my physical strength was, Shuang'er couldn't bear it anymore, and fell asleep after a while.

This day, Jiang Chen just stayed in the villa and did not go out. In the afternoon, as Tang Tian said, he continued to celebrate, and then he seemed to feel that it was not enough. In the evening, he celebrated again.

By the next morning, when Jiang Chen drove out, his legs were unavoidably a little weak.

After driving away from Guilanyuan Villa, Jiang Chen drove directly towards the high speed.

The results of the college entrance examination came out yesterday, and Xu Anqi returned to Yilan City today. Tomorrow, she will go to school to fill out the college entrance examination application.

Jiang Chen was just driving the car, and not long after he appeared at the exit of the toll booth, he saw, a little far away, a black car driving over quickly.

When the car came out of the toll booth, the window glass was lowered, and Xu Anqi's little head was exposed.

"I'm here." Xu Anqi waved her little hand and greeted Jiang Chen cheerfully. When the car stopped, she pushed open the door, ran over quickly, and threw herself into Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Haha." Jiang Chen hugged Xu Anqi tightly in his arms, feeling the slight turmoil in the girl's slightly plump body as if he hadn't seen him for a while.

"It's been a long time." Xu Anqi asked softly.

She missed Jiang Chen, and thought about it.

"No, it's not long since we came here, but we'll make out again later, they got out of the car." Jiang Chen smiled, just seeing that a man and a woman in the black car opened the door and got out of the car.

The man and the woman, about 30 years old, are wearing glasses, and they look more refined. However, when they saw Xu Anqi throwing herself into Jiang Chen's arms and acting so proactively, the relationship between the two There was obvious surprise in the eyes.

"Ah—" Only then did Xu Anqi realize that there were other people, and hurriedly left Jiang Chen's embrace, blushing unreasonably.

"They are?" Jiang Chen grabbed Xu Anqi's little hand and held it.

"This is Teacher Wang Jiali Wang, and this is Teacher Zhang Dongqun Zhang." Xu Anqi introduced Jiang Chen, and said, "Mr. Wang and Teacher Zhang are both admissions teachers of Shuimu University in Beijing. They came to Yilan City to recruit students this time. .”

"How are you all?" Jiang Chen greeted.

"Hello." Wang Jiali nodded and asked curiously, "Are you Xu Anqi's boyfriend?"

"Obviously." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It's like this. We came to Jiangnan Province to recruit students this time. The school is very satisfied with Xu Anqi, but Xu Anqi seems to have concerns. She is not willing to go to the capital to go to university, but intends to stay in Jiangnan Province. Are you Can't I help persuade her? After all, the teaching resources of our Shuimu University are not comparable to universities in Jiangnan Province." Wang Jiali said very politely.

"On this point, I respect An Qi's opinion 100%." ​​Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

Jiang Chen knew about Xu Anqi's plan to stay in Jiangnan Province to go to university.

Mr. Xu is old, and the Xu family urgently needs to cultivate a successor, and Xu Anqi is the only successor candidate.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Xu Anqi to leave Jiangnan Province. If she wants to go to university, she will only go to university in Tiannan City. This has nothing to do with whether a school is good or not, but this is what Xu Anqi must do Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't force Xu Anqi to change her will.

"That's a pity." Wang Jiali said regretfully.

The Xu family is in Tiannan City, so it can be considered a big family. When they came to Jiangnan Province, the first stop was Tiannan City, and it was logical that they met Xu Anqi.

Wang Jiali was very satisfied with this beautiful, well-behaved and such an excellent little girl, and even offered a very generous offer. However, the other party had her own ideas, so she had to miss it.

"This is my own choice, I will not regret it." Xu Anqi said.

Wang Jiali smiled slightly: "I can only wish you a good future."

"Are you a high school student too?" At this moment, Zhang Dongqun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Jiang Chen nodded, and Zhang Dongqun asked again: "You just finished the college entrance examination?"

So, Jiang Chen nodded again.

"Have you ever thought about where to go to school?" Zhang Dongqun seemed very interested in Jiang Chen.

"Could it be that Teacher Zhang wants to recruit me to Shuimu University?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Of course not." Zhang Dongqun shook his head and said, "Our Shuimu University does not recruit everyone. Maybe your family is rich, but if your grades are not good enough, it is absolutely impossible for you to enter our Shuimu University."

"Fortunately, my first choice is not Shuimu University. Otherwise, I won't be able to get in at that time, and it would be a bit embarrassing." Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"I said just now that no matter what your first choice is Shuimu University, you will not be able to get in anyway. Our school does not recruit people like you. Don't think that if you have money in your family, you can go to school wherever you want. Going to school, I have seen too many rich kids like you without self-awareness." Zhang Dongqun snorted coldly.

"Mr. Zhang, stop talking." Wang Jiali also heard that Zhang Dongqun was targeting Jiang Chen.

So what if Jiang Chen is the rich second generation?
Wang Jiali did not reject the rich second generation, and her first impression of Jiang Chen was quite good.

"I'm curious, from what point can you tell that I'm from the rich second generation?" Jiang Chen asked inexplicably. Did this car see it?"

Because of the broken seat of the Land Rover, Jiang Chen went out today and drove the Ferrari 458 given to Tang Tian. Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"This car is enough to prove your identity, isn't it? Is it possible that you are planning to tell me that you earned the money for the car?" Zhang Dongqun said contemptuously.

"Ms. Zhang, he is not the second generation rich, you misunderstood." Xu Anqi hurriedly explained.

"Student Xu Anqi, listen to my advice. There is no future in mixing with such a person. Your family background is not bad. This kind of person is not good enough for you. Break up as soon as possible." Zhang Dongqun didn't seem to hear Xu Anqi's explanation. Same, serious said.

"Ms. Zhang, you are...too much." Xu Anqi was a little impatient.

"An Qi, there's no need to be angry with this kind of person." Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, how could he be misunderstood?If everyone is going to get angry and care about, why don't they get mad at themselves?
"Teacher Wang, is this the quality of your teachers at Shuimu University?" At the end, Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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