genius evil

Chapter 582 Hurry up and praise me

Chapter 582 Hurry up and praise me
"This classmate, don't mind, Mr. Zhang has such a temper." Wang Jiali said helplessly.

"There is nothing to be angry about this kind of thing. I have seen too many people who look down on people with a dog's eyes. That's right. I am very glad that my An Qi did not choose Shuimu University. From the current point of view, this is undoubtedly an extremely serious situation." A wise choice." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Who do you think looks down on people?" Zhang Dongqun was furious, with a look of great humiliation.

"In this place, there are three people and one dog, isn't it obvious enough?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Student Xu Anqi, have you heard, what kind of quality is this kind of person, just like this, are you sure you want to be with him?" Zhang Dongqun trembled angrily.

"Mr. Zhang, I respect your profession, so I call you Mr. Zhang. Please respect yourself and don't bring yourself to be humiliated." Xu Anqi's face was not very good-looking.

If she had known early on that Zhang Dongqun was such a person, she would never have come to Yilan City in the same car as Zhang Dongqun.

This kind of self-righteous and habitually standing on the moral high ground is too annoying.

Unfortunately, they often don't know how annoying they are.

"Student Xu Anqi, I'm doing it entirely for your own good. You can have a better future, and you are still young. Don't give up your bright future just because of a man's sweet words. Otherwise, it won't take you a few years. I will regret it." Zhang Dongqun said earnestly.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm fine, thank you for your concern. But, I think it will be more convincing to say this after you learn how to respect others, isn't it?" Xu Anqi said coldly.

"This—" Zhang Dongqun couldn't help but blushed, he was so criticized by a little girl, but he couldn't refute it for a while.

Jiang Chen didn't stay too long, and soon he drove away with Xu Anqi. Seeing Jiang Chen leave in that Ferrari, Wang Jiali glanced at Zhang Dongqun, and said helplessly, "That's all right, let's offend both of you." gone."

"Teacher Wang, Xu Anqi doesn't understand me, so don't you understand me too? I don't have the slightest selfishness." Zhang Dongqun said.

"Student Xu Anqi doesn't want to go to Shuimu University. It's really regrettable, but you shouldn't have said that just now, it was too straightforward." Wang Jiali reminded.

"As a person, I have an upright temper, and I can't change it in my life." Zhang Dongqun said forcefully.

Wang Jiali was somewhat dumbfounded, but she also knew that Zhang Dongqun did have such a character.

It's not necessarily a bad person, it's just that the book business is a little bit more aggressive, and it often doesn't get any benefit from doing things. It's a typical example of high IQ and low EQ.

If not, with Zhang Dongqun's ability, he would have been awarded the title of associate professor long ago, why would he run around with her across the country, busy with the matter of recruiting students?
"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't know Teacher Zhang was that kind of person." Inside the driving Ferrari, Xu Anqi apologized to Jiang Chen embarrassedly.

"Squad leader Xu, am I such a petite person?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"But Teacher Zhang, it's really too much." Xu Anqi wrinkled her nose and said softly.

"Forget it, I don't care about this matter, where are we going next? Or go for something to eat?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yanyan knew I was coming back today, so she called me, and you will accompany me there, okay?" Xu Anqi asked.

Of course, Jiang Chen was fine. About twenty minutes later, he met Jiang Yanyan outside a large shopping mall in the city.

It is said that women's colleges have changed at eighteen, and they look the same every day.

This point, Jiang Chen's experience with Xu Anqi is not obvious, Xu Anqi's personality tends to be gentle, which means that she pays more attention to details in dressing and dressing, and there will not be much change.

But Jiang Yanyan is different, perhaps because she has relaxed after the college entrance examination, she has a tendency to develop in the direction of a hot girl.

No, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi saw at a glance that there was a man chatting up Jiang Yanyan.

"Jiang Chen, did you change the car again?" Jiang Yanyan saw Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi get out of the car, trot over, and looked around the car, looking around.

Then, she smiled and said to Xu Anqi: "Anqi, it's nice to have such a rich and self-willed boyfriend, isn't it?"

"You'll talk nonsense." Xu Anqi smiled and hugged Jiang Yanyan.

"Beauty, these two are your friends?" The man who struck up a conversation came over and looked at Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi curiously. When he saw Xu Anqi, a gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Where does it go, don't compare it here. There are a lot of old people with no eyesight at all, and they lived on dogs?" Jiang Yanyan didn't look good.

She was waiting for someone here, this guy came out of nowhere, like a dog's skin plaster, sticking to him and refusing to leave, Jiang Yanyan was already tired of it.

The man smiled slightly and said: "Beauty, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to make friends with you, and I hope to give me a chance."

"My boyfriend is here, and you actually asked me to give you a chance? Did you take him seriously? Be careful that my boyfriend beats you into a pig's head." Blinking her eyes, Jiang Yanyan said jokingly.

"Your boyfriend?" The man froze for a moment.

"It's him, you can't even see such a big living person, you're blind." Jiang Yanyan took Jiang Chen's arm and said contemptuously.

"Beauty, stop joking. I can tell that this handsome guy and this beautiful woman are a couple." The man said confidently.

"Who's kidding you? Are we familiar? What do you mean the two of them are a pair, but the three of us are a pair." Jiang Yanyan yelled.

"This—" The man was obviously a little hard to digest.

"What's this, can't you? Look at my boyfriend, and then at yourself, I don't understand, why do you still have the nerve to hang on?" Jiang Yanyan asked inexplicably.

"You three...really?" The man's expression became awkward.

"Really." Jiang Yanyan said with great certainty.


A while later, in the shopping mall, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan walked in front arm in arm, and Jiang Chen followed behind, holding the bags of the two girls respectively.

The three of them were strolling around, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women was undoubtedly extremely easy to attract people's daydreams.

"An Qi, I borrowed Jiang Chen just now, you don't mind? You don't even know how annoying that guy is, I just stood there and waited for a few minutes, babbling countless things, It's annoying me to death." Jiang Yanyan said while shaking Xu Anqi's arm.

"Whether Squad Leader Xu would mind, I don't know, but I obviously do." Before Xu Anqi could reply, Jiang Chen just said.

"An Qi doesn't mind, what do you care about?" Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"I'm a little worried. People say I have no taste." Jiang Chen said worriedly.

"Jiang Chen, you can die for me." Jiang Yanyan kicked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen sideways avoided Jiang Yanyan's violent attack, and said, "Student Yanyan, for the sake of my glorious and majestic image, I strongly request you not to pour dirty water on me again, okay?"

"Okay, I'll splash paint on you." Jiang Yanyan sneered.

"You two stop fighting, I'm a little hungry, let's find a place to eat." Xu Anqi said dumbfounded, and she didn't know whether Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan were incompatible or what was going on, and they had to quarrel every time.

"Okay, okay, I'm hungry too, Jiang Chen, treat me." Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

"Why?" Jiang Chen was not happy.

"I've checked your college entrance examination results." Jiang Yanyan glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Are you embarrassed if you don't invite me to dinner with such a high score?"

"Did you really check it?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, I remembered your admission ticket number early in the morning. I wanted to see how you made a fool of yourself. Who knew that you are so perverted and shocking." Jiang Yanyan said.

The total score was 750 points, and Jiang Chen got 730 seven points in the test. After Jiang Yanyan saw Jiang Chen's score on the computer, she almost doubted whether the scoring system was broken.

Jiang Yanyan stayed by the computer until she refreshed the webpage several times to confirm that there was no error in the system, unable to speak a word...

"Then why don't you praise me quickly?" Jiang Chen said.

"Praise you?" Jiang Yanyan was puzzled.

"Yeah, I'm so powerful, you praise me, quickly praise me, no matter how hard you praise, I promise I won't be proud." Jiang Chen urged.

After Tang Tian and Shuang'er learned of his college entrance examination results, they celebrated him again and again, but Jiang Yanyan's reaction was a little too cold, right?

"I won't praise you. If you want someone to praise you, find An Qi." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Squad leader Xu, you must have known about my college entrance examination results a long time ago. How could you hide it so deeply? Fortunately, there is still time, so hurry up and praise me." Jiang Chen turned to Xu Anqi and said.

Xu Anqi had indeed known about Jiang Chen's college entrance examination results for a long time, but although her scores were a bit abnormally high, Xu Anqi's mood did not fluctuate too much.

She has always believed that Jiang Chen is the best, there are certain things that Jiang Chen doesn't do, but once he does, he is at least much better than 90.00% of the people in this world.

The same is true in other aspects, and in terms of learning, it is natural.

"What should I say?" Xu Anqi asked, looking at Jiang Chen's eagerness to be praised, Xu Anqi just wanted to laugh.

"You won't be right, won't I teach you, classmate Yanyan, you also listen together." Jiang Chen said, cleared his throat, and continued: "Jiang Chen, you are really too handsome and powerful Yes, I admire you so much, from today onwards, you are my male god, I want to give birth to monkeys for you^"

"Ouch!" Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, Jiang Yanyan was so disgusted by Jiang Chen that she couldn't help but want to vomit.

I've heard some people boast shamelessly, but I boast myself like a flower, how thick-skinned it is to say such a thing.

"Giggle--" Xu Anqi couldn't help it after all, she laughed out loud, and the branches of her laughter trembled wildly...

(End of this chapter)

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