genius evil

Chapter 583 Don't forget the original intention, Fang De is always

Chapter 583 Don't forget the original intention, Fang De is always

With the end of the college entrance examination and the senior high school students leaving school collectively, the interior of Yilan Middle School seemed a little deserted.

However, with the release of the results of the college entrance examination, and the ensuing voluntary application, the high school seniors who left the school flocked into the campus again, and the campus that had been deserted for a while became lively again.

Jiang Chen arrived at the school by car at ten o'clock in the morning. In terms of time, it was neither early nor late.

He came alone. Originally, Tang Tian and Shuang'er wanted to come with him, but Jiang Chen felt that it was too high-profile, and it didn't match his usual low-key style of life, so he resolutely refused. Although, this kind of Behavior, being extremely suspected by Tang Tian was Jiang Chen's excuse to make it easier for him to pick up girls.

As for Xu Anqi, she was dragged away by Jiang Yanyan after shopping yesterday.

Jiang Chen saw this very clearly. It was Jiang Yanyan's revenge on him. Who told him that after the meal, he used the excuse that he didn't bring his wallet, and refused to pay the bill. In the end, it became Jiang Yanyan's treat.

But Jiang Chen didn't care much about it. It was definitely a painful and happy thing to have Tang Tian, ​​a big tiger, and Shuang'er, who was taught by Tang Tian to turn into a small tiger, in the villa.

I don't know if Tang Tian is addicted to celebrating for him. After returning to Guilan Garden yesterday, she was forced to celebrate twice. Jiang Chen's physical fitness is amazing, and he almost turned into a soft-legged crab.

Jiang Chen drove the car to the school's parking lot, got off the car, and walked towards the teaching building. After walking a few steps, he saw, not far from the side, the door of a car was pushed open, followed by a The figure came out from inside.

The hot and dry air in summer seemed to become much cooler in an instant as the figure got out of the car.

The girl was wearing a light green long skirt, the skirt reached her ankles, she was peaceful and leisurely, and the fresh breath that came over her face made Jiang Chen's footsteps stop unconsciously.

"Fairy Tale, are you waiting for me here?" Jiang Chen asked after glancing at the girl.

Fairy tale nodded vigorously, walked over, and said softly: "Jiang Chen, let me congratulate you."

"Congratulations? Congratulations for what?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Title on the Gold List." Fairy Tale's voice became softer and lower.

"Then shouldn't I also congratulate you, your result this time is the second in the school?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I..." Fairy Tale's eyes curved like crescent moons, and said: "Everyone will only remember No.1, how can anyone remember No.2? Don't laugh at me."

"I will remember." Jiang Chen suddenly stopped laughing and said seriously.

From the beginning to the end, he always remembered that girl who was as pure as an elf by the Weiming Lake, holding a book of fairy tales.

The intersection between the two parties is not too much.

But from the first sight, I was impressed and remembered.

Fairy Tale seemed a little panicked, her pink face was quietly flushed, she lowered her eyebrows, her voice was almost inaudible, "Jiang Chen, are you still blaming me?"

"What did you say? Make it louder, I can't hear you clearly." Jiang Chen said loudly.

A short sentence seemed to have exhausted all the courage, and there was no way to say it a second time. Fairy Tale lowered her head and remained silent for a long time before gaining the courage to raise her head. Looking into Jiang Chen's eyes, she said : "Jiang Chen, I always remember a sentence you told me, don't forget your original intention..."

After saying this, Fairy Tale, like a frightened deer, got into the car in a panic, and closed the door forcefully.

Seeing Fairy Tale's behavior, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

"I never blamed you, I just regret it." Jiang Chen said in his heart. With his keen sense of hearing, he naturally heard the words of the fairy tale.

However, in order to avoid embarrassment between the two parties, he deliberately pretended not to hear clearly.

Fairy Hua got into the car, and Jiang Chen also left.

This contact is more like a test, to test the attitude of the other party, to test the other party's mind.

Jiang Chen got a satisfactory result, because the fairy said, never forgetting the original intention.

As for the fairy tale, whether he was satisfied or not, Jiang Chen didn't know.

Inside the car, a small face was pressed against the window glass, watching Jiang Chen walk away step by step, Fairy Tale's eyes were filled with complicated light.

"If you don't forget your original intention, you will always be there."

Jiang Chen only said the first half of the sentence, and the second half of the sentence was what Tong Tong said to herself. She hoped to tell Jiang Chen, but she couldn't say it.


On Jiang Chen's side, it didn't take long for him to walk out of the parking lot, and there were two people walking towards him, but they were Qiu Shaojie and Zheng Yu who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Young Master Jiang."

"Young Master Jiang."

Qiu Shaojie and Zheng Yu greeted Jiang Chen one after another.

"What are you two doing here?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"To fill out the high-level volunteer application today, I thought that you will definitely come, Young Master Jiang, so wait here, there is something, I want to hear your opinion, Young Master Jiang." Scratching his head, Qiu Shaojie said.

"Let's talk while walking." Jiang Chen waved his hand, motioning for the two to follow, and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

"It's about going to college." Qiu Shaojie said.

"You're embarrassing me. I'm in college, and I have no experience." Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Jiang Shao, Brother Jie wants to give up going to college. But he is not sure whether it is right or not for him to do so, so he wants to hear your advice, Young Master Jiang." Zheng Yu said from the side.

"Oh?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

He thought that the advice Qiu Shaojie wanted him to give was which city and which university to study in, but he didn't expect that Qiu Shaojie didn't want to go to university anymore.

"It's like this." Qiu Shaojie nodded.

"Will you regret it?" Jiang Chen asked, turning his head and glancing at Qiu Shaojie.

He doesn't need to know why Qiu Shaojie has such an idea and the reason why this idea was formed, he just needs to know whether Qiu Shaojie will regret it after making this decision.

"No." Without even thinking about it, Qiu Shaojie said decisively. Obviously, he had matured consideration on this issue.

"Then do it according to your own mind. If you can't get along, you can find me anytime." Jiang Chen said lightly, his pace quickened, and he walked far away.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen disappeared from sight that Zheng Yu asked: "Brother Jie, have you really thought about it? Don't you regret it? I often hear people say that they regret going to college for four years, and regret it for the rest of their lives if they don't go to college. What do you say?" , Is it better to regret it for four years? Or regret it for a lifetime?"

"At least, within four years, I won't regret it." After thinking about it, Qiu Shaojie said.

"So, what about four years later?" Zheng Yu asked, he always felt that Qiu Shaojie's decision was a bit weird.

Another point is that Qiu Shaojie is a recommended student, and he can go to a good university. It would be a pity to give up such an opportunity.

However, he has already persuaded him many times, but Qiu Shaojie couldn't listen to his opinion at all, insisted on his own opinion, which would not prevent Zheng Yu from feeling a headache.

"Four years are enough for many things to happen and many changes." Qiu Shaojie said.

"Brother Jie, you don't want to say more about this, and you don't want to say more about that, but at least you have to give me a reason to make me feel better, right?" Zheng Yu said with a bitter face.

"Zheng Yu, if you find that there is a mountain in front of you that you cannot climb, what will you do?" Qiu Shaojie still did not directly answer Zheng Yu's question, but asked.

"If I can give up, I think I will give up. Since I can't climb over, why waste time? If I can't give up, I will go around, although it will take a longer distance." After thinking for a while, Zheng Yu said.

"I'm going to take that longer road now." Looking up at the sky above his head, Qiu Shaojie said slowly: "Didn't you realize, Young Master Jiang, that is the mountain that we can't climb anyway?" ?”

"That's your plan?" Zheng Yu suddenly came to his senses.

"Isn't it ridiculous and childish?" Qiu Shaojie smiled wryly.

"Brother Jie, I didn't hit you. What Young Master Jiang has done, I don't think you can reach that height in your whole life. Why make things difficult for yourself?" Zheng Yu sighed.

He didn't say that Qiu Shaojie was ridiculous, nor did he say that Qiu Shaojie was childish, he could only say that everyone has his own ambitions.

"I understand this, I understand even more, 90.00% of the possibility is that I can't get around it, but I still want to do something I want to do, I will try my best to do it well, maybe one day , Young Master Jiang needs my help, of course, that day may never come." Qiu Shaojie sighed.

"It's too hard." Zheng Yu shook his head.

"Life is like climbing a mountain. If you don't go up, you will go down. What is not hard?" Qiu Shaojie looked at it very openly.

"Brother Jie, then, I won't go to college anymore." Zheng Yu said hesitantly.

"No." Qiu Shaojie patted Zheng Yu's shoulder and said, "The road you are going to take is different from the one I am going to take. If you go to your university, maybe I will need your help when the time comes. "

"What can I do to help, I won't regret it if I don't delay you." Zheng Yu was helpless.

"Let's go, let's find a place to drink. To be honest, this problem has been on my mind for a long time. I was worried that Young Master Jiang would not agree. Now, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Qiu Shaojie said .

The two of them did not go to the teaching building to finish school, but walked towards the school gate.

Jiang Chen, at this time, had already appeared downstairs in the teaching building.

"Is that person Jiang Chen?"

"Where, you can quickly point it out to me."

"It's over there, look."

"Ah, it's really Jiang Chen."

"Where is Jiang Chen? Who is Jiang Chen?"

Following Jiang Chen's appearance, it immediately attracted the attention of some people, and many people pointed at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled, what was going on?
"Are you Jiang Chen?" A slightly chubby girl ran up to Jiang Chen and asked expectantly.

"Um, I am." Jiang Chen was a little vigilant, very worried that this girl would jump on him.

"Jiang Chen, he is really Jiang Chen, come and see..." The girl didn't jump on Jiang Chen's body, but after getting Jiang Chen's affirmative answer, she suddenly raised her throat and called out loudly... …

(End of this chapter)

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