genius evil

Chapter 584 Look Quickly, This Is The Pervert

Chapter 584 Look Quickly, This Is The Pervert

"You're a little excited." Jiang Chen was always taken aback by girls, so he wasn't so scary.

"Can I not be excited, who made you so perverted... everyone, look, this is the pervert." The girl continued to shout at the top of her voice.

Jiang Chen has black lines all over his head, is this a compliment or a scolding?
The girl's two calls had an immediate effect. Those who had noticed Jiang Chen ran over quickly, while those who didn't notice Jiang Chen's appearance were also attracted by the girl's call.

In less than a minute, there were at least nearly a hundred people densely packed, layer by layer, surrounding Jiang Chen, making it impossible for Jiang Chen to even walk.

"This pervert is Jiang Chen... No, Jiang Chen is this pervert. Finally, he is alive."

"Yeah, it's not easy. It's the first time our school has produced a top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination."

"It's so handsome, it's my type."


A group of people watched, looking at Jiang Chen like a monster, talking nonsense.

There are those who admire, some who admire, some who speak sour words, and many who commit nympho.

The teaching resources of Yilan Middle School are quite good, but compared to Jiangnan Province, a province with a large college entrance examination and a large education province, the teaching resources in Yilan City are hardly top-notch.

Jiang Chen's college entrance examination results this time can be said to be one of the best, so it is naturally difficult not to attract the attention of others.

Previously, although Jiang Chen was well-known in Yilan Middle School, some people, who had only heard of Jiang Chen's name, didn't know exactly what Jiang Chen looked like.

Finally, this time, I saw Jiang Chen himself.

Jiang Chen had a chill, didn't it just because he didn't pay attention, did he do better in the exam? There is a need to be so excited, a bunch of bumpkins who have never seen the world.

"I said, can you make room, I still have to go to the classroom." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, can you tell us why you are so perverted?" a boy asked.

"You are perverted, your whole family is perverted." Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, even if he wanted to praise him, couldn't he use some better adjectives?
For example, he looks better than Pan An, looks talented and so on?No matter how bad it is, being rich and powerful is much better than the word abnormal, right?

"How can you scold people?" The boy's face turned red.

"I just scolded you, why, you want to fight." Jiang Chen rolled up his sleeves and said aggressively.

"What a man."

"It's over, I'm completely in love with him."

"It doesn't matter if you have good academic performance, but you are still so handsome, my girlish heart."


A group of girls looked at Jiang Chen with such eyes that stars almost popped out of their eyes. Regardless of whether he was rude or not, his appearance was justice.

"Jiang Chen, shall we take a photo together?" Some girls crowded towards Jiang Chen and took out their phones one after another.

"Group photo is of course no problem, it costs five yuan a piece, everyone, don't squeeze, line up one by one, pay the money first and then take a photo." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you are so shameless, but we like it." The girls laughed and made a fuss. Naturally, it is impossible to really take money and line up, and take random pictures with their mobile phones. Jiang Chen is not even easy to posses , I was very worried that I would accidentally make him ugly.

As a handsome guy, Jiang Chen expressed a lot of pressure at this moment.

About 10 minutes later, after receiving a call, Jiang Chen managed to get rid of the entanglement of these girls, and ran towards the teacher's office building.

"Teacher Tang, are you looking for me? What's the matter?" Entering the office, Jiang Chen looked around, didn't see any other teachers, sat down on Tangyue's seat, and stared at Tangyue with a smile on his face. The month looked up.

Tangyue always felt that every time Jiang Chen looked at her, his eyes were too naked, which made her uncomfortable. This time, it was no exception. She quietly turned sideways to avoid Jiang Chen's eyes. When I called you just now, I heard you were a little noisy, what happened?"

"As for the girls in our school, all of them are too enthusiastic. It is probably because it may be the last time I saw me in Yilan Middle School, so they all expressed their desire to date me, but I am receiving a call from you, Teacher Tang. Afterwards, all of them were rejected. Teacher Tang, you can rest assured that I am not a casual man. No, as soon as I received your call from Teacher Tang, I ran over immediately, without delaying a second." Jiang Dust is talking nonsense.

"I seem to have heard someone talking about a pervert?" Tangyue was naturally not so easy to fool.

"Teacher Tang, you heard me right, but it's all about jealousy. You also know that a man is too handsome and outstanding, so it's easy for others to be jealous." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"I'm looking for you to talk about filling in the volunteers. Have you decided which university to go to?" Tangyue changed the subject so that Jiang Chen wouldn't feel bad about himself.

"Teacher Tang, what's your suggestion?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"The admissions offices of Shuimu University and Jingcheng University have both called the school, but the school is not good at making decisions about this kind of thing. It all depends on you...The two universities have different majors. If you have your favorite major, I can give you some appropriate advice." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, I suddenly found that you are so cold." Jiang Chen said suddenly, wondering if he had listened to Tangyue's words.

"..." Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly, talking about business, what's wrong with it?

"Teacher Tang, why don't you ask me why I got such a high score in the college entrance examination?" Jiang Chen asked with a very sad look.

"This is inseparable from your usual hard work." Tangyue said stammeringly, and she felt very embarrassed when she said the words.


They have only seen Jiang Chen working hard to pick up girls, but no one has seen Jiang Chen working hard to study.

"Mr. Tang, I think it's all due to you. It's because of your good teaching that I am what I am today. More importantly, there is one thing that has always inspired me, which made me stand out on the battlefield of the college entrance examination. Performed supernormally, and finally killed a bloody path." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I didn't do anything." Tangyue was somewhat embarrassed by Jiang Chen's praise.

It was true that she had formulated a tutoring plan for Jiang Chen, and it was also true that she had tutored Jiang Chen's homework, but in such a short amount of time, the effect was minimal, and Tangyue didn't think it would be of any use.

The real use is to use the opportunity of tutoring to motivate Jiang Chen to study actively. Of course, obviously, it was not successful.

In this way, Tangyue would naturally not take Jiang Chen's college entrance examination results as her own credit.

However, Tangyue also felt that it was weird to regard it as Jiang Chen's own contribution.

After all, from a scumbag to a top student all of a sudden, there is no sign in the middle, how should this be understood?

If it's just mathematics or general, it's okay to say, the biggest problem is that Jiang Chen's scumbag English is also an all-round counterattack.

Not to mention the teaching years, Tangyue has never seen such a person, even when she was in school, she has never seen a classmate who created such a miracle.

That's right, if one had to give a definition to Jiang Chen's college entrance examination results this time, that definition could only be called a miracle.

In addition, Tangyue really couldn't think of any suitable adjectives that could describe such a strange and almost unreal phenomenon.

Tangyue thought it was a miracle, but Jiang Chen didn't think so.

The miracle that everyone thinks is just because when they look at a thing, they only see the final result, but not the process before the result appears.

Jiang Chen would not underestimate himself and classify himself as a scumbag, he just didn't put his mind on studying.

His super logical analysis ability made him feel like a fish in water in math class, and his super memory ability, the level of English, is of course just a trivial matter.

But it's good for Jiang Chen to know this kind of thing, he won't care about how other people think about this kind of abnormal situation.

"Teacher Tang, you are humble. I will remember all the things you have done to me. Without your teaching, I would not be where I am today, let alone tomorrow." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Why are you so strange what you said today?" Tangyue was very suspicious, she had never seen Jiang Chen boasting so much before.

"Teacher Tang, don't think about it too much. As for me, I just want to talk to you." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"The admissions teachers from Shuimu University and Capital University will come over later, you should think about it yourself first," Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, you are indeed extremely cold today, and you have broken my heart again and again." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, do you have anything else to tell me?" Tangyue just sensed that something was wrong.

She didn't feel that she was cold, she had always been with Jiang Chen like this before.

"Teacher Tang, I have always kept your teachings in my heart, and I dare not forget them for a moment. Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten what you said to me? How can you be so irresponsible? ?” Jiang Chen asked heartbrokenly.

"I... I haven't forgotten." Tangyue couldn't take it anymore.

"Really haven't forgotten? Well, I will choose a good day for our date. Teacher Tang, you should be mentally prepared." Jiang Chen suddenly became happy, and said with a playful smile.


Hearing the sound, Tangyue's face instantly turned red.

He finally understood why Jiang Chen's behavior was a bit weird today. Dare he, Jiang Chen has been thinking about that matter...that is, she promised Jiang Chen that if Jiang Chen can really enter the top ten in China In the university, she will be Jiang Chen's girlfriend for a day.

But in the current situation, Jiang Chen has not only been admitted to the top ten universities in China, but if he wants, he can choose any one of the two top universities in China.

This also means that Jiang Chen has completed the goal she expected at the beginning, and it also means that the time has come for her to fulfill her promise.

Tangyue's heart panicked all of a sudden, her pretty face became hotter and redder before she knew it...

(End of this chapter)

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