genius evil

Chapter 585 Let's Date

Chapter 585 Let's Date

"Teacher Tang, why are you blushing, are you looking forward to your date with me? Or, there is no need to choose a date, let's start dating today?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No... no..." Tangyue panicked and hurriedly denied Jiang Chen's proposal.

Not to mention that she doesn't have time at all today, even if she did, it is impossible for her to date Jiang Chen, at least, it is impossible for her to date Jiang Chen so soon.

After all, Tangyue already knew what kind of character Jiang Chen had.

If she agreed too quickly, Jiang Chen might not know how to climb up the pole. When the time comes, she is bound to be the one who suffers.

Even though some self-hypnotists said that they were dedicating themselves to the educational cause of the motherland, they can’t really dedicate themselves, can they?

"I can understand." Jiang Chen nodded.

"You really understand?" Tangyue expressed surprise, and felt that something was wrong. When did Jiang Chen become so talkative?

According to common sense, shouldn't Jiang Chen deserve to be stalked until she agrees?
"I really understand." Jiang Chen nodded again, and said, "Mr. Tang, you must be serious about this date between us, so you don't want to act hastily. You can rest assured, Mr. Tang, that I will definitely arrange it properly and strive to give it to you." Teacher Tang, you left a deep and unforgettable memory."

Tangyue almost didn't cry, she didn't think about this date at all, she didn't think about it at all, if it was possible, she wished Jiang Chen would give up the date.

What Jiang Chen said was clearly out of the question, but what she said was reasonable and well-founded, and she almost made her take it seriously.

"Teacher Tang, since you attach so much importance to it, I can't be sloppy. How about we rehearse first to avoid flaws when the time comes?" Then, Jiang Chen asked in a discussing tone.

"Rehearsal?" Tang Yue didn't quite understand what Jiang Chen meant.

"According to the agreement, Mr. Tang, you will be my girlfriend for a day. What I mean is, we need to discuss the obligations of a girlfriend and what will happen between male and female friends." Jiang Chen said.

"Let's simply have a meal and go shopping." Tangyue said hastily.

"Teacher Tang, I have to say that your understanding of the concept of boyfriend and girlfriend is too superficial. Well, I can choose to forgive you because you have never had a boyfriend, but when you eat and go shopping, don't you think, Is it too old-fashioned and lacks originality and sincerity?" Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Then... what are you going to do?" Tangyue asked after hesitating for a while.

"Teacher Tang, you are wrong again. It's not what I want to do, but what we two want to do. Coincidentally, I know that there is a hotel that provides quite good service." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Go to the hotel?" Tangyue stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, could it be that she really wanted to sacrifice herself?
"Going to the hotel is just one of the things we have to do, and besides..." Jiang Chen deliberately teased Tangyue.

"Stop talking." Tangyue interrupted hastily, and said loudly, "Jiang Chen, it's impossible for me to go to the hotel with you."

"Why?" Jiang Chen couldn't understand.

"There is no reason, if you don't go, you just don't go." Tangyue said quickly.

Not to mention, it's just Jiang Chen's temporary girlfriend, and the deadline is only one day. Even if it is really Jiang Chen's girlfriend, then they can't go to the hotel to open a room in such a short time, right?

Who did Jiang Chen think of her?
She, Tangyue, is not the kind of casual woman!

"Teacher Tang, that hotel is quite good, you must trust me." Jiang Chen persuaded.

"No." Tangyue was very firm.

"The food in that hotel is really good." Jiang Chen felt a little helpless.

"Go to the hotel for dinner?" Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded. What's going on? Could it be that she was thinking too much.

"Yeah, go to dinner. For our date, I have worked so hard that I don't know how many brain cells have died... But, Mr. Tang, what are you thinking, otherwise, what do you think we are going to the hotel for?" Jiang Chen pretended to be extremely innocent.

Tangyue really wished she could dig a hole in the ground, so she just got into it.

Jiang Chen went to the hotel one by one. A place like a hotel is an extremely ambiguous word for a man and a woman.In addition to eating, there are too many things to do, and it is very easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

If Jiang Chen had said to go to a hotel for dinner, how could she have so many associations?
For a moment, Tangyue wanted to bite Jiang Chen. She knew very well that the reason why she misunderstood was clearly because of Jiang Chen's intentional inducement.

This guy is so bad!

"It's fine to go eat." Tangyue ignored Jiang Chen's teasing, and said angrily.

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "There are other services after the meal."

"Don't think about other services." Tangyue said without thinking.

She can accompany Jiang Chen to the hotel, but the only thing to do when going to the hotel is to eat, just to eat, this point must be made clear, resolute and decisive, not to leave any illusions for Jiang Chen.

"I mean, there is a large swimming pool in the hotel. The weather is quite suitable for swimming." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"No... no need..." Even though she was a little tempted, Tangyue still refused, because she was afraid that Jiang Chen would make an inch of it.

"Teacher Tang, I don't think you need to guard against me like a wolf. I, Jiang Chen, am definitely not the kind of person you think." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You also know what kind of person you are in my heart?" Tangyue asked almost gnashing her teeth.

Jiang Chen couldn't help smiling, and said: "After the meal, I have many other arrangements, but I won't go into details. Teacher Tang, you can just follow me when the time comes, as long as you eat hot food."

Tangyue was not in the mood to have a good time with Jiang Chen, what she was thinking in her heart was how to make the day's date between them go as far as possible.

However, it was naturally impossible for Tangyue to express her thoughts in this regard to Jiang Chen, otherwise it might arouse Jiang Chen's rebellious psychology and make her suffer more unnecessary hardships.

"Okay." On the surface, Tangyue responded like this.

The two of them were talking about these things when they heard a knock on the door from outside the office. Immediately afterwards, a figure came in from the outside, but it was Xu Jiao.

Xu Jiao glanced at Jiang Chen, then at Tang Yue, and said expressionlessly, "Jiang Chen, it's good that you stay here, Principal Feng asked the two of you to go to his office."

"Is there something wrong?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

"The teachers from the Admissions Office of Shuimu University and Jingcheng University are here, and they are waiting in the principal's office." Xu Jiao remained expressionless, looking a little impatient.

Such impatience was aimed at Tang Yue on the one hand, and Jiang Chen more importantly.

Mainly, Xu Jiao felt that a guy like Jiang Chen, who was ignorant and idle, took the test casually and got a score of the provincial champion, which was too psychologically unbalanced.

Xu Jiao was not fighting for the injustice of those diligent and diligent students, she was out of balance in her heart, to be precise, it was envy and jealousy.

"Jiang Chen, let's go there." Tangyue said.

She called Jiang Chen over today, mainly to talk about this matter, but Jiang Chen gagged for no reason, which led to the failure of the business talk, and a lot of messy things were said.

But even if the teachers from the admissions office came, it would be a good thing for Jiang Chen to have an interview with them so that he could strive for better conditions and opportunities.

"I won't go there, let's go to Capital University." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, Shuimu University is also very good, you'd better have an interview in the past." Tangyue said.

"Shuimu University is good, but the problem is, people don't like me." Jiang Chen smiled, and Shi Shiran walked out of the office.

"Teacher Tang, Jiang Chen won't go, so you can go alone, I won't go either, I still have things to do." Seeing this, Xu Jiao said.

Then he secretly slandered in his heart, it must be because of her appearance that he ruined Jiang Chen and Tangyue's good deeds, this couple, can't wait to have something happen in the office?

The money to open a house is saved, and this is too good at living!
Tangyue didn't know Xu Jiao's messy thoughts, she nodded and walked to the principal's office.

In the principal's office, besides the old principal Feng and the school's dean, there were two other men and two women.

Two men and two women were sitting opposite each other, divided into two camps, looking at each other with a hint of hostility in their eyes.

For such a scene, Tangyue is no stranger to it. She knows that Shuimu University and Jingcheng University are natural rivals. Every year after the college entrance examination is over, in the admissions season, the two sides often fight fiercely in order to rob people. Things happen.

"Teacher Tang, where is Jiang Chen?" Old Principal Feng asked suspiciously when he saw Tangyue coming in alone.

"Jiang Chen still has something to do, he asked me to bring a word, he said that he plans to go to Capital University." Tangyue said directly.

"Okay!" Among the two camps, a man with a square face stood up, with an uncontrollable joy on his face.

"This teacher, the strength of our Shuimu University is obvious to all. Wouldn't this decision be too hasty? I think it's better for you to call classmate Jiang Chen over to talk about it." Among the other camp, that The man frowned and said, it was Zhang Dongqun who met Jiang Chen face to face.

"What are you at Shuimu University? Could it be that our Capital University is inferior?" The man with a square face quit immediately.

"Bad or not, you all know it well." Zhang Dongqun snorted coldly.

"Zhang Dongqun, what do you mean by this, you'd better explain clearly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you." The man with the square face was very annoyed.

"What's the matter, want to fight? Just fight, whoever is afraid of whom." Zhang Dongqun stood up.

Including Tangyue, the old principal Feng and the others were a little dumbfounded. Judging by this posture, no matter who has the slightest bearing of a teacher from the highest school in the country, someone will believe him if he says he is a local hooligan.

"This teacher, there is no need for an interview. Since Jiang Chen said this, he must have made a decision in his heart. As his head teacher, I believe and respect his decision." Tangyue said at this time.

"I think it's better to talk about it. Our Shuimu University can provide better conditions than Jingcheng University." Wang Jiali said.

"The conditions of our Capital University will only be better than yours." The man with a square face said without hesitation.

Seeing that the two sides were about to clash again, Tangyue thought for a while and said, "The reason why Jiang Chen chose Capital University is because he said that Shuimu University doesn't like him. I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, I don't know. Teachers, what do you think?"


Zhang Dongqun and Wang Jiali looked at each other for a while, it was a little strange at first, if they didn't like Jiang Chen, they wouldn't have come all the way here, right?

Soon, the two of them did not know what they were thinking of, and their expressions suddenly changed...

(End of this chapter)

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