genius evil

Chapter 587 He Is So Boring

Chapter 587 He Is So Boring

In the middle of the day, except for a small number of students who were struggling and unable to decide how to fill in their volunteers, most of the students had already filled out and handed in their volunteer forms.

After that, the senior three students were divided into two parts, one part flocked to the school cafeteria, and the other part flocked outside the school.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan held hands and walked on the way to the school cafeteria.

Girls, after all, are more sensitive by nature. This time when they come back to school and fill out the application for the college entrance examination, it largely means that they will bid farewell to the school they have been in for three years.

Parting is always sad, no, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan decided to have their last lunch in the school cafeteria as a memorial to their three years of youth.

"Yanyan, who is that woman that Jiang Chen told you about?" Xu Anqi asked softly while walking on the road.

She is not the kind of person who is very curious, but it is about Jiang Chen, her small thoughts, unconsciously, always need to be extra sensitive.

Originally, Xu Anqi didn't intend to ask this question. She thought that with Jiang Yanyan's character, she should be able to tell her impatiently.

However, Jiang Yanyan never meant to tell her. She changed her previous fiery temper and became tight-lipped. Xu Anqi hesitated for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, and asked out in embarrassment.

"Oh, An Qi, don't ask, I promised Jiang Chen not to tell, and I swore a poisonous oath." Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

"Really?" Xu Anqi was a little confused, she didn't know why, she felt that Jiang Yanyan's attitude was a bit weird, Jiang Yanyan was not like this before, she couldn't hide a little secret in her heart.

"I really can't say it, or I'll treat you to dinner and make it up to you, okay...Little Anqi, don't be angry, I really didn't mean not to say it." Jiang Yanyan shook Xu Anqi's arm, pretending to be silly and cute.

Xu Anqi couldn't help but, although she really wanted to know who that person was, with Jiang Yanyan's reaction, she couldn't keep asking.

Entering the school cafeteria, Jiang Yanyan rushed to pay the bill, ordered two meals, and sat down at a table with Xu Anqi.

"An Qi, have you made up your mind to stay in Tiannan City? Jiang Chen is going to the capital to go to school." Jiang Yanyan asked, gnawing on a chicken leg without any image.

"En." Xu Anqi nodded.

"Aren't you afraid that Jiang Chen will be snatched away by other women?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously.

Smiling, Xu Anqi said: "Anyway, you are going to the capital to go to university. Then, help me keep an eye on him."

"I can't keep an eye on him. Besides, I'm not in the same school as him. Besides, I'm also looking for a boyfriend. What if Jiang Chen sabotages it and leaves me alone? ?” Jiang Yanyan gnawed happily.

"How could Jiang Chen be so boring." Xu Anqi said amusedly, but she didn't understand why Jiang Yanyan had such a big prejudice against Jiang Chen.

"He's so boring, you don't even know what he said" Jiang Yanyan was so blunt that she almost slipped her mouth. She swallowed the words quickly, lowered her head and shoveled the rice into her mouth.

"What did he say today?" Xu Anqi's small thoughts were aroused again.

"It's nothing, let's eat..." Jiang Yanyan smiled dryly, not daring to lift her head, her eyes flickering.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan chose to eat in the school cafeteria, Jiang Chen naturally didn't have this sentiment.

He is not attached to this school, let alone obsessed with learning. What he likes is the relatively simple and clean atmosphere in the campus.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was walking towards the outside of the school in a leisurely manner, planning to go to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner.

Speaking of which, for a long time, I haven't tasted the food cooked by Sister Lan, and Jiang Chen really misses it.

"Jiang Chen, is that you?" Jiang Chen was walking when suddenly a timid female voice came to his ears.

Jiang Chen looked back and saw a girl wearing glasses looking at him with a blushing face.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Chen looked at the girl and quickly searched his memory to make sure he didn't recognize her.

"It's like this, can you sign it for me?" the girl asked in a low voice.

"Of course, where to sign?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Here, I brought a notebook here." The girl quickly opened a notebook and handed it to Jiang Chen along with the pen she had prepared in advance.

The book should have been newly bought, and it has not been used yet. Only on the title page, there is a name written on it, which is the girl's own name.

Jiang Chen glanced at the name, wrote a few strokes on the notebook, and signed his name.

"Thank you, thank you." The girl looked a little excited, and said, "Jiang Chen, you are my role model. I will definitely study hard and strive to be admitted to Capital University."

After finishing speaking, before Jiang Chen could respond, the girl turned her head and ran away nervously. The teased Jiang Chen couldn't stop laughing. Seeing that the girl's small face hadn't fully grown yet, she didn't know it was a freshman. students are still high school sophomores.

A small episode, Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart, and walked outside the campus as usual.

And the girl who ran away didn't run very far, but was stopped by a man and a woman.

"Classmate, is that boy just now Jiang Chen?" The woman asked eagerly.

If Jiang Chen had discovered the existence of these two people, he would have recognized at a glance that the woman and the man were Wang Jiali and Zhang Dongqun.

Tangyue's last words in the principal's office shocked both Wang Jiali and Zhang Dongqun. The two of them faintly realized that the young man they had seen with Xu Anqi before was presumably Jiang Chen.

This point directly made Zhang Dongqun's old face hot for several hours. The words he had spoken with Jiang Chen were like slaps in the face one after another, almost swollen his old face. .

Originally, Capital University and Shuimu University were natural rivals. In order to compete for students, the two sides fought openly and secretly for countless times.

This time, when he came to Yilan Middle School to fight for Jiang Chen, Zhang Dongqun was already mentally prepared for this, but before the battle even started, Shuimu University was directly sentenced to be out of the game, and was taken away by Capital University. Big cheap.

This incident made Zhang Dongqun aggrieved and annoyed. At the same time, he was still a little unwilling. Therefore, after being sentenced to leave Yilan Middle School, he returned to Yilan Middle School with Wang Jiali, and wanted to fight hard again. Fight for it, maybe Jiang Chen will change his mind.

Moreover, Zhang Dongqun's greatest expectation was that there was some misunderstanding. That young man was not Jiang Chen, and Wang Jiali also had the same expectation. When he asked the girl this question, he felt quite uneasy.

"He is Jiang Chen." The girl nodded vigorously.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Dongqun and Wang Jiali looked at each other, and they both read a feeling called despair from their eyes.

"Thank you, classmate." Wang Jiali sighed.

The girl walked away quickly. Zhang Dongqun rubbed his face vigorously and asked, "Mr. Wang, do we have to fight again?"

"Is there still hope?" Wang Jiali smiled wryly.

"One percent? Or, zero tenth one percent." Zhang Dongqun also smiled wryly.

"Then accept the reality." Wang Jiali felt a sense of powerlessness, not because Shuimu University lost to Capital University this time, but because the loss was too wronged, and the loser didn't even have a chance to come back.

Jiang Chen didn't notice the appearance of Zhang Dongqun and Wang Jiali. He had already walked out of the school and appeared at the door of Sister Lan's restaurant.

Jiang Chen had just appeared at Sister Lan's restaurant when he saw that the hotel's shutter door was pulled open from the inside, revealing a small head.

"Brother Jiang Chen." Xiaodie saw Jiang Chen at a glance, her small body got out from inside, and quickly ran towards Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaodie.

Afterwards, the shutter was fully opened, revealing Sister Lan's figure.

I haven't seen her for a while, but Sister Lan's figure is a little slimmer. The conservative dress does not hinder her graceful figure. The only thing that remains the same may be the slightly delicate eyes.

"Is it not open today?" Jiang Chen asked.

In his impression, Sister Lan's restaurant has never been closed throughout the year, regardless of whether the business is good or bad. Even if they have something to go out, they will open for business as soon as they come back.

While Sister Lan and Xiaodie were both in the restaurant, the door of the restaurant was not opened. Obviously, it was not open, which made Jiang Chen a little strange.

"Brother Jiang Chen, it's not that we're not open today, it's that we haven't been open for several days. If you haven't come for such a long time, you don't care about Mom and me at all." Xiaodie angrily expressed her dissatisfaction with Jiang Chen.

"The store is going to be transferred?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, someone bought the entire street and said it was going to be remodeled. That is to say, my mother lost her job, and I can't afford to go to school in the future. My mother and I have nowhere to live." Xiaodie Said crisply.

"Sister Lan, is that so?" Jiang Chen asked.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened during the time he was away. Sister Lan had never told him about it before, so she didn't know about it.

Sister Lan nodded and said, "The handover formalities will be formalized in two days, and now I'm going to take Xiaodie to find a new place to live."

At the end, Sister Lan said embarrassedly: "Jiang Chen, I'm afraid I can't make medicine for you for the time being, but I will make medicine for you after we find a place to live."

"The matter of boiling the medicine is not important, but you don't tell me such a big thing, Sister Lan, you treat me like an outsider." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Brother Jiang Chen, Mom didn't treat you as an outsider. She said she didn't want to trouble you. Otherwise, Brother Jiang Chen, you can drive me and Mom to find a house, so we don't have to squeeze the bus, and we can also blow on the air conditioner. What?" Xiaodie said.

"Xiaodie, I told you not to bother Brother Jiang Chen." Sister Lan said hastily.

"Mom, but Brother Jiang Chen seems to be angry. He seems to like being troubled by us. If we don't trouble Brother Jiang Chen, he will be very angry. Brother Jiang Chen, don't you think so?" Butterfly said mischievously.

Jiang Chen's mood was a little uncomfortable at first, but he was amused by Xiaodie all of a sudden, and said seriously: "Xiaodie is right, I get angry, it's terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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