genius evil

Chapter 588 Super Billionaire

Chapter 588 Super Billionaire
A few minutes later, Jiang Chen drove the car out of the school and took Sister Lan and Xiaodie to find a house.

"It's so comfortable. If you don't bother Brother Jiang Chen to squeeze the bus, you'll be covered in sweat and your clothes will stink." Xiaodie curled up on the back seat with a look of enjoyment. The appearance is naive, very cute.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I need to trouble you with such a trivial matter." Sister Lan said to Jiang Chen.

"Sister Lan, to be honest, I have always treated Xiaodie as my own sister. If you don't tell me anything, I will really get angry." Jiang Chen said seriously.

He was rarely so serious.

Firstly, there are very few things that are worthy of his concern and seriousness.

Secondly, when Jiang Chen is serious, the consequences are often quite dire.

But in this matter, Jiang Chen was serious, and his anger was real.

"I'm sorry." Looking at Jiang Chen's profile, Sister Lan suddenly felt guilty.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn't say much, so he changed the subject and asked, "Sister Lan, where are you going to find a house?"

"It's near our school. Mom said it's convenient for me to study." Xiaodie rushed to say.

Jiang Chen nodded, asked for the address, and drove there. About 10 minutes later, he appeared near the school.

Finding a place to park the car, the three of them wandered around the area. In the end, Jiang Chen saw that the environment in a community was good, so he led Sister Lan and Xiaodie towards the community.

"Brother Jiang Chen, because we don't have money, we can't live in expensive houses. The houses in this neighborhood are very expensive at first glance. Let's not go in." Xiaodie said very sensiblely.

"It's okay, no matter how expensive it is, we can afford it." Jiang Chen rubbed Xiaodie's little head.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I'm not joking with you, we really have no money." Xiaodie said again.

"Brother, I have money. We will live wherever Xiaodie likes you later, okay?" Jiang Chen said in a soft tone.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you want to find a girlfriend, you want to get married in the future, you want to have a child, you need to buy milk powder after giving birth, and you need to study for your child in the future. After your child finishes studying, you need to buy a house for him to marry. Many places require money. I can't waste my money, my mother and I can live in an ordinary house, and when I grow up and earn money, I will buy a good house for my mother." Xiaodie rubbed her little fingers, one by one. Counting down, counting the places where Jiang Chen will spend money in the future, pulling Jiang Chen forcefully, not letting Jiang Chen go into the community.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and he asked in bewilderment, "Xiaodie, who taught you these things?"

It was definitely not taught by Sister Lan. Even if Sister Lan had talked about this with Xiaodie, she could at most give a general idea, and it was impossible to say such details.

After all, Xiaodie is still a child, instilling these thoughts in her too early will not benefit her growth at all.

"Do you still need to teach these things? Isn't a man's life like this?" Xiaodie curled her lips, expressing her disdain for Jiang Chen's question, forcibly revealing her sense of superiority in IQ.

"Jiang Chen, what Xiaodie said is right, your money is your money after all, if you use the money to rent us a house, we don't feel at ease." Sister Lan said at this time.

From the first time Jiang Chen set eyes on this community, Sister Lan understood that Jiang Chen planned to pay the rent for their mother and daughter.

Although Jiang Chen had good intentions and would not ask for anything in return, it was impossible for her to accept Jiang Chen's kindness to her with peace of mind.

"Sister Lan, you're wrong, I didn't intend to rent a house for you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Then this is?" Sister Lan was confused for a moment. If she was asked to pay the rent by herself, she would definitely not be able to afford it.

"This neighborhood is quite good both in terms of environment and geographical location. There is a lot of room for appreciation in the future. I plan to buy a house here... no, buy a building as an investment." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Jiang Chen, should I buy a house or a house?" Xiaodie looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes.

"Buy one, if possible, just buy the whole community." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Wow, Brother Jiang Chen, you are so rich, a super billionaire." Little stars were about to pop out of Xiaodie's eyes.

Sister Lan was also shocked when she heard what Jiang Chen said.

Because Jiang Chen often drove various luxury cars, Sister Lan thought that Jiang Chen's financial conditions were good, but she never thought that Jiang Chen was so rich.

When others buy a house, they buy one by one. At most, they buy a unit or a building. Jiang Chen is good. Listen to him. If he wants, this entire community can be fully restored without any pressure. buy it.

This is not an ordinary community. It is quite famous in Yilan City itself, and all of them are degree housing. One community can be said to be an astronomical figure.

Sister Lan didn't even dare to think about that unbelievable astronomical figure, but Jiang Chen said it so casually.

If someone else said it, Sister Lan would definitely think it was bragging, but when these words came out of Jiang Chen's mouth, so calm and calm, even if Sister Lan didn't believe it, she had to believe it.

While being shocked, Sister Lan took another breath of air. Xiaodie said that Jiang Chen is a super billionaire. According to this concept, isn't he just a super billionaire?
"Xiaodie, if I told you that your brother and I don't even know how much money I have, wouldn't you be even more surprised?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

By saying this, Jiang Chen absolutely did not mean to show off.

He simply wanted to tell Sister Lan that it was easy to talk about other things. Regarding money, he should never be afraid to trouble him. It doesn't matter how many times he troubles him. He may be lacking in other aspects, but he is definitely not short of money.

Only in this way, Sister Lan may feel a little more at ease and accept his gift. After all, if he spends 1000 million to [-] million, it is as simple as spending one yuan and ten yuan, and Sister Lan will undoubtedly be less cranky.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what do you do to make money so much? If I have money, I can buy a house for my mother." Xiaodie looked yearning.

"Little girl, you are still young. The main task is to go to school and make money. Just leave it to me. Now, take a look carefully. We can buy whatever building you like, okay? ?” Jiang Chen said.

Xiaodie didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but looked at Sister Lan. Although her face was full of hope, she was undoubtedly worried about being blamed by Sister Lan.

Sister Lan hesitated for a moment and said: "Jiang Chen, if you plan to buy a property here for investment, Xiaodie and I can help you take a look, other aspects..."

"Sister Lan, in addition to buying real estate for investment, I also want to buy a house for myself, but you also know that I am often not in Yilan City. After I bought this house, it was empty most of the time, and no one was there. Cleaning, I was patronized by thieves, I am afraid no one will know, so I mean, if you don’t dislike it, you can help me look at the room, what do you think?" Before Sister Lan finished speaking, Jiang Chen took her The words were interrupted, and he directly expressed his attitude.

"This..." Sister Lan hesitated.

"Sister Lan, I'll take it as if you agreed, but I won't let you show me the house for nothing. In addition, I will pay you 8000 yuan a month as your salary for showing me the house." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"No... no..." Sister Lan hastily refused.

What Jiang Chen said was one set of truths, but Sister Lan couldn't tell, Jiang Chen just changed his way to let her accept his good intentions.

If he really accepted Jiang Chen's kindness, how could he still take Jiang Chen's money? What would it be like if that happened?

"Sister Lan, if you refuse even this point, won't you force me to find someone else?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that." Sister Lan said in a panic.

"It's fine if it doesn't mean that, then this matter is settled." Jiang Chen made a unilateral decision, not giving Sister Lan a chance to refuse.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are giving my mother and I a house, and you are giving money to my mother. Are you going to pursue my mother?" Xiaodie blinked and asked with an innocent look on her face.

"Xiaodie, don't talk nonsense." Sister Lan was a little out of control, and her face turned red hot when she heard Xiaodie say that.

"Mom, I'm not talking nonsense. It's written in the book that a man is nice to a woman. It can't be for no reason. He must have some kind of unknown little thought. Brother Jiang Chen, you haven't answered me yet. What about the question, yes or no?" Tilting her little head, Xiaodie waited for Jiang Chen to answer her question.


Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed, he really had no idea about this.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you didn't answer my question, and you didn't deny it, it's your acquiescence." Xiaodie said.

"Let's go and see the house first." Jiang Chen changed the subject. It doesn't matter if he is embarrassed, but it is okay for Sister Lan to be embarrassed.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't you just acquiesce? Or, you actually don't want to chase after my mother, but just want to keep her?" Xiaodie said again.


Jiang Chen's whole body was flustered by the wind. Sure enough, the little girl's early intelligence was not a good thing.

"Xiaodie, Mom will get angry if you talk about it again." Sister Lan couldn't take it anymore and said with a straight face.

"Mom, don't be embarrassed. You are young and beautiful, and Brother Jiang Chen is handsome. From my point of view, you two are very suitable? Also, don't worry that I will disagree. I agree with you and Jiang Chen. Brother Chen is together, as long as brother Jiang Chen doesn't dislike me as a little burden." Xiaodie said wrinkling her little nose.

Sister Lan was so ashamed that she wished she could just dig a hole in the ground and forget about it. Although Xiaodie's words could be interpreted as childish words, but these are not words that Xiaodie can say at this age. It would be difficult for anyone to listen to them. It was perfunctory with childish words.

"Brother Jiang Chen, is it because you dislike me that you didn't pursue your mother?" Xiaodie felt aggrieved, and there were tears shining in her big eyes.

"Uh, how could I despise you." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"That is to say, brother Jiang Chen, you are indeed pursuing mother, right?" Xiaodie laughed, her small face was like a flower, Jiang Chen and Sister Lan looked at each other, especially Sister Lan, Not to mention the eyes don't know where to look, even the hands don't know where to put...

(End of this chapter)

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