genius evil

Chapter 589

Chapter 589
After a while, Sister Lan led Xiaodie and walked in front, Jiang Chen put his hands in his pockets and walked behind, and the three of them walked outside the community.

There is no way, the little girl Xiaodie, who is very spooky and very successful, ruined a house inspection trip.

As Sister Lan was walking, she whispered that Xiaodie shouldn't be talking nonsense. Xiaodie obviously had a nonchalant attitude. While walking, she turned her head to make a face at Jiang Chen from time to time.

At a young age, there is a tendency to be lawless.

Sister Lan was tired of the last lesson, so she simply ignored Xiaodie, walked with her head down, and led Xiaodie to walk quickly, which made Xiaodie complain repeatedly, strongly accusing Sister Lan of child abuse.

The car was parked outside the community. After leaving the community, Sister Lan led Xiaodie to the car parking place. She really had no face to stay with Jiang Chen, and she wanted to go back quickly to relieve the embarrassment in her heart. .

However, just as he walked to the parking place, he saw a black car driving over. At the same time, the black car stopped, and a middle-aged fat man with a dark complexion pushed open the door of the driver's seat and got out of the car. out.

"Miss Lan, I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence." After getting out of the car, the middle-aged fat man waved to Miss Lan and said with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Yang." Sister Lan glanced at the middle-aged fat man, and responded strangely.

"What are you here for?" Yang Zhi then asked, and then he pretended to glance at Jiang Chen casually, as if he had just discovered Jiang Chen's existence.

"Walk around." Apparently, Sister Lan didn't want to say more.

"The environment in this community is pretty good. Whether it's renting or buying a house, it's a good choice. But I think Miss Lan, your brother's car is quite good. It shouldn't be short of money. You are here to buy a house, your brother. Are you going to get married?" Yang Zhi asked.

"No." Sister Lan's answer was somewhat cold.

"If it's not a wedding house, then it's a school district house. I can't tell that your younger brother is already married and has a child. I want to congratulate you." Yang Zhi said, walked over and said to Jiang Chen said: "Hello, little brother Lan, my humble Yang..."

"I'm not interested in knowing your name." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"My humble Yang..." Yang Zhi glanced at Jiang Chen with a subtle look, but said again.

"Are you deaf, or something wrong with your brain?" Jiang Chen interrupted Yang Zhi's self-introduction again, becoming impatient.

"Haha, Ms. Lan, your younger brother has quite a personality, but you are young, understandable." Yang Zhi laughed dryly.

"You misunderstood, he is not my brother." Sister Lan said coldly.

"Brother Jiang Chen is my mother's boyfriend." Xiaodie suddenly interjected.

"Miss Lan, is what the kid said true? I've never heard of you having a boyfriend before." Yang Zhi looked surprised.

"There are so many things you haven't heard of. My mother has brother Jiang Chen's baby in her womb. Would I tell you about this kind of thing?" Xiaodie said contemptuously.

"This—" Yang Zhi's face became a little stiff.

"Mr. Yang, if there's nothing else, we'll leave first." Sister Lan said, she didn't know what was going on, but she didn't explain what Xiaodie said.

"Miss Lan, I'm just kidding, I won't take it seriously, but since this young talent is not your younger brother, he is probably your suitor. It seems that I have to work harder. I have to say , at my age, the pressure is really great." Yang Zhi said as if mocking himself.

"You've always felt so good about yourself?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's not that I feel good about myself, but I think it's better to be more confident in being a human being. Just like back then, when no one was optimistic about it, I built a business empire of my own with bare hands. If I didn't have confidence, it would be very difficult. Maybe, I won't have the achievements I have now." Yang Zhi reminisced about the past and said sighingly.

"Show off that you are rich?" The smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger.

"You're wrong. I'm not showing off. Money is something that you don't bring with you when you're born or die. If you talk too much, it's vulgar. To be honest, what I do when I come to Yilan City for development is to give back Social undertakings are not intended to make money." Yang Zhi said modestly.

"You're still showing off." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Little brother, why do you insist on being entangled in the issue of money? Could it be that I have to tell you how much property I have?" Yang Zhi said a little unhappy.

"Let's hear it, I'm actually quite curious about how much money you have." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.


Yang Zhi looked at Jiang Chen strangely. He was indeed showing off, showing off his extraordinary experience, showing off his family property. In his view, this was an invisible but conspicuous advantage. If Jiang Chen had a little self-knowledge , you should understand what he is going to do.

Yang Zhi never expected that Jiang Chen would play cards so unreasonably.

"Not much." Yang Zhi thought for a while and said, naturally it is impossible to tell Jiang Chen how much money he has, otherwise he would be really vulgar.

"This means, are you pretending to be aggressive?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Young people should learn well. Use as little of these Internet terms as you can." Yang Zhi said earnestly.

"Let me ask you a question, do you know what it means to pretend to be a fool?" Jiang Chen said.

"Young man, you're too presumptuous." Yang Zhi's face was a little unbearable.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the one who claims to have bought a street outside Yilan City for renovation, right?" Jiang Chen asked immediately.

"Is there a problem?" Yang Zhi asked noncommittally, but the implication was that he admitted it.

Sister Lan looked at Jiang Chen with a bit of surprise. She didn't say anything, and she didn't know how Jiang Chen guessed it.

"If my guess is correct, you didn't buy that street at all, and you didn't even buy one of the stores, right?" Jiang Chen's words gradually became a little aggressive.

"Young man, you are underestimating me by saying this." Yang Zhi said with twinkling eyes.

"I guess for the third time, you actually just rented Sister Lan's shop from the landlord forcibly at a relatively high price, and used threats to force other shop owners to cooperate with you. And then create an illusion, is it or not?" Jiang Chen stared at Yang Zhi, his eyes were somewhat fierce.

"Nonsense." Yang Zhinu, for some reason, was so stared at by Jiang Chen, his heart was so weak that even his legs trembled slightly.

"Unfortunately, I guessed everything right. So congratulations, you will soon become a fool." Jiang Chen shrugged and said in a regretful tone.

"" Yang Zhi turned pale with shock, and couldn't help taking a few steps back. His loss of composure clearly showed that Jiang Chen had indeed guessed everything correctly.

Otherwise, Yang Zhi wouldn't be so guilty, he could argue with Jiang Chen confidently.

Or, he doesn't need to argue at all. A truly confident person doesn't need to say a word of nonsense.

"Jiang Chen, how did you find out?" Sister Lan was puzzled for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

"Sister Lan, have you ever heard of an idiom called beauty is trouble?" Jiang Chen said a little helplessly.

Sister Lan is already outstanding in appearance, but it is because she has been engaged in hard work that she looks haggard.And after being transformed by the medicine he rationed, Sister Lan's face was even more radiant, and it could be said that she was reborn. No matter who it was, it was hard to tell that Sister Lan was the mother of a child.

Single women are easy to be tricked by others, let alone a beautiful single woman, it is no exaggeration to say that a man who has various ideas about her is like a crucian carp in a river.

It is very difficult to guess at this point, but after sorting out the context clearly, it is actually very easy.

Sister Lan didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, and she was too embarrassed to answer.

For one thing, Sister Lan never thought that the truth of the whole thing would be like this, which is too unbelievable.

The second is that, in this way, all the problems are caused by herself, which makes Sister Lan very uncomfortable and even blames herself a little.

In this way, how could she answer Jiang Chen's words?
"Boy, tell me, how did you figure it out? Don't tell me, you really guessed. I won't believe even a word of such nonsense." Yang Zhi seemed to change his face, and he was no longer surprised. He asked sharply, with a ferocious look on his face, it seemed that he wished he could tear Jiang Chen apart with his own hands.

"I just guessed." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I've been in love for decades. I've been chasing girls. I've never had any problems. This is the first time I've missed. You have to give me an explanation, or I'll break your neck." Yang Zhi Said viciously.

"Xiang Shuai?" Jiang Chen almost vomited.

With this appearance and that face, it's like being photographed with a pot lid. Jiang Chen doesn't understand why this guy has the nerve to call himself Xiangshuai.

If he was so ugly that he could be called Xiangshuai, then wouldn't he become Xiangshuai's ancestor?

"I'll give you ten seconds to answer my question, or I'll send you to die." Yang Zhi didn't care about Jiang Chen's reaction, and said in a stern voice.

"What are you going to do? I'm going to call the police." Sister Lan became nervous, and quickly hugged Xiaodie into her arms.

"Mom, don't worry, this guy will soon become an idiot." Xiaodie said with a relaxed smile, obviously waiting for a good show.

Xiao Die wanted to watch a good show, so Jiang Chen would not disappoint the little girl. He moved his feet and appeared in front of Yang Zhi, and then raised his hand, and slapped Yang Zhi on the face, directly slapping Yang Zhi. He fell to the ground.

"An ancient martial artist with a fifth-level cultivation base dares to talk nonsense in front of me. If you really want to die that much, wouldn't it be better to hang yourself with noodles? Why bother to dirty my hands?" Jiang Chen did not rush Said, by the way, he stepped on Yang Zhi who was knocked to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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