genius evil

Chapter 590 Be a good person in the next life

Chapter 590 Be a good person in the next life

Everything happens for a reason.

The so-called guessing is naturally not a wild imagination without reason, but based on certain seemingly inconspicuous small details.

The details determine success or failure, which is probably what it means.

The three conjectures made by Jiang Chen may be confusing to others listening to them, but Jiang Chen naturally cannot say such things without any basis.

The reason why Jiang Chen was able to judge this Yang Zhi was that he wanted to buy the guy who remodeled the street outside Yilan Middle School. The reason was that Sister Lan called Yang Zhi Mr. Yang.

The following two guesses were made. On the one hand, Jiang Chen saw Yang Zhi at a glance. His eyes were full of lust and lust.

There is a popular saying that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

There is no doubt that a person with lewd eyes has a wrong mind, and a person with a wrong mind has no doubt that even if he has achieved something, that achievement is very limited.

In this way, claiming to buy a street is naturally a huge lie.

After a lie is established, a little deduction can overthrow everything.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen has already seen that this Yang Zhi is actually an ancient martial arts practitioner. As an ancient martial arts practitioner, it is too easy to threaten one or a group of ordinary people. It can be said that it can be done without breaking a sweat.

Every insignificant detail is connected, even if Jiang Chen wants to fail to see Yang Zhi's little tricks.

"Boy, you..." After being slapped by Jiang Chen and knocked to the ground, and then stepped on by Jiang Chen's foot, Yang Zhi was stunned and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

You know, he is still waiting for ten seconds to pass. If Jiang Chen doesn't answer his question honestly, he will do it.

Who would have expected that Jiang Chen would do it before he did it.

Jiang Chen just did it, but he didn't even have room to resist, so he was knocked over by Jiang Chen.

Yang Zhi is not an idiot, how could he fail to recognize a frightening fact, that is, Jiang Chen is also a cultivator of ancient martial arts, but his cultivation level is absolutely perverted, he is much higher than him.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill people." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"You want to let me go?" Yang Zhi asked hastily.

"Yes, let you go." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Thank you...thank you..." Yang Zhi was about to burst into tears.

Under such circumstances, he had already prepared his death plan, never thought that Jiang Chen would actually let him go.

"I swear, I will never appear in your sight again... No, I will never appear in Yilan City again..." Resisting the urge to burst into tears, Yang Zhi stammered.

"I told you not to be nervous, why are you still so nervous, don't I look scary?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

", senior, you are high-minded, unrestrained and unrestrained, and you are a role model for my generation." Yang Zhi flattered him.

"I really like to hear these words. Remember, in the next life, you must be a good person." Jiang Chen respectfully taught.

"Senior, don't worry, I will be a good man and change my past." Yang Zhi nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Jiang Chen then let go of the foot that was stepping on him. Yang Zhi got up with a grunt, bowed to Jiang Chen with all his strength, and then quickly got into the black car, not leaving for a moment, and the black car left.

Jiang Chen also greeted Sister Lan and Xiaodie to get into the car and drove away.

After the black car drove for a certain distance, Yang Zhi's tense heart gradually relaxed.

"My life is really big enough, I didn't die like this." Yang Zhi chuckled twice, feeling lucky and proud at the same time.

After being complacent for a while, Yang Zhi's face slowly became a little distorted: "Boy, what about your high cultivation base, don't think that if you let me go this time, I, Yang Zhi, will be grateful to you, Sister Lan , I am bound to win."

Yang Zhi made such a big battle and played so many tricks, all he did was to get Sister Lan.

He is known as handsome, and his methods of picking up girls are naturally different from ordinary people. He never likes to force women. In other words, for any woman he likes, in addition to getting her body, he also wants to get that woman's heart .

Only when a woman's body and mind are completely subjugated can his desire to conquer be satisfied, which is why he calls himself handsome.

However, with Sister Lan, Yang Zhi decided to make an exception.

His identity had already been exposed by Jiang Chen. If he wanted to contact Sister Lan head-on, it was almost impossible. He could only use some disgraceful means.

"I, Yang Zhi, have been in love for many years. I have never missed a hand, and I will never allow myself to miss it. Boy, you forced me this time." Yang Zhiyin said fiercely.

After saying this, Yang Zhi suddenly felt his nose was hot, and he wiped it with his hand strangely. After wiping it, he realized that he didn't know when he had a nosebleed.

"What's going on?" Yang Zhi was a little puzzled, he was always in good health, why did he have a nosebleed?

Yang Zhi pulled a few pieces of paper with his hands, trying to stop the nosebleed, but coughed suddenly, opened his mouth, and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. After that, his eyes and ears were also stained with blood, oozing out out.

Chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and all kinds of bad feelings swept through his body.

"I'm going to die." Yang Zhi murmured.

He finally understood why Jiang Chen would let him go, and finally understood why Jiang Chen said he would be a good man in his next life, because his life had already been declared over by Jiang Chen.


Yang Zhi fell headfirst on the steering wheel and was silent again.


"Brother Jiang Chen, that guy is so bad, why did you let him go?"

Jiang Chen was driving the car on the road, Xiaodie had a dissatisfied expression on her face, her little face was bulging, her mouth was so pouted that she could almost hang a soy sauce bottle.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I'm not a policeman. Let the police deal with these bad guys. I won't bother with this nosy business." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"But Brother Jiang Chen, you can call the police. Before the police come, you can beat up that scoundrel." Xiaodie was still dissatisfied.

"Xiaodie, Brother Jiang Chen naturally has his own plans for handling this." Sister Lan hugged Xiaodie and said softly. Although it was also strange, why Jiang Chen let Yang Zhi go so easily, but Jiang Chen didn't say anything. , she will not ask too much.

"I think Brother Jiang Chen is the kindness of a woman." Xiaodie snorted.

Jiang Chen was so teased that he burst out laughing.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you can still laugh, you don't even know, I'm about to die of anger from you." Xiaodie yelled.

"Don't be angry, are you hungry, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Jiang Chen said.

"Is it okay to eat pizza? It seems that I still want to eat steak." Xiaodie asked.

"Let's go eat steak and have pizza by the way." Jiang Chen just said.

"Hmph, for the sake of treating me to food, I won't despise you." Xiaodie said.

"Jiang Chen, don't waste your money eating out, you drive back and I'll cook for you and Xiaodie." Sister Lan said.

"No, he wants to eat steak. Brother Jiang Chen is so rich, if I don't spend it, other women will spend it too. Why can't I spend it when other women can?" Xiaodie yelled.

"Xiao Die, what's the matter with you today?" Sister Lan was so angry at Xiao Die, this girl, crazy, is getting more and more outrageous.

"Mum, I'm not wrong, it's just like this, and I'm tired of eating the food you cook." Xiaodie said quite confidently.

"Sister Lan, let's go eat steak, I haven't eaten for a long time." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you treat me well." Xiaodie started to smile.

Sister Lan also looked helpless, and couldn't compete with the two of them, so she could only agree to eat steak together.

Just seeing a good western restaurant nearby, Jiang Chen drove the car over and ordered three steaks and one pizza.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I don't know what's going on. I have a very good appetite today. I think I can eat a super-sized ice cream after eating the steak and pizza." Xiaodie happily ate, vaguely Said.

"Wait until you finish eating first, don't waste it." Sister Lan scolded.

"No, I want to see the ice cream, so I will have more appetite to eat." Xiaodie shook her head like a rattle.

"Waiter, take a large ice cream." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and greeted.

"Jiang Chen, you dote on Xiaodie too much." Sister Lan was helpless, Xiaodie was born as a kid, if she was spoiled by Jiang Chen like this, she would become a little witch sooner or later.

"Brother Jiang Chen should spoil me, who made me so cute and beautiful?" Xiaodie said innocently and romantically.

"That's right, it should be." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, there is something I want to tell you. I want to see if I can sublease the shop." Sister Lan said hesitantly.

Today, in order to find a house, Jiang Chen was wasted so much time. Sister Lan felt a little sorry. She felt that she had to say hello to Jiang Chen first.

"Mommy, are you saying that we don't need to look for a house?" Xiaodie asked.

Sister Lan nodded and said, "Jiang Chen, do you think it's okay?"

"Sister Lan, have you ever thought about renting a bigger storefront and opening a big hotel?" Jiang Chen asked.

"We have no money." Before Sister Lan could speak, Xiaodie hurriedly said.

"Jiang Chen, I know you have good intentions and want to help me, but it's very difficult to open a big restaurant near Yilan Middle School," Sister Lan said.

Apart from having no money, she was more worried about this. After all, even if she accepted Jiang Chen's investment, she couldn't let Jiang Chen's money go to waste.

"Can we set our sights a little further, for example, go to a big city to open a store?" Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"What do you mean?" Sister Lan froze for a moment.

"How's the capital?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Open a restaurant in the capital?" Sister Lan continued to be in a daze.

"It just so happens that I'm going to Beijing to go to university. If you think it's feasible, Sister Lan, I'll ask someone to take care of the store. You can just go there when the time comes. In addition, I will ask someone to transfer Xiaodie's student status to the capital. You don't have to worry about any problems." Jiang Chen said sincerely and seriously.

"Mommy, it sounds pretty good." Xiaodie blinked.

"I...I want to think about it..." Sister Lan can't refuse directly, and it's not easy to agree directly. Moreover, this is not a trivial matter, she must think it over carefully.

"No problem, there is plenty of time, you take your time to think about it, this is just my personal suggestion, there may be incompleteness, I absolutely respect your idea." Jiang Chen explained, so as not to bring unnecessary troubles to Sister Lan. pressure.

"I will seriously consider it, and it won't take long." Sister Lan nodded.

Jiang Chen was going to the capital to go to college, if it wasn't for what Jiang Chen said at this time, Sister Lan would not have known about it, but since Jiang Chen went to the capital to go to college, she went to the capital to open a restaurant together, this matter, it makes sense .

However, there are still too many issues that need to be considered, Sister Lan can't be hasty.

Jiang Chen hadn't thought about letting Sister Lan go to the capital to open a restaurant, but after thinking about it, he felt that this matter seemed to be a whim, but it was actually a very good thing.

Whether it is good for Sister Lan or for himself, it is quite good.After all, if that's the case, someday if you want to eat the food made by Sister Lan, you can eat it anytime.

As for whether the restaurant makes money, it is no longer within the scope of Jiang Chen's consideration.

After eating, Jiang Chen drove Sister Lan and Xiaodie back, and then he planned to go to Hongji Mansion to see Liu Yufei. Just as he was about to drive away, the co-pilot's door was suddenly pulled open by a hand, and a figure with Xiangfeng drilled in.

(End of this chapter)

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