genius evil

Chapter 591 you crazy

Chapter 591 you crazy

"Girl in red, you really don't forget me, and you came to me again so soon. Actually, if you want to date me, it's very simple. I immediately ran over to find you after a phone call. I don't need you anymore. You came here to find me. Ladies, sometimes, even if you like a man in your heart, it's better to be more reserved, do you think I'm right or not?" Jiang Chen smiled and drove on the road.

"An hour ago, there was a car accident at a crossroad on Dongfeng South Road." Mei Hongyi ignored Jiang Chen's teasing and said to herself.

"That's really a pity, but don't worry about my driving skills." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"There was an unnamed corpse in the car, but according to the investigation of our local team, that person was already dead before the car accident happened." Mei Hongyi continued.

"How about I take you for a drive? Or find a place to have a cup of coffee?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The murderer's method of killing is extremely strange. Except for the wound left by the car accident, no other wounds were found on the body of the deceased." Mei Hongyi said again.

"If you don't like drinking coffee, I know there is a good tea house with delicious dim sum." Jiang Chen said what he should say.

"This matter has caused strong repercussions within the local group. The news has already spread to Tiannan City. Besides, many ancient martial arts practitioners have learned about this matter." Mei Hongyi Turning his head sideways, he looked at Jiang Chen and said slowly.

This time, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Mei Hongyi said, "Do you understand what this means?"

"Girl in red, if you don't even like drinking tea, let's go shopping and I'll buy you some clothes. To be honest, I really like how you look in red." Jiang Chen said solemnly .

"You killed one person, and now many people's eyes are on Yilan City. Instead of reducing troubles, you have brought more troubles to yourself invisibly." Mei Hongyi's voice , unknowingly, raised a lot.

"As for me, I have always disliked trouble. If someone deliberately creates trouble for me, I will only make him very troublesome." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, there is actually one thing that I didn't tell you clearly before. Every time before the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, the activities of ancient martial arts practitioners, as long as they do not cause large-scale irreparable losses and damages, are within the hidden rules. It is tacitly allowed." Mei Hongyi said seriously.

"What is large-scale destruction?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"You understand what I mean." Mei Hongyi had no intention of explaining to Jiang Chen in detail.

"Okay, you can assume that I understand, so your team is only responsible for the aftermath, isn't it wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but the specific situation should be treated differently," Mei Hongyi said.

"Am I the one being treated differently now?" Jiang Chen pointed at himself.

"It's the same in theory." Mei Hongyi didn't deny it, she hurried to find Jiang Chen for this matter.

"To be honest, I don't understand this concept and logic at all, nor can I understand it." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Jiang Chen, we didn't target you in particular, you have to restrain yourself and try not to attract attention." Mei Hongyi warned.

"Someone ran in front of me, regardless of whether it was green or red, and wanted to slap me across the face. Should I also restrain myself? Someone was playing childish tricks in front of me, trying to harm the people around me. I Do you want to restrain yourself? If this is what you call restraint, I'm sorry, I really can't do it." Jiang Chen said unhappily, even though he knew very well that what Mei Hongyi said was out of good intentions.

"As long as you don't kill people, there is room for mediation." Mei Hongyi also understood Jiang Chen's temper, and said in a compromise.

"If people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If people attack me, I will kill people. This is a very simple truth. You don't need me to teach you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"The big tree invites the wind, and the gun shoots the top bird. Would you like to cause chaos in Yilan City because of your personal reasons? It is even possible to cause chaos in the entire Jiangnan Province?" Mei Hongyi was a little angry, what did Jiang Chen do? I can't listen to her words.

"Let's make a mess. Killing one is killing, killing two is killing, killing a group is still killing. There are too many idiots in this world. Killing a few more is considered merit." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You lunatic." Mei Hongyi cursed loudly. This was what she was most worried about, so she ran over. Jiang Chen went his own way and didn't listen to her at all. He was going to drive her to death!
Jiang Chen smiled. If being a normal person means not fighting back when hit or scolded, then a lunatic would be a lunatic. He would rather be a lunatic, a lunatic who ignores those bullshit unspoken rules!
"Girl in red, when you finish getting angry, you must notify me." Jiang Chen drove the car unhurriedly, and said.

"What are you going to do?" Mei Hongyi asked strangely.

"Go for a drive, drink coffee or go shopping." Jiang Chen responded simply.

"How can I be in the mood right now?" Mei Hongyi was speechless, she didn't know whether to say that Jiang Chen was a brave man, or that Jiang Chen was not afraid of boiling water.

This is the case, and there is such a leisurely mood.

The problem is, Jiang Chen has it, but she doesn't.

"Well, I suddenly thought of something that can make you feel better." Jiang Chen thought for a while, grinned, kicked the accelerator, and the car accelerated.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi appeared in the Motor City. Mei Hongyi looked left and right, but she didn't see anything in this kind of place that could make her feel better.

"You want to buy a car?" Mei Hongyi asked suspiciously.

Jiang Chen smiled strangely, but did not answer Mei Hongyi's question. A few minutes later, in front of a slightly dilapidated warehouse, Jiang Chen stopped the car and motioned for Mei Hongyi to get out of the car with him.

"What kind of place is this?" Mei Hongyi asked even more puzzled.

"Don't worry, you will know soon." Jiang Chen took Mei Hongyi's hand and walked towards the warehouse gate.

"What are you? Taking advantage of me?" Mei Hongyi asked vigilantly, and began to suspect what purpose Jiang Chen had in bringing her to this dilapidated place.

If Jiang Chen forcibly misbehaved her, in this kind of place, even if he broke his throat, no one would come to save her, right?
Mei Hongyi was thinking so wildly in her heart that she didn't even notice when the warehouse door was opened. When the door opened, an object came into Mei Hongyi's eyes. It's all straight.

"This is?" Mei Hongyi asked blankly, a bit unbelievable.

"Do you like it?" Jiang Chen leaned into Mei Hongyi's ear and asked in a soft tone.

Mei Hongyi didn't notice that there was anything wrong with Jiang Chen's behavior, because her mind had already been completely attracted by that thing.

It was a car, a Hummer H2.

Unlike other women who like those petite cars with good looks, what Mei Hongyi prefers is this kind of big, tough, domineering big guy.

She thought that Jiang Chen brought her to the Motor City to see the car, but she didn't expect that what she wanted to see turned out to be such a car.

Unable to itch her hands, Mei Hongyi asked, "Can you open it?"

"Of course, this is your car. You can drive it however you want." Jiang Chen said casually, stepped forward, and opened the door. It was arranged.

But whoever arranged it, there is no doubt that it is only Jiang Chen.

Starting the car, Mei Hongyi tried the accelerator, and was about to drive the car out when she suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked in a daze, "You just said that this car was given to me?"

"Otherwise? There are other people in this place... oh, other women?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"No, I can't take it." Mei Hongyi hurriedly shook her head.

If Jiang Chen gave her a gift, such as a bouquet of roses or a bracelet, she would accept it, but when Jiang Chen gave her a car, Mei Hongyi was not willing to accept it.

"Great." Jiang Chen suddenly became happy.

"What do you mean?" Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen in a daze. What is too good?
Why did she reject the car Jiang Chen gave him? Jiang Chen seemed quite happy?

Could it be that Jiang Chen didn't have enough sincerity to give her this car, so Jiang Chen was only happy when he learned that she refused?
Thinking about it this way, Mei Hongyi felt a little uncomfortable.

And what Jiang Chen said next made Mei Hongyi feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Tang Tian, ​​do you know? Last night, I accidentally said that I had an H2 in my hand. She had a quarrel with me all night, and she must let me give this car to her, but this car is I specially entrusted someone to buy it for you, without your permission, how can I give it to her, since you don't want it now, then I will..." Jiang Chen shrugged pretendingly.

"Then why don't you borrow flowers to present Buddha and give this car to her? To win her favor." Mei Hongyi said coldly.

"That's what I thought. It was a bit embarrassing at first, but fortunately you didn't want it, and it solved a big problem for me." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Who said I don't want it anymore? You bought this car for me, even if I don't want it, it's still mine." Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"You just said clearly that you don't want it?" Jiang Chen looked a little bit pained.

"I'm going to ask for it now, can't I?" Mei Hongyi asked aggressively.

I simply don't understand what's going on with Jiang Chen, is his brain short-circuited?
So how can a man who can please women be missing a muscle at a critical moment?
Could it be that he couldn't tell that she said she couldn't have it, but she was just embarrassed, and she didn't really want it.

Besides, even if he really doesn't want it, even if he really wants to give it to another woman, he can't give it away secretly. What does it mean to tell her so blatantly?
The more Jiang Chen is like this, the more she wants it, don't even think about other women.

(End of this chapter)

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