genius evil

Chapter 592 My hunch is very accurate

Chapter 592 My hunch is very accurate

"Of course." Jiang Chen sighed, and said with a look of lovelessness, "Girl in red, you are sure you really want it, and you are not joking with me... Hey, don't stare at me, I It doesn't mean anything else. It's just that your attitude changes too fast, and you can't turn the pages at your speed, right? I just want to make sure."

"If you go back on your word, I can pretend that nothing happened." Mei Hongyi still stared at Jiang Chen, staring firmly.

No matter how nice Jiang Chen said, from Mei Hongyi's understanding, Jiang Chen undoubtedly hoped that she would not want this car.

Therefore, no matter how she heard Jiang Chen's words, she felt extremely uncomfortable now, not to mention just glaring at Jiang Chen, she even had the urge to bite Jiang Chen.

"Is it possible?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

"You're dreaming!" Mei Hongyi sneered, slammed the door shut, kicked the gas pedal, and the big man known as a road tank suddenly felt as if he had been driven out of a sports car, and rushed out of the warehouse on a rampage.

"Wait...wait for me..." Jiang Chen yelled a few words, and climbed into the car he drove in a panic. After getting in the car, Jiang Chen gave a strange smile. In the middle, it is full of the taste of successful calculation.

This car was made by Jiang Chen in the capital city. When he was bored one day, he called Brother Dao to help him arrange it. The reason why it is still parked at the Auto City is because there are some procedures to go through.

Brother Dao just called him yesterday, saying that the formalities were almost completed, and asked when the car would be sent there. Jiang Chen thought about it and didn't ask Brother Dao to deliver it. Otherwise, Tang Tian would have known about it. , there must be a catastrophe.

As for Jiang Chen's claim that Tang Tian found out about his leaks, it was naturally just a lie that was pulled out casually.

In many cases, it is very difficult for a man to deal with a woman, because it doesn't make sense to be reasonable, and it doesn't make sense to be unreasonable.

But if one woman was used to deal with another woman, that would be a simple matter that couldn't be simpler. No, Mei Hongyi changed her mind every minute, so Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Two cars, one in front and one in the back, Hummer H2 in front, and the Ferrari 458 that Jiang Chen was driving in the back, drove on the road for about half an hour.

Xu Mei Hongyi's excitement had almost passed, and finally the car stopped at the entrance of a coffee shop, and Jiang Chen naturally stopped the car too.

"Drink coffee?" Jiang Chen said with a shy old face, and once again deeply learned what duplicity is.

He had repeatedly said that going for a drive and drinking coffee was useless, how long had it been? After the drive, Mei Hongyi took the initiative to drink coffee.

Next, Jiang Chen made arrangements for Mei Hongyi, and he must go to the shopping mall.

"No?" Mei Hongyi asked back.

"I treat guests." Jiang Chen said immediately.

With a cold snort, Mei Hongyi walked into the coffee shop and found a place to sit down, while Jiang Chen hurriedly called the waiter to come over and order coffee.

"Jiang Chen, don't pretend to be in front of me. You don't feel uncomfortable with your hypocritical appearance. What I see is that you feel very uncomfortable. If you really can't do it, drive the car away." Waiting for coffee After delivering it, Mei Hongyi picked up the cup and took a sip. While talking, she conveniently put the car keys on the table and pushed them towards Jiang Chen.

"How embarrassing is this?" Jiang Chen was a little shy.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, as long as Tang Tian doesn't dislike the car being driven by me." Mei Hongyi said lightly.

"Girl in red, are you telling me that you did it on purpose?" Jiang Chen asked dumbfounded.

Sure enough, a woman's mind is best not to guess.Even Jiang Chen, who considers himself a veteran in this field, did not expect that Mei Hongyi's behavior of driving just now had such deep-seated intentions.

"Yeah, how is it?" Mei Hongyi chuckled with her lips pursed, and Mei Hongyi didn't deny it.

"What else can I do, the key is already given to you, how can I get it back?" Jiang Chen pushed the key back.

Mei Hongyi held the key in her hand and said, "Jiang Chen, this is the second time I've given you a chance to repent. If something went wrong then, don't say it, I didn't give you a chance."

"No, am I, Jiang Chen, the kind of indecisive man?" Jiang Chen said grandly.

"It's really not, it's just that one thing is used to please two women. This kind of thing, probably only a shameless person like you can do it." Mei Hongyi said, she was very interested in this question. , is very mindful.

Mei Hongyi didn't think there was anything wrong with being mindful like this, women are all narrow-minded, don't they?
"When I got off the car just now, I seemed to see a shopping mall next to it." Jiang Chen changed the subject.

"Want to buy me clothes? Jewelry? Cosmetics?" Mei Hongyi glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I just want to go in and enjoy the free air conditioner." Jiang Chen said.

"Speaking of which, it seems like I haven't bought clothes for a long time." Mei Hongyi said thoughtfully.

"Girl in red, why are you so bad, if you want me to buy you clothes, just say, don't worry, it's not short of money." Jiang Chen patted his chest.

"You blow your free air conditioner, I'll buy my clothes." Mei Hongyi said with a chuckle, so after drinking coffee, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi appeared in the shopping mall.

"Jiang Chen, is the air conditioner comfortable? Show me how this dress is." Inside the mall, in a specialty store, Mei Hongyi took a fancy to a dress and showed it to Jiang Chen.

"That's right, you'll definitely look good wearing it," Jiang Chen said.

"Unfortunately, I don't like it." Mei Hongyi casually put down the clothes and picked up another one: "What about this one?"

"This dress, no matter the color or style..." Jiang Chen opened his mouth and came, ready to boast.

"I still don't like it." Mei Hongyi put down the clothes again and picked up the third one, "This one seems pretty good."

"Buy!" Gritting his teeth, Jiang Chen said.

No matter how much you say, no matter how much you praise, it is not as direct as buying a word.

"You have a lot of money and no place to spend it, right? I don't like this one." Mei Hongyi rolled her eyes and hung up the clothes.

"What looks good and doesn't look good, in my opinion, you look good in whatever you wear, waiter, pack, pack everything." Jiang Chen ordered carelessly.

"Miss, do you want all three pieces of clothing?" the clerk asked Mei Hongyi.

"Don't ask me, this guy has a lot of money, and he wants to buy it, so why don't you stop him?" Mei Hongyi said.

In this way, after shopping for nearly three hours, when the two walked out of the shopping mall, Jiang Chen had more than 20 bags, large and small, in his hand.

In addition to clothes, the bag contains jewelry and cosmetics.

"Ah, I accidentally bought so many things, I didn't pay attention to it myself, I will transfer the money to you after I go back later." Looking at the bag hanging on Jiang Chen's body, Mei Hongyi wanted to laugh, but after all, I held back.

"Girl in red, it's your fault for saying that. What's the relationship between us? Don't just buy some small things. Even if you buy the whole shopping mall, it's just a matter of one sentence." Jiang Chen said with arrogance.

"Stop talking nonsense, you can send the card number to my mobile phone later." Mei Hongyi said, leading Jiang Chen to the direction of parking.

"How about I issue you the card number now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, you--" Mei Hongyi turned her head, furious.

"Haha, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue..." Jiang Chen said repeatedly.

"Now, immediately, immediately, send me the card number." Mei Hongyi was very angry, regardless of Jiang Chen's slip of the tongue.

"Hey, look over there, is that guy trying to steal a car?" Jiang Chen pointed in a direction.

Mei Hongyi's attention was immediately diverted by Jiang Chen. Looking in the direction Jiang Chen said, she saw the Hummer parked there at first glance, and then, at the second glance, saw a guy, He sneaked up on the car window and looked into the car.

"It's so courageous." Mei Hongyi's expression changed slightly, and she quickly ran towards the parking place of the car.

"What are you doing?" Mei Hongyi asked displeased looking at the sneaky guy.

She had just driven the car around, and the seats couldn't even be warmed up. If it was stolen by someone, there would be no place to cry. Thinking of this, Mei Hongyi became extremely angry, and her tone was very sharp. The outside is not good.

"Just take a look, can't you?" The guy whistled, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said with a playful smile.

"Just take a look?" Mei Hongyi said coldly, "I now very much suspect that you are a car thief, you'd better be honest."

"Beauty, I didn't do anything, and you called me a car thief? Believe it or not, I smashed this car?" The guy's face changed slightly, and he also became less attractive.

"How dare you!" Mei Hongyi's tone became even worse, where she was threatened.

"Don't you dare?" The guy smiled, saw a stone on the side of the road, took it in his hand, and said, "Beauty, you'd better apologize to me, or I'm going to smash the car."

"I don't know why, but I suddenly had a premonition that the rock in your hand will hit your own head." Jiang Chen walked over and said lazily.

"Are you sure it didn't hit your head?" The guy glanced at Jiang Chen and asked contemptuously.

"My hunch has always been accurate, you'd better listen to me." Jiang Chen still spoke in a lazy tone.

"Then I'm sorry, this time, your premonition is about to fail." The guy said, and as he spoke, he rushed towards Jiang Chen, smashing the stone in his hand towards Jiang Chen's head.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Seeing this, Mei Hongyi yelled.


Almost as Mei Hongyi's voice fell, a slightly dull voice sounded, and then, a figure, staggering, fell to the ground, it was the guy who rushed over to smash Jiang Chen's head.

Unfortunately, not only did he fail to hit Jiang Chen's head, but there was a blood hole in his own head, and blood gushed out, staining half of his face red in a short while.

"I said that my hunch is very accurate, why don't you believe my words?" Looking at that guy like an idiot, Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Ah... Help... Killed... Hurry up and help..." The guy stared at Jiang Chen with flickering eyes, his eyes were full of resentment, and suddenly, he pulled his throat and roared loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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