genius evil

Chapter 594 Get Out of Yilan City

Chapter 594 Get Out of Yilan City

"It's really good to sit in the car with the air conditioner on." Jiang Chen still wanted to insist, but he didn't want to get out of the car unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, in this summer, the temperature outside is almost [-] degrees, how hot it is.

"You—" That guy looked at Jiang Chen like he was crazy.

"Aren't you hot?" Jiang Chen asked incredulously.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense here, or I will smash your car and see how you turn on the air conditioner." The guy said angrily.

"Are you going to smash the car again? Can't you have something new?" Jiang Chen was somewhat helpless, and suddenly punched the guy with his left hand on the bridge of the nose.

Nosebleeds flew everywhere, and that guy was punched by Jiang Chen, and fell straight to the ground.

"Boy, you dare to make a move. Do you want to die?" Just as this guy fell down, another gloomy voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

Then, a mummy-like guy with gauze wrapped around his head appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen looked left and right, vaguely feeling that this guy looked familiar, but it was difficult for him to remember where he had seen him before.

"Boy, are you pretending to be stupid with me? Who do you think I am? What's the matter, do you want to renege on your debt after beating someone?" The mummy-like guy was furious.

"So, who are you?" Jiang Chen looked confused.

"Boy, I heard you talking upside down, is it intentional? Don't you just want to know my origin? Well, let me tell you, my name is Chen Hu, and I am a disciple of the Beast Sect. "The mummy-like guy introduced himself triumphantly.

"Does your name have anything to do with me having a dime?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Then these two blood holes on my head must have something to do with you?" Chen Hu was even more speechless, he couldn't tell whether Jiang Chen was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

"Oh, so it was you, why didn't you say it earlier." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Boy, you are very good at pretending, but don't think that if you pretend to be stupid, I will let you go. Be sensible, get out of the car as soon as possible, obediently knock your head three times, give you a large sum of money, and give your Give me this car, maybe I can consider letting you go." Chen Hu's face was very gloomy.

"If I don't do what you say, are you going to beat me up?" Jiang Chen asked patiently.

"You'd better be honest, otherwise I will beat you up so hard that you don't even know your parents." Chen Hu snorted coldly.

"I understand." Jiang Chen nodded, opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as he saw Jiang Chen getting off the car, Chen Hu was overjoyed, but it was such a joy, just as it emerged from his heart, he couldn't control himself and flew back.

Jiang Chen kicked him away with one kick, and with a move, he appeared in front of Chen Hu, and with another kick, he kicked Chen Hu away like a ball.

After several kicks like this, until Chen Hu who was kicking didn't even have the strength to shout, Jiang Chen said casually: "I'm suddenly curious, with your current appearance, I don't know if your parents can still recognize who you are. "

Chen Hu was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and said bitterly: "Boy, I warned you just now, I am a member of the Beast Sect, if you dare to touch me, you will die."

"That's right, you're dead." The guy who was punched by Jiang Chen with nosebleeds flying around, covered his nose and said vaguely.


Jiang Chen punched him again, and the guy fell to the ground again, completely unconscious.

"How many people are there in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked directly without talking nonsense.

When there was a conflict before, the reason why Jiang Chen's behavior was a bit extreme in Mei Hongyi's eyes was because Jiang Chen had already seen that this Chen Hu was an ancient martial artist.

Although his cultivation was not worth mentioning in Jiang Chen's eyes, he was no ordinary person after all.

It was naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to be polite when dealing with this kind of guy. It was Chen Hu's luck to kill Chen Hu without being on the spot.

Chen Hu didn't know that he had walked through the gate of hell, but he still dared to appear in front of him. In Jiang Chen's view, this kind of behavior was no different from courting death.

"Boy, don't you want to provoke our Beast Sect? Think about it, our Beast Sect is not that easy to provoke." Chen Hu gasped heavily, looking at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Answer my question." Jiang Chen stared at Chen Hu, his eyes gradually darkened.

"No... not many... just the two of us..." Being stared at by Jiang Chen like that, for some reason, Chen Hu felt like being stared at by a poisonous snake, and shuddered all over his body.

"Only two?" Jiang Chen was a little disappointed, two guys were obviously not enough for him to play with.

"This brother... no, this senior, I have offended you because I am too blind to see Mount Tai, so I ask your lord to be generous and raise your hand high." Chen Hu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said incoherently.

If it was the first time he had a conflict with Jiang Chen and he hadn't been able to see the situation clearly, then even if he was an idiot, he could tell at this time that Jiang Chen was also an ancient martial arts practitioner.

Moreover, there was no doubt that Jiang Chen's cultivation was extremely terrifying, something he could not provoke.If he refuses to give in, even if he dies, he won't even know how he died.

"In Yilan City, do you have contact with other ancient martial arts practitioners or sects?" Jiang Chen ignored Chen Hu and asked himself.

"Yes... there is another sect, which is very close to my beast sect. We are two brothers, and this time we came to Yilan City with them." Chen Hu did not dare to hide anything, and said truthfully.

"Where are they?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"That place is a bit remote, senior, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to find it, if senior doesn't dislike it, I can take you there." Chen Hu said.

"Get in the car." Jiang Chen nodded.

The car was on the road quickly, and after about twenty minutes, it appeared in a secluded place.

After getting off the car, Chen Hu took Jiang Chen to a dilapidated small hotel. Soon, Jiang Chen met another disciple of the ancient martial arts sect.

There were four people in total, and those four guys were crowded in a narrow room, smoking and playing poker. If they just saw such a scene, it would be hard for anyone to imagine that these four guys turned out to be ancient martial arts practitioners .

"Brother Kun." Pushing the door open, Chen Hu called out.

"Huzi, you came just in time. If you have money, give me some flowers." The man Chen Hu called Brother Kun was a middle-aged strong man with a cigarette in his mouth. After that, his eyes lit up, just like the big bad wolf seeing the little white rabbit.

"Brother Kun, it's not like you don't know. My pockets are cleaner than my face. Where did I get the money?" Chen Hu said with a bitter face.

Not all the ancient martial arts sects are rich, especially the unpopular small sects like the Mengshou sect where Chen Hu belongs, are basically the poor and bitter ones.

This is also the reason why Chen Huhui planned to steal the car. Later, he wanted to make a fortune by extorting Jiang Chen's money and the car. However, Chen Hu would not have expected that the first time he did such a thing would be When meeting Jiang Chen, if you want to blame him, you can only blame him for being too unlucky.

"What are you doing here if you don't have money? Get out of here quickly, don't delay me playing cards." Brother Kun's face immediately became unsightly when he heard Chen Hu say that.

"Brother Kun, it's this senior who asked me to bring him to meet you." Chen Hu then pointed to Jiang Chen.

Although, Chen Hu didn't know why Jiang Chen came to Brother Kun, but he had the mentality of committing crimes and doing meritorious service. Moreover, he and Brother Kun didn't fight each other, and they were often bullied and oppressed. If Jiang Chen If he had to deal with Brother Kun, Chen Hu was very happy to see it succeed.

"Senior? What senior, are you talking about him?" As if he had just realized Jiang Chen's existence at this time, Brother Kun glanced at Jiang Chen, and immediately, as if hearing a big joke, he raised his throat and said presumptuously. Laughed out loud: "I said Huzi, do you have a brain problem or what's the matter, just such a brat, you actually call him senior, has the hair grown all over, little guy?"

"Do you know other ancient martial arts practitioners in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"I don't know..." Brother Kun glanced at Jiang Chen again, and then jokingly said: "What are you asking this for? What's the matter? Do you want to learn from a teacher? This is really too simple, you just need to learn from me , Guaranteed that you can fly over the walls and become a super expert in minutes, and as for the tuition fee, I will give you a half discount, 100 million, how about it?"

"Boy, did you hear Brother Kun's words, why don't you kneel down and kowtow quickly."

"You can worship Brother Kun as your teacher for 100 million, boy, you have made a lot of money, hurry up and take the money out."


When the other three people in the room heard Brother Kun's words, they booed one after another, each with a teasing tone.

When Chen Hu heard these people's mocking words, he was about to break out in a cold sweat, he was looking for death.

"I really don't know you?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"Boy, don't be ignorant of what's good and what's wrong. I, Brother Kun, rarely accept apprentices." Brother Kun exhaled a puff of smoke and said arrogantly.


Jiang Chen raised his hand with one slap, knocking Brother Kun to the ground, followed by several more slaps, knocking the other three people over.

"In a word, get out of Yilan City within today, or you will be killed without mercy!" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Boy, you are so brave, I will kill you." Jiang Chen slapped him unexpectedly, Brother Kun was furious, got up and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he stretched out his hand casually, grabbed Brother Kun by the neck, and lifted him up from the ground. With a light movement of his fingers, there were a few crisp cracking sounds, and he was directly twisted off.

The sound of bones shattering came out, and the scalps of all the people present were numb and their faces were pale, and they didn't even dare to breathe out.

"You still have a few hours, if you don't leave, this person will be your end." Leaving Brother Kun's body aside, Jiang Chen had already left.

"Huzi... No, Brother Hu, this senior is..." The other three people who followed Brother Kun were almost terrified.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything." Chen Hu shook his head vigorously, subconsciously touched his neck with his hand, and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva with great effort.

"Then are we really going to leave Yilan City?" The speaker asked cautiously again.

"Nonsense, I don't want to die if you want to die." Chen Hu cursed and rushed out the door. He had already thought about it, he had to hurry, no, he had to leave Yilan City as quickly as possible...

(End of this chapter)

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