genius evil

Chapter 595 Take the initiative, be more active

Chapter 595 Take the initiative, be more active
Hongji Building, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, front desk.

Jiang Shengnan took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was almost time to get off work, so he tidied up his things a little and waited for a while to get off work.

"Shengnan beauty, why are you in a daze?" Suddenly, a joking voice sounded in Jiang Shengnan's ear.

"No..." Jiang Shengnan looked at the young man who spoke, and just said a word, his face turned red, his tender skin seemed to be dripping water.

"Then you're just being lazy, aren't you?" The young man had a strong smile on his face, still in a teasing tone.

"Boss Jiang, don't make fun of me." Jiang Shengnan was very helpless, and he didn't understand why Jiang Chen liked to tease him every time he saw him.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen played and disappeared every three days, and only came to the company once in ten days and half a month. Otherwise, Jiang Shengnan felt that he would definitely go crazy.

Moreover, the most important thing was that Jiang Shengnan felt that Jiang Chen had no other intentions in molesting her, it was pure molesting.

The President Jiang that Jiang Shengnan was talking about was naturally Jiang Chen.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Shengnan beauty, how can I be making fun of you, I am responsible for our company's century-old plan, and even more so for your future."

"Responsible to me?" Jiang Shengnan pointed at himself, his mouth opened into an O shape, which was not cute.

"That's right, I'm responsible for you." Jiang Chen changed his face in a second, became extremely serious, and said with a straight face: "Shengnan beauty, don't you want to do this front desk job for the rest of your life?"

"Boss Jiang, I..." Jiang Shengnan stuttered, unable to speak. The most important thing was that she had never seen Jiang Chen look so serious and serious, so she felt very nervous for no reason.

"The front desk of a company is the face of the company. Of course it must be beautiful, but the shelf life of a woman is often very short. Do you understand this?" Jiang Chen became more serious.

"Understood." Jiang Shengnan lowered his head.

"I knew you were a smart person, and you must understand this. Then in the future, you must use your time playing with your mobile phone and dazed to improve your professionalism. Don't let me down. Maybe you don't know, I have always been very optimistic about you, and I intend to focus on cultivating you." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"President Jiang, I will." Jiang Shengnan was anxious and ashamed.

She never knew that it turned out that Jiang Chen valued himself so much, instead of just treating her as a good-looking but dispensable vase like other colleagues in the company.

No matter how beautiful the vase is, it has a shelf life, and the shelf life is often very short. Jiang Shengnan understands this best in his heart. At the same time, she is also working hard to get rid of the identity of the vase as soon as possible.

But after hearing Jiang Chen's words, Jiang Shengnan suddenly felt that his efforts were not enough. She must work harder in the future. Otherwise, how could she be worthy of Jiang Chen's respect for her?
"Sheng Nanmei, it's good that you can understand my hard work, but don't be nervous, don't treat me as your boss and boss, just treat me as a good friend of yours, male best friend, let's just chat casually , By the way, do you have a boyfriend now?" Jiang Chen's tone softened a lot.

Jiang Shengnan stared blankly at Jiang Chen, not knowing how to answer. She remembered very clearly that this was not the first time Jiang Chen asked this question.

"Shengnan beauty, you must be thinking right now, why am I asking this question again?" How could Jiang Chen fail to guess what Jiang Shengnan was thinking, and asked with a smile.

Jiang Shengnan nodded subconsciously, and the other end lowered a little.

"It's actually very simple, because we are a humane company. As far as the company is concerned, we will try our best to consider every employee's lifelong event. So, do you have it now, or don't you have it?" Jiang Chen was curious. He looked at Jiang Shengnan intently, waiting for her answer.

What Jiang Chen said was well-founded and sincere, and for a while, Jiang Shengnan realized that even if he didn't want to answer Jiang Chen's question, he couldn't do it.

The red lips parted slightly, and Jiang Shengnan was about to speak, when the phone rang, Jiang Shengnan quickly picked up the phone, connected and listened to a few words, then said with a blushing face: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Liu said please come over."

"It's Da Feifei, but Sheng Nanmei, don't leave after get off work, let's chat for a while, really, I feel quite happy chatting with you." Jiang Chen chuckled, walked towards Liu Yufei Go to the office.

Watching Jiang Chen leave, Jiang Shengnan stuck out his tongue mischievously, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

As for Jiang Chen telling her not to leave after get off work, Jiang Shengnan definitely wants to leave, the sooner the better, otherwise, if Jiang Chen has other weird questions, she really doesn't know what to do answered.

"Big Feifei, it's almost there, just a little bit." Entering Liu Yufei's office, Jiang Chen kept complaining.

He was almost able to know whether Jiang Shengnan had a boyfriend now, and at the critical moment of his life, he was interrupted by Liu Yufei's phone call, which made Jiang Chen feel regretful.

"I can answer your question. Shengnan doesn't have a boyfriend yet," Liu Yufei said.

"Hey, does it have anything to do with me if Katsuo's beauty has a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said pretendingly.

Liu Yufei couldn't help but rolled her eyes. Even Cao Xiaoshan, who was processing the documents, couldn't help but look down on Jiang Chen.

"What is your reaction? It has nothing to do with me in the first place. I warn you, don't even think about pouring dirty water on me." Jiang Chen said with a deadpan face.

"In the company, besides Sheng Nan who has no boyfriend, there are many colleagues who are troubled in this regard. There is a company that is facing the same problem as us. Yesterday their boss called and said that they planned to have a relationship with our company. Hold an internal fellowship." Liu Yufei smiled lightly.

"Da Feifei, you must never agree to such a thing. What kind of nonsense friendship, it looks like it has bad intentions." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"It seems that their boss has taken a fancy to Katsuo." Glancing at Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei said to herself.

"Pervert, pervert." Jiang Chen cursed.

"Didn't it mean that it has nothing to do with you?" Liu Yufei asked with a half-smile.

"That's right, that's right, does it have something to do with me now?" Jiang Chen continued to pretend to be stupid.

Liu Yufei thought it was funny, changed the subject, and asked Cao Xiaoshan, "Have all the documents been sorted out?"

"It's sorted out." Cao Xiaoshan nodded, handed the sorted document to Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Shao, this is the company's financial report."

Jiang Chen took it, flipped through it casually, then threw it aside, and said, "Da Feifei, are you hungry, let's go eat?"

"Jiang Chen, take a look first." Liu Yufei picked up the document and handed it to Jiang Chen again.

"Da Feifei, the only problem I have now is that I have too much money on me, and I am extremely worried about how much money I have, and I don't know how to spend it at all." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"Jiang Shao, I can help you share your worries." Cao Xiaoshan said with a smile.

"Miss Xiaoshan, if you don't plan to find a boyfriend, I don't mind sending you some flowers at all." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Forget it then." Cao Xiaoshan wrinkled her nose and hurriedly silenced.

"Don't be ridiculous, you'd better take a look." Liu Yufei insisted.

The reason why Liu Yufei asked Cao Xiaoshan to sort out the financial statements was to show Jiang Chen specifically. If Jiang Chen didn't read it, wouldn't it be a waste of all her thoughts?
As for whether Jiang Chen has money or not, Liu Yufei doesn't care too much. She always feels that Feifei Medical Beauty Company belongs to Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen needs to take it back someday, she won't have half a complaint. In this case, Liu Yufei thinks that even if Jiang Chen doesn't participate in the company's management and operation, he should still pay attention to how much money the company makes. knew.

"Da Feifei, you don't believe me." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Jiang Chen, are you so relieved of me?" Liu Yufei smiled wryly.

"Da Feifei, do you want to say more about this?" Jiang Chen was a little sad, and said to Cao Xiaoshan in a low voice: "Beauty Xiaoshan, it's almost time to get off work, you still don't want to leave."

"Jiang Shao, I haven't finished what I'm doing." Cao Xiaoshan said.

"Do it tomorrow, or your salary will be deducted." Jiang Chen threatened viciously.

"Jiang Shao, I seem to have heard you say who is a pervert." Cao Xiaoshan said teasingly, and ran out quickly without waiting for Jiang Chen to reply.

"Big Feifei, did I say that?" As soon as Cao Xiaoshan left, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, took Liu Yufei into his arms, put it in Liu Yufei's ear, and said with a light smile.

"I said so." Liu Yufei insisted on tidying things up calmly.

"But why do I feel that Miss Xiaoshan is implying that I am the pervert? The question is, am I?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"It's better for you to ask Xiaoshan yourself about this question. Maybe Xiaoshan's opinion is different from mine." Liu Yufei said intentionally.

Jiang Chen was so anxious to drive away Cao Xiaoshan, wasn't it just a sign of lust?In Liu Yufei's view, Jiang Chen's question was purely knowingly asking.

"Da Feifei, if I really become a pervert or a pervert, it must be your problem, who made you so attractive." Jiang Chen said, bowed his head, and kissed Liu Yufei's red lips, Wanton looting.

"Jiang Chen, you are all excuses." Liu Yufei pretended to push Jiang Chen away, but her hands couldn't help embracing Jiang Chen, and responded enthusiastically.

"Da Feifei, take the initiative again." Jiang Chen giggled strangely.

"Bad guy." Pounding Jiang Chen lightly, Liu Yufei hugged Jiang Chen even tighter with both hands. As expected, she became more enthusiastic and active in her response. Her fiery tender body hugged Jiang Chen tightly Chen, as if wishing he could blend into Jiang Chen's blood...

(End of this chapter)

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