genius evil

Chapter 596 One point closer, another point closer

Chapter 596 Get closer, get closer

A kiss, nearly 10 minutes, almost suffocated, Liu Yufei let go of Jiang Chen, her complexion was flushed, and she was as beautiful as a flower.

"Jiang Chen, I'm hungry, let's go eat." The slightly cute voice made Jiang Chen's heart thump, wishing he could throw Liu Yufei down on the desk and slammed Fan.

Xu was aware of Jiang Chen's intentions, Liu Yufei hurriedly took two steps back, giggled coquettishly, and said, "Don't mess around, I'm really hungry."

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said with a strange smile: "How can it be a mess to do happy things with a lover, the two of us, let's come here once, how about it? You can rest assured, I absolutely guarantee that I am very serious, As for whether you can also maintain decency, it's hard to say."

"Let's go eat first, shall we?" Wrinkling her small and delicate nose, Liu Yufei said pitifully, she was really worried that Jiang Chen would take care of her in this office.

Although, after so many things happened, she had long planned to give herself wholeheartedly to Jiang Chen, but the timing was not suitable, but she couldn't be so casual, just give herself to Jiang Chen in the office. ?

"Okay." Seeing Liu Yufei like this, Jiang Chen could only reluctantly agree.

Only then was Liu Yufei happy, she came over and took Jiang Chen's arm, and walked outside.

But the two of them had just walked out of Hongji Building, and when they met, they saw a woman approaching gracefully.

"Huh?" When Liu Yufei saw the woman, she was obviously a little surprised. She looked at the woman for no reason.

And Jiang Chen, after just one glance, was attracted a lot of attention by that woman.

This woman is wearing a long plain dress with knee length, and a pair of small red cloth shoes under her feet. The style of the cloth shoes is the same as the long dress on her, simple and without any complicated patterns .

In addition, the woman has a more plain face than the plain long dress, with small facial features and a palm-sized appearance. When the face is expressionless, it is easy to give people a sense of surprise, very It's hard to imagine how charming this woman would be if her expression were a little more vivid.

Of course, what attracted Jiang Chen was not the woman's attire, nor the woman's exquisite facial features, but the invisible aura emanating from this woman's body. Too much.

The woman walked towards him, and she also discovered the existence of Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei, but she just glanced at Jiang Chen calmly and continued to walk into the Hongji Building.

But within a few steps, the woman's footsteps just stopped, because Jiang Chen spoke.

"Little girl, I think you look familiar, haven't we met before?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

The woman stopped in her tracks, turned around, gave Jiang Chen a casual look, ignored Jiang Chen's playful smile, and said coldly, "I didn't think you looked familiar at all, you mistook someone."

"It's not that I misidentified the person, it's that you didn't see clearly, why don't you come closer and stare at my face carefully for a minute?" Jiang Chen still had a playful smile on his face.

Standing beside Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei listened to Jiang Chen's words, she even wanted to strangle Jiang Chen to death.

This guy, she doesn't care how he picks up girls outside, how he spends his time drinking, but now that she is by his side, Jiang Chen actually picks up girls in front of her, and uses such old-fashioned methods, which makes Liu Yufei feel deeply ashamed .

"Okay." Surprisingly, the woman didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong or ambiguous about Jiang Chen's words. She said a good word and really walked towards Jiang Chen.

The woman walked in front of Jiang Chen, about three steps away from Jiang Chen, stood still, opened her eyes slightly, stared at Jiang Chen, and looked carefully from head to toe.

According to Jiang Chen's prompt, the woman stared at Jiang Chen for a full minute before shaking her head and saying, "You really misidentified the person."

"You must be too far away from me, I think you can get closer." Jiang Chen sighed.

"How close do you want me to be?" the woman asked.

"For example like this." Jiang Chen didn't answer the woman's question, but told the woman with practical actions how close two people can be.

Holding Liu Yufei's little hand, Jiang Chen strode forward three steps and got close to the woman. At such a distance, Jiang Chen's face was almost close to the woman's face.

The woman didn't retreat, she seemed to be watching a joke, looked at Jiang Chen's behavior, and said, "How long do you want me to stare at you this time? One minute? Or, five minutes?"

"Originally, what I meant was that you can watch for at most 1 minute, but obviously for you, you want to stare at me for 5 more minutes. If so, just watch for 5 minutes, who told me You have a soft heart and don't know how to refuse." Jiang Chen looked extremely annoyed.

"Okay." The woman nodded slightly, and then, her slightly opened eyes stared at Jiang Chen without blinking again.

However, because the two were too close, this time, the woman couldn't look at Jiang Chen in all directions, and all of her field of vision was Jiang Chen's face.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Liu Yufei couldn't stand it anymore.

"Da Feifei, I won't lie to you, I really think she looks familiar." Jiang Chen said.

"You are obviously molesting her." Liu Yufei said angrily, she is not stupid, Jiang Chen just deceived her like a three-year-old girl, this made Liu Yufei very annoyed.

"Da Feifei, haven't you noticed that this woman is a little bit abnormal? Even if it's like you said, I'm molesting her, she's a big living person, just cooperate to moles me like this? If it were you, would you What will you do?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.


It was only after hearing Jiang Chen's words that Liu Yufei realized that this woman who was as pale as a chrysanthemum was indeed a bit abnormal.

After all, it doesn't need to be too normal, as long as it's a slightly normal woman, when she is molested by a man, she doesn't react too aggressively, it wouldn't be such a reaction, right?

But if it was her, there would only be two choices, first, walk away directly, and second, slap her across the face, and then walk away.

Obviously, it is more in line with a woman's psychology whether she walks away directly or walks away with a slap in the face.

"You two really know each other?" Liu Yufei's expression was a little weird.

"It can only be said that it looks familiar." Jiang Chen said.

"Why do I feel that you are familiar with all the beauties?" Liu Yufei's words were still a little sour.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said solemnly: "Da Feifei, I like the way you are jealous the most. Let's go eat sweet and sour pork ribs later."

"Don't eat." Liu Yufei gritted her teeth. At this time, she was not in the mood to flirt with Jiang Chen.

Besides, for a man to make his beloved woman jealous for no reason is a great sin, okay? Jiang Chen is good, but he regards it as capital to show off, which makes Liu Yufei feel very depressed.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs are actually not very tasty, they are easy to gain weight, I think sweet and sour fish is good, what do you think, Da Feifei?" Jiang Chen suggested.

"Sweet and sour, you big bastard." Liu Yufei couldn't help it after all, reached out her hand, and pinched hard on the tender flesh of Jiang Chen's waist.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Chen rubbed his hands up and down Liu Yufei's back to wipe the oil. After a while, Liu Yufei was so delicate~ panting, and repeatedly surrendered.

Between Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei, while talking, they kept making small movements, extremely intimate, and the woman didn't know if she didn't see it, or saw it, she didn't care at all, she just stared at Jiang Chen watched.

In this way, until 5 minutes passed, the expressionless face of the woman became more moving and angry.

"Did you notice that I look familiar?" Before the woman could speak, Jiang Chen asked impatiently.

"I can only say that I wasted 6 minutes on you. Moreover, these 6 minutes, most likely, will be the most boring 6 minutes I have ever experienced in my life." The woman frowned, and said Faintly displeased.

"How can you say that 6 minutes were wasted? Do you think that for a handsome guy like me, anyone can stare at me for 6 minutes? I'm also very picky, okay?" Jiang Chen immediately became dissatisfied.

"Boring." The woman sneered, took a step back, and was about to walk away.

"Hey, why are you going? You haven't said anything clearly. I think the reason why you still don't feel familiar with me is that the way is wrong. I need to change a way to rejuvenate your sense of familiarity with me. Do you want to try it?" Jiang Chen shouted.

"If you're still so boring, there's no need to waste my time." The woman's eyebrows frowned a little more.

"Have you ever thought about how it feels when two acquaintances meet but don't know each other? Anyway, my heart is broken. Even if you are not responsible for yourself, you have to be responsible for my broken heart, right?" ?” Jiang Chen spoke in a serious tone.

Liu Yufei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, stretched out her hand, and secretly pinched Jiang Chen again. This guy's ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is getting stronger and stronger.

If it is not too clear, what kind of person Jiang Chen is, Liu Yufei reckons, she will be deceived by Jiang Chen.

"The third time, and the last time, if you still can't prove that there is any relationship between the two of us, you will be responsible for the consequences." The woman said coldly, listening to that accent, it was obviously Jiang Chen's repeated teasing Under this, patience is almost exhausted.

"This time, it can definitely be proved." Jiang Chen smiled, turned his head to Liu Yufei and said, "Da Feifei, please close your eyes."

"What to do?" Liu Yufei asked confusedly, she didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to do, she insisted on closing her eyes.

Could it be that Jiang Chen wanted to molest this woman?

And soon, Liu Yufei's idea became a reality.

Impressively, after Jiang Chen let go of her hand, he suddenly strode forward, rushed to the woman, stretched out his hand, hooked her neck, lowered his head, and kissed her viciously. ...

(End of this chapter)

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