genius evil

Chapter 597 The Poorest Guy

Chapter 597 The Poorest Guy
With Jiang Chen's actions like this, Liu Yufei was stunned.

She never expected that Jiang Chen would actually go to molested someone's house, and the way of molesting him was so simple and rude, he just kissed him without saying a word.

The woman was also stunned by Jiang Chen's behavior, completely stunned.

Unprepared, she was kissed by Jiang Chen, if it was just that, it would be fine, the most terrible thing is that Jiang Chen's damn tongue is trying to pry open her lips and drill into her mouth.

Jiang Chen didn't just want to kiss her, but a French kiss.

There was a moment of blankness in the woman's mind, but when she realized what Jiang Chen had done to her, she was suddenly filled with anger, and with her elbows, she pushed heavily towards Jiang Chen's chest.

"Ah——" Jiang Chen covered his chest, staggered back a few steps, and said heartbroken, "You are so cruel, you are going to murder your husband."

"Shut up." The woman was extremely angry, and she was completely irritated by Jiang Chen.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's pretentious appearance, in her eyes, was even more hateful and resentful.

Because she didn't hurt Jiang Chen at all, and just as soon as her elbow exerted force, Jiang Chen had already let go of her hand and stepped back, avoiding her attack perfectly, not to mention hurting Jiang Chen, she didn't even touch her. .

"Woman, you are going to kill me, why don't you let me say a few words? How can you be so cruel?" Jiang Chen asked in grief and indignation.

"I told you to shut up." The woman whispered, the corners of her mouth twitching uncontrollably.

"Jiang Chen, you're going too far." Liu Yufei had no choice but to stand up and speak for the woman.

"Da Feifei, I said before that this is to help her regain her memory of me. If you don't believe me, just ask her, she must remember who I am." Jiang Chen pointed at the woman.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Liu Yufei looked at the woman in astonishment.

"Beast, bastard full of lies." The woman was furious.

"Da Feifei, did you hear that? Do you think such an adjective is very familiar?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Liu Yufei was speechless, it was indeed very familiar, and she described a certain aspect of Jiang Chen's characteristics very accurately.

This can't help but make Liu Yufei a little confused. Could it be that this woman is really Jiang Chen's old acquaintance?
But if this is the case, why pretend not to know Jiang Chen?

Is there an ulterior motive?
Or because of her existence, deliberately pretending not to know her.

Or, was there any conflict with Jiang Chen?Are you making a fuss about being twisted?

Liu Yufei thought a lot, but unexpectedly, she was taken into the ditch by Jiang Chen.

"I don't know you at all. I've never met you before. Can you stop talking nonsense?" Looking at Liu Yufei's thoughtful appearance, how could a woman not understand, Liu Yufei misunderstood, and she would get angry whenever she could.

"Little Hua, be good, stop making trouble." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"I'm not Xiaohua, I'm Meng Xiyan." Meng Xiyan sneered, she didn't even know her name, so she didn't understand, how could Jiang Chen have the face to say those words?

"Of course I know your name is Meng Xiyan, Meng from Meng Xiyan, Xi from Meng Xiyan, Yan from Meng Xiyan. Xiaohua is the nickname I gave you. Also, what a great name Xiaohua is. It looks like a little white flower, I really like this name so much." In his heart, Jiang Chen quickly recited the three words Meng Xiyan silently, and said indifferently.

"Shameless." Meng Xiyan clenched her teeth, looking at her appearance, she wished she could tear Jiang Chen apart.

"Xiao Hua, I have to solemnly declare one thing. I did this whole thing out of good intentions. You don't even know how worried I am that something happened to you and you lost your memory. Fortunately, your current memory has been captured by me. Called back, otherwise..." Jiang Chen said hesitantly.

"What else?" Meng Xiyan asked angrily.

"Otherwise, I have to kiss you again." Jiang Chen said.

"You dare." Meng Xiyan's eyes gradually darkened.

The first time she was kissed by Jiang Chen, she was defenseless, or she was taken advantage of by Jiang Chen.

If it wasn't enough for Jiang Chen to take advantage once, and if he wanted to take advantage of it a second time, she would definitely kill him.

"Xiaohua, I don't mind being taken advantage of by you, so what do you care about? Besides, this time we met, I found that you are particularly prone to anger. Did you encounter any irritation? Tell me quickly, and I will help you." You solve it. If it doesn't work, we'll go see a psychiatrist, there must be a way to cure you." Jiang Chen said in a good voice.

"You—" Meng Xiyan almost went crazy.

She was indeed stimulated.

However, that stimulation was given to her by Jiang Chen.

It was not enough for Jiang Chen to stimulate her once, and he stimulated her one after another. Meng Xiyan felt that if she really went crazy, it must be driven crazy by Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Hua, you must be very touched, right? Actually, there is no need for this. Even in the past, you have been chasing me and insisting on being my girlfriend. You have been rejected by me many times and never gave up. I hate it very much. But we got to know each other, no matter how much I don't like you, I won't let you die." Jiang Chen recalled the past, sighing endlessly.

"Who is chasing you?" Meng Xiyan was really going crazy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have provoked you. It would be best if you don't remember, then just pretend nothing happened." Jiang Chen said immediately.


He stomped his foot heavily on the ground, and with a click, the stone slab under his feet was torn apart following Meng Xiyan's foot.

Meng Xiyan's aura also suddenly became extremely fierce.

"Okay...I'll get out...Really, don't get excited, or the condition will get worse." Jiang Chen pulled Liu Yufei's little hand, and walked towards the car parking place, walking quickly.

"Jiang Chen, what you just said is true?" After getting into the car and fastening her seat belt, Liu Yufei was in a strange mood.

"Da Feifei, why are you so stupid, it's all fake." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Then what you said is true, what are you trying to do?" Liu Yufei rolled her eyes.

"Where do I have any plans? If I say plans, it's that Meng Xiyan who has plans for you or me. Especially for me." Jiang Chen said, and drove the car out calmly.

"What intentions does she have?" Liu Yufei asked.

She almost took Jiang Chen's words seriously before, but at this time, even if everything Jiang Chen said was the truth, Liu Yufei inevitably kept some doubts, lest she accidentally be deceived by Jiang Chen again.

"Da Feifei, did you notice that Meng Xiyan stomped her foot on the ground, what happened?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"She seems very angry." Liu Yufei responded subconsciously. As soon as she said the words, Liu Yufei's expression changed slightly, and she said, "It seems that the stone slab under her feet was chopped into pieces by her foot."

Liu Yufei had noticed this small detail, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She only thought it was because Meng Xiyan was too angry.

But when Jiang Chen reminded her, Liu Yufei realized how terrifying this seemingly insignificant detail was.

Ordinary people, who can chop a stone slab with one foot?
If it were her, let alone one kick, it would be impossible to do it even with ten or a hundred kicks, but Meng Xiyan did it with just one kick.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "This woman appeared in Hongji Mansion inexplicably, her purpose is unknown, and she is quite dangerous, so I must first disgust her and let her understand that some people are better not to mess with. , she can't afford it."

"Jiang Chen, I understand the truth. The problem is, even if you want to disgust her, can't you do it differently?" Liu Yufei said speechlessly. She still minded that Jiang Chen kissed Meng Xiyan, especially in front of her. face, kissed Meng Xiyan.

"Da Feifei, don't worry about these details, what shall we eat? How about western food?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That woman named Meng Xiyan is really dangerous?" How could Liu Yufei not understand that Jiang Chen was deliberately changing the topic, but she is not a petty woman, and would not be jealous for no reason. If Meng Xiyan really has a problem, she It is possible to let go of prejudices.

"According to my opinion, she is almost half as powerful as me. Do you think it's dangerous?" Jiang Chen boasted.

"I suddenly felt that she was quite dangerous." Liu Yufei said, suddenly, she felt a little sorry for Meng Xiyan.

Then according to what Jiang Chen said, the two of them went to a western restaurant, ordered food, and the food had just been delivered when Jiang Chen suddenly saw a guy sneaking over.

"Haha, Young Master Jiang, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." The guy who came over, as if he had just seen Jiang Chen, laughed loudly, and patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder. It looks like a surprise.

"Yeah, it's really a coincidence." Jiang Chen patted the guy's shoulder with his backhand, and the guy was slapped by Jiang Chen, almost kneeling on the ground.

"Be merciful... be merciful." That bastard had a mournful face, and he didn't dare to pretend anymore.

"What's the matter, hurry up and get out." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Shao, it's like this. When I got off work just now, I saw a woman downstairs. You know that woman, right?" That bastard sat down beside Jiang Chen, looking expectant. look asked.

"And then?" Jiang Chen said.

"Young Master Jiang, do you believe it? I have a hunch that I'm going to fall in love." That guy looked affectionate.

"I still have to eat, can you stop being so disgusting?" Jiang Chen almost couldn't hold back and kicked the thing flying away.

"Young Master Jiang, really, I, Gu Xiang, never lie, so please give me the contact information of that beauty." That guy said beggingly.

"I don't have any contact information, but if you see her next time, just say she is my Jiang Chen's friend, and she will give you face." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Okay, just wait for Young Master Jiang's words, I'll go find her right now." Gu Xiang slapped his thigh and got up, and hurriedly ran outside the restaurant.

"Jiang Chen, the beauty Gu Xiang mentioned is Meng Xiyan, right?" Liu Yufei asked.

"It should be." Jiang Chen stuffed something into his mouth and said vaguely.

"Then if he goes to find Meng Xiyan now, won't he die a miserable death?" Liu Yufei was very worried about Gu Xiang's life. She who had just pitied Meng Xiyan just now found that Gu Xiang was the worst pitiful!

(End of this chapter)

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