genius evil

Chapter 598 Keep it simple, the way to say the chapter is simpler

Chapter 598 Keep it simple, speak in a simpler way
After Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei had dinner, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

The main reason was that Liu Yufei ate slowly on purpose. She hadn't sat down with Jiang Chen for a meal for a long time. While eating and chatting, Liu Yufei enjoyed this feeling very much, which made her very relaxed, comfortable and warm.

But no matter how slow you eat, there will always be time to finish eating.

"Da Feifei, do you have any arrangements for the next one? If not, then I will make the arrangements." Jiang Chen said, he had been waiting for a long time and was a little anxious. After all, there are so many meaningful and interesting things between men and women. Things can be done, why waste time on eating?
"Jiang Chen, let's go to the movies, shall we?" Liu Yufei said after thinking about it.

Ever since she came up with the idea of ​​establishing Feifei Medical Beauty Company, Liu Yufei has been extremely busy every day, and after the company started operation, her busyness has doubled.

Liu Yufei was about to forget how long it had been since she didn't have personal time. I don't know how long it had been since she didn't watch a movie.

It was rare for Jiang Chen to have time to accompany her. Liu Yufei planned to satisfy her small wish as a reward for her hard work during this time.

"Da Feifei, do you like being in a movie theater?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, completely unaware that Liu Yufei had such a unique hobby.

After all, if he had known early on that Liu Yufei had such a hobby, he would have taken Liu Yufei to the movies a long time ago. No, he did not know how many movies he had taken Liu Yufei to. Why did he have to wait until now?
"What are you thinking about?" Liu Yufei Xia Fei's cheeks rolled, she gave Jiang Chen a white look, and said amusedly, "It's just going to a movie, don't think too much about it."

"Da Feifei, if you say that, should I think too much, or should I not think too much?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I said don't think too much, why do you still think too much? If you don't accompany me, I'll go by myself." Liu Yufei said angrily, but she didn't understand why Jiang Chen could go that way for everything. What about Lenovo?

Could it be because she has not been able to satisfy Jiang Chen so far?
However, is a place like a movie theater really suitable?

"Okay, I'm sure I won't think too much about it." Jiang Chen nodded.

"You still think too much." Liu Yufei said helplessly.

Jiang Chen raised his hand and said, "Da Feifei, I've been confused by you, otherwise, I'd better think a little more, this is called being prepared."

"Waiter, pay the bill." Liu Yufei ignored Jiang Chen lazily, and stretched out her hand to greet the waiter.

"Hello, beauty, someone has already paid for your table." The waiter came over, said with a smile, and stretched out his hand to point in a direction.

Liu Yufei looked in the direction the waiter was pointing at, and saw, a few tables away, a young man raised his wine glass towards her with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, we pay the bill ourselves." With just one glance, Liu Yufei looked away, took out the card and handed it over.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, took the card over, and said with a smile: "Da Feifei, why not take advantage of the bargain, waiter, take two bottles of 82-year-old Lafite and pack them up."

"Sir, the other party has already paid the bill. The Lafite you want..." The waiter was a little embarrassed.

"I think that friend will be very happy to pay the bill again, and, you have to understand, I'm giving him a chance to act... oh, a chance to show off." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The waiter probably saw this kind of strange flower for the first time, and he was a bit dumbfounded. He was about to go over and talk to the young man, but the young man heard Jiang Chen's words and said, "Bring two more bottles, it's my Invite Miss Liu's supper."

"So generous." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"With Miss Liu's taste, if you want to drink, you must drink the best red wine. A small gesture of affection is not a respect." The young man said, got up and walked over while talking.

"Miss Liu, I didn't expect it. We met again so soon. Originally, I planned to visit your company in a few days." The young man smiled and looked like a gentleman.

"Hey, who are you, don't play tricks here, be careful I will beat you." Jiang Chen yelled.

"My humble minjun, a nobody with no money in my pocket, I thought that Ms. Liu's family is big and wanted to make a fortune with Ms. Liu, but it's a pity that Ms. Liu doesn't like me...but I don't know about this brother, What is your relationship with Ms. Liu? Boyfriend? Or, subordinate?" The young man seemed to be mocking himself, but in fact, there was an inexplicable arrogance between the lines.

"Secretary, the close-fitting kind." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Personal secretary? I understand. You are Miss Liu's butler, right?" Min Jun was taken aback when he heard the title of personal secretary for the first time, and suddenly realized.

"If you want to understand it this way, it's not impossible. Anyway, Da Feifei is under my control from head to toe." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Since you are the housekeeper, you are a servant. A servant should have the consciousness of a servant. Your master's kindness to you is not the capital of your domineering." Min Jun frowned suddenly, and then said to Liu Yufei: "Miss Liu, you alone Single girls, looking for a butler, this kind of thing is hard to say, but I happen to have a friend who owns a housekeeping company, if you don't mind, how about I introduce a housekeeper for you?"

"I mind." Liu Yufei said bluntly.

In Liu Yufei's view, no matter what Min Jun paid the bill or what Min Jun said, they were quite unreasonable.

You know, before that, she had only met Min Jun once, and Min Jun was not a client of the company, but just accompanied a client to visit Feifei Medical Beauty Company.

She can't even name this kind of person, and she doesn't know where Min Jun's sense of superiority comes from. To actually dictate her private affairs, she feels a little too good about herself.

"Miss Liu, please believe that I have no malicious intentions." Min Jun said hastily, not knowing where he offended Liu Yufei.

"If you shut up, that is the greatest kindness." Liu Yufei was still very blunt.

"Miss Liu, what you said is too much." Min Jun's face was a little unstoppable.

"Jiang Chen, let's go." Liu Yufei took Jiang Chen's arm and said softly, ignoring Min Jun lazily.

Seeing Liu Yufei holding Jiang Chen's arm, Min Jun's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly understood what the so-called close fitting meant.

In this case, it is indeed very close.

"Sir, do you want more wine?" The waiter asked with two wine bags.

"Don't be in vain." Jiang Chen took it casually and led Liu Yufei to the outside of the restaurant.

"Stop." Min Jun came over and said coldly, "What's the matter, you took my things and wanted to leave without giving any indication? I'm curious, where is such a cheap thing in this world?"

"Simple, what do you want?" Jiang Chen smiled. He still wanted to accompany Liu Yufei to the movies, but he was not in the mood to play around with this guy.

"If you want to be simple, then I will be simple. In return for my gift to you, I want a 50.00% stake in Feifei Medical Beauty Company." Min Jun said.

Liu Yufei was surprised, and looked at Min Jun in shock.

Dare to love, is Min Jun's idea like this?
No wonder the last time Min Jun went to Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, he asked a lot of questions about the company's financial aspects unlike other people who cared about the company's operating conditions.

Although a company's financial situation is the core internal secret, it is impossible to tell outsiders, Min Jun did not find any useful information.

But Liu Yufei finally understood why Min Jun cared about the financial situation of Feifei's beauty company. It turned out that he had been thinking about this since the morning, and now, he finally showed his true colors.

However, just four bottles of red wine, in exchange for 50.00% of the shares of Feifei Medical Beauty Company, so the lion opened his mouth, isn't he worried that he will accidentally kill himself?
Different from Liu Yufei's surprise, all Jiang Chen felt was only two words, which was funny, and if he had to use four words, it would be ridiculous.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen stared at Min Jun with interest. He didn't even remember this guy's face before, but now, Jiang Chen suddenly discovered that he still needs to remember this guy's face. face.

After all, in this world, although there are many idiots, there are really not many idiots like this.

"What do you mean by that? Do you think that even if you give it to me, I won't dare to accept it? Why don't you give it to me and see if I dare to accept it or not?" Min Jun teased asked.

"It's already dark, so don't dream about it. How about it? As you can see, my Da Feifei and I are dating. I'll make a phone call first and have someone accompany you to have a good talk. If the shareholding can be a little less If you want a little, maybe it will be perfect." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Threat me?" Min Jun said in a low voice.

"NO, NO, as for me, Jiang Chen, although I have many other advantages, one of the biggest advantages is that I convince people with virtue and never do anything that threatens others." Jiang Chen shook his head and took out his phone , made a phone call and went out.

A few minutes later, several cars appeared outside the western restaurant. After the cars stopped, under the leadership of Brother Dao, a dozen people rushed in from the outside.

"Sure enough, he was threatening me." Seeing Brother Dao and the others, Min Jun didn't react too surprised, as if he had expected this to happen.

"Young Master Jiang." After Brother Dao came in, he greeted Jiang Chen, and some people who came in with him bowed down in unison, respectful.

"Take this person away, and ask me carefully. If he has a brain disease, send him to the hospital to treat his brain. If he doesn't want to be treated, invite his whole family to treat him with him. Understand me Do you mean it?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Understood, I will definitely treat him well, Young Master Jiang, you can rest assured." Brother Dao nodded, and then gave Min Jun a vicious look. At this moment, Min Jun was no different from a dead person in his eyes.

"Besides, it wasn't a threat just now, but this is a threat." Jiang Chen smiled and said casually.

Min Jun, who seemed to be confident, finally changed his face when he heard this...

(End of this chapter)

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