genius evil

Chapter 599 The movie of 2 people

Chapter 599
"Jiang Chen, that Min Jun, is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen drove the car to the movie theater. On the way, Liu Yufei pondered for a while, but finally couldn't help asking.

Liu Yufei felt that anyone with a slightly normal IQ would not be able to open his mouth like a rambunctious lion like Min Jun.

After all, it only takes a little inquiring to know how terrifying Feifei Medical Beauty Company is in terms of making money.

A financial magazine once said that the speed at which Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Co., Ltd. makes money is probably even slower than the speed at which banks print money.

This is a bit exaggerated, but in fact, the exaggeration is not serious.

In other words, in a very short period of time, Liu Yufei has owned 90.00% of the people in this world, and she may not be able to earn a fortune in her whole life.

That's why Liu Yufei insisted on showing Jiang Chen the company's financial situation.

In this way, not to mention 50.00% of the shares of Feifei Medical Beauty Company, even 5.00%, no, even [-]%, is an astronomical figure.

That Min Jun, how confident does he have to be to ask for 50.00% of the shares?
"It's purely a mental illness, and there's no cure for it. Is this a problem?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I always feel that it's not that simple." Liu Yufei said hesitantly.

A mere Min Jun, where did he get such confidence?

Furthermore, from Min Jun's tone of voice, it was obvious that he was bound to win. Obviously, there was someone backing him behind it.

If not, with Min Jun alone, no matter how idiot he is, he wouldn't be so whimsical!

"Da Feifei, you don't need to think too much about this kind of thing, I will make it extremely simple." Jiang Chen said, drove the car into the underground parking lot under the cinema, got off, and pulled Liu Yufei onto the elevator.

Recently, there have been no good films released. Whether it is a domestic film or an imported blockbuster, there is a tendency to compare who is worse.

However, Liu Yufei only needed to watch a movie, and she wasn't picky, so she randomly chose a movie that was about to start.

The movie was released soon. After entering the movie hall, he accompanied Liu Yufei to sit in the back row. Seeing that there were only a few people in the movie hall, Jiang Chen couldn't help thinking about it.

But soon, Jiang Chen was disappointed.

No wonder Liu Yufei repeatedly emphasized, telling him not to think too much. Jiang Chen found that he really thought too much, because Liu Yufei really only came to watch the movie.

"Da Feifei, is the movie good?" Jiang Chen was extremely depressed.

"It's okay." Liu Yufei took the popcorn she just bought, stuffed two popcorns into her mouth, thought for a while, then grabbed two more popcorns and fed them to Jiang Chen.

"After watching the movie, do you have any other plans?" Jiang Chen expressed his frustration.

A movie takes more than two hours, which means that he has to accompany Liu Yufei and sit here, wasting more than two hours. In that case, it will be past ten o'clock and almost eleven o'clock, and there is not much time left for him ah.

"Jiang Chen, do you have anything to do?" Liu Yufei was surprised that Jiang Chen would ask such a question.

"Oh, what I mean is, after watching the movie later, it will be very late, why don't we just find a hotel outside and get a room." Jiang Chen then said.

"Tomorrow morning the company has a regular meeting, and I'll be there around eight o'clock." Liu Yufei said.

"I'll see you off." Jiang Chen then said.

While talking, Jiang Chen hastily calculated the time. Liu Yufei will arrive at the company around eight o'clock. During the period, it will take about 10 minutes to put on makeup, 10 minutes to wash up, and 10 minutes to drive on the road. This means, Liu Yufei had to get up at seven o'clock in the morning at the latest.

After watching the movie, at about 10:30, I went to the hotel to enter the room to take a bath individually or together, and it took half an hour, that is, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

From eleven o'clock in the evening to seven o'clock in the morning, there are a total of eight hours.

Liu Yufei had to go to work, so she shouldn't be too tired. In terms of sleep, she had to have five hours to meet her body's needs. In other words, there were only three hours left for him.

"Time is really running out." After quick calculations, Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

Fortunately, three hours is not long or short, and it is almost enough to do some things that are beneficial to physical and mental health, which makes Jiang Chen's mood a little more balanced.

"It's okay, I can just take a taxi by myself, it may be late tonight, and you are very tired." Liu Yufei said understandingly.

Jiang Chen was so moved that tears were about to come out. I have to say that Liu Yufei was really considerate, knowing that he would be very tired, so he didn't even want to give it to him.

Compared to those women out there who don't care about the feelings of their boyfriends or husbands, Liu Yufei is perfect.

Having a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?
"It's okay, I won't be tired if you're not tired." Jiang Chen said, as a man, how can he complain about suffering and being tired?

Although, there has never been plowed land in this world, only exhausted cows, but Jiang Chen felt that if a man shouted tired in such a matter, it would be a sign of complete incompetence.

Hold on as long as you can, but if you can't hold on, just grit your teeth and hold on.

"It really doesn't matter. I plan to watch another movie after watching this movie. In that case, it will be almost one o'clock in the morning, and I won't be able to sleep for a few hours." Liu Yufei said softly.

For Liu Yufei, watching movies is not just about watching movies.

Of course, the content of the movie is important, but it is more important for Jiang Chen to accompany her by her side. The two of them sat together quietly, even if it was a very boring movie, Liu Yufei felt that she could watch it With relish.

"Then the time left for me is less than an hour?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

"What time?" Liu Yufei was confused and couldn't understand what Jiang Chen was saying.

"Oh, I'll just talk about it casually." Jiang Chen complained incessantly. He has never seen anyone watch two movies in a row. This is not a marathon relay race.

Besides, if you really like watching movies so much, when should you watch them?You have to watch two games in a row in one night.

on purpose!
The brute force is intentional!
"Okay, stop talking and watch a movie." Liu Yufei said softly without thinking too much.

From the beginning, Jiang Chen's mind was not on the movie. Moreover, this imported blockbuster was released to a new height. Even if Jiang Chen forced himself to watch it, he couldn't watch it at all.

So, after sitting and posting for a while, Jiang Chen thought in his heart, what kind of reason should he find to successfully trick Liu Yufei out, at least, let Liu Yufei only watch one movie, and then go to the hotel with him to book a room.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen didn't have any good ideas. He turned his head inadvertently, but found that at some point, Liu Yufei was not eating popcorn or watching a movie, but was leaning on the seat, fell asleep.

"Asleep?" Jiang Chen was overjoyed. He was worried that he couldn't find a good reason. Liu Yufei took the initiative to create an incomparably perfect reason for him, which made Jiang Chen suspicious. Liu Yufei said that he would watch two movies in a row. , Are you trying to test him on purpose?

Otherwise, Liu Yufei obviously watched it with gusto just now, how could she fall asleep so quickly?


It must be fake.

"Big Feifei, don't catch a cold, let's go to sleep in the room." Jiang Chen said, stretched out his hand and carefully picked Liu Yufei up, and walked outside the cinema.

Jiang Chen was very fast. After leaving the theater, he got into his car not long after, drove out of the parking lot, and started looking for hotels all over the street.

This process took about 5 minutes. Jiang Chen successfully found a suitable hotel. After that, he opened the room, entered the door, and put Liu Yufei on the big bed in the hotel. It took another 5 minutes.

"Jiang Chen, why is it so quiet? Is the movie over?" Putting Liu Yufei on the bed, Jiang Chen was about to take a bath when he heard Liu Yufei murmuring indistinctly from above the big bed.

"Oh, it's over." Jiang Chen replied subconsciously.

"Jiang Chen, where are you? Are you leaving? Watch a movie with me again, okay?" On the big bed, Xiumei frowned, and Liu Yufei's voice was inaudible.

Jiang Chen had already walked to the door of the bathroom. Suddenly, hearing Liu Yufei's words, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, as if someone had stabbed him fiercely with a sharp needle.

"Okay, I'll watch another movie with you." Jiang Chen returned to the bed, sat down at the head of the bed, stretched out his hand, gently smoothed Liu Yufei's frowning eyebrows, and said softly.

He suddenly understood why he wanted to go to the movies, why watching one movie was not enough, and why he had to watch two movies in a row.

Liu Yufei didn't really want to watch a movie that much, what she wanted was him by her side.

Liu Yufei couldn't say a lot of things directly, she could only express her needs in this way, it was so clumsy, but it was so distressing.

Those messy thoughts in Jiang Chen's heart disappeared without a trace. He didn't go to take a bath anymore, he lay down on the bed with all his clothes on, held Liu Yufei in his arms, and fell asleep together.


At around [-] o'clock in the morning, Liu Yufei was in a drowsy sleep, and vaguely heard a voice ringing in her ear: "Da Feifei, wake up, it's time to get up."

The voice is close to the ear, but it sounds a little erratic.

Liu Yufei could tell that the voice belonged to Jiang Chen, she thought she was dreaming, her sleepy eyes couldn't be opened no matter what, and she didn't want to open them.

Otherwise, upon waking up from a dream, Jiang Chen's voice would disappear.

But after a while, Liu Yufei's delicate body suddenly got up from the bed, and a pair of strong big hands hugged her from the bed.

The moment her body left the bed, Liu Yufei almost thought that she was flying, and almost thought that she had fallen to the ground because she had not slept soundly, her frightened eyes suddenly opened, and her chaotic mind suddenly woke up.

"Ah—" Then, after opening her eyes, she realized that she was being hugged by Jiang Chen. Liu Yufei didn't know whether it was surprise or joy, and she cried out in a low voice...

(End of this chapter)

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