genius evil

Chapter 601 I Will Just Kiss Her

Chapter 601 I Just Kiss Her

Accompanied by that sound, and then, a graceful and delicate figure, carrying a faint fragrance, flashed out from the window and appeared in the ward, eyes full of sarcasm, fell on the Gu Xiang's body.

"You...why are you here again?" Suddenly seeing that figure appear, Gu Xiang seemed to see a ghost in broad daylight, his face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't even speak.

But under the current circumstances, the only one who can cause such great damage to Gu Xiang is the beautiful Meng Xiyan.

Meng Xiyan is still plain and wearing a plain long skirt, the color of the long skirt has changed, light green, when the wind blows, it is like the waves on the surface of a lake, the water waves are gently rippling, it has a different charm .

There is no need to be deliberately artificial or ostentatious, so natural, that unique natural charm is revealed.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also discovered that apart from Meng Xiyan changing into a skirt of a different color, the pair of small cloth shoes under her feet also turned white.

However, this discovery made Jiang Chen sigh from the bottom of his heart for no reason, because he was very worried about this woman's dress taste.

Yesterday's outfit was already messy enough, but today's outfit is even more appalling. The overall temperament is completely supported by that face.

But no matter how beautiful she is, she can't be so willful, right?

"Please say it again, can you?" Meng Xiyan ignored Gu Xiang's hell-like reaction, her face was gentle and her voice was soft, but these words had a faint, irresistible power.

"Young master, did I just say something?" For a moment, that guy Gu Xiang didn't even dare to look at Meng Xiyan. Blinking, hinting Jiang Chen to save the field.

Otherwise, if Meng Xiyan beats him up again, he probably won't even be able to get out of bed.

"You said a lot just now. Since Xiaohua wants to hear you say it again, you can say it again. Anyway, saying it once is no different from saying it twice." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Hearing this, Gu Xiang almost burst into tears. He was implying that Jiang Chen saved the scene, and he didn't let Jiang Chen come to disrupt the situation. If this goes on, it will kill him.

"Young master, I don't have a very good memory. I forgot everything I said just now." Gu Xiang pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"It's okay, I remember." Jiang Chen looked kind.


Gu Xiang suddenly had black lines. Is Jiang Chen trying to play his rhythm to death?

"Xiaohua, Xiao Guzi said just now that you are useless except for your good looks and good figure. In terms of taste, you are even more unflattering. Moreover, you have a violent temperament and you will say nothing. Hands and feet, a typical manly character, in this life, it is impossible for a man to want it." Jiang Chen turned to Meng Xiyan and said with a light smile.

"Young master, did I say these words?" Gu Xiang really wanted to cry.

"Didn't you say so?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"I really didn't say it." Gu Xiang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Little Guzi, you are a man. If you dare to do something, you must dare to be it. If you dare to say it, you must dare to admit it." Jiang Chen looked serious and seemed a little angry.

"Young Master, if I had said that, I would definitely admit it, but the problem is, I never said it at all. How do you ask me to admit what I haven't said?" Gu Xiang said with drooping eyebrows and a mournful face.

"You mean, I'm spreading rumors, I've slandered you?" Jiang Chen was displeased.

"Master, of course I didn't mean that. I mean, it's very possible that you got it wrong. It's a misunderstanding." Gu Xiang said hastily.

He couldn't afford to offend Meng Xiyan, let alone Jiang Chen.

If he had to choose someone to offend between Meng Xiyan and Jiang Chen, Gu Xiang would definitely choose Meng Xiyan.

"It doesn't matter if I misunderstood, if Xiao Hua misunderstood, the consequences would be serious...Xiao Hua, did you misunderstand?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This misunderstanding is very interesting." Meng Xiyan's gaze on Gu Xiang was obviously a little cold.

"A misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, so what's the point?" Gu Xiang said with a dry smile.

"If I accidentally killed you, it would be really boring to tell you that it was a misunderstanding." Meng Xiyan said.

"Young Master, did you hear that this woman wants to kill me, she really wants to kill me." Gu Xiang yelled, and slid to hide behind Jiang Chen.

"Didn't you just say that this woman is as cowardly as a rabbit when she shows her teeth and claws? How can a rabbit kill someone? Even if you wash your neck and ask her to kill her, she won't dare I can touch a single hair of yours." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, are you suspicious that I dare not kill people?" Meng Xiyan's eyes shifted from Gu Xiang to Jiang Chen.

"Do you dare to kill people? Haha, you really know how to joke. However, this joke is not funny at all. If you insist on letting me take it, I will really disappoint you." Jiang Chen curled his lips, disdainful Gu said.

"If you don't believe me, I'll kill you and show you, roll over and die." Meng Xiyan yelled while pointing at Gu Xiang with her slender fingers.

"Young master, stop playing. I can see that this woman is really capable of killing people." Gu Xiang was terrified, he didn't want to be killed by Meng Xiyan for no apparent reason.

"What are you afraid of? Go over and stretch your neck to kill her. I want to see if she really dares to kill you. If she accidentally kills you, I will..." Jiang Chen said.

"Young master, just kill her and avenge me, right?" Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Gu Xiang hurriedly said.

Gu Xiang was suddenly moved.

In order to avenge him, Jiang Chen was willing to kill even a beautiful woman like Meng Xiyan. It was obvious how much he held in Jiang Chen's heart.

"Little Guzi, do you know why you haven't been able to find a girlfriend until now? The biggest problem is that you don't know how to be sympathetic to others." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Master, in fact, there are many women who take the initiative to show love to me." Gu Xiang explained.

"Illusions are all illusions. For a person like you who doesn't know how to be sympathetic to women, it is impossible for a woman to like you. As for taking the initiative to show affection, it must be because you think too much." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Young master, I sound a bit confused." Gu Xiang said, completely unable to understand how Jiang Chen mentioned this.

"You don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, but I do. How could I kill such a charming beauty?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, you clearly meant that just now." The little touch in Gu Xiang's heart disappeared completely.

"What I want to say is, if he does anything to you, I'll give her a kiss." Jiang Chen completed what he didn't say just now.

Gu Xiang's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted on the ground. It is true that he thought too much and had an illusion... No... Gu Xiang felt something was wrong.

He looked at Jiang Chen, then at Meng Xiyan, and said loudly: "You two have an affair, don't you, you deliberately use me for entertainment."

What kiss?
Can a pair of strangers kiss each other?

No matter how attractive Jiang Chen is, it's impossible for him to kiss a beautiful woman just when he sees it, isn't it?
There must be tricks, and the tricks are still big.

"Shut up." Meng Xiyan was furious, who is having an affair with Jiang Chen?

"Yes, there is. Why are you ashamed to admit it? I know the charm of the young master. I have never seen a woman who escaped his palm. I think you should stop struggling and throw yourself into your arms obediently." , into the arms of the young master." Gu Xiang said with a smile.

After thinking that Jiang Chen and Meng Xiyan were having an affair, Gu Xiang's mood suddenly relaxed a lot. At least, he was not worried, and died tragically for no reason.

"Do you really want to die?" Meng Xiyan's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Young master, you have to count on what you say. If this woman kills me, you can just kiss her... No, how can one kiss be enough? At least ten or eight kisses are enough." Gu Xiang said.


In the ward, the cold wind blew, Meng Xiyan appeared next to Gu Xiang with a movement, and slapped Gu Xiang.

"Xiao Hua, it looks like you really want me to kiss you, so why not, I'll let you do it, I'm a good person." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Meng Xiyan's breath was slightly suffocated, she slapped Gu Xiang's palm, quickly retreated, and said to Jiang Chen: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you first."

"Uh, this beauty, it's fine if you want to kill me, but you still want to kill the eldest son, no matter how big the hatred is, you can't murder your husband, right? As the old saying goes, fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed..." Gu Xiang Said in a rambling manner.

"Get out!" Meng Xiyan shouted.

Gu Xiang was startled by Meng Xiyan's drink, his face turned pale, and he lowered his voice and said to Jiang Chen: "Young Master, I will leave the matter here to you, I will withdraw first, and if I have time another day, I will set up a special table Please and sister-in-law."

While talking, Gu Xiang rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and ran fast.

"Sure enough, what kind of people, what kind of friends do you make? You are like a bird of a feather." Meng Xiyan's face was ugly. Although Gu Xiang's voice was very low, the ward was so big, she still heard everything.

"Xiaohua, you can belittle little Guzi, but I won't be happy if you belittle me." Jiang Chen said unhappily, how could he be like Gu Xiang?At least on the point of pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, a hundred Gu Xiang is no match for him alone.

"It's nothing more than laughing at a hundred steps at fifty steps, why bother to argue." Meng Xiyan sneered endlessly.

"Okay, I won't quibble, you still want to kill me, if you don't, I'll leave first." Jiang Chen said indifferently, explaining so much to Meng Xiyan lazily.

"If you offend me again and again, you will definitely die, but I don't want to kill you for the time being, but you have to do one thing for me. If you do well, I may consider to spare your life." " Meng Xiyan said slowly.

"Say it as if you could kill me, why do you say it so nicely?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"The thing I want you to do is very simple to you, are you willing to agree?" Meng Xiyan said as if she hadn't heard Jiang Chen's words, those words were surprisingly meaningful A bit of an aggressive flavor...

(End of this chapter)

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