genius evil

Chapter 602 You are a murderer

Chapter 602 You are a murderer

"A very simple thing for me?" Jiang Chen said to himself, his eyes flickering, and he asked suspiciously: "Xiaohua, you said it is very simple for me. It's easy to do... In other words, you don't mean to ask me to marry you, do you?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

The good news is that, counting this time, he and Meng Xiyan met for the second time. Meng Xiyan wanted to marry him like a duck on the shelves. This was undoubtedly because of his handsome face and his own charm. ultimate affirmation.

After all, although a beautiful woman like Meng Xiyan is not flattering in terms of taste and seems to have a bad temper, but she has a good-looking face and a good figure. The suitor is not like a crucian carp crossing the river, at least there are so many. Ten or eight.

Meng Xiyan didn't like anyone, but she just fell in love with him, and even relied on him. In addition to fully explaining that Meng Xiyan has a good eye, the main reason is that he is too attractive, isn't he?

The sad thing is that he just kissed Meng Xiyan, and he didn't even touch and scratch, let alone fuck the bed. Meng Xiyan made him be responsible for her so shamelessly, and gave her to her. Is it really okay to play tricks like this when you marry and go home?

"You... what did you say?" Meng Xiyan was stunned, she stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded, her delicate face gradually flushed red unconsciously.

"Xiaohua, you don't have to be embarrassed. In fact, I can understand your resentment towards marriage... With your temper, it is not easy to marry, let alone marrying a handsome guy who is as good as me." Jiang Chen is considerate After a pause, Jiang Chen immediately asked: "It's just, is he too anxious? Oh, I'm talking about the relationship between the two of us, which developed too fast, and some things were ignored. Very beautiful process."

"You're going to be disappointed, I don't mean that at all." Meng Xiyan said angrily.

It's all incomprehensible. Jiang Chen can understand such a simple sentence of his own. How big of a brain can he do it?
Or is this guy's head, thinking about other things all day long, thinking about these messy things?

"You don't mean this aspect, and I can understand it. After all, you haven't tried that aspect of happiness. After you try it, you will find that there are certain processes that must never be omitted. Otherwise, It may delay the happiness of a lifetime." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Don't force me." Meng Xiyan faintly understood Jiang Chen's meaning, and she couldn't listen anymore.

At this moment, she wanted to kill.

Never before has she wanted to kill so much, even though, so far, she has never killed anyone.

But if Jiang Chen continued to talk nonsense, she was willing to break this precedent for Jiang Chen and make Jiang Chen the first person to die in her hands.

"NO, NO, don't be nervous, absolutely don't be nervous, as a gentleman, polite, humorous, and personable man, how could I do something that rapes a woman? As the saying goes, a twisted melon is not sweet, isn't it? This kind of thing can only achieve the most perfect effect if you love me, and I have always been the most considerate of the woman's feelings, and I have never only cared about my unilateral enjoyment." Jiang Chen waved his hands again and again, expressing that he would never force Meng Meng The meaning of Xi Yan.

"So?" Meng Xiyan couldn't help laughing out of anger.

"So, before I agree to marry you, I think we should find a big hotel, preferably a five-star hotel, open a big room, preferably a presidential suite, and have in-depth exchanges for seven days, seven nights or eight days and eight nights, etc. " Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Are you trying to provoke me on purpose?" Meng Xiyan said indifferently.

"How could it be? I'm obviously very sincere in discussing major life issues with you. If you don't believe me, look at my face, isn't it very sincere?" Jiang Chen pointed to his own face and motioned Meng Xiyan to look at it.

"If you think you can't do the very simple thing I want you to do, you can just say it, there is no need to talk nonsense." Meng Xiyan snorted coldly and said.

Undoubtedly, Meng Xiyan was not so easy to deceive, even though Jiang Chen's words were far-fetched, she still kept a little calm all the time.

She asked Jiang Chen if he was deliberately provoking her. The implication was that she had already realized that what Jiang Chen said was just deliberately changing the topic and diverting her attention.

In fact, because of the two, Jiang Chen's move was undoubtedly very effective, judging from the unpleasant situation when they met for the first time.

No, she almost ran away in anger.

However, Meng Xiyan quickly calmed down and counterattacked. She also used these words to cover Jiang Chen's mouth, lest Jiang Chen talk unrestrictedly and talk endlessly.

Otherwise, let Jiang Chen go on like this, say more disgusting and naked words, even if he understands Jiang Chen's intentions, Meng Xiyan will never be able to guarantee that she can restrain her temper.

"What do you mean I can't do it? You look down on me, Jiang Chen, so you just want to marry you? You dare to marry, why don't I dare?" Jiang Chen stared at Meng Xiyan, quite unconvinced.

"I want you to help me treat a patient." Meng Xiyan said indifferently.

"I'll talk about these insignificant things later, the most urgent thing is to open a room." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Some time ago, I accidentally heard about your existence, so I came to Yilan City on purpose. I have used the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, and they are really good. Although I don't know what your medical skills are, but, I There is no better way for now." Meng Xiyan said slowly, taking a breath of cold air and suppressing the emotions in her heart.

"If you like the products of Dafeifei Company, just ask, and I'll give you as much as you want." Jiang Chen said with incomparable grandeur.

"This favor, you must help me." Meng Xiyan stared at Jiang Chen and said.

"Why should I help you?" Jiang Chen laughed, this matter is really ridiculous.

"If you don't help me, I'll kill you." Meng Xiyan said coldly.

"Xiaohua, I have to say that your temper is really not very good. I can tell that you are begging me, but look at yourself, from head to toe, do you seem to be begging for help?" Jiang Dust said lazily.

"Things may not have turned out like this. You are too hateful, so I can only do something wrong." Meng Xiyan said indifferently.

She went to Hongji Mansion to find Jiang Chen. She wanted to have a good talk with Jiang Chen. Who knew that Jiang Chen would tease her and kiss her as soon as he opened his mouth. In the end, that guy Gu Xiang was inexplicable. The appearance of her made it impossible for her to get in touch with Jiang Chen.

"Since you know it's a bad policy, listen to my advice. It's best not to use it. Otherwise, please beg me. You also know that I am soft-hearted. Maybe after hearing a few good words, you will agree?" Jiang Jiang Dust said with a grin.

"I can't beg you, I said before, if you refuse, I will kill you." Meng Xiyan said.

Meng Xiyan knew very well that even if she lowered her figure and begged Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen might not agree, otherwise, she would be humiliated by Jiang Chen for no reason.

Rather than that, why beg Jiang Chen?

"Little Huahua, you keep saying you want to kill this and that, are you a murderer? Also, are you sure you can kill me?" Jiang Chen was a little speechless.

Meng Xiyan did not answer Jiang Chen's question, but chose to take practical actions to prove to Jiang Chen whether he could kill her.

With the movement of his feet, there was a cold greenness, and Meng Xiyan appeared in front of Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye. At the same time, a cold light flashed in Meng Xiyan's hand, and a dagger appeared.

The right arm straightened up and down, and the dagger stabbed at Jiang Chen's heart at an incomparable speed.

Jiang Chen stood motionless and didn't react at all, as if he didn't notice Meng Xiyan approaching at all, let alone the dagger in Meng Xiyan's hand.

The dagger in Meng Xiyan's hand did not pierce. Her behavior was just to prove to Jiang Chen that she had the ability to kill Jiang Chen.

If she really planned to kill Jiang Chen, she wouldn't have to expend so much energy to deal with Jiang Chen.

Through a layer of thin clothes, the dagger stopped, Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen, and said word by word: "As long as this dagger goes down five centimeters, you will die."

"Then why didn't you stab five centimeters down?" Jiang Chen looked curious, as if it was incomprehensible that Meng Xiyan didn't stab the dagger into his body.

"Are you telling me that you would rather die than help me?" Meng Xiyan froze for a moment, took a few steps back, and said immediately.

After saying this, Meng Xiyan was stunned again.

Because, she never expected that Jiang Chen would have such an attitude. He would rather die than help her cure her illness and save her life. Doesn't this mean that no matter how much she forced Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would never compromise?

After all, Jiang Chen didn't even care about his own life or death. No matter how many means she had, what was the use?
Inexplicably, Meng Xiyan was a little sad and aggrieved.

Could it be that it is really so difficult to ask Jiang Chen to help her cure a person?
"Uh, why are you sad? I'm not dead yet. Also, you haven't married me yet and have nothing to do with me. Even if I die, you don't need to be so sad, right? You look like this , will cause others to misunderstand our relationship." Jiang Chen said strangely.

"I'm not sad for you. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me." Meng Xiyan was furious. This guy is too good at putting money on his face.

"It's fine if you don't have one. I hate women crying in front of me the most." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"You can rest assured that even if I cry, it's not for you, but I need an explanation, why would you rather die than help me?" Meng Xiyan asked.

"When would I rather die? Are you kidding me? I'm living a good life. I haven't spent a lot of money. I have a lot of girls waiting for me. How stupid and idiot do I have to be to die?" This time, it was Jiang Chen's turn to be dumbfounded...

(End of this chapter)

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