genius evil

Chapter 603

Chapter 603
"So, what do you mean, I misunderstood?" Meng Xiyan stared at Jiang Chen in a daze.

Didn't Jiang Chen mean that before?

If it wasn't true, why did Jiang Chen let her stab five centimeters down with the dagger in his hand?You know, in that case, Jiang Chen would definitely die.

"Of course not." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Not to mention dead, it's also fortunate that Meng Xiyan is a woman, and a stunningly beautiful beauty, if she were a man or an ugly woman, she would dare to say the word "death" in front of him again and again , he must have sent the other party to hell a long time ago, and he can't die anymore.

"Why is that?" Meng Xiyan was still a little stunned.

"No reason." Jiang Chen was very upset.

"Could it be that you're a liar?" Meng Xiyan said thoughtfully. At this point, Meng Xiyan suddenly came to her senses. She gritted her teeth and said, "You liar, I've been You lied so badly."

"Um, why did I become a liar again?" Jiang Chen was in a mess. What is this woman going to do?It doesn't take to ruin his reputation like that.

"Do you dare to say that you are not a liar?" Pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, Meng Xiyan's appearance was almost exasperated: "You are a liar, a deceitful person, you are not a so-called genius doctor at all, you are worried about revealing It’s a horse’s foot, that’s why I’d rather die than help me cure my illness and save others, right?”

"I've said it all, I don't want to die, and I have to tell you, you think too much." Jiang Chen was deeply impressed by this woman's powerful logical ability.

"There is no need to explain or deny it. No matter how you explain or deny it, you will deny the fact that you are a liar." Meng Xiyan said coldly.

"Okay, I won't explain anymore, think whatever you like." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"So you're just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Meng Xiyan stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen almost bumped his head to the ground.

Does this woman not understand human speech or what is going on?

"Little Huahua, is it good for you that you are so sure that I am a liar? You have to understand that this liar is not only good at deceiving the world, but also defrauding money and sex." Jiang Chen looked from Meng Xi Yan glanced up and down, and said with a smile.

"Cheaters can cheat money and sex, but dead people can't. From now on, you can never cheat anyone again." Meng Xiyan said.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Meng Xiyan moved, and as soon as the figure moved, she appeared in front of Jiang Chen, put away her hand, and once again pointed the dagger in Jiang Chen's heart, stabbing straight. Down.

Unlike the first time she made a move with reservations, Meng Xiyan no longer needed to prove to Jiang Chen whether she had the ability to kill him. What she had to do now was to kill Jiang Chen straightforwardly.

She was deceived by Jiang Chen very miserably. If she hadn't believed the rumors outside that Jiang Chen's medical skills were good, she would not have been able to swallow her anger. She was humiliated by Jiang Chen again and again, and even more so by Jiang Chen. Taking advantage of the big advantage, took away her first kiss.

Fortunately, she woke up in time.

Fortunately, it's not too late for such an awakening.

As long as she kills Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen will not be able to deceive the world and steal his name, not to mention cheating money and sex.

Although, because she had never killed anyone before, Meng Xiyan couldn't adapt to killing someone suddenly, and she was quite frightened in her heart, but Jiang Chen was the one who should be killed, so Meng Xiyan didn't If there is any soft-heartedness, his shots are extremely sharp and decisive, and he strives to kill with one blow.

Seeing the dagger in her hand getting closer and closer to Jiang Chen's heart, the brilliance in Meng Xiyan's eyes also became brighter and brighter.

"Damn liar, die to me." A voice sounded in Meng Xiyan's heart.

"Xiao Huahua, it seems that you don't want me to lie to others. This means, you want me to lie to you, right?" Jiang Chen's two fingers stretched out abruptly, and caught the dagger that Meng Xiyan stabbed at. , with a look of sudden realization.

Jiang Chen's two fingers were like pliers. The dagger in Meng Xiyan's hand could no longer penetrate an inch. Meng Xiyan froze for a moment, looking at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Jiang Chen actually only had two fingers, and they were pinching her dagger. How could this be possible?

"Little Huahua, you are shocked." Jiang Chen said with a smile again.

"You—" With rounded eyes, Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen foolishly.

"Little Huahua, don't worship me too much, there's nothing I can do, I'm just that good." Jiang Chen smiled extremely hatefully.


Meng Xiyan was a little unbelieving, and she hesitated when she thought it was her own shot. After all, it was the first time to kill someone, no matter how damned the other party was, it would be difficult to kill him.

After the cold snort, Meng Xiyan used her right hand to pull out the dagger to get rid of Jiang Chen's imprisonment.

However, no matter how hard Meng Xiyan tried, Jiang Chen's two fingers remained motionless, as if the dagger had been welded to his hand.

"Little Huahua, don't waste your energy." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"How did you do it?" Meng Xiyan said, without using any more force, she knew very well that if Jiang Chen didn't let go, she would never be able to get back the dagger no matter what.

"I want to do it, so I can do it naturally. In this world, there are really not too many things that I can't do." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"You seem very proud?" Meng Xiyan sneered.

"Shouldn't I be proud?" Jiang Chen was confused, he was so powerful, two fingers just clamped the dagger that Meng Xiyan stabbed, what's wrong with being proud?
"With your ability, what can't you do? But you still want to be a liar, and you are so proud. You really disgraced us ancient martial arts practitioners." Meng Xiyan scolded angrily.

"Little Huahua, why didn't I see that your sense of justice is so strong? But if you lose face, you can lose face. Anyway, I don't want to lose face." Jiang Chen shrugged and said.

First, he is not a liar.

Second, second, he is not an ancient martial artist.

Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't mind Meng Xiyan labeling him at all.

"I will never repent." Meng Xiyan said bitterly.

"It's not just this point that I don't repent. I can't change the point of cheating money and sex. Next, I'm going to start cheating your sex. Are you ready?" Jiang Chen asked. Said thoughtfully.

"You dare." Meng Xiyan warned.

Jiang Chen really had nothing to dare, so in order to prove that he really dared, Jiang Chen took action.

Jiang Chen took the two fingers holding the dagger, and with a sudden movement, Meng Xiyan subconsciously let go of the dagger under the strain. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen embraced her with both hands, encircling Meng Xiyan in his arms.

Before Meng Xiyan could react, Jiang Chen quickly picked up Meng Xiyan and threw her on the bed in the ward.

"Xiaohuahua, I originally planned to go to a five-star hotel with you and open a presidential suite, but now, you can just settle for it." After throwing Meng Xiyan on the bed, Jiang Chen pressed her down Under her body, Meng Xiyan couldn't move.

"Jiang Chen, you said that you would not force women." Meng Xiyan finally panicked.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's courage is really too great.

Moreover, she did not expect that Jiang Chen's cultivation base was so high, she was not Jiang Chen's opponent at all, no, it should be said that in front of Jiang Chen, she did not even have the most basic resistance.

"Did I say that?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"You did." Meng Xiyan reminded.

"Sorry, I forgot." Jiang Chen said.

Just kidding, so what if he said it, can't he go back on his word?

"You—" Meng Xiyan gritted her teeth angrily, how could this guy keep his words?
"Little Huahua, let me ask you again, are you ready?" Jiang Chen asked again, looking impatient.

"No." Meng Xiyan struggled hard.

"I'll give you ten seconds, you get ready quickly, well, the countdown starts from now, ten, nine..." Jiang Chen really started counting down with a straight line.

Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen as if she was insane, not to mention whether this kind of thing could be prepared, even if it could be prepared, what can be done in mere ten seconds.

" is up." Jiang Chen said.

"Let go of me, if you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, I will definitely not let you go." Meng Xiyan struggled to no avail and yelled.

"Scream, scream loudly, even if you break your throat, no one will come to save you." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Jiang Chen, even if I die, it's impossible for you to succeed. You'd better let me go." There was a bit of coldness in Meng Xiyan's voice.

"Miss Xiaohua, you are the fish on my chopping board right now, it's useless to speak harshly." Jiang Chen said calmly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen's brow suddenly frowned.

In the line of sight, I suddenly saw black blood slowly overflowing from the corner of Meng Xiyan's mouth.

"I said, I won't let you succeed even if I die." With the overflow of blood, Meng Xiyan's face gradually turned pale, and her tone of voice also became quite weak.

But her flustered eyes, at this moment, are particularly determined, and amidst the firmness, there is a strong sense of sarcasm.

"Miss Xiaohua, if I tell you that I was just joking with you, do you believe it or not?" Jiang Chen said with a mournful face. He just wanted to play with Meng Xiyan, but he never thought of playing like this. so big.

"Jiang Chen, after I die, even a ghost will not let you go." Meng Xiyan stared at Jiang Chen viciously with her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of resentment.

"I won't let me go even if I'm a ghost, then, you'd better not be a ghost." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and then lightly tapped Meng Xiyan's body with his big hand, causing Meng Xiyan to fall asleep.

At the same time, in the palm of Jiang Chen's right hand, there was an extra handful of silver needles. There were dozens of silver needles, which pierced into more than a dozen acupuncture points on Meng Xiyan's body at almost the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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