genius evil

Chapter 604 I'm Pure

Chapter 604 I'm Pure

Meng Xiyan didn't know how long she had slept for. When she woke up leisurely, the sky outside was already dark.

"It's getting dark." Looking at the sky outside, Meng Xiyan whispered to herself.

Immediately, Meng Xiyan sat up from the head of the bed, subconsciously tidied her hair, but at this moment, Meng Xiyan's body suddenly became extremely stiff, and even her complexion was unnatural It starts to whitish.

"I'm not dead?" Meng Xiyan said to herself as her eyes widened suddenly.

She remembered very clearly that when Jiang Chen tried to force her and acted rudely towards her, in order not to let Jiang Chen succeed, she cruelly bit a poison hidden in her teeth.

Although the amount of poison is very small, the toxicity is extremely overbearing, easily even an elephant can be poisoned to death in a very short period of time.

Logically speaking, since she bit the poison into pieces, she would definitely die, but she didn't die at all, not only did she not die, she was still alive and well.

Not to mention the physical aspect, there is no abnormality, and even the mind is very clear, just like a normal person who wakes up normally after a normal sleep.

"What's going on here? What happened?" Meng Xiyan murmured, the expression on her face gradually becoming confused.

She is a disciple of Fanyin Mountain. All the upper and lower gates of Fanyin Mountain are female disciples. She is pure and clean, and she cherishes her own reputation the most. When walking outside, she often hides a poison in her teeth.

That poison was not used to save lives, but to commit suicide.

At critical moments, in order to preserve their innocence, they would sacrifice their own lives.

Naturally, Meng Xiyan also cherishes her reputation. In fact, she did the same.

Of course, no one is willing to die if they are not forced to be helpless, but compared to their own innocence, what is a mere life?

That's exactly what Meng Xiyan did, but she didn't die.

Those female disciples in Fanyin Mountain did not choose to commit suicide in order to preserve their reputation, but they have never heard of anyone who survived after biting the poison.

She was an exception, perhaps, the only exception ever.

"Could it be that the poison master gave me when I went down the mountain this time was fake?" Meng Xiyan said secretly.

"No, it can't be fake." Soon, Meng Xiyan denied this point.

After she bit the poison into pieces, the poison entered her body, and it was extremely painful. The pain was clearly a symptom of the onset of toxicity. If the poison was fake, it would be impossible to have that kind of symptom.

"Could it be because of Jiang Chen?" Meng Xiyan said to herself.

There were exceptions, but Meng Xiyan naively thought that it would be an accident, or that her life should not die. Something must have happened that she didn't know. After she bit the poison, and did not die.

And in this ward, at that time, there were only her and Jiang Chen. Apart from Jiang Chen, no one could save her, even though this was a hospital with the best medical equipment.

"Jiang Chen, did he really save me?" Although she had such a guess, Meng Xiyan was still not sure about it.

After all, the poison is so strong that even the gods may not have time to rescue it after the onset.

Jiang Chen is just a swindler who deceives the world and steals his name. Even if his conscience is not lost, if he wants to save her, how can he save her?

If it was really Jiang Chen who saved her, then it can only be explained that Jiang Chen is not a liar who deceives the world, but a peerless miracle doctor.

Just, is this possible?
You know, Jiang Chen is obviously a liar.

In order not to be found out by her, he would rather die than help her to save her life. If this is not a liar, what is it?
However, even though she believed Jiang Chen to be a liar from the bottom of her heart, Meng Xiyan was still unavoidably shaken in the depths of her heart because there were too many unexplainable things that happened to her.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of person are you?" Meng Xiyan said silently.

After being dazed for a while, Meng Xiyan got out of bed and walked out of the ward.

This ward belongs to Gu Xiang. Gu Xiang has already sneaked away. She is in good health, so naturally she doesn't need to stay here, otherwise the hospital will be alarmed, and some unnecessary troubles may be caused.

After walking out of the hospital, Meng Xiyan hailed a taxi at the intersection and got in.

"Beauty, where are you going...?" Through the rearview mirror, the taxi driver glanced at Meng Xiyan, amazed, and stuttered a bit.

"Where are you going?" Meng Xiyan couldn't help being stunned.

She really didn't know where to go.

This trip to Yilan City was originally to look for Jiang Chen. Now that she was in this situation, it was naturally impossible for her to look for Jiang Chen again, and there was no need to look for it.

"Beauty, I am very familiar with Yilan City, as long as you mention a place, I can take you there." The driver said upon seeing this.

"Sorry, I don't know where I'm going for the time being. You can drive wherever you want, and I'll pay you for the car." After thinking about it, Meng Xiyan said.

"Beauty, let me ask you a word, you are broken in love." The driver started the car and started on the road, hesitantly asked.

Although the driver felt that with Meng Xiyan's beauty, it was impossible for such bloody things to happen, just looking at Meng Xiyan, she was obviously absent-minded, but it was quite in line with the symptoms of a broken relationship.

Thinking about it this way, the driver couldn't help but secretly cursed at the guy who caused Meng Xiyan to lose her love. Such a stunning beauty, any man would hold her in the palm of his hand as his darling.

Not to mention letting her fall out of love, even making her suffer a little bit of grievance, that is a great sin.

"No." Meng Xiyan said indifferently.

She has never been in love, so where did she get lost in love?
But I also know that my mental state is a little bit wrong, no wonder the driver has this association.

"No?" The driver didn't believe it, but Meng Xiyan didn't seem to want to say anything, so he had no choice but to drive honestly.

The driver originally thought that since Meng Xiyan didn't know where he was going, this trip would take a long time, but he didn't expect that after a few minutes, Meng Xiyan just signaled him to stop and get off after paying the fare up.

Meng Xiyan got off the car because she saw a restaurant.

She hasn't eaten anything all day today. She plans to eat something first, and then think about what she should do next.

The restaurant is on the side of the road. After getting out of the car and walking two steps, you can see the signboard of the restaurant. Meng Xiyan walked directly towards the hotel, but after walking a few steps, her footsteps just stopped.

"Jiang Chen!" Meng Xiyan's eyes flickered slightly, she never expected to see Jiang Chen here again.

At the entrance of the restaurant, there was a man and a woman walking outside. The man was Jiang Chen, and the woman was Tang Yue.

After the results of the college entrance examination came out, and the volunteering process was over, the school organized a gathering for senior high school teachers. Because of Jiang Chen's results in the college entrance examination this time, he was invited as a student representative. Jiang Chen was also one of the teachers. , the only one student.

It was Tangyue who called Jiang Chen for the invitation. Jiang Chen couldn't come even if he didn't want to, so he had to come.

At this time, the dinner party was over, and the teachers still had other activities, so Jiang Chen and Tang Yue left first.

"Teacher Tang, I'll see you off." Jiang Chen said while walking.

"I drove here myself," Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, you drank alcohol just now and it's unsafe to drive. I'd better see you off." Jiang Chen insisted.

"It's really not necessary, I just took a sip, it's fine." Tangyue also insisted.

"Teacher Tang, as a teacher, you should lead by example. Don't you know that you don't drink and drive? You will ruin a good student like me." Jiang Chen was a little angry.

Tangyue stared blankly at Jiang Chen, suddenly very suspicious. During the dinner party before, Jiang Chen refused to drink, even beer. Did he just wait for this moment?

If this is the case, this guy's flamboyance must be too much.

"How about I call a substitute driver." Tang Yue glanced at Jiang Chen and said.

"Teacher Tang, you are too bad at living. There is a free driver, so what do you call a substitute driver? Besides, what if the substitute driver sees you as beautiful and intends to plot something wrong?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied. .

Tangyue suddenly found it funny, she was not worried at all about other people plotting against her, because it was impossible for others to have such an opportunity, the only thing she was worried about was that Jiang Chen would plot against her.

"Jiang Chen, I think it's good to have a substitute driver." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, if you really want to call a substitute driver, why don't I give you a substitute driver, and I'll take you back later, and you give me the money, right?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Tangyue was speechless, so what's the difference between asking Jiang Chen to drive her back?

And the reason why she didn't want Jiang Chen to send her off was because she didn't want Jiang Chen to know where she lived for the time being, lest Jiang Chen harass her.

Especially after the results of the college entrance examination came out, because of the agreement between the two, Tangyue's mind has been a little strange these days, trying to avoid contact with Jiang Chen, especially alone.

If it wasn't for this dinner party, the school would definitely invite Jiang Chen, and if she was Jiang Chen's class teacher, Tangyue would not have contacted Jiang Chen.

Tangyue still wanted to refuse, but judging by Jiang Chen's attitude, she couldn't really refuse at all. Moreover, if she really called the substitute driver over, Jiang Chen would probably give the substitute driver a good beating. ?

Tangyue was in a bit of a dilemma. For a while, she didn't know what to do.

"Teacher Tang, don't be dazed, get in the car, it's still early, I'll take you for a ride first." Jiang Chen said, reaching out to grab Tangyue's little hand in the palm of his hand, leading him to the car parking place.

"Jiang Chen, let go." Tangyue hastily tried to break free of Jiang Chen's hand, her face flushed slightly.

In normal times, it would be fine for Jiang Chen to touch her, but this is the entrance of the hotel, what if a teacher just came out, what should he do if he sees this scene?

"Teacher Tang, look at you, you blushed like this, and you said you weren't drunk, but luckily I'm here this time, otherwise you'd probably sleep on the street tonight." Jiang Chen sighed, not only didn't let go, but He grasped Tangyue's little hand even tighter.

"I'll go by myself, okay? I'm not going to be a valet driver. Take me back and let go of my hand first." Tangyue had no choice but to compromise. Jiang Chen has a lot of tricks. There is no other way.

Jiang Chen couldn't help secretly laughing, but on the surface he said in a serious manner: "Teacher Tang, I didn't mean to take advantage of you. I really helped you because I saw you were drunk. Really, I am very pure. .”

"It wasn't intentional, it was intentional, right?" But at this moment, a voice full of sarcasm came into Jiang Chen's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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