genius evil

Chapter 605 Why Is Your Conscience So Bad

Chapter 605 Why Is Your Conscience So Bad
"This beautiful woman, are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen looked at Meng Xiyan who was walking over, and cursed in his heart, "Damn it, why did she come here? Isn't this trying to spoil his good deeds?"
You know, the reason why he insisted on sending Tangyue back was to find out the situation and find out where Tangyue lived.

He sent Tangyue off once last time, but he just knew which neighborhood Tangyue lived in, not which building and which floor Tangyue lived in.

If it goes well tonight, they might be able to enter the room in a legitimate way, and if they work harder, it is not impossible to take Tangyue down in one fell swoop.

Finally, relying on her sharp tongue and stalking spirit, she persuaded Tangyue to accept and let him be sent home. At the critical moment, Meng Xiyan appeared.

It doesn't matter if he shows up, but when he speaks, he is very yin and yang. From this point of view, it means that the comer is not good and wants to ruin his good deeds.

"Beauty?" Meng Xiyan sneered, "Why don't you call me by my name? Don't you like calling me Xiaohua very much? Or, you can also call me Xiaohuahua."

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word? Also, are you talking to me? If not, let's go first." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

While talking, Jiang Chen pulled Tangyue to leave.

Meng Xiyan moved her feet, appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and stopped Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, do you think you can write off what happened this morning by pretending you don't know me?" Meng Xiyan's tone turned cold.

"Morning? What happened in the morning, I don't have any memory at all... Oh, no, I didn't get up until noon today. As for you saying that I pretended not to know you, beauty, you must have misunderstood the person Right?" Jiang Chen looked at Meng Xiyan suspiciously.

If it wasn't for what happened in the hospital in the morning, Meng Xiyan would be so unforgettable. Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Meng Xiyan would almost think that she really admitted the wrong person.

But it was also because of that impression, which was so deep and unforgettable. Seeing Jiang Chen's hypocrisy, Meng Xiyan just came here without getting angry. She snorted coldly and said, "Jiang Chen, don't admit your mistake." Man, even if you turn into ashes, I will still recognize you."

"Jiang Chen, you and her?" Tangyue took the opportunity to shake off Jiang Chen's hand and asked in confusion.

She listened to Meng Xiyan's tone of voice, as if there was an unresolvable deep hatred between her and Jiang Chen, as if she wished to crush Jiang Chen, and she didn't know what Jiang Chen had done to cause it. Meng Xiyan has such a big hatred.

"Teacher Tang, I don't know her." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, how dare you say you don't know me?" Meng Xiyan was furious.

"I didn't know you in the first place, why would you dare?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Then how did she know your name?" Tangyue asked strangely.

"Maybe I'm too handsome." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

"Shameless!" Meng Xiyan cursed bitterly.

"Aren't I handsome?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face, motioning Meng Xiyan to look more clearly.

"Miss Tang, do you know what kind of person Jiang Chen is, don't be fooled by him." Meng Xiyan then ignored Jiang Chen and turned to Tangyue.

Meng Xiyan heard Jiang Chen call Teacher Tang Yuetang, but she didn't know if Tangyue was really a teacher, so she had to call her Miss Tang.

"What happened to him?" Tangyue was even more confused.

"It looks like you don't know, right? I can tell you now that he is a liar, a swindler who specializes in defrauding money and sex." Meng Xiyan said through gritted teeth.

"Jiang Chen lied to you?" Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes for a moment.

No wonder Meng Xiyan was so excited, she was deceived by Jiang Chen, and the deceived were money and sex.

"Cheated." Meng Xiyan nodded vigorously.

"Hey, you'd better make it clear, what did I lie to you?" Jiang Chen quit.

He never thought that he was a good person, nor would he deny that he had lied to others, but why did he lie to Meng Xiyan?

cheat money?

Did Meng Xiyan give him a dime?


Well, he thought about it, but the problem is, he didn't lie at all, did he.

Money wasn't cheated, sex wasn't cheated, it's really okay to say so convincingly that he was cheated, so bloody?
"Don't you know what you lied to me?" Meng Xiyan was very annoyed.

If she hadn't mistakenly thought that Jiang Chen was a genius doctor, how could she have an intersection with Jiang Chen?

If there was no intersection, how could they be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen, or even almost ruined by Jiang Chen?
Moreover, at the end, Jiang Chen kept saying that he wanted to lie. If she hadn't been strong-tempered and committed suicide by taking poison, her innocence would have been tarnished by Jiang Chen's words.

"I really asked you because I didn't know. Please tell me clearly what I lied to you. Also, you'd better show evidence, otherwise I will sue you for slander!" Jiang Chen yelled stand up.

"" For some reason, Meng Xiyan was a little speechless.

Because she couldn't come up with any evidence at all.

If her body was defiled by Jiang Chen, her body would be the best evidence, but she was not defiled by Jiang Chen.

"Hmph, can't you tell?" Jiang Chen became elated.

While talking, Jiang Chen said to Tangyue: "Teacher Tang, you should believe it now, I really don't know her, right? From my point of view, someone must be jealous of me because I'm so handsome!"

"Jealous of you?" Tangyue's head was full of black lines.

"That's right, I'm just jealous of me, jealous of my handsome looks, and jealous of me having such a beautiful girlfriend as Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, I'm not your girlfriend." Tangyue said hastily, thinking it was a risk, she was almost dragged in by Jiang Chen.

If she accidentally admitted that she was Jiang Chen's girlfriend, or if she didn't deny it in time, Jiang Chen might climb up the pole.

"Mr. Tang, I'm just making an analogy. For example, do you understand? Besides, I have a hunch that I am so handsome, and you will be my girlfriend sooner or later, Mr. Tang. Teacher Butang, you can be my girlfriend now." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Still talking nonsense." Tangyue was extremely embarrassed by Jiang Chen, and she was even more embarrassed with Meng Xiyan watching from the side.

As for Meng Xiyan, listening to Jiang Chen flirting with Tangyue in front of her, how could she not know that her testimony against Jiang Chen was of no use at all.

It was fine if Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart, but Tangyue didn't take it to heart either.

Meng Xiyan was a little puzzled, did Tangyue not mind at all?

Even if she is not Jiang Chen's girlfriend now, shouldn't she react like this?
"Jiang Chen, you know the good things you have done yourself, so don't you have to tell me all of them?" Meng Xiyan said.

"You still want to slander me, why is your conscience so bad?" Jiang Chen said, looking at him like that, he was a little out of breath.

"Pretentious." Meng Xiyan was contemptuous, and turned to Tangyue and said: "Miss Tang, there is something I must tell you. Just yesterday, in Hongji Building, I saw Jiang Chen and a Beauty together."

"Are you following me?" Jiang Chen stared.

"Miss Tang, if you still don't trust me, I can go to Hongji Mansion with you and confront that beauty. I'm afraid that some people will feel guilty and start talking nonsense." Meng Xiyan sneered.

"Just kidding, why should I have a guilty conscience?" Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, and said lazily: "It's you who keep trying to sow discord and destroy the relationship between Teacher Tang and me, and now I'm very suspicious of your intentions. "

"I just want to expose your true colors." Meng Xiyan said lightly.

"Why are you talking so high-sounding? Aren't you just jealous?" Jiang Chen pierced.

"I...jealous?" Meng Xiyan was dumbfounded, what the hell was going on.

"That's right, you're just jealous. You saw me and Teacher Tang together, so you became jealous, but really, I don't like you, so don't pester me anymore, the two of us, right?" There may be results." Jiang Chen said.

While talking, Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue affectionately, and said affectionately: "My heart already belongs to Teacher Tang alone, and I can't accommodate any other women, so, I beg you, let me go." how am I?"


Meng Xiyan almost vomited.

As for Tangyue, she couldn't bear being teased by Jiang Chen every minute, and walked towards the parking place of her car.

"Teacher Tang, my car is here." Jiang Chen pointed in a direction.

"Jiang Chen, you have to deal with the matter here before we talk about it." Tangyue walked quickly, got into the car, closed the car door, Tangyue let out a little sigh of relief.

The relationship between Jiang Chen and Meng Xiyan was messy, Tangyue ignored it lazily, Jiang Chen was playful, she also knew early on that there was no need for Meng Xiyan to provoke a divorce.

On the contrary, Meng Xiyan's appearance and what Meng Xiyan said finally gave her a chance to leave alone.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Meng Xiyan for this.

After closing the car door, Tangyue started the car and drove away quickly.

Seeing Tangyue leave in the car, Jiang Chen was suddenly forced. The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was ruined by Meng Xiyan just like that.

"Little Huahua, are you satisfied now?" Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"You deserve what you deserve, and it has nothing to do with me. You have to be clear, no matter how well you can hide it, if you hide it for a while, you will never be able to hide it for a lifetime. Your hypocritical nature will be exposed sooner or later." This next round It was Meng Xiyan who was proud.

"Little Huahua, you have always said that I am hypocritical, but how do I feel that the most hypocritical person is you?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"What do you mean?" Meng Xiyan was extremely puzzled, how could she be hypocritical?

"Little Huahua, it's all here, are you still refusing to admit it? You really make me sad." Jiang Chen looked helpless, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

(End of this chapter)

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