genius evil

Chapter 607 I like the way you lose your temper

Chapter 607 I like the way you lose your temper
The two policemen looked at each other, speechless.

They will definitely not admit that the thin man is weak. After all, the speed of the thin man is indeed very fast. Similarly, they will not admit that they are weak.

In other words, it wasn't that they were weak, but that Jiang Chen was too strong, a pervert.

"In short, please go back to the police station with us to do an investigation. If there is nothing wrong, we will release you soon. You can rest assured that our police will not let a bad person go, but we will definitely let you go." You won’t slander good people.” The policeman had no choice but to say in an official tone.

"No." Without thinking, Jiang Chen just refused.

"This—" The policeman became embarrassed, wondering if he should take some coercive measures against Jiang Chen?
Although what Jiang Chen did was normal, there was nothing wrong with it, but after all, someone was going to die, and it was impossible to let Jiang Chen leave easily in the procedure. At least, he had to investigate before letting Jiang Chen leave.

"I won't go if I say no, don't try to force me, be careful I'll kick you." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

The two policemen were shocked by what Jiang Chen said, and their faces turned pale.

How dare the two of them be kicked by Jiang Chen, the fate of the thin and small man is a lesson learned from the past, and they will die.

"Sir, don't be impulsive, we definitely don't mean to embarrass you at all." A policeman hurriedly said, lest Jiang Chen kick over.

"I'm not impulsive, really, I'm not impulsive at all, so can I go now?" Jiang Chen asked patiently.

"Sir, it's not that we won't let you go, but we can't do business with this dead man." The policeman said with a bitter face.

"Is anyone dead? Who died?" Jiang Chen looked around in confusion, as if to see who died.

"Although this guy is a robber, he is not guilty of death. If he dies, it will bring us a lot of trouble." The policeman pointed to the thin and small man lying motionless on the ground.

"Oh, you're talking about him, is he dead?" Jiang Chen said, walking over.

Seeing Jiang Chen approaching, the two policemen hurriedly dodged a few steps, and said, "I'm not dead yet, but depending on the situation, even if I send him to the hospital, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover."

"You mean, as long as he doesn't die, I can leave, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." The two policemen nodded in unison.

With Jiang Chen like this, he was not easy to mess with at first glance, as long as the thin and small man was fine, unless the two of them were full and supported, they would force Jiang Chen to stay.

"That's easy." Jiang Chen seemed satisfied with the two policemen's answers, and suddenly kicked on the skinny man.

"Sir, you..." The two policemen yelled, almost dumbfounded by Jiang Chen's behavior.

What's going on here, why is he still kicking people?Could it be that the skinny man didn't die fast enough, so he just kicked him to death?

But this was too barbaric, and killing people in front of the two policemen, what was Jiang Chen thinking?

Jiang Chen ignored the shock of the two policemen. After one kick, he kicked again, then the third kick, and the fourth kick, kicking the thin man like a rolling gourd, rolling over and over on the ground stand up.

After kicking about ten feet in a row, Jiang Chen stopped, and at almost the same time, the skinny man who was kicked by Jiang Chen suddenly screamed and got up from the ground with a grunt.

"Now, I can go." Jiang Chen said lazily.

" can..." the two policemen said incoherently, they glanced at Jiang Chen, and then at the thin man who got up from the ground.

It was obvious that the skinny man was going to be kicked to death by Jiang Chen, how come after kicking so many feet, the skinny man not only did not die, but became alive and well?

The development of this matter is a bit different from what they expected!

However, doubts are doubts, and the two policemen rushed up quickly and handcuffed the skinny man.

Jiang Chen left in a hurry. He didn't like to meddle in other people's business. When he walked to the side of the car, Jiang Chen opened the door and got into the car. But just as he got in the car, the co-driver's door was opened, and Meng Xiyan sat down. go in.

"Xiaohuahua, didn't I say what I just said clearly enough? Or maybe you didn't understand what I said, why don't I say it again?" Jiang Chen had a bitter expression on his face, why did this woman rely on him? Let it go?
Well, he's too handsome, and his charm is too great.

But is it his fault that he is too handsome and charismatic?
He has already grown up like this, so he can't be disfigured, right?
Besides, disfigurement can destroy his face, but not his temperament, can it?
"Where are you going?" Meng Xiyan looked sideways at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Go home and sleep." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I'll go home with you." Meng Xiyan said.

"Why didn't you say you were sleeping with me?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Maybe you really want me to sleep with you, but that's impossible." Meng Xiyan said, she didn't know if her temper suddenly changed, or what happened, but she wasn't angry, not even the slightest sign of anger nothing.

Jiang Chen gave Meng Xiyan a strange look, but he didn't expect that this woman could hold her breath, and she gave him the erratic feeling when they met for the first time.

"Little Huahua, you have to say what you mean. You said you want to go home with me. So, will you be far away from sleeping with me? But it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. You just need to answer my question honestly." Jiang Dust said with a smile.

"What's the problem?" Meng Xiyan then asked.

"Please be sure to tell me seriously, what exactly do you like about me?" Jiang Chen said.

"Sorry, you think too much, but there is a problem that seems to be different from what I thought, and I want to clarify." Meng Xiyan said indifferently.

The question that Meng Xiyan thought was different from what she thought was about whether Jiang Chen was a genius doctor or not.

This question, twice before and after, made her shake.

The first time, it was in the hospital ward, after she crushed the poison in her teeth, she miraculously survived under the circumstances of certain death.

The second time, this time.

Previously, Jiang Chen had kicked the robber a dozen times in a row. In the eyes of others, that scene was extremely cruel and violent, but Meng Xiyan saw something different.

Meng Xiyan heard that every time Jiang Chen kicked the skinny man, there would be a dull sound. Of course there was a sound of kicking, but also the sound of bones shifting.

After about ten feet, the reason why the skinny man was able to get up from the ground was because Jiang Chen used his feet to pick up the broken ribs on his chest one by one. Otherwise, the skinny man would be broken. With so many bones broken, it is impossible to stand up.

Jiang Chen didn't use his hands, only his feet, and seemed to be extremely casual, and he connected the skinny man's broken bone. This point, Meng Xiyan was not surprised.

Even this degree of surprise is no less than the extent that she survived poisoning.

Because Jiang Chen unintentionally revealed his extraordinary means.

But whether it was Jiang Chen's amazing medical skills, or Jiang Chen had other means, Meng Xiyan couldn't tell for the time being, so she got into Jiang Chen's car, and she wanted to find out what was going on.

This is also the reason why Meng Xiyan was rarely angry when she was offended by Jiang Chen again and again, otherwise, if she got angry and got out of the car, then her plan would be in vain.

"Indeed, I'm not as perfect as you think. I also have shortcomings, so don't rely on me." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Meng Xiyan was extremely speechless, she couldn't understand why this guy could associate everything with himself?
"Then what do you want to find out? Find out how much money I have? Have I bought a house? Or, do I have a golden house?" Jiang Chen said.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly realized, and said: "You want to go home with me, don't you just want to find out if I have a golden house?"

"These things about you have nothing to do with me." Meng Xiyan became a little impatient, she had never seen a man so wordy.

"Xiao Huahua, if I told you that I have a treasure in the golden house, and I have hidden two more, would you let me go?" Jiang Chen mumbled.

"Drive!" Meng Xiyan gritted her teeth and said two words, but she just closed her mouth, never wanting to pay attention to Jiang Chen again.

"Did I guess wrong? You don't care at all whether I have a golden house or not. The only thing you care about is me." Jiang Chen touched his chin, sighed, and murmured to himself: "God is really too big!" It's unfair, why did you give me such a good birth?"

"I told you to drive." Meng Xiyan couldn't bear it anymore, she almost didn't punch Jiang Chen in the mouth, so as to tell Jiang Chen to shut up.

"Xiaohuahua, if you are particularly anxious to go home and sleep with me, just say it directly, don't be embarrassed, after all, if you don't say it directly, how can I understand your intentions, are you right?" Jiang Chen said slowly Tun Tun started the car and said slowly.

"Why, you said that you have two women in your family, isn't that enough for you?" Meng Xiyan sneered.

"The two of them are enough for me to toss about." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then why are you talking so much nonsense?" Meng Xiyan was very annoyed. She didn't want to lose her temper at first, but she was provoked by Jiang Chen and had no choice but to lose her temper.

"That's right." Jiang Chen was finally satisfied.

"What's wrong?" Meng Xiyan was confused.

"It's right for you to lose your temper, I like the way you lose your temper." Jiang Chen chuckled, kicked the accelerator, and drove on the road.

Meng Xiyan was taken aback by thunder, what does it mean to like her losing her temper, what kind of weird hobby does Jiang Chen have?Or, when she loses her temper, she is especially charming?
But, if that was the case, why didn't she know it herself?
"Pervert!" After thinking for a long time, Meng Xiyan couldn't figure it out, and cursed secretly in her heart.

Jiang Chen drove on the road and headed in the direction of Guilan Garden. Since Meng Xiyan didn't mind his golden house, he himself wouldn't mind. As for whether Xiao Tiantian and Shuang'er would mind, Jiang Chen didn't care. He didn't care too much, and speaking of it, he was rather expecting that Xiao Tiantian and Shuang'er would mind. If that happened, Meng Xiyan would suffer a lot.

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking so wickedly, his cell phone rang suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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