genius evil

Chapter 608 She Has a Strong Taste

Chapter 608 She Has a Strong Taste
Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Brother Dao. Immediately, Jiang Chen connected the call.

"Young Master, there is something wrong with me, can you come over?" As soon as the call was connected, Brother Dao's voice came over.

"Address?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Brother Dao's problem, don't think about it, it's the guy named Min Jun's problem.

It has been almost 24 hours since he asked Brother Dao to take Min Jun away yesterday to tonight. During this period, he has been waiting for Brother Dao's reply.

When Brother Dao made this call, Jiang Chen originally thought that Brother Dao was answering him, but when Brother Dao opened his mouth, Jiang Chen understood that he was afraid that Brother Dao didn't get it done, but Jiang Chen was quite surprised.

After all, he knows Brother Dao's methods. He is notoriously ruthless, and he can't even deal with the object. Obviously, it is not a simple role. This makes Jiang Chen interested and wants to see it with his own eyes. , What kind of guy is that Min Jun?

After a while, the phone hung up, Jiang Chen smiled, and said to Meng Xiyan: "Xiao Huahua, you can't go home with me to sleep for the time being, I'll take you to another fun place."

About twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared at the place Brother Dao had mentioned on the phone.

This place is close to the suburbs. It can be seen that it should be a hidden den of Brother Dao. Brother Dao has sent someone to wait at the intersection. Appeared.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked casually as he walked into the room under Brother Dao's guidance.

"That guy has a very hard mouth. I tried all kinds of methods, but I couldn't get him to speak. As a last resort, I invited you over." Brother Dao said shamelessly.

"Really? I'm a little curious, how hard is his mouth?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Master, it might be a little bloody inside, this beauty, should you wait outside first?" Brother Dao reminded him when he saw Meng Xiyan following behind Jiang Chen every step of the way.

Brother Dao had never seen Meng Xiyan before, and his only feeling was that she was too beautiful and her aura was too unique.

Such a unique aura made him dare not look at it for a while.

"It's okay, she has a strong taste." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Hearing Jiang Chen's slander, Meng Xiyan couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say much, and followed Jiang Chen into the room.

In the basement, Jiang Chen met Min Jun.

As Brother Dao said, there is indeed a bit of blood here.

Impressively, he saw that Min Jun was bound to a pillar by two iron chains, his cheeks on both sides were swollen, blue and purple, and there were traces of blood oozing from his nose, mouth and ears.

As for Min Jun's body, there was hardly a single spot intact, bloodstains could be seen everywhere, and he almost turned into a blood man.

"Did you use lynching?" Seeing Min Jun's miserable state, Meng Xiyan said, understanding why Brother Dao told her to wait outside.

The situation here is really not suitable for women to see.

If that woman happened to be relatively timid, she would probably be scared to death.

She is not an ordinary woman, and she is not timid, but seeing such a scene suddenly, Meng Xiyan was secretly startled and couldn't bear to watch more.

"Little Huahua, do you know what it means to die if you don't die? This guy is." Jiang Chen pointed at Min Jun and said lazily.

"Even so, I still don't agree with you doing this. If it's like what you said, it's better to kill it directly." Meng Xiyan said.

"It's a society ruled by law now, how can we just call for beatings and killings? I, Jiang Chen, never do anything that breaks the law. You may not believe it, but I am a three-good citizen. I have won two awards for being a righteous and brave citizen .” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You have a split nerve." Meng Xiyan cursed in a low voice.

Meng Xiyan swears that since she was a child, she has never seen such a strange thing as Jiang Chen, and her ability to tell nonsense in a serious manner can be said to be at its peak, making Meng Xiyan wish she could take Jiang Chen to the hospital to see a psychiatrist.

Although it is very possible that Jiang Chen is the best doctor, Jiang Chen may not be able to cure his illness, right?

It is said that doctors do not heal themselves. The more powerful the doctor is, the more unable he is to cure his own diseases.

Meng Xiyan deeply suspected that Jiang Chen was in such a situation.

"I just said you wouldn't believe it." Jiang Chen expressed his aggrievedness.

"I'm a fool if I want to believe you." Meng Xiyan insisted.

"Actually, whether you believe me or not, you may not be very smart. The word "fool" is tailor-made for you." Jiang Chen smiled playfully.

"Boy, have you two talked nonsense enough?" Min Jun couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted rudely.

"Hey, you're not dead, I thought you were dead." Jiang Chen looked at Min Jun with a strange expression.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense here. If you are sensible, let me go quickly, or you will all die without a place to die." Min Jun threatened sinisterly.


Brother Dao raised his hand, slapped Min Jun vigorously on the face, and said viciously: "Shut up, or I will kill you!"

"Including this slap, you slapped me sixteen times in total, and I will remember it." Sticking out his tongue and licking the blood at the corner of his mouth, Min Jun stared at Brother Dao and said.


Brother Dao raised his hand, slapped Min Jun on the face again, and said with a big smile, "Now there are seventeen, you'd better remember them together."

"You can rest assured, I will definitely remember it firmly." Min Jun said, the eyes that stared at Brother Dao were a little more gloomy.

"Young Master, do you want to continue?" Brother Dao asked Jiang Chen for instructions.

If Jiang Chen doesn't mind, he doesn't mind being crazy at all~ Slapping Min Jun dozens of times, he has fallen to this point, this guy is actually so reckless, which makes Brother Dao very upset.

What made Brother Dao feel even more upset was that he had interrogated Min Jun for a long time, tried many methods, but failed to pry Min Jun's mouth open, so he had no choice but to call Jiang Chen over, which made Brother Dao feel very humiliated .

Since he has no face, it is naturally impossible to make Min Jun feel better.

"It's not good to use hands and feet. We are all civilized people. We must convince others with virtue. Do you understand how to convince others with virtue?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"I don't understand." Brother Dao said honestly.

"You don't understand, then I'll teach you." Jiang Chen said, and suddenly punched Min Jun in the stomach.

That Min Jun was punched by Jiang Chen, and under the pain, his body immediately arched into a shrimp shape, his face was pale, cold sweat burst out, and the whites of his eyes were turned outward. It is obvious that the strength of Jiang Chen's punch , is how astonishing.

"See, this is called convincing people with virtue." Jiang Chen said like a teacher.

"Boy, you..." Min Jun only felt that his internal organs were about to be shattered by Jiang Chen's punch.

He originally thought that Brother Dao was ruthless enough, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to be even more ruthless, he struck at the slightest disagreement, and almost killed him with one punch.

"Do you think it's cool?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's so cool, I can assure you, I will make you feel better in the future." Min Jun gritted his teeth and said.


Jiang Chen punched him again, causing Min Jun to scream incessantly. The sound of his roar was even worse than killing a pig.

"In this way, it might be more enjoyable." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"Boy, kill me if you have the ability." Min Jun couldn't take it anymore, and screamed.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? As I said just now, I never do anything illegal, so don't force me, okay?" Jiang Chen looked innocent.

Hearing the sound, Min Jun almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said sternly: "Don't put on airs in front of me. If you want to kill or cut, come here casually. Otherwise, I am not dead. Keeping it will make it impossible for you to survive or die."

"Well, do you know what it means not to live and not to die?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

In the end, without waiting for Min Jun to speak, Jiang Chen just said to himself: "I can tell by looking at you that you haven't read a book, and you definitely don't know, so I will teach you in person. Who told me that I am a good person?" , always like to teach others."

As Jiang Chen spoke, he struck like lightning and grabbed Min Jun's right hand. There was a click, and the sound of bones breaking sounded. Min Jun's right hand snapped along his wrist.

This was not enough, Jiang Chen struck again and broke Min Jun's left wrist.

Then, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Well, now you should know what it means not to live, not to die, right?"


Min Jun was insane, with blue veins on his forehead emerging one by one, panting heavily, his whole body trembling like chaff.

That inhuman pain made Min Jun wish he could slam his head to the ground and finish it off.

Min Jun didn't really know what it means to live but not to die, but now, he knows, this is indeed to live but not to die.

Min Jun really wanted to tell Jiang Chen that he knew, but he couldn't say a word at all.

It was too painful. Min Jun absolutely didn't want to experience this feeling for the second time in his whole life. It was more painful than killing him directly.

Seeing Min Jun's situation, Meng Xiyan couldn't bear it. Just as she said at the beginning, Jiang Chen could kill Min Jun directly.

However, what Min Jun said made Meng Xiyan realize that the situation might not be as simple as she thought, and she just stood silently and watched the subsequent development quietly.

"Answer my question, do you know, or don't you know?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

Min Jun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, indicating that he knew.

"Just now Xiaodao said that your mouth is very hard, I want to know, is this true?" Jiang Chen asked again.

Min Jun shook his head quickly, and said vaguely: ""

"As for me, the biggest shortcoming is that I trust others easily, so don't lie to me, or the consequences will be very serious." Jiang Chen grinned, grabbed Min Jun's hands and pulled hard, then The two broken wrists were connected instantly, and Min Jun's complexion also improved a lot.

"Tell me, who are you?" Jiang Chen asked with a gentle and harmless face, but he didn't see that when he connected Min Jun's two broken wrists, Meng Xiyan looked at him. The eyes, quietly, became a little strange...

(End of this chapter)

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