genius evil

Chapter 609

Chapter 609

Meng Xiyan just glanced at Jiang Chen strangely, and then her eyes fell on Min Jun's two hands.

When Jiang Chen broke Min Jun's two wrists just now, she saw clearly, and when Jiang Chen continued to connect Min Jun's two wrists, Meng Xiyan also saw clearly.

It was also because of seeing clearly that Meng Xiyan's eyes looking at Jiang Chen became a little strange.

Jiang Chen didn't notice Meng Xiyan's strangeness, he looked at Min Jun, waiting for Min Jun to reply.

"My name is Min Jun." Min Jun hesitated and said.


Almost as soon as Min Jun's voice fell, the wrist of one of his hands was broken by Jiang Chen again.

"If I'm not wrong, you seem to like this taste. How about I let you enjoy it a few more times?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I said... I said..." Min Jun was flustered, the inhuman pain, even if it was the second experience, still made him feel so painful.

He understood very well that right now he had no choice but to cooperate with Jiang Chen.

"I won't force you. Really, you can say what you want. I'm a good talker. I never force others to do things they don't want to do." Jiang Chen said casually.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Min Jun was about to cry.

Jiang Chen pushed him to such an extent that he actually said he wouldn't force him. If this is still called not forcing him, then the methods Brother Dao used to him before can only be called a full-body massage.

"Have you heard of the Immortal Association?" Deep down in his heart, no matter how much slander and resentment he had towards Jiang Chen, Min Jun didn't dare to show it at all. He didn't want to have his other hand broken for no reason. Enduring the severe pain, he whispered.

As he spoke, Min Jun opened his eyes wide and looked around, as if he was extremely afraid of certain things, and even his face had an unknowingly tinge of abnormal red.

"I've never heard of it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Immortal meeting?" Meng Xiyan exclaimed in a low voice.

"Little Huahua, do you know about this Immortal Association?" Jiang Chen asked curiously, and Min Jun also looked at Meng Xiyan at this time, obviously it was rather strange, Meng Xiyan would know about the existence of the Immortal Association.

"The Immortal Society, I heard my master mention it. My master said that this organization is extremely mysterious." Meng Xiyan said slowly.

"Mysterious? Could it be that there are gods in the Fairy Association?" Jiang Chen asked.

Meng Xiyan gave Jiang Chen a white look. Jiang Chen's question was like asking if there are dragons and tigers in the Dragon and Tiger Gate, childish and idiotic.

Besides, how can there be gods in this world?

"Of course not." Meng Xiyan said angrily.

"There are no gods, what's so mysterious?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy, looking at him like that, he seemed to have been greatly deceived.

Meng Xiyan couldn't help being extremely speechless, and said angrily, "If you say that, could it be that you have seen a fairy?"

"How do you know?" Jiang Chen was instantly happy.

"You're insane." Meng Xiyan cursed in a low voice, extremely doubting whether Jiang Chen really had symptoms of schizophrenia.

Otherwise, how could he say that he has seen a god?
Can immortals be seen casually?

If a god really appeared in this world, it would definitely not be a surprise, but a horror. After all, it must be an old monster that has lived for many years. It will scare people to death, okay?

"Little Huahua, why are you swearing, I've seen it before." Jiang Chen expressed his aggrievedness.

Different from the earth, in the True Spirit Continent, what strange things has Jiang Chen not seen?

He has even seen pigs flying in the sky, but of course they are not ordinary pigs, but monsters.

It's just that this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly to Meng Xiyan. Meng Xiyan doesn't even believe that he has seen a god. If he wants to say that he has seen pigs flying in the sky, Meng Xiyan will definitely think he is a lunatic.

If it was more serious, he would probably have to be forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

However, although the Earth and the True Spirit Continent are different, Jiang Chen has doubts about whether there are gods on the earth, to be precise, whether there have been gods.

On the earth, there are too many myths and legends, which are vast and extensive. Although they are legends, they show everywhere how extraordinary the earth used to be.

Perhaps, on the earth, traces of immortals once appeared, not necessarily, at least, Jiang Chen would not completely deny this possibility.

But naturally, it was even more impossible to communicate with Meng Xiyan.

"Who told you to talk nonsense." Meng Xiyan said.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the Immortal Association." Jiang Chen had no choice but to say.

"That's all I know about the Immortal Society. You can ask him about the specific situation." Meng Xiyan pointed at Min Jun.

Meng Xiyan had only heard her master talk about the Immortal Association once before, but even though she only said it once, when her master talked about it, he was quite serious.

Moreover, I warned her not to contact people from the Immortal Association, let alone people in the Immortal Association, unless necessary. Meng Xiyan would be so surprised.

"Tell me." Jiang Chen said to Min Jun.

Min Jun nodded and said, "I don't know exactly what's going on with the Immortal Association, but you just need to understand that the Immortal Association is omnipotent and omniscient, and that's enough."


As soon as Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, he directly and decisively broke Min Jun's other hand.

Min Jun couldn't bear the pain any longer, and passed out.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Meng Xiyan was listening, how could she know that Jiang Chen actually made a move again.

"Didn't you hear that guy was lying?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

Talking about omniscience and omnipotence, even if there are gods in the fairy society, I'm afraid they can't do this, Min Jun's words naturally made Jiang Chen feel uncomfortable.

"Although there are suspicions of exaggeration in what this person said, the Immortal Association is indeed not simple. You have had contact with their people this time, so you should be more careful in the future." Meng Xiyan reminded.

"Hey, have I had contact with people from the Immortal Society?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

Meng Xiyan glanced at Min Jun in astonishment, wondering who this person is if he is not a member of the Immortal Society, but soon, Meng Xiyan understood that Jiang Chen was going to kill someone to silence him.

"Xiao Dao, is there anyone from the Immortal Association here?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I've never heard of any fairies, cats and dogs are pretty much the same." Brother Dao is also an understanding person, and he instantly understood Jiang Chen's intentions after hearing what General Min Jun said about the fairies.

"That's it, we haven't even heard of the Immortal Association, so how can we get in touch with people from the Immortal Association, Xiao Huahua, you said that you are young, why your eyes are not very good. "Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"It's okay to kill people to silence them, but you'd better deal with them cleanly. In addition, anyone who knows about this matter, it's best to let them all shut up." Meng Xiyan ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said seriously.

"Xiaodao, did you hear that Xiao Huahua told you to kill people to silence her, do you know what to do?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Young master, I understand." Brother Dao nodded.

"If there is nothing else, let's go first." Jiang Chen said, waved at Meng Xiyan, and led Meng Xiyan out of the basement.

The two had just walked out of the basement when they heard an inhuman scream coming from the basement, Brother Dao made a move.

After walking out of the room and driving on the road, Jiang Chen casually said, "Xiao Huahua, we can go home and sleep now."

"Why don't you listen to that person and talk more about the Immortal Association?" Meng Xiyan asked suspiciously.

Min Jun was forced to such a point by Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen wanted to ask, he would know everything without saying anything, and he would never dare to hide anything.

If Jiang Chen wanted to understand the Immortal Society, through Min Jun, he could at least get a general idea, not to mention everything. However, Jiang Chen didn't give Min Jun much chance to talk.

"Little Huahua, you've already said it all. There are no gods in the Fairy Club, so why do I need to know so much?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Just because of this?" Meng Xiyan looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

Just because there are no gods in the Immortal Association, Jiang Chen doesn't even care about knowing about the Immortal Association?
You know, she had hinted to Jiang Chen that the gods would be extremely mysterious, and Min Jun's words also showed to some extent that the gods would not be easy.

Under such circumstances, it is always a good thing to know a little more, so as not to be caught off guard when meeting people from the Immortal Society again in the future.

"Because this is not enough?" Jiang Chen curled his lips and said dismissively.

"Jiang Chen, with your attitude, I don't know whether to call you stupid, or to say that you are bold and skilled." Meng Xiyan said helplessly.

"It's not that I'm stupid, and it's not that people with high skills are bold. It's just that my eyes just happen to be a little higher." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Meng Xiyan didn't respond. She didn't know whether Jiang Chen had a high vision in other aspects, but Jiang Chen's vision in terms of women was indeed very high.

Whether it was Liu Yufei, Tangyue, or the second daughter, they were all stunning beauties that were rare to see. Even if she was a woman, seeing the second daughter would give her a sense of astonishment.

"Little Huahua, are you caring about me when you say these words? I'm really touched. If I didn't really belong to you, I would have promised you with my body." Jiang Chen said suddenly .

"I don't care about you, I just don't want to be troubled by you." Meng Xiyan said indifferently.

She has always remembered Master's warning, and she has never been in contact with people from the Immortal Society before. Tonight, she was brought here by Jiang Chen out of nowhere and saw people from the Immortal Society. To Meng Xiyan, this was simply a disaster .

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's plan to kill people to silence her, it would be an extremely embarrassing thing for her.

"Xiao Huahua, you must be duplicity, no need to explain, I understand your feelings for me." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Meng Xiyan sneered, she turned her head, looked at Jiang Chen, and asked, "Jiang Chen, why did you lie to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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