genius evil

Chapter 610 Looks very cultured

Chapter 610 Looks very cultured
"I didn't lie to you, it was you who lied to yourself, that's why I said, you are duplicity." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm not talking about this matter." Meng Xiyan shook her head.

"Then it's even more impossible for me to lie to you." Jiang Chen said in an extremely sure tone.

"Counting today's time, it's the third time." Meng Xiyan suddenly sighed softly, her tone of voice was a bit more resentful.

"You mean, I lied to you three times?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

When did this happen?How come he has no impression at all?

Could it be that his method of deceiving people is already so powerful, when did he deceive people, and he didn't even know it?
"The first time, it was at the hospital, the second time, it was in front of that restaurant, and the third time, it was in the basement before. You really have nothing, do you want to tell me?" Meng Xiyan said softly.

What Meng Xiyan said was nothing else, but something about Jiang Chen's medical skills.

If it is said that Meng Xiyan did not want to believe it the first time, but the second time, Meng Xiyan began to waver, full of doubts in her heart.

This third time made Meng Xiyan fully realize how amazing Jiang Chen's medical skills are.

Three times, she had three chances to experience Jiang Chen's superb medical skills.

It's just that she doesn't believe it herself, and she doesn't want to believe it, which directly leads to her having to believe it now.

This couldn't help but make Meng Xiyan smile secretly in her heart. Perhaps, if she didn't have such a big prejudice against Jiang Chen, after she took the poison and survived, she should fully understand that Jiang Chen is not a so-called liar, not a so-called liar. The deceitful person.

However, what Meng Xiyan couldn't understand was that Jiang Chen was so powerful, why did he lie to her?
In other words, why is Jiang Chen unwilling to help her?
No matter how hard she thought about this, Meng Xiyan couldn't figure it out. She couldn't figure it out, so she just asked, and she wanted Jiang Chen to give her an answer.

"Do I have to say something?" Jiang Chen asked, smacking his mouth.

If Meng Xiyan must ask him to say something, then in order to satisfy Meng Xiyan, he can just say a few words casually, although he can't understand what Meng Xiyan is saying at all, and he can't understand what Meng Xiyan is saying. Can't figure out the entanglements in Meng Xiyan's heart.

After all, Jiang Chen never underestimated himself or deliberately concealed anything in his medical career. How could he know that Meng Xiyan had so many unnecessary misunderstandings because of such a trivial matter?

"You really have nothing to tell me?" Meng Xiyan couldn't help asking.

"In fact, it is true." Jiang Chen shrugged.

"Then, let me speak." Meng Xiyan thought for a while and said.

Having reached this point, Meng Xiyan just decided not to cover up anything, and simply spread the matter out once and for all.

Moreover, the reason why she got into Jiang Chen's car was for this matter, she didn't really want to go home with Jiang Chen to sleep.

Afterwards, there was a slight pause in the speech, and Meng Xiyan continued: "I really want to know, why do you pretend that you are not very good at your medical skills?"

Jiang Chen smiled, dare you, is this what Meng Xiyan wants to say?

"Did I tell you that you misunderstood?" Jiang Chen asked.

Hearing the sound, Meng Xiyan's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

That's right, Jiang Chen said that she misunderstood. When she asked Jiang Chen if he would rather die than help her save others, Jiang Chen said such words.

She was emotional at the time, and didn't think carefully about what Jiang Chen meant by those words.

Now, after Jiang Chen's reminder, Meng Xiyan was able to react. It turned out that what Jiang Chen said she understood was wrong.

Jiang Chen didn't hide anything from the beginning, but she herself misunderstood Jiang Chen from beginning to end.

This inexplicably made Meng Xiyan a little embarrassed and shy, but more angry.

"Jiang Chen, you said that I misunderstood, okay, I admit it, but why are you unwilling to help me?" Immediately, Meng Xiyan asked angrily.

She had a feeling of being played by Jiang Chen.

Just like the monkey in the circus, everyone knows what's going on, but the monkey doesn't know what's going on.

A deep sense of frustration swept over her heart, making Meng Xiyan feel ashamed.

"I can say, is your question quite interesting?" Jiang Chen still smiled, and asked nonchalantly: "Then, why don't you ask yourself, why should I help you? Because of your beautiful figure? Or, because you threatened me? Therefore, I must help you, and I can't help you."

Meng Xiyan's heart trembled, her pink face turned hot red.

In a daze, he also realized that in the process of dealing with Jiang Chen, except for the fact that she was relatively passive when he met outside the Hongji Building at the beginning, she always appeared aggressively in the rest of the time.

She didn't think about why Jiang Chen wanted to help her, she just thought that Jiang Chen had to help her.

But, just like what Jiang Chen himself said, why should he help her?

With what reason to help her?
Because she is beautiful and has a good figure?

However, no matter whether it was Liu Yufei or Tangyue, they were no worse than her.

Because she threatened Jiang Chen?

This is even more of a joke. How could she be able to threaten Jiang Chen?

With Jiang Chen's ability and methods, it was her luck that he didn't threaten her back.

"Little Huahua, think about it carefully, and answer my question, maybe I will help you." Jiang Chen said kindly.

He wasn't angry or anything, just amused.

This woman's brain is single-minded, and the things she has decided on tend to go all the way to the black, but she doesn't know that everything has a reason. In this world, there has never been anything without a reason .

"Jiang Chen, if you help me, I will definitely not treat you badly." Meng Xiyan was extremely embarrassed, her voice was very soft.

"Give me money? A lot of money? Or, you promise with your body?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"In terms of money, I will naturally satisfy you as much as possible..." Meng Xiyan said hesitantly.

"Do I look like someone who is short of money?" Before Meng Xiyan could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted her.

Meng Xiyan froze for a moment, then said with a bitter face, "Then what should I do?"

She didn't know what to do now, maybe, she shouldn't have such a stiff relationship with Jiang Chen, that way, maybe Jiang Chen would be easier to talk to.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, but you should ask yourself. Let's talk about it after you find a reason that can impress me." Jiang Chen said.

Meng Xiyan was silent. She didn't understand Jiang Chen's meaning, but she was confused as to what kind of reason would be needed to impress Jiang Chen.

It was already very late, and the road was empty. Jiang Chen drove the car very fast, and while talking, the car drove into Guilanyuan Villa.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen led the absent-minded Meng Xiyan to the villa.

The villa is quite lively, the sweeping robot is working diligently, Tang Tian is sitting on the sofa, holding a game controller in her hand, playing the game happily, not to mention the loud voice, and yelling from time to time Just a sentence or two.

Shuang'er sat on the other side of the sofa reading a book, quietly, as if she was not disturbed by Tang Tian.

"Xiao Tiantian, what are you doing, why can't you learn from Shuang'er, read more books when you have nothing to do, and always look uneducated?" Seeing Tang Tian playing games so vigorously, Jiang Chen couldn't help being angry Just hit one place.

"Oh, Jiang Chen, when did you come back? I thought you weren't coming back tonight." Tang Tian jumped up from the sofa when she saw Jiang Chen.

"If I don't come back, will it be possible for you to play games all night?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"How could it be, I was reading just now, but I was tired, so I played games for a while to relax... What are you doing looking at me like this? Don't tell me you can't believe me, damn Jiang Chen, who am I? Don't you know? You don't even believe what I say, you really make me sad." Tang Tian squeezed the corners of her eyes hard, trying to squeeze out two tears, but unfortunately, her acting skills were obviously not good, the movement of squeezing her eyes, Instead, it turned into winking.

"I believe you are a ghost." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Okay, I'm uneducated, and Shuang'er is educated, then go to Shuang'er and ignore me." Tang Tian said angrily, and took out a woman's trump card - being unreasonable.

"My Shuang'er is the most obedient, come and give me a hug." Jiang Chen waved to Shuang'er with a smile.

Shuang'er put down the book in his hand and raised his head. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still got up and walked towards Jiang Chen, but after only taking two steps, Shuang'er asked curiously: "Master, who is she?"

Listening to Shuang'er's questioning, Tang Tian realized that Jiang Chen didn't come alone, there was a woman behind him.

It's just that the woman stood behind Jiang Chen and was blocked by Jiang Chen. From her angle, she couldn't see it for a while.

"Jiang Chen, you beast, no wonder you despise me for being uneducated." Tang Tian looked at Meng Xiyan, jumped up and yelled.

"It's not that I despise you for being uneducated, it's that you are uneducated." Jiang Chen corrected.

"So, you brought her home?" Tang Tian pointed at Meng Xiyan and said angrily.

"What does this have to do with her?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"It doesn't matter why, do you think I can't see that she looks very cultured?" Tang Tian said with a whimper.

"Is there?" Jiang Chen looked back at Meng Xiyan, why didn't he see at all that there was something on Meng Xiyang that looked educated.

"I said yes." Tang Tian said firmly, her tone of voice was unquestionable.

At this moment, even if Meng Xiyan wanted to hide behind Jiang Chen, she had no choice but to come out.

Then when I saw it, Meng Xiyan smiled slightly, looked at Tang Tian and said, "Little girl, do you mean that I am ugly?"

(End of this chapter)

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