genius evil

Chapter 611

Chapter 611

Literacy, under normal circumstances, is definitely not a derogatory term, but the highest praise for scholars.

But when the three words of culture are used on a woman, especially a beautiful woman, sometimes it is not so appropriate.

There is a saying that goes well, if people are ugly, they should read more books.

The looks are not good, but the temperament comes together.

What are you reading?
What you read is spirit!What you read is temperament!

Tang Tian firmly insisted that Meng Xiyan seemed to be very cultured, and she said it so confidently, to Meng Xiyan's ears, it sounded like she was belittling her.

Therefore, at this moment, although Meng Xiyan said such words with a smile, her heart was secretly twitching.

Such convulsions, on the one hand, stemmed from Tang Tian's strong hostility when they first met, which made her somewhat uncomfortable. Even though she had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Tang Tian didn't need to be hostile to her at all. .

On the other hand, it was Meng Xiyan who was shocked by Jiang Chen's shameless face.

Too stupid, too useless.

Although, Jiang Chen had said that he had a golden house to hide his beauty, and even hid two, but when he heard what Jiang Chen said, Meng Xiyan didn't take it too seriously, and only regarded Jiang Chen as a man. That awkward self-esteem erupted, and he shamelessly put gold on his face.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen was really a treasure in the golden house, hiding two, and these two are rare beauties, no matter whether they are compared to Liu Yufei or Tangyue, they are not inferior, each has its own advantages. Each has its own taste.

Counting Tang Tian and Shuang'er, plus Tangyue and Liu Yufei, Meng Xiyan had already met four women around Jiang Chen in a very short period of time.

In this way, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen must have more women, but she hasn't seen them yet.

In Meng Xiyan's opinion, calling Jiang Chen an asshole was all suspicion of flattering Jiang Chen. She really couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe Jiang Chen.

"Who is the little girl? You are the little girl, and your whole family is a little girl." Tang Tian said very upset.

How is she so young, is there such a person?
Well, whether it's the chest or the butt, her size is one or two sizes smaller than Meng Xiyan's, but you can't call her a little girl like that, right?
Even if you don't know her name, so what if you call her a beauty, or a girl?Will people die?

Tang Tian was a little mad, and at the same time a little annoyed, why every woman around Jiang Chen seemed to have bigger breasts than hers, and made people die.

"I think you are younger than me, so I call you a little girl without any malice." Meng Xiyan said with a light smile, calm and breezy.

Tang Tian was obviously not a vegetarian, so she sneered and said, "Stop pretending, I don't know if you have any malicious intentions?"

"I really have no malicious intentions." Meng Xiyan still smiled lightly, as calm as a chrysanthemum.

Not malicious, but intentional, but intentional.

Meng Xiyan called Tang Tian a little girl, and what she was targeting was Tang Tian's way of saying that she looked very educated.

Smart people don't swear at others, Tang Tian scolds her without swear words, and she retaliates to Tang Tian, ​​which is naturally the same way, it is important, but it is enough to cause considerable damage to the other party in an instant.

No, Tang Tian was really stimulated and went crazy.

"It looks like a white lotus. It really is a white lotus. I don't know what Jiang Chen likes about you. Isn't it because you are more beautiful, have a better figure, and have bigger breasts?" Tang Tian pouted and said, these words were intended for Jiang Chen to hear.

"I didn't fall in love with her." Jiang Chen had no choice but to stand up and speak.

Women's battlefields are often without gunpowder, but as a man, if you can't even tell that the war between two women has started, then you might as well just hit your head to death.

As an excellent man who is strict with himself, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to allow this kind of situation to happen under his nose.

"Are you serious?" Tang Tian's eyes lit up.

"Didn't you just say that she has no other advantages besides having a beautiful figure and big breasts? Under such circumstances, how can I think of her?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Hee hee, I knew that under my influence, your taste has improved." Tang Tian became happy.

"Xiao Tiantian, when did you become so shameless?" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines.

"Oh, I'm sorry, and Shuang'er, I shouldn't be greedy for merit alone. It should be said that under the influence of me and Shuang'er, your aesthetic vision has made great progress." Tang Tian corrected.

Jiang Chen was good at pinching Tang Tian's little face.

"What are you doing?" Tang Tian slapped Jiang Chen's hand away.

"I just want to see if your skin is as thick as that city wall." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"If I get thicker, I learned from you." Tang Tian gritted her teeth, it was fine for Meng Xiyan to hit her, but Jiang Chen actually hit her too.

You know, in this situation, the only thing she can do is her own pink and tender face, how can Jiang Chen pinch her face, what if it accidentally pinches it?
Meng Xiyan watched Jiang Chen and Tang Tian flirt with each other, with a calm demeanor and a sense of independence from the world. Such a unique temperament, I have to say, is quite attractive.

Fortunately, while Tang Tian was flirting with Jiang Chen, she didn't forget about Meng Xiyan's existence. Afterwards, she invited Meng Xiyan to sit down and poured a glass of water over.

Meng Xiyan said thank you with gentle words. At this moment, she became non-aggressive and extremely docile.

"Hi, I'm Tang Tian. You can call me Tiantian, or Xiao Tiantian, or you can call me by my name directly. She is Shuanger." Tang Tian introduced herself and made a gesture for Shuanger. an introduction.

On the surface, she seems to be covered in thorns, and she will sting people if she disagrees with her, but in her bones, she is actually a complete little woman.

She stabs when attacked, but most of the time she's very talkative.

Tang Tian, ​​who returned to normal, became normal when speaking.

"My name is Meng Xiyan." Meng Xiyan said softly, introducing herself briefly.

"How long have you known Jiang Chen?" Tang Tian asked curiously after knowing Meng Xiyan's name.

Counting Meng Xiyan, Jiang Chen brought a woman to Guilanyuan Villa for the second time, the first time was Zong Xiaomei, and the second time was Meng Xiyan.

Zong Xiaomei is harmless to humans and animals, Tang Tian does not regard her as her rival in love, but Meng Xiyan sees it differently.

In Tang Tian's view, the most different thing about Meng Xiyan is that Meng Xiyan is smarter than Zong Xiaomei.

A smart woman, no matter what, is more difficult to deal with than a stupid woman.

"Including today, the next day." Meng Xiyan thought for a while and said.

In a trance, she once thought that she seemed to have known Jiang Chen for a long time, but after careful calculation, it was only two days.But in these two days, too many things happened.

"Two days?" Tang Tian was dumbfounded, and said to Jiang Chen again: "You damn beast."

"Am I such a beast again?" Jiang Chen was very unconvinced.

The acquaintance time is short, what can explain the problem?

Even if it can explain the problem, the biggest problem is, there is no problem between him and Meng Xiyan, okay?So, let alone two days of acquaintance, even for two hours, he is innocent.

When Tang Tian said this about him, Jiang Chen felt that he was shot while lying down.

"Do you dare to say that you are not? You have only known him for two days, and you took him home. What do you think you are doing?" Tang Tian asked.

"I don't have any thoughts." Jiang Chen responded casually.

"Then tell me, what are you going to do to bring her back?" Tang Tian obviously couldn't believe Jiang Chen's words. After all, Jiang Chen brought him back directly. If she had no idea, she wouldn't even kill her. Faithful.

"Sleep, of course." Jiang Chen said very simply.

"Jiang Chen, you still dare to deny the fact that you are a beast?" Tang Tian yelled, with that expression, as if she had seen a ghost.

two days!

In just two days, Jiang Chen was going to sleep with Meng Xiyan. Isn't this just a word of beast, can it be described?
"What are you doing without sleeping at night?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"It's about sleeping at night, but who sleeps with whom is the most important thing." Tang Tian retorted solemnly.

If Jiang Chen slept by himself, or with her and Shuang'er, or with the three of them, that was all right. The only thing that didn't work was Jiang Chen and Meng Xiyan.

"I sleep alone." Meng Xiyan said.

"What about you?" Tang Tian breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Meng Xiyan's answer, and asked Jiang Chen again.

"I'll do whatever I want." Jiang Chen yawned, feeling a little sleepy.

"You mean, you still want to sleep with her?" Tang Tian quit.

"I'll sleep with you, is it okay?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded, it's just a sleep, is it necessary to make it so complicated?If Tang Tian wanted to sleep with him, she just said it directly, and it wasn't the first time she slept with him. Could he have any opinions?

"That's about the same." Tang Tian was finally satisfied.

"Miss Tang Tian, ​​which room should I sleep in?" Meng Xiyan just asked.

Jiang Chen is too messy with women, even if it has nothing to do with her, it would be a headache to watch. Moreover, Tang Tian's temperament is a bit too aggressive and direct, and things like sleeping with men are justified. He didn't hide it at all, and didn't take her, an outsider, seriously.

She just wanted to go back to her room and go to bed early, so she simply couldn't see it, so as not to cause more misunderstandings for no reason

Tang Tian asked her to call her by name or Tiantian, but Meng Xiyan was more polite and called Tang Tian Miss Tang Tian. She didn't come to Lanyuan Villa voluntarily, she was kidnapped here by accident, but no matter what How, here, Tang Tian is the host, and she is the guest, and she is still a guest who is a bit inexplicable. It is not a bad thing to be a little polite to the host.

"Shuang'er, take Miss Meng Xiyan to the guest room." Tang Tian greeted, then grabbed Jiang Chen's arm, and dragged Jiang Chen upstairs without any explanation...

(End of this chapter)

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