genius evil

Chapter 613 One more person on the bed

Chapter 613
Covering her head with the quilt, Meng Xiyan tried to fall asleep as soon as possible, so that she would not have to suffer the ruthless torture upstairs.

But soon, Meng Xiyan realized that it was impossible for her to fall asleep.

The voice upstairs was too tormenting, even with the quilt covered, it penetrated into her ears without hindrance, one sound after another, strongly stimulating her sensitive nerves.

If it wasn't because the guest room was arranged by Shuang'er, Meng Xiyan would have wondered if Tang Tian was deliberately declaring her ownership of Jiang Chen when she heard the movement.

And the reason why Meng Xiyan didn't doubt Shuang'er was because Meng Xiyan could see that, compared to Tang Tian's slightly detached personality, Shuang'er's temperament was much more restrained, not as much as Tang Tian's. Huahuachangzi.

Under such circumstances, Meng Xiyan couldn't sleep at all. She tried several times, but all ended in failure.

Meng Xiyan just lifted the quilt, lay on the bed with her eyes wide open, and didn't sleep at all, she wanted to wait, and then go back to sleep after the upstairs was over.

So, 1 minutes passed...

10 minute has passed...

Half an hour has passed...


Staring helplessly at the ceiling, Meng Xiyan waited for almost an hour, her eyes were sore, but the upstairs was not over yet.

"It's crazy." Meng Xiyan turned pale and almost collapsed.

She felt that with this situation going on, the upstairs might not stop tonight, so she wouldn't even be able to sleep tonight.

"How could this be?" Meng Xiyan was extremely hard to understand.

It's fine if Tang Tian doesn't know that she's tired, but won't Jiang Chen be tired?
She had read in the book that when a man does this kind of thing, the time is usually not very long. Even Jiang Chen, as a cultivator, has physical strength that is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but this is too abnormal. .

Meng Xiyan only felt that she was going crazy, she couldn't bear it any more, she really wanted to open the door and rush upstairs, yelling to make the upstairs quiet.

But in the end, Meng Xiyan could only hold back, passively, and continue to suffer from the noise.

First of all, she is dressed like this now, it is not suitable for going out, and second, the situation upstairs is definitely not very good-looking. If she accidentally sees something she shouldn't see when she runs up, she will definitely feel ashamed in no time.

"Jiang Chen, you are a beast through and through." Meng Xiyan slandered endlessly, and blamed Jiang Chen.

She didn't doubt that Tang Tian did it on purpose, but she very much doubted that Jiang Chen did it on purpose. In other words, Jiang Chen deliberately made such a big noise to be heard by her.

Otherwise, what should be over would have ended long ago, why did it take so long?

Then, after finding someone to complain about, Meng Xiyan seemed to have finally found an outlet for the conflict, and cursed Jiang Chen viciously in her heart.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen did it on purpose?" After cursing for a while, Meng Xiyan's spirit was in a trance for no reason.

Because, she suddenly remembered a situation, that is, why did Jiang Chen deliberately do such a thing.

Is it boring?
Is it a bad taste?

Or, with a purpose?
After thinking about it for a while, Meng Xiyan realized that the third possibility is undoubtedly the biggest.

After all, no matter how boring and wicked Jiang Chen was, he shouldn't use this kind of thing to provoke her for no reason, it was clearly for a purpose.

"What is Jiang Chen's purpose?" Meng Xiyan muttered to herself, thinking.

It's not too difficult to understand Jiang Chen's purpose, at least for Meng Xiyan, Meng Xiyan soon remembered what Jiang Chen said to her today.

Jiang Chen said, let her find a reason to impress him!
What kind of reason could impress Jiang Chen, Meng Xiyan was extremely confused at the beginning, Jiang Chen didn't want money, and she probably couldn't give anything else.

If Jiang Chen's request cannot be satisfied, then how easy is it to impress Jiang Chen?
But now, after thinking about Jiang Chen's intentions, Meng Xiyan suddenly understood that there was something that could impress Jiang Chen, and that was women.

Meng Xiyan didn't know how many women were around Jiang Chen, and she didn't care, but there was a lot of women, which undoubtedly showed one thing, that is, Jiang Chen was very playful.

Playful heart means indiscriminate love, not to mention loving someone when he sees one, but it is obvious that Jiang Chen has a strong desire to possess women, especially beautiful women.

Regarding her appearance and figure, Meng Xiyan never underestimated herself. She knew very well how attractive she was to a normal man.

Therefore, Meng Xiyan would not be too surprised to be able to attract Jiang Chen.

Even if Jiang Chen said he doesn't like her, but he can't see her, it's only relatively speaking, even if the possibility of Jiang Chen's words is excluded, even if Jiang Chen really doesn't like her, he definitely doesn't express it. Jiang Chen didn't want to get her.

The difference here is like the difference between liking someone and loving someone.

Like is just liking, but love means giving, and that kind of giving, usually, is the kind that is unconditional and does not ask for anything in return.

"Jiang Chen, is this your purpose?" Meng Xiyan felt that she had thought through some of the key issues, her mind was a little messy, and at the same time she inevitably became confused.

If Jiang Chen's purpose was the same as what she thought, then she would have to sacrifice herself if she wanted to impress Jiang Chen in this way.

"I can't!" Meng Xiyan said to herself, shaking her head vigorously, trying to get this thought out of her mind.

When Jiang Chen was in the hospital, trying to force her, she did not hesitate to crush the poison hidden in her teeth in order to ensure her reputation was damaged, which shows how much she values ​​her reputation.

She has already done that, and she would rather die than follow, but now, she wants to take the initiative to send it to her door, which is impossible no matter what.

"Master, I really can't, what do you think I should do?" Meng Xiyan whispered softly, with a face full of entanglement and pain.

The person she wanted Jiang Chen to treat was none other than her master.

If it was her own words, she would definitely rather die, but since it was about Master, Meng Xiyan couldn't be decisive.

If Master doesn't get effective treatment, he won't be able to live for long. During this period of time, the disciples of Fanyin Mountain have been running around all over the place. The purpose is to find a doctor with excellent medical skills for Master, so that Master can continue to live. .

She found Jiang Chen, and had a relatively intuitive understanding of Jiang Chen's medical skills. Perhaps, Jiang Chen might not be able to save Master, but even if there was only a one in ten thousand possibility, Meng Xiyan was unwilling to give up. of.

Unwillingness to give up means sacrificing one's reputation. Such a contradiction made Meng Xiyan feel extremely painful inadvertently.

"Jiang Chen, why are you doing this? You can put forward other conditions. As long as you save Master, our Fanyin Mountain sect will definitely meet your conditions at all costs." Meng Xiyan said to Jiang Chen again. Dust hated it.

This is a condition that she can't meet at all. Making a choice is no easier than letting her die.

Meng Xiyan hesitated and struggled, half an hour passed without realizing it.

The noise was still being made upstairs, and there seemed to be no possibility of it stopping in a short period of time, but the struggle for half an hour made Meng Xiyan's days feel like years.

"Master, as long as you recover, what does it matter if I die?" With a bleak smile, Meng Xiyan suddenly relaxed.

Meng Xiyan quickly got off the bed, opened the door, and went upstairs.

As Meng Xiyan went upstairs, her voice became clearer. Meng Xiyan stopped at the door of the bedroom, took a deep breath, stretched out her hand, and pushed the door open.

The door was not locked, and it opened with a push. After Meng Xiyan pushed the door open, she went in.

After entering, Meng Xiyan suddenly saw that the big bed was in a mess, just one glance made Meng Xi blush and her breathing became short of breath.

But Meng Xiyan didn't hesitate, nor did she back down. She lowered her head, her eyes lowered slightly, and without looking too much, she walked towards the bed step by step, and the bath towel wrapped around her body fell silently to the ground.

Meng Xiyan didn't wear shoes when she went upstairs, and there was no sound when she walked. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Chen could not have noticed it, but his current thoughts were all on Tang Tian and Shuang'er, and he didn't notice it. There was one more person quietly.

Life is endless, fighting is endless.

Jiang Chen set an example, interpreting these eight words vividly, hardworking, diligent and conscientious.

"Xiao Tiantian, you are too heavy, the bed collapsed under your pressure." Jiang Chen said.

"Fuck your shit, I can't even weigh ninety catties." Tang Tian scolded.

It doesn't matter if she has small breasts and a small butt, if she is fatter, she will just die and buy a piece of tofu to kill her.

"Hey, why did I touch six legs?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, can you do it? It's only been a while, and you've lost your mind." Tang Tian yelled.

There are three people on this big bed, so what is it if it's not six legs?
But Jiang Chen is really perverted, it's okay to touch her and Shuang'er's legs, but he even touches his own legs, just his hairy legs, what's there to touch?

"No, it has eight legs now." Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, you really can't do it." Tang Tian said jokingly.

Almost like this, Tang Tian's eyes widened suddenly, and she finally understood why there were eight legs on this bed.

It wasn't that Jiang Chen was so tired that he lost his mind, but that there was an extra person on the bed at some point.

"Ghost!" After a glance, Tang Tian screamed, her face turned pale with fright.

"Meng Xiyan, you—" Jiang Chen also noticed Meng Xiyan's existence at this time, and looked at Meng Xiyan as if he had seen a ghost, and he was about to be stunned.

what is this?
When he was in the hospital, he was just making a little joke with Meng Xiyan. Meng Xiyan wanted to die, she was awe-inspiring and inviolable, why did she take the initiative to crawl into his bed in the middle of the night tonight?
It's fine to climb into bed, but the most important thing is that Meng Xiyan has no clothes on. This situation is like sending a little sheep to the mouth of the big bad wolf to give it to the big bad wolf. Wolves eat the same.

Just ask, do the big bad wolves eat or not?

(End of this chapter)

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